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Example 6 with RationalNumber

use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SVDTest method getRationalMatrixFast.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (5/13/2003 11:06:29 AM)
 * @return Jama.Matrix
public static RationalMatrixFast getRationalMatrixFast(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
    RationalMatrixFast rMatrix = new RationalMatrixFast(matrix.getNumRows(), matrix.getNumCols());
    for (int i = 0; i < rMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < rMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
            RationalNumber r = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(matrix.get_elem(i, j));
            rMatrix.set_elem(i, j, r.getNumBigInteger().longValue(), r.getDenBigInteger().longValue());
    return rMatrix;
Also used : RationalMatrixFast(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalMatrixFast) RationalNumber(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber)

Example 7 with RationalNumber

use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ModelUnitConverter method convertExprWithUnitFactors.

private static void convertExprWithUnitFactors(SymbolTable oldSymbolTable, SymbolTable newSymbolTable, VCUnitDefinition oldExprUnit, VCUnitDefinition newExprUnit, Expression expr) throws ExpressionException {
    if (expr == null) {
    String[] symbols = expr.getSymbols();
    if (symbols != null) {
        for (String s : symbols) {
            SymbolTableEntry boundSTE = expr.getSymbolBinding(s);
            SymbolTableEntry newSTE = newSymbolTable.getEntry(s);
            SymbolTableEntry oldSTE = oldSymbolTable.getEntry(s);
            if (boundSTE == null) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not bound to the model");
            if (oldSTE == null) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not found in the new symbol table");
            if (newSTE == null) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not bound to the old symbol table");
            if (newSTE != boundSTE) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is not bound properly (binding doesn't match new symbol table)");
            if (oldSTE.getUnitDefinition() == null) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is has a null unit in old model, can't convert");
            if (newSTE.getUnitDefinition() == null) {
                System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is has a null unit in new model, can't convert");
            if (oldSTE.getUnitDefinition().isTBD()) {
            if (newSTE.getUnitDefinition().isTBD()) {
            VCUnitDefinition oldToNewConversionUnit = oldSTE.getUnitDefinition().divideBy(newSTE.getUnitDefinition());
            RationalNumber conversionFactor = oldToNewConversionUnit.getDimensionlessScale();
            if (conversionFactor.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
                Expression spcSymbol = new Expression(newSTE, newSTE.getNameScope());
                expr.substituteInPlace(spcSymbol, Expression.mult(spcSymbol, new Expression(conversionFactor)));
    if (oldExprUnit == null || oldExprUnit.isTBD() || newExprUnit == null || newExprUnit.isTBD()) {
        Expression flattened = expr.flatten();
        Expression origExp = new Expression(expr);
        expr.substituteInPlace(origExp, flattened);
    VCUnitDefinition oldToNewConversionUnit = newExprUnit.divideBy(oldExprUnit);
    RationalNumber conversionFactor = oldToNewConversionUnit.getDimensionlessScale();
    if (conversionFactor.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
        Expression oldExp = new Expression(expr);
        expr.substituteInPlace(oldExp, Expression.mult(oldExp, new Expression(conversionFactor)));
    Expression flattened = expr.flatten();
    Expression origExp = new Expression(expr);
    expr.substituteInPlace(origExp, flattened);
Also used : SymbolTableEntry(cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry) VCUnitDefinition(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) RationalNumber(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber)

Example 8 with RationalNumber

use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ASTPowerTerm method toSymbol.

