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Example 6 with Pair

use of catdata.Pair in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class XEasikToFQL method translate1.

private static String translate1(Node sketch) {
    List<String> ns = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Triple<String, String, String>> es = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>> eqs = new LinkedList<>();
    NodeList l = sketch.getChildNodes();
    for (int temp = 0; temp < l.getLength(); temp++) {
        Node n = l.item(temp);
        NodeList j = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < j.getLength(); temp2++) {
            Node m = j.item(temp2);
            if (m.getNodeName().equals("entity")) {
                String nodeName = m.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent();
                NodeList k = m.getChildNodes();
                for (int temp3 = 0; temp3 < k.getLength(); temp3++) {
                    Node w = k.item(temp3);
                    if (w.getNodeName().equals("attribute")) {
                        String attName = w.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent();
                        es.add(new Triple<>(nodeName + "_" + attName.replace(" ", "_"), nodeName, "dom"));
            } else if (m.getNodeName().equals("edge")) {
                es.add(new Triple<>(m.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getTextContent(), m.getAttributes().getNamedItem("source").getTextContent(), m.getAttributes().getNamedItem("target").getTextContent()));
            } else if (m.getNodeName().equals("commutativediagram")) {
                NodeList k = m.getChildNodes();
                Node w1 = null;
                Node w2 = null;
                for (int temp4 = 0; temp4 < k.getLength(); temp4++) {
                    Node wX = k.item(temp4);
                    if (wX.getNodeName().equals("path") && w1 == null) {
                        w1 = wX;
                    } else if (wX.getNodeName().equals("path") && w2 == null) {
                        w2 = wX;
                if (w1 == null || w2 == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Easik to FQL internal error");
                String cod1 = w1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("domain").getTextContent();
                String cod2 = w2.getAttributes().getNamedItem("domain").getTextContent();
                List<String> lhs = new LinkedList<>();
                List<String> rhs = new LinkedList<>();
                NodeList lhsX = w1.getChildNodes();
                for (int temp3 = 0; temp3 < lhsX.getLength(); temp3++) {
                    if (!lhsX.item(temp3).getNodeName().equals("edgeref")) {
                    String toAdd = lhsX.item(temp3).getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getTextContent();
                NodeList rhsX = w2.getChildNodes();
                for (int temp3 = 0; temp3 < rhsX.getLength(); temp3++) {
                    if (!rhsX.item(temp3).getNodeName().equals("edgeref")) {
                    String toAdd = rhsX.item(temp3).getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getTextContent();
                eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
    XSchema sch = new XSchema(ns, es, eqs);
    return sketch.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent().replace(" ", "_") + " = " + sch;
Also used : NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) XSchema(catdata.fpql.XExp.XSchema) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 7 with Pair

use of catdata.Pair in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class AqlViewer method viewAlgebra.

private <X, Y> Component viewAlgebra(Algebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk, X, Y> alg) {
    List<JComponent> list = new LinkedList<>();
    Map<En, Pair<List<String>, Object[][]>> entables = makeEnTables(alg);
    Map<Ty, Set<Y>> m = Util.revS(alg.talg();
    Map<Ty, Object[][]> tytables = makeTyTables(m, alg);
    for (En en : entables.keySet()) {
        Pair<List<String>, Object[][]> x = entables.get(en);
        String str;
        if (x.second.length == 0) {
        } else if (x.second.length < alg.en(en).size()) {
            str = en + " (" + x.second.length + " of " + alg.en(en).size() + ")";
        } else {
            str = en + " (" + x.second.length + ")";
        JPanel p = GuiUtil.makeBoldHeaderTable(Util.toString(alg.schema().attsFrom(en)), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(), str, x.second, x.first.toArray(new String[x.first.size()]));
    List<String> header = Util.singList("ID");
    for (Ty ty : tytables.keySet()) {
        if (!m.containsKey(ty)) {
        Object[][] arr = tytables.get(ty);
        String str;
        if (arr.length < m.get(ty).size()) {
            str = ty + " (" + arr.length + " of " + m.get(ty).size() + ")";
        } else {
            str = ty + " (" + arr.length + ")";
        // TODO: aql boldify attributes
        list.add(GuiUtil.makeTable(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(), str, arr, header.toArray()));
    JComponent c = GuiUtil.makeGrid(list);
    c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
    return c;
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Set(java.util.Set) Ty(catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 8 with Pair

use of catdata.Pair in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class AqlViewer method makeEnTables.

