use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class CompositesNGTest method makeExpandDeleteNodeContractCompositeTest.
public void makeExpandDeleteNodeContractCompositeTest() throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
final WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("test", true);
final int v0, v1, v2;
final String v0name, v1name, v2name;
final int nameAttr;
final int selectedAttr;
final int compositeAttr;
try {
// Add three vertices
v0 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v0);
v1 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v1);
v2 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v2);
// Store the names of these vertices
nameAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.LABEL.get(wg);
v0name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v0);
v1name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v1);
v2name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2);
// Add transactions from v0 to v1, and from v1 to v2
final int t0_1 = wg.addTransaction(v0, v1, true);
wg.getSchema().newTransaction(wg, t0_1);
final int t1_2 = wg.addTransaction(v1, v2, true);
wg.getSchema().newTransaction(wg, t1_2);
// Select v0 and v1, but not v2
selectedAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.get(wg);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v0, true);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v1, true);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v2, false);
// Make a composite from the selection then expand all composites
compositeAttr = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.COMPOSITE_STATE.get(wg);
// Delete the expanded vertex corresponding to v0 then contract all composites
final int v2pos = wg.getVertexPosition(v2);
final int comp0 = v2pos != 0 ? wg.getVertex(0) : wg.getVertex(2);
final int comp1 = v2pos != 1 ? wg.getVertex(1) : wg.getVertex(2);
final int expanded_v0 = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, comp0).equals(v0name) ? comp0 : comp1;
} finally {
final ReadableGraph rg = graph.getReadableGraph();
try {
// Assert that there are two vertices, that the composite node has a composite state containing one node,
// and that the non-composite node has a null composite state and its original name.
assertEquals(rg.getVertexCount(), 2);
assertEquals(rg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2), v2name);
assertNull(rg.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, v2));
final int compositeNode = rg.getVertex(0) != v2 ? rg.getVertex(0) : rg.getVertex(1);
final CompositeNodeState compositeState = (CompositeNodeState) rg.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, compositeNode);
assertEquals(compositeState.getNumberOfNodes(), 1);
// Assert that the link between the composite node and the non-composite node still exists,
// and contains one transaction from the composite node to the non-composite node
final int compLink = rg.getLink(compositeNode, v2);
assertEquals(rg.getLinkTransactionCount(compLink), 1);
final int compTrans = rg.getLinkTransaction(compLink, 0);
assertFalse(rg.getTransactionDirection(compTrans) == Graph.FLAT);
assertEquals(rg.getTransactionSourceVertex(compTrans), compositeNode);
} finally {
final WritableGraph wg2 = graph.getWritableGraph("test", true);
try {
} finally {
final ReadableGraph rg2 = graph.getReadableGraph();
final int expanded_v1;
try {
// Assert that there are two nodes, that v2 is the same with a null composite state,
// and that the other node corresponds to v1 with an expanded composite states
assertEquals(rg2.getVertexCount(), 2);
assertEquals(rg2.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2), v2name);
assertNull(rg2.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, v2));
final int v2pos = rg2.getVertexPosition(v2);
expanded_v1 = v2pos != 0 ? rg2.getVertex(0) : rg2.getVertex(1);
final CompositeNodeState compositeState = (CompositeNodeState) rg2.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, expanded_v1);
assertEquals(compositeState.getNumberOfNodes(), 1);
assertEquals(rg2.getStringValue(nameAttr, expanded_v1), v1name);
// Assert that the transaction between exapnded v1 and v2 exist, and no others.
assertEquals(rg2.getTransactionCount(), 1);
final int l0_1 = rg2.getLink(expanded_v1, v2);
assertEquals(rg2.getLinkTransactionCount(l0_1), 1);
final int t0_1 = rg2.getLinkTransaction(l0_1, 0);
assertEquals(rg2.getTransactionSourceVertex(t0_1), expanded_v1);
assertFalse(rg2.getTransactionDirection(t0_1) == Graph.FLAT);
} finally {
final WritableGraph wg3 = graph.getWritableGraph("test", true);
try {
// Delete v1 and then contract all composites
} finally {
final ReadableGraph rg3 = graph.getReadableGraph();
try {
// Assert that there is only one vertex - v2 with a null composite state
assertEquals(rg3.getVertexCount(), 1);
assertEquals(rg3.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2), v2name);
assertNull(rg3.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, v2));
// Assert that there are no transactions
assertEquals(rg3.getTransactionCount(), 0);
} finally {
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class CompositesNGTest method makeExpandDeleteNodeWithTransactionContractCompositeTest.
public void makeExpandDeleteNodeWithTransactionContractCompositeTest() throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
final WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("test", true);
final int v0, v1, v2;
final String v0name, v1name, v2name;
final int nameAttr;
final int selectedAttr;
final int compositeAttr;
try {
// Add three vertices
v0 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v0);
v1 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v1);
v2 = wg.addVertex();
wg.getSchema().newVertex(wg, v2);
// Store the names of these vertices
nameAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.LABEL.get(wg);
v0name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v0);
v1name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v1);
v2name = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2);
// Add transactions from v0 to v1, and from v1 to v2
final int t0_1 = wg.addTransaction(v0, v1, true);
wg.getSchema().newTransaction(wg, t0_1);
final int t1_2 = wg.addTransaction(v1, v2, true);
wg.getSchema().newTransaction(wg, t1_2);
// Select v0 and v1, but not v2
selectedAttr = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.get(wg);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v0, true);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v1, true);
wg.setBooleanValue(selectedAttr, v2, false);
// Make a composite from the selection then expand all composites
compositeAttr = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.COMPOSITE_STATE.get(wg);
// Delete the expanded vertex corresponding to v1 then contract all composites
final int v2pos = wg.getVertexPosition(v2);
final int comp0 = v2pos != 0 ? wg.getVertex(0) : wg.getVertex(2);
final int comp1 = v2pos != 1 ? wg.getVertex(1) : wg.getVertex(2);
final int expanded_v1 = wg.getStringValue(nameAttr, comp0).equals(v1name) ? comp0 : comp1;
} finally {
final ReadableGraph rg = graph.getReadableGraph();
try {
// Assert that there are two vertices, that the composite node has a composite state containing one node,
// and that the non-composite node has a null composite state and its original name.