public String toSymbol(RationalNumber power, UnitTextFormat format) {
    if (jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTIdNode || jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTIntegerBaseNode) {
        if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) {
            if (power.equals(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
                return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format);
            } else {
                switch(format) {
                    case plain:
                            return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + power.infix();
                    case unicode:
                            String powerString = ASTRationalNumberExponent.getUnicodeExponent(power);
                            return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + powerString;
                            throw new RuntimeException("format " + + " not supported by unit symbol");
        } else {
            return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + jjtGetChild(1).toSymbol(power, format);
    } else if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) {
        return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format);
    } else if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
        if (jjtGetChild(1) instanceof ASTNegative) {
            ASTNegative negNode = (ASTNegative) jjtGetChild(1);
            RationalNumber exponent = negNode.getRationalNumber();
            return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power.mult(exponent), format);
        } else if (jjtGetChild(1) instanceof ASTRationalNumberExponent) {
            ASTRationalNumberExponent rationalNumberExponent = (ASTRationalNumberExponent) jjtGetChild(1);
            RationalNumber exponent = rationalNumberExponent.value;
            return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power.mult(exponent), format);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected second child " + jjtGetChild(1).getClass().getName());
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("unexpected unit format");
Also used : RationalNumber(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber)

Example 9 with RationalNumber

use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class StructureAnalyzer method refreshTotalDependancies.

 * This method was created by a SmartGuide.
 * @param b cbit.vcell.math.Matrix
 * @param vars java.lang.String[]
static StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[] refreshTotalDependancies(RationalMatrix nullSpaceMatrix, SpeciesContextMapping[] speciesContextMappings, MathMapping_4_8 argMathMapping, boolean bFast) throws Exception {
    // System.out.println("StructureAnalyzer.refreshTotalDependancies()");
    SimulationContext argSimContext = argMathMapping.getSimulationContext();
    if (nullSpaceMatrix == null) {
        // System.out.println("the matrix has full rank, there are no dependencies");
        return new StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[0];
    if (speciesContextMappings.length != nullSpaceMatrix.getNumCols()) {
        // throw new Exception("varName array not same dimension as b matrix");
        System.out.println("varName array not same dimension as b matrix");;
        for (int i = 0; i < speciesContextMappings.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("scm[" + i + "] is " + speciesContextMappings[i].getSpeciesContext().getName());
    // System.out.println("there are "+nullSpaceMatrix.rows+" dependencies");
    Vector<Dependency> dependencyList = new Vector<Dependency>();
    for (int i = 0; i < nullSpaceMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
        // find first variable
        Expression exp = null;
        Expression constantExp = null;
        String constantName = null;
        SpeciesContextMapping firstSCM = null;
        boolean bFirst = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < nullSpaceMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
            RationalNumber coeff = nullSpaceMatrix.get_elem(i, j);
            if (coeff.doubleValue() != 0.0) {
                if (bFirst) {
                    if (coeff.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
                        System.out.println("i=" + i + " j=" + j);
                        throw new Exception("expecting a coefficient of 1.0, instead coeff = " + coeff.infix());
                    firstSCM = speciesContextMappings[j];
                    // first term of dependancy expression   ("K_CalciumCyt")
                    SpeciesContext firstSC = firstSCM.getSpeciesContext();
                    constantName = "K_" + firstSC.getName() + "_total";
                    exp = new Expression(constantName);
                    // first term of K expression
                    StructureMapping firstSM = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(firstSC.getStructure());
                    SpeciesContextSpec firstSCS = argSimContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(firstSC);
                    SymbolTableEntry scSTE = null;
                    if (bFast) {
                        scSTE = firstSCS.getSpeciesContext();
                    } else {
                        scSTE = firstSCS.getParameterFromRole(SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration);
                    constantExp = Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), firstSM.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(scSTE, argMathMapping.getNameScope()));
                    bFirst = false;
                } else {
                    // add term to dependancy expression     (" - 2*IP3Cyt ")
                    SpeciesContextMapping scm = speciesContextMappings[j];
                    SpeciesContext sc = scm.getSpeciesContext();
                    StructureMapping sm = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(sc.getStructure());
                    SpeciesContextSpec scs = argSimContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(sc);
                    exp = Expression.add(exp, Expression.negate(Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(sc, argMathMapping.getNameScope()))));
                    // add term to K expression
                    SymbolTableEntry scSTE = null;
                    if (bFast) {
                        scSTE = sc;
                    } else {
                        scSTE = scs.getParameterFromRole(SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration);
                    constantExp = Expression.add(constantExp, Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(scSTE, argMathMapping.getNameScope())));
        if (firstSCM != null) {
            // store totalMass parameter (e.g. K_xyz_total = xyz_init + wzy_init)
            // MathMapping.MathMappingParameter totalMassParameter = mathMapping.addMathMappingParameter(constantName,constantExp.flatten(),MathMapping.PARAMETER_ROLE_TOTALMASS,cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_uM);
            // store dependency parameter (e.g. xyz = K_xyz_total - wzy)
            StructureMapping sm = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(firstSCM.getSpeciesContext().getStructure());
            exp = Expression.mult(exp, Expression.invert(sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping)));
            exp = exp.flatten();
            // exp.bindExpression(mathMapping_temp);
            // firstSCM.setDependencyExpression(exp);
            Dependency dependency = new Dependency();
            dependency.dependencyExpression = exp;
            dependency.speciesContextMapping = firstSCM;
            dependency.invariantSymbolName = constantName;
            dependency.conservedMoietyExpression = constantExp.flatten();
    return (StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[]) BeanUtils.getArray(dependencyList, StructureAnalyzer.Dependency.class);
Also used : SpeciesContextMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextMapping) SpeciesContext(cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) SpeciesContextSpec(cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec) StructureMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.StructureMapping) SymbolTableEntry(cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) RationalNumber(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 10 with RationalNumber