public <X, Y> Map<En, Pair<List<String>, Object[][]>> makeEnTables(Algebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk, X, Y> alg) {
    Map<En, Pair<List<String>, Object[][]>> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    List<En> ens = Util.alphabetical(alg.schema().ens);
    for (En en : ens) {
        List<String> atts0 = Util.alphabetical(alg.schema().attsFrom(en).stream().map((Att x) -> x.str).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        List<String> fks0 = Util.alphabetical(alg.schema().fksFrom(en).stream().map((Fk x) -> x.str).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        List<String> header = Util.<String>append(atts0, fks0);
        header.add(0, "ID");
        int n = Integer.min(maxrows, alg.en(en).size());
        Object[][] data = new Object[n][];
        int i = 0;
        List<X> lll = new LinkedList<>(alg.en(en));
        lll.sort((x, y) ->, alg.printX(y)));
        for (X x : lll) {
            List<Object> row = new LinkedList<>();
            for (String att0 : atts0) {
                row.add(alg.att(new Att(en, att0), x).toString(alg::printY, Util.voidFn()));
            for (String fk0 : fks0) {
                row.add(alg.printX( Fk(en, fk0), x)));
            data[i] = row.toArray();
            if (i == n) {
        ret.put(en, new Pair<>(header, data));
    return ret;
Also used : Att(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att) Fk(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk) En(catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En) Paint(java.awt.Paint) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 9 with Pair

use of catdata.Pair in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class EnrichViewer method idPoly.

private static XPoly<String, String> idPoly(XSchema isa, String isa0, String merged) {
    Map<Object, Pair<String, Block<String, String>>> blocks = new HashMap<>();
    for (String node : isa.nodes) {
        Map<Object, String> from = new HashMap<>();
        from.put("v", node);
        Set<Pair<List<Object>, List<Object>>> where = new HashSet<>();
        Map<String, List<Object>> attrs = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Pair<Object, Map<Object, List<Object>>>> edges = new HashMap<>();
        for (Triple<String, String, String> arrow : isa.arrows) {
            if (!arrow.second.equals(node)) {
            if (isa.nodes.contains(arrow.third)) {
                Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
                List<String> l = new LinkedList<>();
                map.put("v", l);
                @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Object, Map<Object, List<Object>>> ppp = new Pair("q_" + arrow.third, map);
                edges.put(arrow.first, ppp);
            } else {
                List<Object> l = new LinkedList<>();
                attrs.put(arrow.first, l);
        Block<String, String> block = new Block<>(from, where, attrs, edges);
        blocks.put("q_" + node, new Pair<>(node, block));
    return new XPoly<>(new Var(isa0), new Var(merged), blocks);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Var(catdata.fpql.XExp.Var) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Block(catdata.fpql.XPoly.Block) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Pair(catdata.Pair) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 10 with Pair

use of catdata.Pair in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class XChaser method massage.

private static Object massage(Triple<String, List<List<String>>, List<String>> x, XCtx I) {
    if (x.first == null) {
        return x.third;
    List y = -> new Triple<>(I.type(z).first, I.type(z).second, z)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    List z = new LinkedList<>();
    z.add(new Pair<>(x.first, y));
    if (x.third != null) {
    return z;
Also used : XSuperED(catdata.fpql.XExp.XSuperED) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Collectors( FinSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map) Triple(catdata.Triple) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SuperFOED(catdata.fpql.XExp.XSuperED.SuperFOED) Pair(catdata.Pair) Triple(catdata.Triple) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


Pair (catdata.Pair)305 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)169 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)144 List (java.util.List)127 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)101 Triple (catdata.Triple)98 Map (java.util.Map)94 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)82 Set (java.util.Set)70 Tuple3 (org.jparsec.functors.Tuple3)46 Node (catdata.fql.decl.Node)38 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)37 GridLayout (java.awt.GridLayout)32 FQLException (catdata.fql.FQLException)31 Paint (java.awt.Paint)29 Chc (catdata.Chc)28 Util (catdata.Util)27 En (catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En)26 Tuple5 (org.jparsec.functors.Tuple5)26 Ty (catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty)25