use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class GenericQrCodeDetectorChecks method multipleMarkers.
* See if it can detect multiple fiducials in the image at the same time
void multipleMarkers() {
QrCodeDetector<GrayF32> detector = createDetector();
CameraPinholeBrown model = CalibrationIO.load(getClass().getResource("calib/pinhole_radial.yaml"));
SimulatePlanarWorld simulator = new SimulatePlanarWorld();
Se3_F64 markerToWorld0 = new Se3_F64();
Se3_F64 markerToWorld1 = new Se3_F64();
simulator.addSurface(markerToWorld0, simulatedTargetWidth, generateMarker());
simulator.addSurface(markerToWorld1, simulatedTargetWidth, generateMarker());
ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0, Math.PI, 0, markerToWorld0.R);
markerToWorld0.T.setTo(0.2, 0, 0.6);
ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0, Math.PI, 0, markerToWorld1.R);
markerToWorld1.T.setTo(-0.2, 0, 0.6);
if (display) {
ShowImages.showWindow(simulator.getOutput(), ShowImages.Colorization.MAGNITUDE, "Foo", true);
List<QrCode> detections = detector.getDetections();
assertEquals(2, detections.size());
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class GenericQrCodeDetectorChecks method scale.
* The marker zooming in and out of the frame
void scale() {
QrCodeDetector<GrayF32> detector = createDetector();
CameraPinholeBrown model = CalibrationIO.load(getClass().getResource("calib/pinhole_radial.yaml"));
SimulatePlanarWorld simulator = new SimulatePlanarWorld();
Se3_F64 markerToWorld = new Se3_F64();
simulator.addSurface(markerToWorld, simulatedTargetWidth, generateMarker());
ConvertRotation3D_F64.eulerToMatrix(EulerType.XYZ, 0, Math.PI, 0, markerToWorld.R);
markerToWorld.T.setTo(0, 0, 0.3);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
renderAndCheck(detector, simulator);
markerToWorld.T.z += 0.03;
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class GenericDetectMultiFiducialCalibrationChecks method basicPinhole.
void basicPinhole() {
DetectMultiFiducialCalibration detector = createDetector();
// CameraPinholeBrown model = CalibrationIO.load(getClass().getResource("pinhole_radial.yaml"));
CameraPinholeBrown model = new CameraPinholeBrown().fsetK(600, 600, 0, 400, 400, 800, 800);
SimulatePlanarWorld simulator = new SimulatePlanarWorld();
DogArray<List<PointIndex2D_F64>> markerPoints = new DogArray<>(ArrayList::new);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(2, detector.getTotalUniqueMarkers()); i++) {
GrayF32 pattern = renderPattern(i, markerPoints.grow());
Se3_F64 markerToWorld = SpecialEuclideanOps_F64.eulerXyz((-0.5 + i) * 0.32, 0, .5, 0, Math.PI, 0, null);
simulator.addSurface(markerToWorld, simulatedTargetWidth, pattern);
// marker systems since that requires encoding that should remove that ambiguity
for (int cameraOriIdx = 0; cameraOriIdx < 10; cameraOriIdx++) {
double roll = 2.0 * Math.PI * cameraOriIdx / 10;
simulator.setWorldToCamera(SpecialEuclideanOps_F64.eulerXyz(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, roll, null));
// Process the image and see if it detected everything
// ShowImages.showWindow(simulator.getOutput(), "Rotated "+cameraOriIdx);
// BoofMiscOps.sleep(2_000);
// Number of markers which are not anonymous
int totalIdentified = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < detector.getDetectionCount(); i++) {
if (detector.getMarkerID(i) >= 0)
if (visualizeFailures && 2 != totalIdentified) {
UtilImageIO.saveImage(simulator.getOutput(), "failed.png");
ShowImages.showWindow(simulator.getOutput(), "Simulated");
assertEquals(2, totalIdentified);
for (int i = 0; i < detector.getDetectionCount(); i++) {
int markerID = detector.getMarkerID(i);
// Ignore anonymous markers
if (markerID < 0)
// See if it detected the expected number of calibration points on the marker
assertEquals(markerPoints.get(markerID).size(), detector.getDetectedPoints(i).size());
// TODO check the actual coordinates
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class StereoProcessingBase method setCalibration.
* Specifies stereo parameters
* @param stereoParam stereo parameters
public void setCalibration(StereoParameters stereoParam) {
CameraPinholeBrown left = stereoParam.getLeft();
CameraPinholeBrown right = stereoParam.getRight();
// adjust image size
imageLeftRect.reshape(left.getWidth(), left.getHeight());
imageRightRect.reshape(right.getWidth(), right.getHeight());
// compute rectification
RectifyCalibrated rectifyAlg = RectifyImageOps.createCalibrated();
Se3_F64 leftToRight = stereoParam.getRightToLeft().invert(null);
// original camera calibration matrices
DMatrixRMaj K1 = PerspectiveOps.pinholeToMatrix(left, (DMatrixRMaj) null);
DMatrixRMaj K2 = PerspectiveOps.pinholeToMatrix(right, (DMatrixRMaj) null);
rectifyAlg.process(K1, new Se3_F64(), K2, leftToRight);
// rectification matrix for each image
rect1 = rectifyAlg.getUndistToRectPixels1();
rect2 = rectifyAlg.getUndistToRectPixels2();
// New calibration and rotation matrix, Both cameras are the same after rectification.
rectK = rectifyAlg.getCalibrationMatrix();
rectR = rectifyAlg.getRectifiedRotation();
FMatrixRMaj rect1_F32 = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
FMatrixRMaj rect2_F32 = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
ConvertMatrixData.convert(rect1, rect1_F32);
ConvertMatrixData.convert(rect2, rect2_F32);
ImageType<T> imageType = imageLeftRect.getImageType();
distortLeftRect = RectifyDistortImageOps.rectifyImage(stereoParam.left, rect1_F32, BorderType.SKIP, imageType);
distortRightRect = RectifyDistortImageOps.rectifyImage(stereoParam.right, rect2_F32, BorderType.SKIP, imageType);
// Compute parameters that are needed when converting to 3D
baseline = stereoParam.getBaseline();
fx = rectK.get(0, 0);
fy = rectK.get(1, 1);
cx = rectK.get(0, 2);
cy = rectK.get(1, 2);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class StereoConsistencyCheck method setCalibration.
public void setCalibration(StereoParameters param) {
CameraPinholeBrown left = param.getLeft();
CameraPinholeBrown right = param.getRight();
// compute rectification
RectifyCalibrated rectifyAlg = RectifyImageOps.createCalibrated();
Se3_F64 leftToRight = param.getRightToLeft().invert(null);
// original camera calibration matrices
DMatrixRMaj K1 = PerspectiveOps.pinholeToMatrix(left, (DMatrixRMaj) null);
DMatrixRMaj K2 = PerspectiveOps.pinholeToMatrix(right, (DMatrixRMaj) null);
rectifyAlg.process(K1, new Se3_F64(), K2, leftToRight);
// rectification matrix for each image
DMatrixRMaj rect1 = rectifyAlg.getUndistToRectPixels1();
DMatrixRMaj rect2 = rectifyAlg.getUndistToRectPixels2();
leftImageToRect = RectifyImageOps.transformPixelToRect(param.left, rect1);
rightImageToRect = RectifyImageOps.transformPixelToRect(param.right, rect2);