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Example 16 with SimulationTask

use of cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class RunFakeSimOp method runFVSolverStandalone.

private static void runFVSolverStandalone(File simulationDataDir, Simulation sim, ClientTaskStatusSupport progressListener) throws Exception {
    int jobIndex = 0;
    SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(sim, jobIndex, null), 0);
    FVSolverStandalone fvSolver = new FVSolverStandalone(simTask, simulationDataDir, false);
    // fvSolver.runSolver();
    SolverStatus status = fvSolver.getSolverStatus();
    while (status.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_FINISHED && status.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_ABORTED && status.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_STOPPED) {
        if (progressListener != null) {
            progressListener.setProgress((int) (fvSolver.getProgress() * 100));
            if (progressListener.isInterrupted()) {
                throw UserCancelException.CANCEL_GENERIC;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        // catch interrupted exception and ignore it, otherwise it will popup a dialog in user interface saying"sleep interrupted"
        status = fvSolver.getSolverStatus();
    if (status.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_FINISHED) {
        throw new Exception("Sover did not finish normally." + status);
Also used : SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) SolverStatus(cbit.vcell.solver.server.SolverStatus) SimulationJob(cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationJob) FVSolverStandalone(cbit.vcell.solvers.FVSolverStandalone) UserCancelException(org.vcell.util.UserCancelException)

Example 17 with SimulationTask

use of cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class StochtestRunService method runsolver.

private static void runsolver(Simulation newSimulation, File baseDirectory, int numRuns, TimeSeriesMultitrialData timeSeriesMultitrialData) {
    Simulation versSimulation = null;
    File destDir = null;
    boolean bTimeout = false;
    // int progress = 1;
    for (int trialIndex = 0; trialIndex < numRuns; trialIndex++) {
        System.out.println("\n=====================================\n\nStarting trial " + (trialIndex + 1) + " of " + numRuns + "\n\n==============================\n");
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // }
        try {
            versSimulation = new TempSimulation(newSimulation, false);
            // printout(ruleBasedTestDir.getAbsolutePath());
            destDir = new File(baseDirectory, timeSeriesMultitrialData.datasetName);
            SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(versSimulation, 0, null), 0);
            Solver solver = ClientSimManager.createQuickRunSolver(destDir, simTask);
            while (true) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 30 * 1000) {
                    // timeout after 30 seconds .. otherwise multiple runs will take forever
                    bTimeout = true;
                    throw new RuntimeException("timed out");
                SolverStatus solverStatus = solver.getSolverStatus();
                if (solverStatus != null) {
                    if (solverStatus.getStatus() == SolverStatus.SOLVER_ABORTED) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(solverStatus.getSimulationMessage().getDisplayMessage());
                    if (solverStatus.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_STARTING && solverStatus.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_READY && solverStatus.getStatus() != SolverStatus.SOLVER_RUNNING) {
            SimulationData simData = new SimulationData(simTask.getSimulationJob().getVCDataIdentifier(), destDir, null, null);
            ODEDataBlock odeDataBlock = simData.getODEDataBlock();
            ODESimData odeSimData = odeDataBlock.getODESimData();
            timeSeriesMultitrialData.addDataSet(odeSimData, trialIndex);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            File file = new File(baseDirectory, Simulation.createSimulationID(versSimulation.getKey()) + "_solverExc.txt");
            StochtestFileUtils.writeMessageTofile(file, e.getMessage());
            if (bTimeout) {
                throw new RuntimeException("timed out");
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("solver failed : " + e.getMessage(), e);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// printout("\n");
Also used : Solver(cbit.vcell.solver.server.Solver) SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) TempSimulation(cbit.vcell.solver.TempSimulation) ODESimData(cbit.vcell.solver.ode.ODESimData) PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) XmlParseException(cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException) ImageException(cbit.image.ImageException) IOException( DataAccessException(org.vcell.util.DataAccessException) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) MappingException(cbit.vcell.mapping.MappingException) GeometryException(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometryException) TempSimulation(cbit.vcell.solver.TempSimulation) Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) SimulationData(cbit.vcell.simdata.SimulationData) ODEDataBlock(cbit.vcell.simdata.ODEDataBlock) File( SolverStatus(cbit.vcell.solver.server.SolverStatus) SimulationJob(cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationJob)

Example 18 with SimulationTask

use of cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SbmlVcmlConverter method solveSimulation.

