use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExp in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class UnitSymbol method parseUnits.
private void parseUnits(String unitString) {
try {
String unit = unitString.trim();
if (!unit.endsWith(";")) {
unit = unit + ";";
UnitSymbolParser unitParser;
unitParser = new UnitSymbolParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(unit.getBytes()));
rootNode = unitParser.UnitSymbol();
double numericScale = rootNode.getNumericScale();
String infixWithoutNumericScale = rootNode.toInfixWithoutNumericScale();
Expression exp = null;
RationalExp rationalExp = null;
try {
exp = new Expression(infixWithoutNumericScale);
rationalExp = RationalExpUtils.getRationalExp(exp);
// Converting rationalExp back to expression since RationalExp represents power (^) of 'x' as multiple 'x's (e.g., x^3 == x.x.x)
exp = rationalExp.simplifyAsExpression();
// Converting rationalExp to exp will add parentheses and spaces in the expression.
// These need to be removed from expression infix string for unitParser to parse expression infix.
String infix2 = exp.infix_UNITS();
// remove start "(" and end ")" if they exist
if (infix2.contains("(") && infix2.contains(")") && infix2.startsWith("(") && infix2.endsWith(")")) {
// remove start "("
infix2 = infix2.substring(1);
// remove last ")"
infix2 = infix2.substring(0, infix2.length() - 1);
// replace blank spaces " " with no space ""
infix2 = infix2.replace(" ", "");
// add ";" to end of infix string for unitParser
if (numericScale != 1.0) {
infix2 = numericScale + " " + infix2;
infix2 = infix2 + ";";
unitParser = new UnitSymbolParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(infix2.getBytes()));
rootNode = unitParser.UnitSymbol();
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to simply unitsymbol '" + rootNode.toInfix() + "'" + e.getMessage());
} catch (jscl.text.ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to simply unitsymbol '" + rootNode.toInfix() + "'" + e.getMessage());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parse Error while parsing expression '" + unitString + "'.\n " + e.getMessage());
} catch (TokenMgrError e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parse Error while parsing expression '" + unitString + "'.\n " + e.getMessage());