use of backtype.storm.LocalCluster in project ud381 by udacity.
the class ExclamationTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create the topology
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
// attach the word spout to the topology - parallelism of 10
// builder.setSpout("word", new TestWordSpout(), 10);
// ******** Add MyLikesSpout and MyNamesSpout
builder.setSpout("my-likes", new MyLikesSpout(), 10);
builder.setSpout("my-names", new MyNamesSpout(), 10);
// attach the exclamation bolt to the topology - parallelism of 3
builder.setBolt("exclaim1", new ExclamationBolt(), 3).shuffleGrouping("my-likes").shuffleGrouping("my-names");
// attach another exclamation bolt to the topology - parallelism of 2
builder.setBolt("exclaim2", new ExclamationBolt(), 2).shuffleGrouping("exclaim1");
// ******* Attach ReportBolt
builder.setBolt("report-bolt", new ReportBolt(), 1).globalGrouping("exclaim2");
// create the default config object
Config conf = new Config();
// set the config in debugging mode
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
// run it in a live cluster
// set the number of workers for running all spout and bolt tasks
// create the topology and submit with config
StormSubmitter.submitTopology(args[0], conf, builder.createTopology());
} else {
// run it in a simulated local cluster
// create the local cluster instance
LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
// submit the topology to the local cluster
cluster.submitTopology("exclamation", conf, builder.createTopology());
// let the topology run for 30 seconds. note topologies never terminate!
// kill the topology
// we are done, so shutdown the local cluster
use of backtype.storm.LocalCluster in project ud381 by udacity.
the class TweetTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create the topology
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
* In order to create the spout, you need to get twitter credentials
* If you need to use Twitter firehose/Tweet stream for your idea,
* create a set of credentials by following the instructions at
// now create the tweet spout with the credentials
TweetSpout tweetSpout = new TweetSpout("[Your customer key]", "[Your secret key]", "[Your access token]", "[Your access secret]");
// attach the tweet spout to the topology - parallelism of 1
builder.setSpout("tweet-spout", tweetSpout, 1);
// attach the parse tweet bolt using shuffle grouping
builder.setBolt("parse-tweet-bolt", new ParseTweetBolt(), 10).shuffleGrouping("tweet-spout");
// attach the count bolt using fields grouping - parallelism of 15
// builder.setBolt("count-bolt", new CountBolt(), 15).fieldsGrouping("parse-tweet-bolt", new Fields("tweet-word"));
// attach rolling count bolt using fields grouping - parallelism of 5
builder.setBolt("rolling-count-bolt", new RollingCountBolt(30, 10), 1).fieldsGrouping("parse-tweet-bolt", new Fields("tweet-word"));
// attach the report bolt using global grouping - parallelism of 1
builder.setBolt("report-bolt", new ReportBolt(), 1).globalGrouping("rolling-count-bolt");
// create the default config object
Config conf = new Config();
// set the config in debugging mode
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
// run it in a live cluster
// set the number of workers for running all spout and bolt tasks
// create the topology and submit with config
StormSubmitter.submitTopology(args[0], conf, builder.createTopology());
} else {
// run it in a simulated local cluster
// set the number of threads to run - similar to setting number of workers in live cluster
// create the local cluster instance
LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
// submit the topology to the local cluster
cluster.submitTopology("tweet-word-count", conf, builder.createTopology());
// let the topology run for 300 seconds. note topologies never terminate!
// now kill the topology
// we are done, so shutdown the local cluster
use of backtype.storm.LocalCluster in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class BasicDRPCTopology method testDrpc.
public static void testDrpc() {
LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder builder = new LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder("exclamation");
builder.addBolt(new ExclaimBolt(), 3);
Config conf = new Config();
LocalDRPC drpc = new LocalDRPC();
LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
cluster.submitTopology("drpc-demo", conf, builder.createLocalTopology(drpc));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
try {
for (String word : new String[] { "hello", "goodbye" }) {
System.out.println("Result for \"" + word + "\": " + drpc.execute("exclamation", word));
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace();"Failed to run DRPC Test");
use of backtype.storm.LocalCluster in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class ManualDRPC method testDrpc.
public static void testDrpc() {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
LocalDRPC drpc = new LocalDRPC();
DRPCSpout spout = new DRPCSpout("exclamation", drpc);
builder.setSpout("drpc", spout);
builder.setBolt("exclaim", new ExclamationBolt(), 3).shuffleGrouping("drpc");
builder.setBolt("return", new ReturnResults(), 3).shuffleGrouping("exclaim");
LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
Config conf = new Config();
cluster.submitTopology("exclaim", conf, builder.createTopology());
JStormUtils.sleepMs(30 * 1000);
try {
System.out.println(drpc.execute("exclamation", "aaa"));
System.out.println(drpc.execute("exclamation", "bbb"));
} catch (Exception e) {"Failed to test drpc");
use of backtype.storm.LocalCluster in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class SequenceTopology method SetLocalTopology.
public static void SetLocalTopology() throws Exception {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
SetBuilder(builder, conf);
LOG.debug("test");"Submit log");
LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
cluster.submitTopology("SplitMerge", conf, builder.createTopology());