 * solves the simulation that is passed in throught the simulation job.
private static void solveSimulation(SimulationJob simJob, String filePathName, SimSpec argSimSpec) /* Hashtable argSpUnitsHash, double argTimeFactor, Model.ReservedSymbol kMoleSymbol*/
    ODESolverResultSet odeSolverResultSet = null;
    try {
        /*		// Generate .idaInput string		
		File idaInputFile = new File(filePathName.replace(".vcml", ".idaInput"));
		PrintWriter idaPW = new;
		IDAFileWriter idaFileWriter = new IDAFileWriter(idaPW, simJob);

		// use the SundialsStandaloneSolver
		File idaOutputFile = new File(filePathName.replace(".vcml", ".ida"));
		Executable executable = new Executable(new String[]{"SundialsSolverStandalone", idaInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), idaOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()});
        // Generate .cvodeInput string
        File cvodeInputFile = new File(filePathName.replace(".vcml", ".cvodeInput"));
        PrintWriter cvodePW = new;
        SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(simJob, 0);
        CVodeFileWriter cvodeFileWriter = new CVodeFileWriter(cvodePW, simTask);
        // use the cvodeStandalone solver
        // use the SundialsStandaloneSolver
        File cvodeOutputFile = new File(filePathName.replace(".vcml", ".ida"));
		Executable executable = new Executable(new String[]{"d:/workspace/VCell_5.3_VCell/SundialsSolverStandalone_x64", cvodeInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), cvodeOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()});
        // use the cvodeStandalone solver
        // use the SundialsStandaloneSolver
        File[] exes = SolverUtilities.getExes(SolverDescription.CombinedSundials);
        assert exes.length == 1 : "one and only one smoldyn solver expected";
        File sundialsExe = exes[0];
        Executable executable = new Executable(new String[] { sundialsExe.getAbsolutePath(), cvodeInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), cvodeOutputFile.getAbsolutePath() });
        // get the result
        odeSolverResultSet = VCellSBMLSolver.getODESolverResultSet(simJob, cvodeOutputFile.getPath());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error running NativeIDA solver : " + e.getMessage());
    // now write out the results into CSV file
    try {
        if (odeSolverResultSet != null) {
            File csvFile = new File(filePathName.replace(".vcml", ".csv"));
            PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(csvFile)));
            for (int i = 0; i < argSimSpec.getVarsList().length; i++) {
                outputStream.print("," + argSimSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
            // extract data for time and species
            double[][] data = new double[argSimSpec.getVarsList().length + 1][];
            int column = odeSolverResultSet.findColumn("t");
            data[0] = odeSolverResultSet.extractColumn(column);
            int origDataLength = data[0].length;
            for (int i = 0; i < argSimSpec.getVarsList().length; i++) {
                column = odeSolverResultSet.findColumn(argSimSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
                if (column == -1) {
                    Variable var = simJob.getSimulationSymbolTable().getVariable(argSimSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
                    data[i + 1] = new double[data[0].length];
                    if (var instanceof cbit.vcell.math.Constant) {
                        double value = ((cbit.vcell.math.Constant) var).getExpression().evaluateConstant();
                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i + 1].length; j++) {
                            data[i + 1][j] = value;
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Did not find " + argSimSpec.getVarsList()[i] + " in simulation");
                } else {
                    data[i + 1] = odeSolverResultSet.extractColumn(column);
            double endTime = (simJob.getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription().getTimeBounds().getEndingTime());
            // for each time, print row
            int index = 0;
            double[] sampleTimes = new double[numTimeSteps + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i <= numTimeSteps; i++) {
                sampleTimes[i] = endTime * i / numTimeSteps;
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleTimes.length; i++) {
                // find largest index whose time is not past sample time
                while (true) {
                    // if already at last time point, then if it equals the sampleTime, we're done if it doesn't then we don't have this time point.
                    if (index == odeSolverResultSet.getRowCount() - 1) {
                        if (data[0][index] == sampleTimes[i]) {
                        } else {
                            throw new RuntimeException("sampleTime does not match at last time point");
                    // haven't gotten to last time point yet, stop when next time step is past sampleTime.
                    if (data[0][index + 1] > sampleTimes[i]) {
                    // sampleTime must be later in our data list.
                // if (data[0][index] == sampleTimes[i]) {
                if (Math.abs(data[0][index] - sampleTimes[i]) < 1e-12) {
                    // if timeFactor is not 1.0, time is not in seconds (mins or hrs); if timeFactor is 60, divide sampleTime/60; if it is 3600, divide sampleTime/3600.
                    // if (argTimeFactor != 1.0) {
                    // outputStream.print(data[0][index]/argTimeFactor);
                    // } else {
                    // }
                    for (int j = 0; j < argSimSpec.getVarsList().length; j++) {
                        // SBMLImporter.SBVCConcentrationUnits spConcUnits = (SBMLImporter.SBVCConcentrationUnits)argSpUnitsHash.get(argSimSpec.getVarsList()[j]);
                        // if (spConcUnits != null) {
                        // VCUnitDefinition sbunits = spConcUnits.getSBConcentrationUnits();
                        // VCUnitDefinition vcunits = spConcUnits.getVCConcentrationUnits();
                        // SBMLUnitParameter unitFactor = SBMLUtils.getConcUnitFactor("spConcParam", vcunits, sbunits, kMoleSymbol);
                        // outputStream.print("," + data[j + 1][index] * unitFactor.getExpression().evaluateConstant()); 		//earlier, hack unitfactor = 0.000001
                        // earlier, hack unitfactor = 0.000001
                        outputStream.print("," + data[j + 1][index]);
                    // }
                } else {
                    // if data[0][index] < sampleTime, must interpolate
                    double fraction = (sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index]) / (data[0][index + 1] - data[0][index]);
                    // if argTimeFactor is not 1.0, time is not in seconds (mins or hrs); if argTimeFactor is 60, divide sampleTime/60; if it is 3600, divide sampleTime/3600.
                    // if (argTimeFactor != 1.0) {
                    // outputStream.print(sampleTimes[i]/argTimeFactor);
                    // } else {
                    // }
                    for (int j = 0; j < argSimSpec.getVarsList().length; j++) {
                        double interpolatedValue = 0.0;
                        double[] speciesVals = null;
                        double[] times = null;
                        // Currently using 2nd order interpolation
                        if (index == 0) {
                            // can only do 1st order interpolation
                            times = new double[] { data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
                            speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
                            interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
                        } else {
                            if (index >= 1 && index <= origDataLength - 3) {
                                double val_1 = Math.abs(sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index - 1]);
                                double val_2 = Math.abs(sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index + 2]);
                                if (val_1 < val_2) {
                                    times = new double[] { data[0][index - 1], data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
                                    speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index - 1], data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
                                } else {
                                    times = new double[] { data[0][index], data[0][index + 1], data[0][index + 2] };
                                    speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1], data[j + 1][index + 2] };
                                interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
                            } else {
                                times = new double[] { data[0][index - 1], data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
                                speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index - 1], data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
                                interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
                        // end if-else - calc of interpolated value
                        // interpolatedValue = interpolatedValue * unitFactor.getExpression().evaluateConstant();
                        outputStream.print("," + interpolatedValue);
                    // end for - sp values for each time point (row)
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Result set was null, could not write to CSV file");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Errors saving results to CSV file" + e.getMessage());
Also used : PrintStream( SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) Variable(cbit.vcell.math.Variable) CVodeFileWriter(cbit.vcell.solver.ode.CVodeFileWriter) IOException( FileOutputStream( ODESolverResultSet(cbit.vcell.solver.ode.ODESolverResultSet) Executable(org.vcell.util.exe.Executable) File( BufferedOutputStream( PrintWriter(

