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Example 26 with DoubleArrayList

use of cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl method getDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis.

public DifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisValueObject getDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis(double threshold, Gene g, Map<Long, Long> eeFactorsMap, Collection<BioAssaySet> activeExperiments) {
    StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
         * Get results for each active experiment on given gene. Handling the threshold check below since we ignore this
         * for the meta analysis. The results returned are for all factors, not just the factors we are seeking.
    Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> resultsMap = differentialExpressionResultService.find(g, EntityUtils.getIds(activeExperiments));
    GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl.log.debug(resultsMap.size() + " results for " + g + " in " + activeExperiments);
    DifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisValueObject mavo = new DifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisValueObject();
    DoubleArrayList pvaluesToCombine = new DoubleArrayList();
    /* a gene can have multiple probes that map to it, so store one diff value object for each probe */
    Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> devos = new ArrayList<>();
    Collection<Long> eesThatMetThreshold = new HashSet<>();
    for (ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee : resultsMap.keySet()) {
        ExpressionExperimentValueObject eevo = this.configExpressionExperimentValueObject(ee);
        Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> proberesults = resultsMap.get(ee);
        Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> filteredResults = new HashSet<>();
        for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject r : proberesults) {
            Collection<ExperimentalFactorValueObject> efs = r.getExperimentalFactors();
            assert efs.size() > 0;
            if (efs.size() > 1) {
                // We always ignore interaction effects.
            ExperimentalFactorValueObject ef = efs.iterator().next();
                 * note that we don't care about the reverse: the eefactorsmap can have stuff we don't need. We focus on
                 * the experiments because they are easy to select & secure. The eefactorsmap provides additional
                 * details.
            assert eeFactorsMap.containsKey(ee.getId()) : "eeFactorsMap does not contain ee=" + ee.getId();
            Long sfId = eeFactorsMap.get(ee.getId());
            if (!ef.getId().equals(sfId)) {
                     * Screen out factors we're not using.
            /* filtered result with chosen factor */
        if (filteredResults.size() == 0) {
            GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl.log.warn("No result for ee=" + ee);
             * For the diff expression meta analysis, ignore threshold. Select the 'best' penalized probe if multiple
             * probes map to the same gene.
        DifferentialExpressionValueObject res = this.findMinPenalizedProbeResult(filteredResults);
        if (res == null)
        Double p = res.getP();
        if (p == null)
             * Moderate the pvalues by setting all values to be no smaller than PVALUE_CLIP_THRESHOLD
        pvaluesToCombine.add(Math.max(p, GeneDifferentialExpressionService.PVALUE_CLIP_THRESHOLD));
        for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject r : filteredResults) {
            Collection<ExperimentalFactorValueObject> efs = r.getExperimentalFactors();
            if (efs == null) {
                // This should not happen any more, but just in case.
                GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl.log.warn("No experimentalFactor(s) for DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult: " + r.getId());
            Boolean metThreshold = r.getCorrP() != null && (r.getCorrP() <= threshold);
            if (metThreshold) {
            Boolean fisherContribution = r.equals(res);
         * Meta-analysis part.
    double fisherPval = MetaAnalysis.fisherCombinePvalues(pvaluesToCombine);
    mavo.setGene(new GeneValueObject(g));
    if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Meta-analysis results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms");
    return mavo;
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) DifferentialExpressionValueObject(ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.diff.DifferentialExpressionValueObject) DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) StopWatch(org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch) GeneValueObject(ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneValueObject) DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList)

Example 27 with DoubleArrayList

use of cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class AbstractDifferentialExpressionAnalyzer method computeRanks.

