use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class ContractedCompositeNodeState method expand.
* Expand the composite represented by this state, using the supplied graph
* write lock.
* @param wg The graph write lock with which to perform the expansion.
* @param vxId The Graph ID of the node that is being expanded. The caller
* must ensure that this is the state object corresponding to this node!
* @return A list of graph IDs of the constituent nodes of the now expanded
* composite.
public List<Integer> expand(final GraphWriteMethods wg, final int vxId) {
// Create rows in the expansion record store for transactions that are currently connected to the composite node and should be connected to expnaded nodes.
final int uniqueIdAttr = VisualConcept.TransactionAttribute.IDENTIFIER.get(wg);
final int compositeStateAttr = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.COMPOSITE_STATE.get(wg);
final int selectedAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.get(wg);
final int xAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.X.get(wg);
final int yAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Y.get(wg);
final int zAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Z.get(wg);
// Clear the composite state we are currently expanding!
wg.setObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, vxId, null);
// Create the cotnraction store and get the stored id of the contracted composite ndoe
final String[] contractedId = new String[1];
final RecordStore contractionStore = GraphRecordStoreUtilities.copySpecifiedVertex(wg, null, vxId, contractedId);
final RecordStore addToGraphStore = new GraphRecordStore();
// Copy the relevant transactions from the composite to the constituent node record store
GraphRecordStoreUtilities.copyTransactionsFromComposite(wg, addToGraphStore, vxId, contractedId[0], affectedExpandedIds, new GraphAttribute(wg, uniqueIdAttr));
// Add the now complete expanded composite node store to the graph (do not initialise or complete with schema)
final Map<String, Integer> vertexMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<Integer> expandedVerts = GraphRecordStoreUtilities.addRecordStoreToGraph(wg, addToGraphStore, false, false, null, vertexMap, null);
// Create the expanded composite state for each expanded node and add it to those nodes.
vertexMap.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
final int id = entry.getValue();
final ExpandedCompositeNodeState expansionState = new ExpandedCompositeNodeState(contractionStore, contractedId[0], affectedExpandedIds.contains(entry.getKey()), expandedVerts.size());
wg.setObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, id, new CompositeNodeState(id, expansionState));
// Correct the x,y,z coordinates of the nodes in the zonsitutentNodeStore in case the composite node has been moved.
final float x = wg.getFloatValue(xAttr, vxId);
final float y = wg.getFloatValue(yAttr, vxId);
final float z = wg.getFloatValue(zAttr, vxId);
final boolean selected = wg.getBooleanValue(selectedAttr, vxId);
vertexMap.values().forEach(id -> {
final float currentX = wg.getFloatValue(xAttr, id);
final float currentY = wg.getFloatValue(yAttr, id);
final float currentZ = wg.getFloatValue(zAttr, id);
wg.setFloatValue(xAttr, id, currentX - mean[0] + x);
wg.setFloatValue(yAttr, id, currentY - mean[1] + y);
wg.setFloatValue(zAttr, id, currentZ - mean[2] + z);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, id, selected);
// Delete the vertex represented by this composite node state
return new ArrayList<>(vertexMap.values());
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class ExpandedCompositeNodeState method contract.
* Contract the composite represented by this state, using the supplied
* graph write lock.
* @param wg The graph write lock with which to perform the expansion.
* @return The graph ID of the now contracted composite node.
public int contract(final GraphWriteMethods wg) {
final int uniqueIdAttr = VisualConcept.TransactionAttribute.IDENTIFIER.get(wg);
final int compositeStateAttr = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.COMPOSITE_STATE.get(wg);
final int selectedAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.get(wg);
final int xAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.X.get(wg);
final int yAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Y.get(wg);
final int zAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Z.get(wg);
final RecordStore constituentNodeStore = new GraphRecordStore();
final List<String> expandedIds = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> affectedExpandedIds = new ArrayList<>();
// Iterate through each vertex on the graph, and if it has an expanded composite state with the same composite id
// as this state, perform the single vertex contraction. Keep track of x, y and z as we go so that we can set
// the coordinates of the contracted composite to be at the centre of the expanded constituents.
