use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SVDTest method getRationalMatrixFast.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/13/2003 11:06:29 AM)
* @return Jama.Matrix
public static RationalMatrixFast getRationalMatrixFast(SimpleMatrix matrix) {
RationalMatrixFast rMatrix = new RationalMatrixFast(matrix.getNumRows(), matrix.getNumCols());
for (int i = 0; i < rMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < rMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
RationalNumber r = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(matrix.get_elem(i, j));
rMatrix.set_elem(i, j, r.getNumBigInteger().longValue(), r.getDenBigInteger().longValue());
return rMatrix;
use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ModelUnitConverter method convertExprWithUnitFactors.
private static void convertExprWithUnitFactors(SymbolTable oldSymbolTable, SymbolTable newSymbolTable, VCUnitDefinition oldExprUnit, VCUnitDefinition newExprUnit, Expression expr) throws ExpressionException {
if (expr == null) {
String[] symbols = expr.getSymbols();
if (symbols != null) {
for (String s : symbols) {
SymbolTableEntry boundSTE = expr.getSymbolBinding(s);
SymbolTableEntry newSTE = newSymbolTable.getEntry(s);
SymbolTableEntry oldSTE = oldSymbolTable.getEntry(s);
if (boundSTE == null) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not bound to the model");
if (oldSTE == null) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not found in the new symbol table");
if (newSTE == null) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " was not bound to the old symbol table");
if (newSTE != boundSTE) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is not bound properly (binding doesn't match new symbol table)");
if (oldSTE.getUnitDefinition() == null) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is has a null unit in old model, can't convert");
if (newSTE.getUnitDefinition() == null) {
System.err.println("symbol '" + s + "' in expression " + expr.infix() + " is has a null unit in new model, can't convert");
if (oldSTE.getUnitDefinition().isTBD()) {
if (newSTE.getUnitDefinition().isTBD()) {
VCUnitDefinition oldToNewConversionUnit = oldSTE.getUnitDefinition().divideBy(newSTE.getUnitDefinition());
RationalNumber conversionFactor = oldToNewConversionUnit.getDimensionlessScale();
if (conversionFactor.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
Expression spcSymbol = new Expression(newSTE, newSTE.getNameScope());
expr.substituteInPlace(spcSymbol, Expression.mult(spcSymbol, new Expression(conversionFactor)));
if (oldExprUnit == null || oldExprUnit.isTBD() || newExprUnit == null || newExprUnit.isTBD()) {
Expression flattened = expr.flatten();
Expression origExp = new Expression(expr);
expr.substituteInPlace(origExp, flattened);
VCUnitDefinition oldToNewConversionUnit = newExprUnit.divideBy(oldExprUnit);
RationalNumber conversionFactor = oldToNewConversionUnit.getDimensionlessScale();
if (conversionFactor.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
Expression oldExp = new Expression(expr);
expr.substituteInPlace(oldExp, Expression.mult(oldExp, new Expression(conversionFactor)));
Expression flattened = expr.flatten();
Expression origExp = new Expression(expr);
expr.substituteInPlace(origExp, flattened);
use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASTPowerTerm method toSymbol.
public String toSymbol(RationalNumber power, UnitTextFormat format) {
if (jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTIdNode || jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTIntegerBaseNode) {
if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) {
if (power.equals(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format);
} else {
switch(format) {
case plain:
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + power.infix();
case unicode:
String powerString = ASTRationalNumberExponent.getUnicodeExponent(power);
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + powerString;
throw new RuntimeException("format " + + " not supported by unit symbol");
} else {
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format) + jjtGetChild(1).toSymbol(power, format);
} else if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) {
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power, format);
} else if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (jjtGetChild(1) instanceof ASTNegative) {
ASTNegative negNode = (ASTNegative) jjtGetChild(1);
RationalNumber exponent = negNode.getRationalNumber();
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power.mult(exponent), format);
} else if (jjtGetChild(1) instanceof ASTRationalNumberExponent) {
ASTRationalNumberExponent rationalNumberExponent = (ASTRationalNumberExponent) jjtGetChild(1);
RationalNumber exponent = rationalNumberExponent.value;
return jjtGetChild(0).toSymbol(power.mult(exponent), format);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected second child " + jjtGetChild(1).getClass().getName());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected unit format");
use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class StructureAnalyzer method refreshTotalDependancies.