 * @param pvalues pvalues
 * @return normalized ranks of the pvalues, or null if they were invalid/unusable.
double[] computeRanks(double[] pvalues) {
    if (pvalues == null) {
        log.error("Null pvalues");
        return null;
    if (pvalues.length == 0) {
        log.error("Empty pvalues array");
        return null;
    DoubleArrayList ranks = Rank.rankTransform(new DoubleArrayList(pvalues));
    if (ranks == null) {
        log.error("Pvalue ranks could not be computed");
        return null;
    double[] normalizedRanks = new double[ranks.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < ranks.size(); i++) {
        normalizedRanks[i] = ranks.get(i) / ranks.size();
    return normalizedRanks;
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList)

Example 28 with DoubleArrayList

use of cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl method doMetaAnalysis.

private GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis doMetaAnalysis(Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> updatedResultSets, Map<Gene, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> gene2result) {"Computing pvalues ...");
    DoubleArrayList pvaluesUp = new DoubleArrayList();
    DoubleArrayList pvaluesDown = new DoubleArrayList();
    // third pass: collate to get p-values. First we have to aggregate within result set for genes which have more
    // than one probe
    List<GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult> metaAnalysisResultsUp = new ArrayList<>();
    List<GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult> metaAnalysisResultsDown = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Gene g : gene2result.keySet()) {
        Map<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> resultSet2Results4Gene = this.getResults4GenePerResultSet(g, gene2result);
        if (g.getOfficialSymbol().equals("GUK1")) {
             * Compute the pvalues for each resultset.
        DoubleArrayList pvalues4geneUp = new DoubleArrayList();
        DoubleArrayList pvalues4geneDown = new DoubleArrayList();
        DoubleArrayList foldChanges4gene = new DoubleArrayList();
        Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> resultsUsed = new HashSet<>();
        for (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs : resultSet2Results4Gene.keySet()) {
            Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> res = resultSet2Results4Gene.get(rs);
            if (res.isEmpty()) {
                // shouldn't happen?
                DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.warn("Unexpectedly no results in resultSet for gene " + g);
            Double foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet = this.aggregateFoldChangeForGeneWithinResultSet(res);
            if (foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet == null) {
                // we can't go on.
            // we use the pvalue for the 'best' direction, and set the other to be 1- that. An alternative would be
            // to use _only_ the best one.
            Double pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp;
            Double pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown;
            if (foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet < 0) {
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = this.aggregatePvaluesForGeneWithinResultSet(res, false);
                assert pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown != null;
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = 1.0 - pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown;
            } else {
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = this.aggregatePvaluesForGeneWithinResultSet(res, true);
                assert pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp != null;
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = 1.0 - pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp;
            // If we have missing values, skip them. (this should be impossible!)
            if (Double.isNaN(pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp) || Double.isNaN(pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown)) {
                 * Now when we correct, we have to 1) bonferroni correct for multiple probes and 2) clip really small
                 * pvalues. We do this now, so that we don't skew the converse pvalues (up vs. down).
            pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = this.correctAndClip(res, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp);
            pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = this.correctAndClip(res, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown);
            // results used for this one gene's meta-analysis.
            boolean added = resultsUsed.addAll(res);
            assert added;
            if (DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
                DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.debug(String.format("%s %.4f %.4f %.1f", g.getOfficialSymbol(), pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown, foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet));
        // loop over results for one gene
        assert resultsUsed.size() >= pvalues4geneUp.size();
        if (pvalues4geneUp.size() < 2) {
             * Note that this value can be misleading. It should not be used to determine the change that was
             * "looked for". Use the 'upperTail' field instead.
        assert !Double.isNaN(Descriptive.mean(foldChanges4gene));
        double fisherPvalueUp = MetaAnalysis.fisherCombinePvalues(pvalues4geneUp);
        double fisherPvalueDown = MetaAnalysis.fisherCombinePvalues(pvalues4geneDown);
        if (Double.isNaN(fisherPvalueUp) || Double.isNaN(fisherPvalueDown)) {
        GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult metaAnalysisResultUp = this.makeMetaAnalysisResult(g, resultsUsed, fisherPvalueUp, Boolean.TRUE);
        GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult metaAnalysisResultDown = this.makeMetaAnalysisResult(g, resultsUsed, fisherPvalueDown, Boolean.FALSE);
        this.debug(g, fisherPvalueUp, fisherPvalueDown);
    assert metaAnalysisResultsUp.size() == metaAnalysisResultsDown.size();
    if (metaAnalysisResultsDown.isEmpty()) {
        // can happen if platforms don't have any genes that match etc.
        DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.warn("No meta-analysis results were obtained");
        return null;
    } + " initial meta-analysis results");
    DoubleArrayList qvaluesUp = MultipleTestCorrection.benjaminiHochberg(pvaluesUp);
    assert qvaluesUp.size() == metaAnalysisResultsUp.size();
    DoubleArrayList qvaluesDown = MultipleTestCorrection.benjaminiHochberg(pvaluesDown);
    assert qvaluesDown.size() == metaAnalysisResultsDown.size();
    return this.makeMetaAnalysisObject(updatedResultSets, metaAnalysisResultsUp, metaAnalysisResultsDown, qvaluesUp, qvaluesDown);
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene)