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float z = 0;
final Map<Integer, String> idToCopiedId = new HashMap<>();
final int vertexCount = wg.getVertexCount();
int numConstituents = 0;
boolean constitutentsSelected = false;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
final int vxId = wg.getVertex(i);
final CompositeNodeState cns = ((CompositeNodeState) wg.getObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, vxId));
if (cns != null && cns.expandedState != null && cns.expandedState.getCompositeId().equals(compositeId)) {
x += wg.getFloatValue(xAttr, vxId);
y += wg.getFloatValue(yAttr, vxId);
z += wg.getFloatValue(zAttr, vxId);
constitutentsSelected |= wg.getBooleanValue(selectedAttr, vxId);
// Clear the composite state we are about to expand
wg.setObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, vxId, null);
// Expand the composite state
cns.expandedState.contractSingleVertex(wg, vxId, constituentNodeStore, expandedIds, affectedExpandedIds, idToCopiedId);
if (numConstituents != 0) {
x /= numConstituents;
y /= numConstituents;
z /= numConstituents;
// The contracted state of this composite node, to be set on the composite node after it has been created.
final float[] mean = new float[] { x, y, z };
final ContractedCompositeNodeState contractionState = new ContractedCompositeNodeState(constituentNodeStore, expandedIds, affectedExpandedIds, mean);
final RecordStore addToGraphStore = new GraphRecordStore();
// Add the transactions from the expanded nodes to non-constituent nodes to the contraction record store
idToCopiedId.entrySet().forEach(entry -> GraphRecordStoreUtilities.copyTransactionsToComposite(wg, addToGraphStore, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), idToCopiedId.keySet(), compositeId, new GraphAttribute(wg, uniqueIdAttr)));
// Remove each expanded vertex from the graph
// Add all the transactions between the expanded nodes to the expansion record store
// Add the contraction record store to the graph, which creates the composite node and all its relevant transactions
int contractedVert = GraphRecordStoreUtilities.addRecordStoreToGraph(wg, addToGraphStore, false, false, null).get(0);
// Set the x,y,z and composite node state for the newly added composite node.
wg.setFloatValue(xAttr, contractedVert, x);
wg.setFloatValue(yAttr, contractedVert, y);
wg.setFloatValue(zAttr, contractedVert, z);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, contractedVert, constitutentsSelected);
wg.setObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, contractedVert, new CompositeNodeState(contractedVert, contractionState));
return contractedVert;
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class ExtractTypesFromTextPlugin method query.
protected RecordStore query(final RecordStore query, final PluginInteraction interaction, final PluginParameters parameters) throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
final RecordStore result = new GraphRecordStore();
interaction.setProgress(0, 0, "Importing...", true);
final Map<String, PluginParameter<?>> extractEntityParameters = parameters.getParameters();
final String text = extractEntityParameters.get(TEXT_PARAMETER_ID).getStringValue();
if (text == null) {
throw new PluginException(PluginNotificationLevel.ERROR, "No text provided from which to extract types.");
final List<ExtractedVertexType> extractedTypes = SchemaVertexTypeUtilities.extractVertexTypes(text);
final Map<String, SchemaVertexType> identifiers = new HashMap<>();
extractedTypes.forEach(extractedType -> identifiers.put(extractedType.getIdentifier(), extractedType.getType()));
for (final String identifier : identifiers.keySet()) {
result.set(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.SOURCE + VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.IDENTIFIER, identifier);
result.set(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.SOURCE + AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.TYPE, identifiers.get(identifier));
result.set(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.SOURCE + AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.SEED, "true");
ConstellationLoggerHelper.createPropertyBuilder(this, result.getAll(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.SOURCE + VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.IDENTIFIER), ConstellationLoggerHelper.SUCCESS);
interaction.setProgress(1, 0, "Completed successfully - imported " + result.size() + " entities.", true);
return result;
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class TSVDropper method drop.
