use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryClass in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class StructureAnalyzer method refreshTotalDependancies.
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
* @param b cbit.vcell.math.Matrix
* @param vars java.lang.String[]
private void refreshTotalDependancies() throws Exception {
for (int v = 0; v < speciesContextMappings.length; v++) {
if (totalNullSpaceMatrix == null) {
// System.out.println("the matrix has full rank, there are no dependencies");
if (speciesContextMappings.length != totalNullSpaceMatrix.getNumCols()) {
throw new Exception("varName array not same dimension as b matrix");
StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[] dependencies = refreshTotalDependancies(totalNullSpaceMatrix, speciesContextMappings, mathMapping, false);
VCUnitDefinition totalMassUnit = null;
boolean bIsSpatial = mathMapping.getSimulationContext().getGeometry().getDimension() > 0;
ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = mathMapping.getSimulationContext().getModel().getUnitSystem();
if (this instanceof VolumeStructureAnalyzer) {
if (!bIsSpatial) {
// VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_umol_um3_per_L; -> VCell vol substance unit
totalMassUnit = modelUnitSystem.getVolumeSubstanceUnit();
} else {
// VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_uM;
totalMassUnit = modelUnitSystem.getVolumeConcentrationUnit();
} else if (this instanceof MembraneStructureAnalyzer) {
if (!bIsSpatial) {
// VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_molecules;
totalMassUnit = modelUnitSystem.getMembraneSubstanceUnit();
} else {
// VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_molecules_per_um2;
totalMassUnit = modelUnitSystem.getMembraneConcentrationUnit();
for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
String constantName = dependencies[i].invariantSymbolName;
Expression constantExp = dependencies[i].conservedMoietyExpression;
SpeciesContextMapping firstSCM = dependencies[i].speciesContextMapping;
Expression exp = dependencies[i].dependencyExpression;
// store totalMass parameter (e.g. K_xyz_total = xyz_init + wzy_init)
GeometryClass geometryClass = mathMapping.getSimulationContext().getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(firstSCM.getSpeciesContext().getStructure()).getGeometryClass();
MathMappingParameter totalMassParameter = mathMapping.addMathMappingParameter(constantName, constantExp.flatten(), DiffEquMathMapping.PARAMETER_ROLE_TOTALMASS, totalMassUnit, geometryClass);
// store dependency parameter (e.g. xyz = K_xyz_total - wzy)
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryClass in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class StructureMappingCartoon method refreshAll.
public void refreshAll() {
if (getGeometryContext() == null || getGeometryContext().getGeometry() == null) {
GeometryClass[] geometryClasses = getGeometryContext().getGeometry().getGeometryClasses();
if (geometryClasses == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < geometryClasses.length; i++) {
Shape testShape = getShapeFromModelObject(geometryClasses[i]);
if (testShape instanceof GeometryClassLegendShape) {
geometryClasses[i].removePropertyChangeListener((GeometryClassLegendShape) testShape);
if (getSimulationContext() == null) {
fireGraphChanged(new GraphEvent(this));
GeometryContextGeometryShape geometryShape = new GeometryContextGeometryShape(this, getGeometryContext().getGeometry());
GeometryContextStructureShape structureContainerShape = new GeometryContextStructureShape(this, getGeometryContext().getModel());
GeometryContextContainerShape containerShape = new GeometryContextContainerShape(this, getGeometryContext(), structureContainerShape, geometryShape);
// create all StructureShapes
Structure[] structures = getGeometryContext().getModel().getStructures();
for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
StructureMappingStructureShape smShape = new StructureMappingStructureShape((Structure) structures[i], getGeometryContext().getModel(), this);
// create all SubvolumeLegendShapes (for legend)
GeometryClass[] geometryClasses = getGeometryContext().getGeometry().getGeometryClasses();
for (int i = 0; i < geometryClasses.length; i++) {
GeometryClassLegendShape geometryClassLegendShape = new GeometryClassLegendShape(geometryClasses[i], getGeometryContext().getGeometry(), this, 10);
if ((subVolumeContainerShape == null) || (subVolumeContainerShape.getModelObject() != getGeometryContext().getGeometry())) {
subVolumeContainerShape = new SubVolumeContainerShape(getGeometryContext().getGeometry(), this);
StructureMapping[] structureMappings = getGeometryContext().getStructureMappings();
for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
StructureMapping structureMapping = structureMappings[i];
if (structureMapping.getGeometryClass() != null) {
StructureShape sShape = (StructureShape) getShapeFromModelObject(structureMapping.getStructure());
GeometryClassLegendShape geometryClassLegendShape = (GeometryClassLegendShape) getShapeFromModelObject(structureMapping.getGeometryClass());
StructureMappingShape smShape = new StructureMappingShape(structureMapping, sShape, geometryClassLegendShape, this);
// // assign children to shapes according to heirarchy in Model
// int nullParentCount=0;
// Collection<Shape> shapes = getShapes();
// for(Shape shape : shapes) {
// // for each featureShape, find corresponding featureShape
// if (shape instanceof StructureShape){
// StructureShape fs = (FeatureShape)shape;
// if(!structureContainerShape.contains(fs)) {
// structureContainerShape.addChildShape(fs);
// }
// nullParentCount++;
// }
// }
fireGraphChanged(new GraphEvent(this));
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryClass in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AbstractMathMapping method getDefaultGeometryClass.