Example 19 with SimulationTask

use of cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SimulationControllerImpl method onSimJobQueue_SimulationTask.

private void onSimJobQueue_SimulationTask(VCMessage vcMessage) {
    SimulationTask simTask = null;
    try {
        SimulationTaskMessage simTaskMessage = new SimulationTaskMessage(vcMessage);
        simTask = simTaskMessage.getSimulationTask();
        LocalSolverController solverController = getOrCreateSolverController(simTask);
        // can only start after updating the database is done
    } catch (Exception e) {
        lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        KeyValue simKey = simTask.getSimKey();
        VCSimulationIdentifier vcSimID = simTask.getSimulationJob().getVCDataIdentifier().getVcSimID();
        int jobIndex = simTask.getSimulationJob().getJobIndex();
        int taskID = simTask.getTaskID();
        SimulationJobStatus newJobStatus = new SimulationJobStatus(VCellServerID.getSystemServerID(), vcSimID, jobIndex, null, SchedulerStatus.FAILED, taskID, SimulationMessage.jobFailed(e.getMessage()), null, null);
        SimulationJobStatusEvent event = new SimulationJobStatusEvent(this, Simulation.createSimulationID(simKey), newJobStatus, null, null, vcSimID.getOwner().getName());
Also used : LocalSolverController(cbit.vcell.solvers.LocalSolverController) VCSimulationIdentifier(cbit.vcell.solver.VCSimulationIdentifier) SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) KeyValue(org.vcell.util.document.KeyValue) SimulationJobStatus(cbit.vcell.server.SimulationJobStatus) SimulationJobStatusEvent(cbit.rmi.event.SimulationJobStatusEvent) SimulationTaskMessage(cbit.vcell.message.messages.SimulationTaskMessage) PermissionException(org.vcell.util.PermissionException) ObjectNotFoundException(org.vcell.util.ObjectNotFoundException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) VCMessagingException(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessagingException) SolverException(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException) AuthenticationException(org.vcell.util.AuthenticationException) DataAccessException(org.vcell.util.DataAccessException) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) FileNotFoundException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) ConfigurationException(org.vcell.util.ConfigurationException)