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
* @param b cbit.vcell.math.Matrix
* @param vars java.lang.String[]
static StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[] refreshTotalDependancies(RationalMatrix nullSpaceMatrix, SpeciesContextMapping[] speciesContextMappings, MathMapping_4_8 argMathMapping, boolean bFast) throws Exception {
// System.out.println("StructureAnalyzer.refreshTotalDependancies()");
SimulationContext argSimContext = argMathMapping.getSimulationContext();
if (nullSpaceMatrix == null) {
// System.out.println("the matrix has full rank, there are no dependencies");
return new StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[0];
if (speciesContextMappings.length != nullSpaceMatrix.getNumCols()) {
// throw new Exception("varName array not same dimension as b matrix");
System.out.println("varName array not same dimension as b matrix");;
for (int i = 0; i < speciesContextMappings.length; i++) {
System.out.println("scm[" + i + "] is " + speciesContextMappings[i].getSpeciesContext().getName());
// System.out.println("there are "+nullSpaceMatrix.rows+" dependencies");
Vector<Dependency> dependencyList = new Vector<Dependency>();
for (int i = 0; i < nullSpaceMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
// find first variable
Expression exp = null;
Expression constantExp = null;
String constantName = null;
SpeciesContextMapping firstSCM = null;
boolean bFirst = true;
for (int j = 0; j < nullSpaceMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
RationalNumber coeff = nullSpaceMatrix.get_elem(i, j);
if (coeff.doubleValue() != 0.0) {
if (bFirst) {
if (coeff.doubleValue() != 1.0) {
System.out.println("i=" + i + " j=" + j);;
throw new Exception("expecting a coefficient of 1.0, instead coeff = " + coeff.infix());
firstSCM = speciesContextMappings[j];
// first term of dependancy expression ("K_CalciumCyt")
SpeciesContext firstSC = firstSCM.getSpeciesContext();
constantName = "K_" + firstSC.getName() + "_total";
exp = new Expression(constantName);
// first term of K expression
StructureMapping firstSM = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(firstSC.getStructure());
SpeciesContextSpec firstSCS = argSimContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(firstSC);
SymbolTableEntry scSTE = null;
if (bFast) {
scSTE = firstSCS.getSpeciesContext();
} else {
scSTE = firstSCS.getParameterFromRole(SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration);
constantExp = Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), firstSM.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(scSTE, argMathMapping.getNameScope()));
bFirst = false;
} else {
// add term to dependancy expression (" - 2*IP3Cyt ")
SpeciesContextMapping scm = speciesContextMappings[j];
SpeciesContext sc = scm.getSpeciesContext();
StructureMapping sm = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(sc.getStructure());
SpeciesContextSpec scs = argSimContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(sc);
exp = Expression.add(exp, Expression.negate(Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(sc, argMathMapping.getNameScope()))));
// add term to K expression
SymbolTableEntry scSTE = null;
if (bFast) {
scSTE = sc;
} else {
scSTE = scs.getParameterFromRole(SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration);
constantExp = Expression.add(constantExp, Expression.mult(new Expression(coeff), sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping), new Expression(scSTE, argMathMapping.getNameScope())));
if (firstSCM != null) {
// store totalMass parameter (e.g. K_xyz_total = xyz_init + wzy_init)
// MathMapping.MathMappingParameter totalMassParameter = mathMapping.addMathMappingParameter(constantName,constantExp.flatten(),MathMapping.PARAMETER_ROLE_TOTALMASS,cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition.UNIT_uM);
// store dependency parameter (e.g. xyz = K_xyz_total - wzy)
StructureMapping sm = argSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(firstSCM.getSpeciesContext().getStructure());
exp = Expression.mult(exp, Expression.invert(sm.getNormalizedConcentrationCorrection(argSimContext, argMathMapping)));
exp = exp.flatten();
// exp.bindExpression(mathMapping_temp);
// firstSCM.setDependencyExpression(exp);
Dependency dependency = new Dependency();
dependency.dependencyExpression = exp;
dependency.speciesContextMapping = firstSCM;
dependency.invariantSymbolName = constantName;
dependency.conservedMoietyExpression = constantExp.flatten();
return (StructureAnalyzer.Dependency[]) BeanUtils.getArray(dependencyList, StructureAnalyzer.Dependency.class);
use of cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalNumber in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RayCaster method rayCastXYZ_rational.