use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class RayCaster method rayCastXYZ_rational.

// compute ray intersection in X-Z plane with ray cast from y = -Infinity to +Infinity
// hitList is indexed as (i+numX*k)
public static RayCastResultsRational rayCastXYZ_rational(SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection, RationalNumber[] samplesX, RationalNumber[] samplesY, RationalNumber[] samplesZ) {
    int numX = samplesX.length;
    int numY = samplesY.length;
    int numZ = samplesZ.length;
    long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HitListRational[] hitListsXY = new HitListRational[numX * numY];
    for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
            // samplesX[i], samplesY[j]
            hitListsXY[i + numX * j] = new HitListRational();
    HitListRational[] hitListsXZ = new HitListRational[numX * numZ];
    for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
            // samplesX[i], samplesZ[k]
            hitListsXZ[i + numX * k] = new HitListRational();
    HitListRational[] hitListsYZ = new HitListRational[numY * numZ];
    for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
            // samplesY[j], samplesZ[k]
            hitListsYZ[j + numY * k] = new HitListRational();
    // here we expect either triangles or nonplanar quads which will be broken up into two triangles.
    // then process using barycentric-like coordinates.
    int hitCount = 0;
    cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle[] triangles = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle[2];
    for (int j = 0; j < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); j++) {
        Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(j);
        for (int k = 0; k < surface.getPolygonCount(); k++) {
            Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
            Node[] nodes = polygon.getNodes();
            double p0x = nodes[0].getX();
            double p0y = nodes[0].getY();
            double p0z = nodes[0].getZ();
            double p1x = nodes[1].getX();
            double p1y = nodes[1].getY();
            double p1z = nodes[1].getZ();
            double p2x = nodes[2].getX();
            double p2y = nodes[2].getY();
            double p2z = nodes[2].getZ();
            double minX = Math.min(p0x, Math.min(p1x, p2x));
            double maxX = Math.max(p0x, Math.max(p1x, p2x));
            double minY = Math.min(p0y, Math.min(p1y, p2y));
            double maxY = Math.max(p0y, Math.max(p1y, p2y));
            double minZ = Math.min(p0z, Math.min(p1z, p2z));
            double maxZ = Math.max(p0z, Math.max(p1z, p2z));
            if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 4) {
                double p3x = nodes[3].getX();
                double p3y = nodes[3].getY();
                double p3z = nodes[3].getZ();
                minX = Math.min(minX, p3x);
                maxX = Math.max(maxX, p3x);
                minY = Math.min(minY, p3y);
                maxY = Math.max(maxY, p3y);
                minZ = Math.min(minZ, p3z);
                maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, p3z);
                double epsilon = 1e-8;
                minX -= epsilon;
                maxX += epsilon;
                minY -= epsilon;
                maxY += epsilon;
                minZ -= epsilon;
                maxZ += epsilon;
            // precompute ray indices that are within the bounding box of the quad.
            int startI = numX;
            int endI = -1;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < numX; ii++) {
                double sampleX = samplesX[ii].doubleValue();
                if (sampleX >= minX && sampleX <= maxX) {
                    startI = Math.min(startI, ii);
                    endI = Math.max(endI, ii);
            int startJ = numY;
            int endJ = -1;
            for (int jj = 0; jj < numY; jj++) {
                double sampleY = samplesY[jj].doubleValue();
                if (sampleY >= minY && sampleY <= maxY) {
                    startJ = Math.min(startJ, jj);
                    endJ = Math.max(endJ, jj);
            int startK = numZ;
            int endK = -1;
            for (int kk = 0; kk < numZ; kk++) {
                double sampleZ = samplesZ[kk].doubleValue();
                if (sampleZ >= minZ && sampleZ <= maxZ) {
                    startK = Math.min(startK, kk);
                    endK = Math.max(endK, kk);
            // convert to quads to triangles if necessary
            int numTriangles;