Example 20 with SimulationTask

use of cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class HtcSimulationWorker method initQueueConsumer.

private void initQueueConsumer() {
    this.sharedMessageProducer = vcMessagingService.createProducerSession();
    QueueListener queueListener = new QueueListener() {

        public void onQueueMessage(VCMessage vcMessage, VCMessageSession session) throws RollbackException {
            SimulationTask simTask = null;
            try {
                SimulationTaskMessage simTaskMessage = new SimulationTaskMessage(vcMessage);
                simTask = simTaskMessage.getSimulationTask();
                if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "onQueueMessage() run simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName());
                PostProcessingChores rd = choresFor(simTask);
                HtcProxy clonedHtcProxy = htcProxy.cloneThreadsafe();
                if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "onQueueMessage() submit job: simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName());
                HtcJobID pbsId = submit2PBS(simTask, clonedHtcProxy, rd);
                if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "onQueueMessage() sending 'accepted' message for job: simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName());
                synchronized (sharedMessageProducer) {
                    WorkerEventMessage.sendAccepted(sharedMessageProducer, HtcSimulationWorker.class.getName(), simTask, ManageUtils.getHostName(), pbsId);
                if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "onQueueMessage() sent 'accepted' message for job: simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                if (simTask != null) {
                    try {
                        lg.error("failed to process simTask request: " + e.getMessage() + " for simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName(), e);
                        synchronized (sharedMessageProducer) {
                            WorkerEventMessage.sendFailed(sharedMessageProducer, HtcSimulationWorker.class.getName(), simTask, ManageUtils.getHostName(), SimulationMessage.jobFailed(e.getMessage()));
                        lg.error("sent 'failed' message for simulation key=" + simTask.getSimKey() + ", job=" + simTask.getSimulationJobID() + ", task=" + simTask.getTaskID() + " for user " + simTask.getUserName(), e);
                    } catch (VCMessagingException e1) {
                        lg.error(e1.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    lg.error("failed to process simTask request: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    int numHtcworkerThreads = Integer.parseInt(PropertyLoader.getProperty(PropertyLoader.htcworkerThreadsProperty, "5"));
    this.pooledQueueConsumer = new VCPooledQueueConsumer(queueListener, numHtcworkerThreads, sharedMessageProducer);
    VCellQueue queue = VCellQueue.SimJobQueue;
    VCMessageSelector selector = vcMessagingService.createSelector(getJobSelector());
    String threadName = "SimJob Queue Consumer";
    queueConsumer = new VCQueueConsumer(queue, pooledQueueConsumer, selector, threadName, MessageConstants.PREFETCH_LIMIT_SIM_JOB_HTC);
Also used : QueueListener(cbit.vcell.message.VCQueueConsumer.QueueListener) SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) HtcProxy( VCMessageSelector(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessageSelector) VCMessageSession(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessageSession) VCPooledQueueConsumer(cbit.vcell.message.VCPooledQueueConsumer) VCMessagingException(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessagingException) FileNotFoundException( ConfigurationException(org.vcell.util.ConfigurationException) ExecutableException(org.vcell.util.exe.ExecutableException) RollbackException(cbit.vcell.message.RollbackException) XmlParseException(cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException) SolverException(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException) IOException( DataAccessException(org.vcell.util.DataAccessException) UnknownHostException( VCQueueConsumer(cbit.vcell.message.VCQueueConsumer) VCMessage(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessage) VCMessagingException(cbit.vcell.message.VCMessagingException) HtcJobID(cbit.vcell.server.HtcJobID) VCellQueue(cbit.vcell.message.VCellQueue) SimulationTaskMessage(cbit.vcell.message.messages.SimulationTaskMessage)


SimulationTask (cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask)34 SimulationJob (cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationJob)26 File ( Simulation (cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation)15 IOException ( SolverStatus (cbit.vcell.solver.server.SolverStatus)11 XmlParseException (cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException)8 FieldDataIdentifierSpec (cbit.vcell.field.FieldDataIdentifierSpec)7 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)7 ExpressionException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)7 SolverException (cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException)7 FVSolverStandalone (cbit.vcell.solvers.FVSolverStandalone)7 PrintWriter ( UserCancelException (org.vcell.util.UserCancelException)7 TempSimulation (cbit.vcell.solver.TempSimulation)6 MathDescription (cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription)5 Variable (cbit.vcell.math.Variable)5 DataAccessException (org.vcell.util.DataAccessException)5 ImageException (cbit.image.ImageException)4 ODESimData (cbit.vcell.solver.ode.ODESimData)4