Search in sources :

Example 6 with EvalError

use of bsh.EvalError in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class ExtensionService method registerExtension.

protected void registerExtension(Extension extension) {
    if (extension.getExtensionText() != null) {
        if (extension.getExtensionType().equalsIgnoreCase(Extension.EXTENSION_TYPE_JAVA)) {
            try {
                Object ext = simpleClassCompiler.getCompiledClass(extension.getExtensionText());
                registerExtension(extension.getExtensionId(), (IExtensionPoint) ext);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while compiling Java extension " + extension.getExtensionId(), e);
        } else if (extension.getExtensionType().equalsIgnoreCase(Extension.EXTENSION_TYPE_BSH)) {
            try {
                Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();
                interpreter.set("engine", engine);
                interpreter.set("sqlTemplate", engine.getDatabasePlatform().getSqlTemplate());
                interpreter.set("log", log);
                Object ext = interpreter.getInterface(Class.forName(extension.getInterfaceName()));
                registerExtension(extension.getExtensionId(), (IExtensionPoint) ext);
            } catch (EvalError e) {
                log.error("Error while parsing BSH extension " + extension.getExtensionId(), e);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                log.error("Interface class not found for BSH extension " + extension.getExtensionId(), e);
        } else {
            log.error("Skipping extension " + extension.getExtensionId() + ", unknown extension type " + extension.getExtensionType());
Also used : Interpreter(bsh.Interpreter) IExtensionPoint(org.jumpmind.extension.IExtensionPoint) EvalError(bsh.EvalError)

Example 7 with EvalError

use of bsh.EvalError in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class FileSyncService method processZip.

protected List<IncomingBatch> processZip(InputStream is, String sourceNodeId, ProcessInfo processInfo) throws IOException {
    File unzipDir = new File(parameterService.getTempDirectory(), String.format("filesync_incoming/%s/%s", engine.getNodeService().findIdentityNodeId(), sourceNodeId));
    try {
        AppUtils.unzip(is, unzipDir);
    } catch (IoException ex) {
        if (ex.toString().contains("EOFException")) {
        // This happens on Android, when there is an empty zip.
        //log.debug("Caught exception while unzipping.", ex);
        } else {
            throw ex;
    Set<Long> batchIds = new TreeSet<Long>();
    String[] files = unzipDir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE);
    if (files != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                log.error("Unexpected directory name.  Expected a number representing a batch id.  Instead the directory was named '{}'", files[i]);
    List<IncomingBatch> batchesProcessed = new ArrayList<IncomingBatch>();
    IIncomingBatchService incomingBatchService = engine.getIncomingBatchService();
    for (Long batchId : batchIds) {
        File batchDir = new File(unzipDir, Long.toString(batchId));
        IncomingBatch incomingBatch = new IncomingBatch();
        File batchInfo = new File(batchDir, "batch-info.txt");
        if (batchInfo.exists()) {
            List<String> info = FileUtils.readLines(batchInfo);
            if (info != null && info.size() > 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
        if (incomingBatchService.acquireIncomingBatch(incomingBatch)) {
            File syncScript = new File(batchDir, "sync.bsh");
            if (syncScript.exists()) {
                String script = FileUtils.readFileToString(syncScript);
                Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();
                boolean isLocked = false;
                try {
                    setInterpreterVariables(engine, sourceNodeId, batchDir, interpreter);
                    long waitMillis = getParameterService().getLong(ParameterConstants.FILE_SYNC_LOCK_WAIT_MS);
                    log.debug("The {} node is attempting to get shared lock for to update incoming status", sourceNodeId);
                    isLocked = engine.getClusterService().lock(ClusterConstants.FILE_SYNC_SHARED, ClusterConstants.TYPE_SHARED, waitMillis);
                    if (isLocked) {
                        log.debug("The {} node got a shared file sync lock", sourceNodeId);
                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> filesToEventType = (Map<String, String>) interpreter.eval(script);
                        if (engine.getParameterService().is(ParameterConstants.FILE_SYNC_PREVENT_PING_BACK)) {
                            updateFileIncoming(sourceNodeId, filesToEventType);
                        incomingBatch.setStatementCount(filesToEventType != null ? filesToEventType.size() : 0);
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Could not obtain file sync shared lock within " + waitMillis + " millis");
                    if (incomingBatchService.isRecordOkBatchesEnabled()) {
                    } else if (incomingBatch.isRetry()) {
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    if (ex instanceof TargetError) {
                        Throwable target = ((TargetError) ex).getTarget();
                        if (target != null) {
                            ex = target;
                    } else if (ex instanceof EvalError) {
                        log.error("Failed to evalulate the script:\n{}", script);
                    if (ex instanceof FileConflictException) {
                        log.error(ex.getMessage() + ".  Failed to process file sync batch " + batchId);
                    } else {
                        log.error("Failed to process file sync batch " + batchId, ex);
                    if (incomingBatchService.isRecordOkBatchesEnabled() || incomingBatch.isRetry()) {
                    } else {
                } finally {
                    log.debug("The {} node is done processing file sync files", sourceNodeId);
                    if (isLocked) {
                        engine.getClusterService().unlock(ClusterConstants.FILE_SYNC_SHARED, ClusterConstants.TYPE_SHARED);
            } else {
                log.error("Could not find the sync.bsh script for batch {}", batchId);
    return batchesProcessed;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) IIncomingBatchService(org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.IIncomingBatchService) Interpreter(bsh.Interpreter) EvalError(bsh.EvalError) TargetError(bsh.TargetError) IncomingBatch(org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.IncomingBatch) IoException(org.jumpmind.exception.IoException) FileConflictException(org.jumpmind.symmetric.file.FileConflictException) File( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 8 with EvalError

use of bsh.EvalError in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.