public BiConsumer<Graph, DropInfo> drop(final DropTargetDropEvent dtde) {
// Only work on files
final Transferable transferable = dtde.getTransferable();
if (transferable.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) {
try {
// Get the data as a list of files
final Object data = dtde.getTransferable().getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor);
// data will be list of files which extends Object type
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<File> files = (List<File>) data;
// Create a record store to hold the combined results
final RecordStore recordStore = new GraphRecordStore();
boolean badData = false;
// Process each file...
for (final File file : files) {
// Only process files
if (file.isFile()) {
// Only process files that have a .tsv or .tsv.gz extension
// If any file does not have this extension then reject all the files.
final InputStream in;
if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(file.getName(), FileExtensionConstants.TAB_SEPARATED_VALUE + FileExtensionConstants.GZIP)) {
in = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
} else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(file.getName(), FileExtensionConstants.TAB_SEPARATED_VALUE)) {
in = new FileInputStream(file);
} else {
badData = true;
// Open a reader so that we can read the file line by line
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, {
String[] columnHeaders = null;
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
String[] fields = line.split(SeparatorConstants.TAB);
if (columnHeaders == null) {
columnHeaders = fields;
} else {
final int fieldsCount = Math.min(columnHeaders.length, fields.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldsCount; i++) {
recordStore.set(columnHeaders[i], fields[i]);
line = reader.readLine();
// If any directories are encountered then don't allow the drop
} else {
badData = true;
if (!badData && recordStore.size() > 0) {
return (graph, dropInfo) -> PluginExecution.withPlugin(new TSVDropperToGraphPlugin(recordStore, files)).executeLater(graph);
} catch (final UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException ex) {
return null;
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class WorkflowQueryPlugin method execute.
protected void execute(final PluginGraphs pluginGraphs, final PluginInteraction interaction, final PluginParameters parameters) throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
final Graph graph = pluginGraphs.getGraph();
final ReadableGraph readableGraph = graph.getReadableGraph();
// buildId batches
try {
queryBatches = GraphRecordStoreUtilities.getSelectedVerticesBatches(readableGraph, parameters.getIntegerValue(BATCH_SIZE_PARAMETER_ID));
} finally {
// create a service for executing jobs, limiting concurrent executions to the max concurrent plugins parameter.
final int maxConcurrentPlugins = parameters.getIntegerValue(MAX_CONCURRENT_PLUGINS_PARAMETER_ID);
final ExecutorService workflowExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxConcurrentPlugins);
// schedule a job for each batch, where the job is to execute the defined workflow
final List<Future<?>> workerPlugins = new ArrayList<>();
final List<PluginException> exceptions = new ArrayList<>();
if (queryBatches.isEmpty()) {
queryBatches.add(new GraphRecordStore());
// run plugin once for every batch record store
queryBatches.forEach(batch -> {
final StoreGraph batchGraph = new StoreGraph(graph.getSchema() != null ? graph.getSchema().getFactory().createSchema() : null);
CopyGraphUtilities.copyGraphTypeElements(readableGraph, batchGraph);
GraphRecordStoreUtilities.addRecordStoreToGraph(batchGraph, batch, true, true, null);
final WorkerQueryPlugin worker = new WorkerQueryPlugin(getWorkflow(), batchGraph, exceptions, getErrorHandlingPlugin(), addPartialResults());
workerPlugins.add(workflowExecutor.submit(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | PluginException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
final int[] workerFailCount = { 0 };
for (Future<?> worker : workerPlugins) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
workerPlugins.forEach(workerToInterrupt -> workerToInterrupt.cancel(true));
throw ex;
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
// if there were any errors, collect them and display them to the user
if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
final StringBuilder entireException = new StringBuilder();
entireException.append(workerFailCount[0]).append(" workers failed.").append(SeparatorConstants.NEWLINE);
exceptions.forEach(ex -> entireException.append(ex.getMessage()).append(SeparatorConstants.NEWLINE));
throw new PluginException(PluginNotificationLevel.ERROR, entireException.toString());