assertEquals(rg.getVertexCount(), 2);
assertEquals(rg.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2), v2name);
assertNull(rg.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, v2));
final int compositeNode = rg.getVertex(0) != v2 ? rg.getVertex(0) : rg.getVertex(1);
final CompositeNodeState compositeState = (CompositeNodeState) rg.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, compositeNode);
assertEquals(compositeState.getNumberOfNodes(), 1);
// Assert that there are no transactions in the graph.
assertEquals(rg.getTransactionCount(), 0);
} finally {
final WritableGraph wg2 = graph.getWritableGraph("test", true);
try {
} finally {
final ReadableGraph rg2 = graph.getReadableGraph();
final int expanded_v0;
try {
// Assert that there are two nodes, that v2 is the same with a null composite state,
// and that the other node corresponds to v0 with an expanded composite states
assertEquals(rg2.getVertexCount(), 2);
assertEquals(rg2.getStringValue(nameAttr, v2), v2name);
assertNull(rg2.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, v2));
final int v2pos = rg2.getVertexPosition(v2);
expanded_v0 = v2pos != 0 ? rg2.getVertex(0) : rg2.getVertex(1);
final CompositeNodeState compositeState = (CompositeNodeState) rg2.getObjectValue(compositeAttr, expanded_v0);
assertEquals(compositeState.getNumberOfNodes(), 1);
assertEquals(rg2.getStringValue(nameAttr, expanded_v0), v0name);
// Assert that there are no transactions in the graph
assertEquals(rg.getTransactionCount(), 0);
} finally {
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class CompositeUtilities method expandComposite.
* Expands a single composite node.
* @param graph The graph.
* @param compositeStateAttr The graph ID of the composite state attribute
* for nodes.
* @param vxId The id of the specified node.
* @return A list of the id's of the expanded constituent nodes. This will
* be empty if the specified node was not a composite.
public static List<Integer> expandComposite(final GraphWriteMethods graph, final int compositeStateAttr, final int vxId) {
final List<Integer> expandedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
final CompositeNodeState compositeState = (CompositeNodeState) graph.getObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, vxId);
if (compositeState != null && compositeState.isComposite()) {
final ContractedCompositeNodeState contractedState = compositeState.contractedState;
expandedNodes.addAll(contractedState.expand(graph, vxId));
while (true) {
try {
graph.validateKey(GraphElementType.VERTEX, false);
} catch (final DuplicateKeyException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Duplicate Key has been found. Merging duplicate nodes");
final GraphElementMerger merger = new PrioritySurvivingGraphElementMerger();
merger.mergeElement(graph, GraphElementType.VERTEX, ex.getNewId(), ex.getExistingId());
return expandedNodes;
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class CompositeUtilities method makeComposite.
* Make a composite node by specifying a lead node id and a set of the
* comprising node id's
* @param graph The graph
* @param comprisingIds A Set of the comprising node id's to be composited
* @param leaderId The lead node id to contain the composited nodes
public static void makeComposite(final GraphWriteMethods graph, final Set<Integer> comprisingIds, final int leaderId) {
final int compositeStateAttr = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.COMPOSITE_STATE.ensure(graph);
final int uniqueIdAttr = VisualConcept.TransactionAttribute.IDENTIFIER.get(graph);
// We first destroy any composites or composite constituents about to be composited.
// For any composites, we also add any expanded ids and remove the destroyed composite id from the list of selected ids.
final Set<Integer> addedVerts = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Integer> removedVerts = new HashSet<>();
comprisingIds.forEach(vxId -> {
final List<Integer> resultingVerts = CompositeUtilities.destroyComposite(graph, compositeStateAttr, uniqueIdAttr, vxId);
if (!resultingVerts.isEmpty()) {
// NOTE:: Remove before adding, because of id reuse!
// Make a record store representing the new composite that is about to be added
final String[] compositeId = new String[1];
final RecordStore newCompositeStore = new GraphRecordStore();
GraphRecordStoreUtilities.copySpecifiedVertex(graph, newCompositeStore, leaderId, compositeId);
// Construct and set an expanded composite node state for each of the nodes that will constitute the composite.
comprisingIds.forEach(vxId -> {
final ExpandedCompositeNodeState expandedState = new ExpandedCompositeNodeState(newCompositeStore, compositeId[0], true, comprisingIds.size());
graph.setObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, vxId, new CompositeNodeState(vxId, expandedState));
// Create the composite by calling contract on the first node's expanded composite state.
((CompositeNodeState) graph.getObjectValue(compositeStateAttr, comprisingIds.iterator().next())).expandedState.contract(graph);
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class CompositeNodeStateAttributeInteraction method getDisplayText.
public String getDisplayText(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
final CompositeNodeState state = (CompositeNodeState) value;
final CompositeStatus status = state.getStatus();
if (status.equals(CompositeStatus.NOT_A_COMPOSITE)) {
return "";
} else if (status.equals(CompositeStatus.IS_A_COMPOSITE)) {
return String.format("%s comprising %d nodes.", status.compositeName, state.getNumberOfNodes());
} else {
return String.format("%s with %d other node%s.", status.compositeName, state.getNumberOfNodes() - 1, state.getNumberOfNodes() == 1 ? "" : "s");