            if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 3) {
                numTriangles = 1;
                triangles[0] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(1), polygon.getNodes(2));
            } else if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 4) {
                numTriangles = 2;
                triangles[0] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(1), polygon.getNodes(2));
                triangles[1] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(2), polygon.getNodes(3));
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("polygons with " + polygon.getNodeCount() + " edges are supported");
            for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; triIndex++) {
                cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle triangle = triangles[triIndex];
                Node node0 = triangle.getNodes()[0];
                RationalNumber ax = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getX());
                RationalNumber ay = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getY());
                RationalNumber az = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getZ());
                Node node1 = triangle.getNodes()[1];
                RationalNumber bx = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getX());
                RationalNumber by = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getY());
                RationalNumber bz = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getZ());
                Node node2 = triangle.getNodes()[2];
                RationalNumber cx = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getX());
                RationalNumber cy = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getY());
                RationalNumber cz = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getZ());
                // bx-ax;
                RationalNumber v1x = bx.sub(ax);
                // by-ay;
                RationalNumber v1y = by.sub(ay);
                // bz-az;
                RationalNumber v1z = bz.sub(az);
                // cx-ax;
                RationalNumber v0x = cx.sub(ax);
                // cy-ay;
                RationalNumber v0y = cy.sub(ay);
                // cz-az;
                RationalNumber v0z = cz.sub(az);
                // v1y*v0z - v1z*v0y;
                RationalNumber nx = v1y.mult(v0z).sub(v1z.mult(v0y));
                // -(v1x*v0z - v1z*v0x);
                RationalNumber ny = v1x.mult(v0z).sub(v1z.mult(v0x)).minus();
                // v1x*v0y - v1y*v0x;
                RationalNumber nz = v1x.mult(v0y).sub(v1y.mult(v0x));
                // here we probably don't have to normalize the vector ... so don't have to do this.
                // Math.sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
                RationalNumber normalLength = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(Math.sqrt(nx.mult(nx).add(ny.mult(ny)).add(nz.mult(nz)).doubleValue()));
                nx = nx.div(normalLength);
                ny = ny.div(normalLength);
                nz = nz.div(normalLength);
                // SAMPLE IN XY
                    // v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y;
                    RationalNumber dot11_xy = v1x.mult(v1x).add(v1y.mult(v1y));
                    // v0x*v1x + v0y*v1y;
                    RationalNumber dot01_xy = v0x.mult(v1x).add(v0y.mult(v1y));
                    // v0x*v0x + v0y*v0y;
                    RationalNumber dot00_xy = v0x.mult(v0x).add(v0y.mult(v0y));
                    // get normal in z direction (A,B,C) ... z component of (B-A)X(C-A)
                    // boolean entering = (nz < 0);
                    // 1.0 / (dot00_xy*dot11_xy - dot01_xy*dot01_xy);
                    RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_xy.mult(dot11_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot01_xy)).inverse();
                    for (int rayIndexI = startI; rayIndexI <= endI; rayIndexI++) {
                        for (int rayIndexJ = startJ; rayIndexJ <= endJ; rayIndexJ++) {
                            HitListRational hitList = hitListsXY[rayIndexI + rayIndexJ * numX];
                            // samplesX[rayIndexI]-ax;
                            RationalNumber vpx = samplesX[rayIndexI].sub(ax);
                            // samplesY[rayIndexJ]-ay;
                            RationalNumber vpy = samplesY[rayIndexJ].sub(ay);
                            // v0x*vpx + v0y*vpy;
                            RationalNumber dot0p_xy = v0x.mult(vpx).add(v0y.mult(vpy));