the class BeanShellMixin method buildNamespace.

private static NameSpace buildNamespace(Class compositeType, Interpreter runtime) throws IOException {
    ClassLoader loader = compositeType.getClassLoader();
    BshClassManager classManager = BshClassManager.createClassManager(runtime);
    NameSpace namespace = new NameSpace(classManager, compositeType.getName());
    URL scriptUrl = getFunctionResource(compositeType);
    if (scriptUrl == null) {
        return null;
    Reader source = getSource(compositeType, scriptUrl);
    try {
        runtime.eval(source, namespace, scriptUrl.toString());
    } catch (EvalError evalError) {
        //TODO: Auto-generated, need attention.
    return namespace;
Also used : NameSpace(bsh.NameSpace) EvalError(bsh.EvalError) BshClassManager(bsh.BshClassManager) URL(

Example 9 with EvalError

use of bsh.EvalError in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class BshDatabaseWriterFilter method executeScripts.

protected void executeScripts(DataContext context, String key, Set<String> scripts, boolean isFailOnError) {
    Interpreter interpreter = getInterpreter(context);
    String currentScript = null;
    try {
        bind(interpreter, context, null, null, null);
        if (scripts != null) {
            for (String script : scripts) {
                currentScript = script;
    } catch (EvalError e) {
        if (e instanceof ParseException) {
            String errorMsg = String.format("Evaluation error while parsing the following beanshell script:\n\n%s\n\nThe error was on line %d and the error message was: %s", currentScript, e.getErrorLineNumber(), e.getMessage());
            log.error(errorMsg, e);
            if (isFailOnError) {
                throw new SymmetricException(errorMsg);
        } else if (e instanceof TargetError) {
            Throwable target = ((TargetError) e).getTarget();
            String errorMsg = String.format("Evaluation error occured in the following beanshell script:\n\n%s\n\nThe error was on line %d", currentScript, e.getErrorLineNumber());
            log.error(errorMsg, target);
            if (isFailOnError) {
                if (target instanceof RuntimeException) {
                    throw (RuntimeException) target;
                } else {
                    throw new SymmetricException(target);
            } else {
                log.error("Failed while evaluating script", target);
Also used : Interpreter(bsh.Interpreter) SymmetricException(org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricException) EvalError(bsh.EvalError) ParseException(bsh.ParseException) TargetError(bsh.TargetError)

Example 10 with EvalError

use of bsh.EvalError in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class BshDatabaseWriterFilter method processLoadFilters.

protected boolean processLoadFilters(DataContext context, Table table, CsvData data, Exception error, WriteMethod writeMethod, List<LoadFilter> loadFiltersForTable) {
    boolean writeRow = true;
    LoadFilter currentFilter = null;
    try {
        Interpreter interpreter = getInterpreter(context);
        bind(interpreter, context, table, data, error);
        for (LoadFilter filter : loadFiltersForTable) {
            currentFilter = filter;
            if (filter.isFilterOnDelete() && data.getDataEventType().equals(DataEventType.DELETE) || filter.isFilterOnInsert() && data.getDataEventType().equals(DataEventType.INSERT) || filter.isFilterOnUpdate() && data.getDataEventType().equals(DataEventType.UPDATE)) {
                Object result = null;
                if (writeMethod.equals(WriteMethod.BEFORE_WRITE) && filter.getBeforeWriteScript() != null) {
                    result = interpreter.eval(filter.getBeforeWriteScript());
                } else if (writeMethod.equals(WriteMethod.AFTER_WRITE) && filter.getAfterWriteScript() != null) {
                    result = interpreter.eval(filter.getAfterWriteScript());
                } else if (writeMethod.equals(WriteMethod.HANDLE_ERROR) && filter.getHandleErrorScript() != null) {
                    result = interpreter.eval(filter.getHandleErrorScript());
                if (result != null && result.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
                    writeRow = false;
    } catch (EvalError ex) {
        processError(currentFilter, table, ex);
    return writeRow;
Also used : Interpreter(bsh.Interpreter) LoadFilter(org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.LoadFilter) EvalError(bsh.EvalError)


EvalError (bsh.EvalError)12 Interpreter (bsh.Interpreter)9 TargetError (bsh.TargetError)4 ScriptCompilationException (org.springframework.scripting.ScriptCompilationException)3 Map (java.util.Map)2 BshClassManager (bsh.BshClassManager)1 NameSpace (bsh.NameSpace)1 ParseException (bsh.ParseException)1 File ( IOException ( StringReader ( URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 IoException (org.jumpmind.exception.IoException)1 IExtensionPoint (org.jumpmind.extension.IExtensionPoint)1 SymmetricException (org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricException)1