use of boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class BundleAdjustmentMetricSchurJacobian method declareStorageWorldToView.
* Declare storage and create a look up table for world to view for all relative views
private void declareStorageWorldToView(SceneStructureMetric structure) {
for (int viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < structure.views.size; viewIdx++) {
SceneStructureMetric.View v = structure.views.get(viewIdx);
if (v.parent == null)
Se3_F64 world_to_view = storageSe3.grow();
mapWorldToView.put(v, world_to_view);
use of boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class CalibrationPlanarGridZhang99 method convertIntoBundleStructure.
* Convert it into a data structure understood by {@link BundleAdjustment}
public void convertIntoBundleStructure(List<Se3_F64> motions, DMatrixRMaj K, List<DMatrixRMaj> homographies, List<CalibrationObservation> calibrationObservations) {
structure = new SceneStructureMetric(false);
structure.initialize(1, motions.size(), -1, layout.size(), 1);
observations = new SceneObservations();
observations.initialize(motions.size(), true);
// A single camera is assumed, that's what is being calibrated!
structure.setCamera(0, false, cameraGenerator.initializeCamera(K, homographies, calibrationObservations));
// A single rigid planar target is being viewed. It is assumed to be centered at the origin
structure.setRigid(0, true, new Se3_F64(), layout.size());
// Where the points are on the calibration target
SceneStructureMetric.Rigid rigid =[0];
for (int i = 0; i < layout.size(); i++) {
rigid.setPoint(i, layout.get(i).x, layout.get(i).y, 0);
// Add the initial estimate of each view's location and the points observed
for (int viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < motions.size(); viewIdx++) {
structure.setView(viewIdx, 0, false, motions.get(viewIdx));
SceneObservations.View v = observations.getViewRigid(viewIdx);
CalibrationObservation ca = calibrationObservations.get(viewIdx);
for (int j = 0; j < ca.size(); j++) {
PointIndex2D_F64 p = ca.get(j);
v.add(p.index, (float) p.p.x, (float) p.p.y);
structure.connectPointToView(p.index, viewIdx);
use of boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMultiViewOps method triangulatePoints.
* Construct a scene with perfect observations. See if triangulation returns the same points
void triangulatePoints() {
CameraPinhole intrinsic = new CameraPinhole(500, 500, 0, 500, 500, 1000, 1000);
List<Point3D_F64> points = UtilPoint3D_F64.random(new Point3D_F64(0, 0, 2), -0.5, 0.5, 100, rand);
Se3_F64 view0_to_view1 = SpecialEuclideanOps_F64.eulerXyz(0.3, 0, 0, 0.1, -0.1, 0, null);
SceneStructureMetric structure = new SceneStructureMetric(false);
SceneObservations observations = new SceneObservations();
structure.initialize(1, 2, points.size());
structure.setCamera(0, true, intrinsic);
structure.setView(0, 0, true, new Se3_F64());
structure.setView(1, 0, false, view0_to_view1);
SceneObservations.View v0 = observations.getView(0);
SceneObservations.View v1 = observations.getView(1);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
Point3D_F64 X = points.get(i);
Point2D_F64 p0 = PerspectiveOps.renderPixel(intrinsic, X, null);
Point2D_F64 p1 = PerspectiveOps.renderPixel(view0_to_view1, intrinsic, X, null);
v0.add(i, (float) p0.x, (float) p0.y);
v1.add(i, (float) p1.x, (float) p1.y);
structure.connectPointToView(i, 0);
structure.connectPointToView(i, 1);
MultiViewOps.triangulatePoints(structure, observations);
Point3D_F64 X = new Point3D_F64();
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(0, points.get(i).distance(X), UtilEjml.TEST_F64_SQ);
use of boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestBundleAdjustmentMetricResidualFunction method changeInParamChangesOutput.
void changeInParamChangesOutput(boolean homogenous) {
SceneStructureMetric structure = createScene(rand, homogenous, false, false);
double[] param = new double[structure.getParameterCount()];
new CodecSceneStructureMetric().encode(structure, param);
// Create random observations
SceneObservations obs = createObservations(rand, structure);
BundleAdjustmentMetricResidualFunction alg = new BundleAdjustmentMetricResidualFunction();
alg.configure(structure, obs);
double[] original = new double[alg.getNumOfOutputsM()];
double[] found = new double[alg.getNumOfOutputsM()];
alg.process(param, original);
for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < original.length; paramIndex++) {
double v = param[paramIndex];
param[paramIndex] += 0.001;
alg.process(param, found);
boolean identical = true;
for (int i = 0; i < found.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(original[i] - found[i]) > UtilEjml.TEST_F64) {
identical = false;
param[paramIndex] = v;
use of boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestCodecSceneStructureMetric method encode_decode.
void encode_decode(boolean homogenous, boolean hasRigid) {
SceneStructureMetric original = createScene(rand, homogenous, hasRigid, false);
CodecSceneStructureMetric codec = new CodecSceneStructureMetric();
int pointLength = homogenous ? 4 : 3;
int N = original.getUnknownMotionCount() * 6 + original.getUnknownRigidCount() * 6 + original.points.size * pointLength + original.getUnknownCameraParameterCount();
assertEquals(N, original.getParameterCount());
double[] param = new double[N];
codec.encode(original, param);
SceneStructureMetric found = createScene(rand, homogenous, hasRigid, false);
codec.decode(param, found);
assertEquals(homogenous, found.isHomogenous());
for (int i = 0; i < original.points.size; i++) {
assertTrue([i].distance([i]) < UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
for (int i = 0; i < original.cameras.size; i++) {
SceneStructureCommon.Camera o =[i];
SceneStructureCommon.Camera f =[i];
double[] po = new double[o.model.getIntrinsicCount()];
double[] pf = new double[f.model.getIntrinsicCount()];
o.model.getIntrinsic(po, 0);
f.model.getIntrinsic(pf, 0);
assertArrayEquals(po, pf, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
for (int i = 0; i < original.motions.size; i++) {
SceneStructureMetric.Motion o =[i];
SceneStructureMetric.Motion f =[i];
assertTrue(MatrixFeatures_DDRM.isIdentical(o.motion.R, f.motion.R, UtilEjml.TEST_F64));
assertEquals(o.motion.T.x, f.motion.T.x, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
assertEquals(o.motion.T.y, f.motion.T.y, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
assertEquals(o.motion.T.z, f.motion.T.z, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
for (int i = 0; i < original.rigids.size; i++) {
SceneStructureMetric.Rigid o =[i];
SceneStructureMetric.Rigid f =[i];
assertTrue(MatrixFeatures_DDRM.isIdentical(o.object_to_world.R, f.object_to_world.R, UtilEjml.TEST_F64));
assertEquals(o.object_to_world.T.x, f.object_to_world.T.x, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
assertEquals(o.object_to_world.T.y, f.object_to_world.T.y, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
assertEquals(o.object_to_world.T.z, f.object_to_world.T.z, UtilEjml.TEST_F64);