// compute ray intersection in X-Z plane with ray cast from y = -Infinity to +Infinity
// hitList is indexed as (i+numX*k)
public static RayCastResultsRational rayCastXYZ_rational(SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection, RationalNumber[] samplesX, RationalNumber[] samplesY, RationalNumber[] samplesZ) {
int numX = samplesX.length;
int numY = samplesY.length;
int numZ = samplesZ.length;
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
HitListRational[] hitListsXY = new HitListRational[numX * numY];
for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
// samplesX[i], samplesY[j]
hitListsXY[i + numX * j] = new HitListRational();
HitListRational[] hitListsXZ = new HitListRational[numX * numZ];
for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
// samplesX[i], samplesZ[k]
hitListsXZ[i + numX * k] = new HitListRational();
HitListRational[] hitListsYZ = new HitListRational[numY * numZ];
for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
// samplesY[j], samplesZ[k]
hitListsYZ[j + numY * k] = new HitListRational();
// here we expect either triangles or nonplanar quads which will be broken up into two triangles.
// then process using barycentric-like coordinates.
int hitCount = 0;
cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle[] triangles = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle[2];
for (int j = 0; j < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); j++) {
Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(j);
for (int k = 0; k < surface.getPolygonCount(); k++) {
Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
Node[] nodes = polygon.getNodes();
double p0x = nodes[0].getX();
double p0y = nodes[0].getY();
double p0z = nodes[0].getZ();
double p1x = nodes[1].getX();
double p1y = nodes[1].getY();
double p1z = nodes[1].getZ();
double p2x = nodes[2].getX();
double p2y = nodes[2].getY();
double p2z = nodes[2].getZ();
double minX = Math.min(p0x, Math.min(p1x, p2x));
double maxX = Math.max(p0x, Math.max(p1x, p2x));
double minY = Math.min(p0y, Math.min(p1y, p2y));
double maxY = Math.max(p0y, Math.max(p1y, p2y));
double minZ = Math.min(p0z, Math.min(p1z, p2z));
double maxZ = Math.max(p0z, Math.max(p1z, p2z));
if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 4) {
double p3x = nodes[3].getX();
double p3y = nodes[3].getY();
double p3z = nodes[3].getZ();
minX = Math.min(minX, p3x);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, p3x);
minY = Math.min(minY, p3y);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, p3y);
minZ = Math.min(minZ, p3z);
maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, p3z);
double epsilon = 1e-8;
minX -= epsilon;
maxX += epsilon;
minY -= epsilon;
maxY += epsilon;
minZ -= epsilon;
maxZ += epsilon;
// precompute ray indices that are within the bounding box of the quad.
int startI = numX;
int endI = -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < numX; ii++) {
double sampleX = samplesX[ii].doubleValue();
if (sampleX >= minX && sampleX <= maxX) {
startI = Math.min(startI, ii);
endI = Math.max(endI, ii);
int startJ = numY;
int endJ = -1;
for (int jj = 0; jj < numY; jj++) {
double sampleY = samplesY[jj].doubleValue();
if (sampleY >= minY && sampleY <= maxY) {
startJ = Math.min(startJ, jj);
endJ = Math.max(endJ, jj);
int startK = numZ;
int endK = -1;
for (int kk = 0; kk < numZ; kk++) {
double sampleZ = samplesZ[kk].doubleValue();
if (sampleZ >= minZ && sampleZ <= maxZ) {
startK = Math.min(startK, kk);
endK = Math.max(endK, kk);
// convert to quads to triangles if necessary
int numTriangles;
if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 3) {
numTriangles = 1;
triangles[0] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(1), polygon.getNodes(2));
} else if (polygon.getNodeCount() == 4) {
numTriangles = 2;
triangles[0] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(1), polygon.getNodes(2));
triangles[1] = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle(polygon.getNodes(0), polygon.getNodes(2), polygon.getNodes(3));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("polygons with " + polygon.getNodeCount() + " edges are supported");
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; triIndex++) {
cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle triangle = triangles[triIndex];
Node node0 = triangle.getNodes()[0];
RationalNumber ax = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getX());
RationalNumber ay = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getY());
RationalNumber az = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node0.getZ());
Node node1 = triangle.getNodes()[1];
RationalNumber bx = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getX());
RationalNumber by = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getY());
RationalNumber bz = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node1.getZ());
Node node2 = triangle.getNodes()[2];
RationalNumber cx = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getX());
RationalNumber cy = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getY());
RationalNumber cz = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(node2.getZ());
// bx-ax;
RationalNumber v1x = bx.sub(ax);
// by-ay;
RationalNumber v1y = by.sub(ay);
// bz-az;
RationalNumber v1z = bz.sub(az);
// cx-ax;
RationalNumber v0x = cx.sub(ax);
// cy-ay;
RationalNumber v0y = cy.sub(ay);
// cz-az;
RationalNumber v0z = cz.sub(az);
// v1y*v0z - v1z*v0y;
RationalNumber nx = v1y.mult(v0z).sub(v1z.mult(v0y));
// -(v1x*v0z - v1z*v0x);
RationalNumber ny = v1x.mult(v0z).sub(v1z.mult(v0x)).minus();
// v1x*v0y - v1y*v0x;
RationalNumber nz = v1x.mult(v0y).sub(v1y.mult(v0x));
// here we probably don't have to normalize the vector ... so don't have to do this.