protected GeometryClass getDefaultGeometryClass(Expression expr) throws ExpressionException, MappingException {
GeometryClass geometryClass = null;
if (simContext.getGeometry().getDimension() == 0) {
return null;
String[] symbols = expr.getSymbols();
// if expr has no symbols, model param cannot be localized to a domain (its a const).
if (symbols == null) {
return null;
} else {
Expression modelParamExpr = substituteGlobalParameters(expr);
symbols = modelParamExpr.getSymbols();
for (int k = 0; symbols != null && k < symbols.length; k++) {
Structure symbolStructure = null;
SymbolTableEntry ste = modelParamExpr.getSymbolBinding(symbols[k]);
if (ste instanceof SpeciesContext) {
symbolStructure = ((SpeciesContext) ste).getStructure();
} else if (ste instanceof StructureSize) {
symbolStructure = ((StructureSize) ste).getStructure();
} else if (ste instanceof MembraneVoltage) {
symbolStructure = ((MembraneVoltage) ste).getMembrane();
if (symbolStructure != null) {
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(symbolStructure);
GeometryClass symbolGeomClass = sm.getGeometryClass();
if (geometryClass == null) {
geometryClass = symbolGeomClass;
} else {
if (geometryClass != symbolGeomClass) {
if (geometryClass instanceof SurfaceClass) {
if (symbolGeomClass instanceof SurfaceClass) {
throw new MappingException("The expression '" + expr.infix() + "' references variables in surface domain '" + geometryClass.getName() + "' & surface domain '" + symbolGeomClass.getName() + "' that cannot be evaluated.");
} else if (symbolGeomClass instanceof SubVolume) {
// geomClass : surfaceClass; symbolGeomClass : subVol
if (!((SurfaceClass) geometryClass).isAdjacentTo((SubVolume) symbolGeomClass)) {
throw new MappingException("The expression '" + expr.infix() + "' references variables in surface domain '" + geometryClass.getName() + "' & volume domain '" + symbolGeomClass.getName() + "' that cannot be evaluated.");
} else {
throw new MappingException("unexpected geometry class : " + symbolGeomClass.getClass());
} else if (geometryClass instanceof SubVolume) {
// geometryClass is a SubVolume
if (symbolGeomClass instanceof SubVolume) {
// check if adjacent; if so, choose separating membrane.
SurfaceClass surfaceClass = simContext.getGeometry().getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getSurfaceClass((SubVolume) symbolGeomClass, (SubVolume) geometryClass);
if (surfaceClass != null) {
geometryClass = surfaceClass;
} else {
throw new MappingException("The expression '" + expr.infix() + "' references variables in volume domain '" + geometryClass.getName() + "' & volume domain '" + symbolGeomClass.getName() + "' that cannot be evaluated.");
} else {
// geomClass : subVol; symbolGeomClass = surfaceClass
SurfaceClass surfaceSymbolGeomClass = (SurfaceClass) symbolGeomClass;
if (!surfaceSymbolGeomClass.isAdjacentTo((SubVolume) geometryClass)) {
throw new MappingException("The expression '" + expr.infix() + "' references variables in surface domain '" + surfaceSymbolGeomClass.getName() + "' & volume domain '" + geometryClass.getName() + "' that cannot be evaluated.");
} else {
geometryClass = symbolGeomClass;
} else {
throw new MappingException("unexpected geometry class : " + geometryClass.getClass());
return geometryClass;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryClass in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AbstractMathMapping method addSpeciesConcentrationParameter.
final SpeciesConcentrationParameter addSpeciesConcentrationParameter(String name, Expression expr, int role, VCUnitDefinition unitDefn, SpeciesContext argSpeciesContext) throws PropertyVetoException {
GeometryClass geometryClass = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(argSpeciesContext.getStructure()).getGeometryClass();
SpeciesConcentrationParameter newParameter = new SpeciesConcentrationParameter(name, expr, role, unitDefn, argSpeciesContext, geometryClass);
MathMappingParameter previousParameter = getMathMappingParameter(name);
if (previousParameter != null) {
System.out.println("MathMappingParameter addConcentrationParameter found duplicate parameter for name " + name);
if (!previousParameter.compareEqual(newParameter)) {
throw new RuntimeException("MathMappingParameter addConcentrationParameter found duplicate parameter for name '" + name + "'.");
return (SpeciesConcentrationParameter) previousParameter;
// expression.bindExpression(this);
MathMappingParameter[] newParameters = (MathMappingParameter[]) BeanUtils.addElement(fieldMathMappingParameters, newParameter);
return newParameter;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryClass in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AbstractMathMapping method addObservableConcentrationParameter.
final ObservableConcentrationParameter addObservableConcentrationParameter(String name, Expression expr, int role, VCUnitDefinition unitDefn, RbmObservable argObservable) throws PropertyVetoException {
GeometryClass geometryClass = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(argObservable.getStructure()).getGeometryClass();
ObservableConcentrationParameter newParameter = new ObservableConcentrationParameter(name, expr, role, unitDefn, argObservable, geometryClass);
MathMappingParameter previousParameter = getMathMappingParameter(name);
if (previousParameter != null) {
System.out.println("MathMappingParameter addObservableConcentrationParameter found duplicate parameter for name " + name);
if (!previousParameter.compareEqual(newParameter)) {
throw new RuntimeException("MathMappingParameter addObservableConcentrationParameter found duplicate parameter for name '" + name + "'.");
return (ObservableConcentrationParameter) previousParameter;
// expression.bindExpression(this);
MathMappingParameter[] newParameters = (MathMappingParameter[]) BeanUtils.addElement(fieldMathMappingParameters, newParameter);
return newParameter;