                            // v1x*vpx + v1y*vpy;
                            RationalNumber dot1p_xy = v1x.mult(vpx).add(v1y.mult(vpy));
                            // (dot11_xy * dot0p_xy - dot01_xy * dot1p_xy) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber u = (dot11_xy.mult(dot0p_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot1p_xy))).mult(invDenom);
                            // (dot00_xy * dot1p_xy - dot01_xy * dot0p_xy) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber v = (dot00_xy.mult(dot1p_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot0p_xy))).mult(invDenom);
                            // if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
                            if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
                                // az + (u*v0z) + (v*v1z);
                                RationalNumber v2z = az.add(u.mult(v0z)).add(v.mult(v1z));
                                if (nz.isZero()) {
                                    System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in XY plane: vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
                                RationalNumber centroidZ = az.add(bz).add(cz).div(new RationalNumber(3));
                                String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
                                hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, nz, v2z, centroidZ, debugMessage));
                                // System.out.println("hit xy @ x="+samplesX[rayIndexI]+", y="+samplesY[rayIndexJ]+" ... ray hit at z="+v2z);
                // SAMPLE IN XZ
                    // v1x*v1x + v1z*v1z;
                    RationalNumber dot11_xz = v1x.mult(v1x).add(v1z.mult(v1z));
                    // v0x*v1x + v0z*v1z;
                    RationalNumber dot01_xz = v0x.mult(v1x).add(v0z.mult(v1z));
                    // v0x*v0x + v0z*v0z;
                    RationalNumber dot00_xz = v0x.mult(v0x).add(v0z.mult(v0z));
                    // get normal in y direction (A,B,C) ... y component of (B-A)X(C-A)
                    // boolean entering = (ny < 0);
                    // 1.0 / (dot00_xz*dot11_xz - dot01_xz*dot01_xz);
                    RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_xz.mult(dot11_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot01_xz)).inverse();
                    for (int rayIndexI = startI; rayIndexI <= endI; rayIndexI++) {
                        for (int rayIndexK = startK; rayIndexK <= endK; rayIndexK++) {
                            HitListRational hitList = hitListsXZ[rayIndexI + rayIndexK * numX];
                            // samplesX[rayIndexI]-ax;
                            RationalNumber vpx = samplesX[rayIndexI].sub(ax);
                            // samplesZ[rayIndexK]-az;
                            RationalNumber vpz = samplesZ[rayIndexK].sub(az);
                            // v0x*vpx + v0z*vpz;
                            RationalNumber dot0p_xz = v0x.mult(vpx).add(v0z.mult(vpz));
                            // v1x*vpx + v1z*vpz;
                            RationalNumber dot1p_xz = v1x.mult(vpx).add(v1z.mult(vpz));
                            // (dot11_xz * dot0p_xz - dot01_xz * dot1p_xz) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber u = dot11_xz.mult(dot0p_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot1p_xz)).mult(invDenom);
                            // (dot00_xz * dot1p_xz - dot01_xz * dot0p_xz) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber v = dot00_xz.mult(dot1p_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot0p_xz)).mult(invDenom);
                            // if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
                            if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
                                // ay + (u*v0y) + (v*v1y);
                                RationalNumber v2y = ay.add(u.mult(v0y)).add(v.mult(v1y));
                                if (ny.isZero()) {
                                    System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in XZ plane (" + rayIndexI + "," + rayIndexK + "): vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
                                RationalNumber centroidY = ay.add(by).add(cy).div(new RationalNumber(3));
                                String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
                                hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, ny, v2y, centroidY, debugMessage));