// Math.sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
RationalNumber normalLength = RationalNumber.getApproximateFraction(Math.sqrt(nx.mult(nx).add(ny.mult(ny)).add(nz.mult(nz)).doubleValue()));
nx = nx.div(normalLength);
ny = ny.div(normalLength);
nz = nz.div(normalLength);
// v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y;
RationalNumber dot11_xy = v1x.mult(v1x).add(v1y.mult(v1y));
// v0x*v1x + v0y*v1y;
RationalNumber dot01_xy = v0x.mult(v1x).add(v0y.mult(v1y));
// v0x*v0x + v0y*v0y;
RationalNumber dot00_xy = v0x.mult(v0x).add(v0y.mult(v0y));
// get normal in z direction (A,B,C) ... z component of (B-A)X(C-A)
// boolean entering = (nz < 0);
// 1.0 / (dot00_xy*dot11_xy - dot01_xy*dot01_xy);
RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_xy.mult(dot11_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot01_xy)).inverse();
for (int rayIndexI = startI; rayIndexI <= endI; rayIndexI++) {
for (int rayIndexJ = startJ; rayIndexJ <= endJ; rayIndexJ++) {
HitListRational hitList = hitListsXY[rayIndexI + rayIndexJ * numX];
// samplesX[rayIndexI]-ax;
RationalNumber vpx = samplesX[rayIndexI].sub(ax);
// samplesY[rayIndexJ]-ay;
RationalNumber vpy = samplesY[rayIndexJ].sub(ay);
// v0x*vpx + v0y*vpy;
RationalNumber dot0p_xy = v0x.mult(vpx).add(v0y.mult(vpy));
// v1x*vpx + v1y*vpy;
RationalNumber dot1p_xy = v1x.mult(vpx).add(v1y.mult(vpy));
// (dot11_xy * dot0p_xy - dot01_xy * dot1p_xy) * invDenom;
RationalNumber u = (dot11_xy.mult(dot0p_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot1p_xy))).mult(invDenom);
// (dot00_xy * dot1p_xy - dot01_xy * dot0p_xy) * invDenom;
RationalNumber v = (dot00_xy.mult(dot1p_xy).sub(dot01_xy.mult(dot0p_xy))).mult(invDenom);
// if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
// az + (u*v0z) + (v*v1z);
RationalNumber v2z = az.add(u.mult(v0z)).add(v.mult(v1z));
if (nz.isZero()) {
System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in XY plane: vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
RationalNumber centroidZ = az.add(bz).add(cz).div(new RationalNumber(3));
String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, nz, v2z, centroidZ, debugMessage));
// System.out.println("hit xy @ x="+samplesX[rayIndexI]+", y="+samplesY[rayIndexJ]+" ... ray hit at z="+v2z);
// v1x*v1x + v1z*v1z;
RationalNumber dot11_xz = v1x.mult(v1x).add(v1z.mult(v1z));
// v0x*v1x + v0z*v1z;
RationalNumber dot01_xz = v0x.mult(v1x).add(v0z.mult(v1z));
// v0x*v0x + v0z*v0z;
RationalNumber dot00_xz = v0x.mult(v0x).add(v0z.mult(v0z));
// get normal in y direction (A,B,C) ... y component of (B-A)X(C-A)
// boolean entering = (ny < 0);
// 1.0 / (dot00_xz*dot11_xz - dot01_xz*dot01_xz);
RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_xz.mult(dot11_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot01_xz)).inverse();
for (int rayIndexI = startI; rayIndexI <= endI; rayIndexI++) {
for (int rayIndexK = startK; rayIndexK <= endK; rayIndexK++) {
HitListRational hitList = hitListsXZ[rayIndexI + rayIndexK * numX];
// samplesX[rayIndexI]-ax;
RationalNumber vpx = samplesX[rayIndexI].sub(ax);
// samplesZ[rayIndexK]-az;
RationalNumber vpz = samplesZ[rayIndexK].sub(az);
// v0x*vpx + v0z*vpz;
RationalNumber dot0p_xz = v0x.mult(vpx).add(v0z.mult(vpz));
// v1x*vpx + v1z*vpz;
RationalNumber dot1p_xz = v1x.mult(vpx).add(v1z.mult(vpz));
// (dot11_xz * dot0p_xz - dot01_xz * dot1p_xz) * invDenom;