                                // System.out.println("hit xz @ x="+samplesX[rayIndexI]+", z="+samplesZ[rayIndexK]+" ... ray hit at y="+v2y);
                // SAMPLE IN YZ
                    // v1y*v1y + v1z*v1z;
                    RationalNumber dot11_yz = v1y.mult(v1y).add(v1z.mult(v1z));
                    // v0y*v1y + v0z*v1z;
                    RationalNumber dot01_yz = v0y.mult(v1y).add(v0z.mult(v1z));
                    // v0y*v0y + v0z*v0z;
                    RationalNumber dot00_yz = v0y.mult(v0y).add(v0z.mult(v0z));
                    // get normal in y direction (A,B,C) ... y component of (B-A)X(C-A)
                    // boolean entering = (nx < 0);
                    // 1.0 / (dot00_yz*dot11_yz - dot01_yz*dot01_yz);
                    RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_yz.mult(dot11_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot01_yz)).inverse();
                    for (int rayIndexJ = startJ; rayIndexJ <= endJ; rayIndexJ++) {
                        for (int rayIndexK = startK; rayIndexK <= endK; rayIndexK++) {
                            HitListRational hitList = hitListsYZ[rayIndexJ + rayIndexK * numY];
                            // samplesY[rayIndexJ]-ay;
                            RationalNumber vpy = samplesY[rayIndexJ].sub(ay);
                            // samplesZ[rayIndexK]-az;
                            RationalNumber vpz = samplesZ[rayIndexK].sub(az);
                            // v0y*vpy + v0z*vpz;
                            RationalNumber dot0p_yz = v0y.mult(vpy).add(v0z.mult(vpz));
                            // v1y*vpy + v1z*vpz;
                            RationalNumber dot1p_yz = v1y.mult(vpy).add(v1z.mult(vpz));
                            // (dot11_yz * dot0p_yz - dot01_yz * dot1p_yz) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber u = dot11_yz.mult(dot0p_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot1p_yz)).mult(invDenom);
                            // (dot00_yz * dot1p_yz - dot01_yz * dot0p_yz) * invDenom;
                            RationalNumber v = dot00_yz.mult(dot1p_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot0p_yz)).mult(invDenom);
                            // if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
                            if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
                                // ax + (u*v0x) + (v*v1x);
                                RationalNumber v2x = ax.add(u.mult(v0x)).add(v.mult(v1x));
                                if (ny.isZero()) {
                                    System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in YZ plane: vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
                                RationalNumber centroidX = ax.add(bx).add(cx).div(new RationalNumber(3));
                                String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
                                hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, nx, v2x, centroidX, debugMessage));
                                // System.out.println("hit yz @ y="+samplesY[rayIndexJ]+", z="+samplesZ[rayIndexK]+" ... ray hit at x="+v2x);
    long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("***********************(RationalNumber UV) ray cast XYZ (" + hitCount + " hits), " + (t2 - t1) + "ms *********************");
    return new RayCastResultsRational(hitListsXY, hitListsXZ, hitListsYZ, numX, numY, numZ);
Also used : RationalNumber(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber)


RationalNumber (cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber)17 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)7 RationalExp (cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExp)3 SymbolTableEntry (cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry)3 RationalMatrixFast (cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalMatrixFast)2 SpeciesContext (cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext)2 VCUnitDefinition (cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition)2 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)1 SpeciesContextMapping (cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextMapping)1 SpeciesContextSpec (cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec)1 StructureMapping (cbit.vcell.mapping.StructureMapping)1 Feature (cbit.vcell.model.Feature)1 Membrane (cbit.vcell.model.Membrane)1 ModelUnitSystem (cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)1 ExpressionBindingException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1