RationalNumber u = dot11_xz.mult(dot0p_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot1p_xz)).mult(invDenom);
// (dot00_xz * dot1p_xz - dot01_xz * dot0p_xz) * invDenom;
RationalNumber v = dot00_xz.mult(dot1p_xz).sub(dot01_xz.mult(dot0p_xz)).mult(invDenom);
// if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
// ay + (u*v0y) + (v*v1y);
RationalNumber v2y = ay.add(u.mult(v0y)).add(v.mult(v1y));
if (ny.isZero()) {
System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in XZ plane (" + rayIndexI + "," + rayIndexK + "): vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
RationalNumber centroidY = ay.add(by).add(cy).div(new RationalNumber(3));
String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, ny, v2y, centroidY, debugMessage));
// System.out.println("hit xz @ x="+samplesX[rayIndexI]+", z="+samplesZ[rayIndexK]+" ... ray hit at y="+v2y);
// v1y*v1y + v1z*v1z;
RationalNumber dot11_yz = v1y.mult(v1y).add(v1z.mult(v1z));
// v0y*v1y + v0z*v1z;
RationalNumber dot01_yz = v0y.mult(v1y).add(v0z.mult(v1z));
// v0y*v0y + v0z*v0z;
RationalNumber dot00_yz = v0y.mult(v0y).add(v0z.mult(v0z));
// get normal in y direction (A,B,C) ... y component of (B-A)X(C-A)
// boolean entering = (nx < 0);
// 1.0 / (dot00_yz*dot11_yz - dot01_yz*dot01_yz);
RationalNumber invDenom = dot00_yz.mult(dot11_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot01_yz)).inverse();
for (int rayIndexJ = startJ; rayIndexJ <= endJ; rayIndexJ++) {
for (int rayIndexK = startK; rayIndexK <= endK; rayIndexK++) {
HitListRational hitList = hitListsYZ[rayIndexJ + rayIndexK * numY];
// samplesY[rayIndexJ]-ay;
RationalNumber vpy = samplesY[rayIndexJ].sub(ay);
// samplesZ[rayIndexK]-az;
RationalNumber vpz = samplesZ[rayIndexK].sub(az);
// v0y*vpy + v0z*vpz;
RationalNumber dot0p_yz = v0y.mult(vpy).add(v0z.mult(vpz));
// v1y*vpy + v1z*vpz;
RationalNumber dot1p_yz = v1y.mult(vpy).add(v1z.mult(vpz));
// (dot11_yz * dot0p_yz - dot01_yz * dot1p_yz) * invDenom;
RationalNumber u = dot11_yz.mult(dot0p_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot1p_yz)).mult(invDenom);
// (dot00_yz * dot1p_yz - dot01_yz * dot0p_yz) * invDenom;
RationalNumber v = dot00_yz.mult(dot1p_yz).sub(dot01_yz.mult(dot0p_yz)).mult(invDenom);
// if ((u > -epsilon) && (v > -epsilon) && (u + v < 1+epsilon)){
if ( && && u.add(v).le(RationalNumber.ONE)) {
// ax + (u*v0x) + (v*v1x);
RationalNumber v2x = ax.add(u.mult(v0x)).add(v.mult(v1x));
if (ny.isZero()) {
System.err.println("normal is zero for triangle index " + triIndex + " in YZ plane: vertices [(" + ax + "," + ay + "," + az + "),(" + bx + "," + by + "," + bz + "),(" + cx + "," + cy + "," + cz + ")] in plane YZ");
RationalNumber centroidX = ax.add(bx).add(cx).div(new RationalNumber(3));
String debugMessage = "u,v=(" + u + "," + v + "),nodes=(" + node0.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node1.getGlobalIndex() + "," + node2.getGlobalIndex() + ")";
hitList.addHitEvent(new HitEventRational(surface, polygon, nx, v2x, centroidX, debugMessage));
// System.out.println("hit yz @ y="+samplesY[rayIndexJ]+", z="+samplesZ[rayIndexK]+" ... ray hit at x="+v2x);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("***********************(RationalNumber UV) ray cast XYZ (" + hitCount + " hits), " + (t2 - t1) + "ms *********************");
return new RayCastResultsRational(hitListsXY, hitListsXZ, hitListsYZ, numX, numY, numZ);