Example 29 with DoubleArrayList

use of cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class OutlierDetectionServiceImpl method identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation.

public Collection<OutlierDetails> identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat) {
    List<OutlierDetails> allSamples = new ArrayList<>();
    OutlierDetails sample;
    /* Find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles of each sample */
    for (int i = 0; i < cormat.rows(); i++) {
        DoubleArrayList cors = new DoubleArrayList();
        sample = new OutlierDetails(cormat.getRowName(i));
        for (int j = 0; j < cormat.columns(); j++) {
            if (j != i) {
                // get all sample correlations except correlation with self
                double d = cormat.get(i, j);
        assert (cors.size() == cormat.rows() - 1);
        sample.setFirstQuartile(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 25));
        sample.setMedianCorrelation(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 50));
        sample.setThirdQuartile(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 75));
        if (sample.getFirstQuartile() == Double.MIN_VALUE || sample.getMedianCorrelation() == Double.MIN_VALUE || sample.getThirdQuartile() == Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine one or more quartiles for a sample; ");
    /* Sort all samples by median correlation */
    Collections.sort(allSamples, OutlierDetails.MedianComparator);
    int numOutliers = 0;
    /* Check for overlap of first quartile and median of consecutive samples */
    for (int k = 0; k < allSamples.size() - 1; k++) {
        // if ( allSamples.get( k ).getMedianCorrelation() < allSamples.get( k + 1 ).getFirstQuartile() ) {
        if (allSamples.get(k).getThirdQuartile() < allSamples.get(k + 1).getFirstQuartile()) {
            numOutliers = k + 1;
    List<OutlierDetails> outliers = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int m = 0; m < numOutliers; m++) {
         * Check that all outliers are legitimate (controls for situations where sorting by median does not give 'true'
         * order)
    if (numOutliers > 0) {"Removing false positives; number of outliers before test: " + numOutliers);
        outliers = this.removeFalsePositives(allSamples, outliers, numOutliers);
        numOutliers = outliers.size();"Number of outliers after removing false positives: " + numOutliers);
    }"Found " + numOutliers + " outlier(s)");
    return outliers;
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList)

Example 30 with DoubleArrayList

use of cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class DataUpdater method addTotalCountInformation.

private void addTotalCountInformation(ExpressionExperiment ee, ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix countEEMatrix, Integer readLength, Boolean isPairedReads) {
    for (BioAssay ba : ee.getBioAssays()) {
        Double[] col = countEEMatrix.getColumn(ba);
        double librarySize = DescriptiveWithMissing.sum(new DoubleArrayList(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(col))); + " total library size=" + librarySize);
        ba.setSequenceReadCount((int) Math.floor(librarySize));
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) BioAssay(ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay)


DoubleArrayList (cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList)82 RegressionResult (edu.cmu.tetrad.regression.RegressionResult)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 AndersonDarlingTest ( IntArrayList (cern.colt.list.IntArrayList)6 DenseDoubleMatrix2D (cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D)5 TetradVector (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradVector)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 DoubleMatrix2D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D)4 TetradMatrix (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix)4 DoubleMatrix1D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D)3 DenseDoubleMatrix1D (cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix1D)3 Regression (edu.cmu.tetrad.regression.Regression)3 RegressionDataset (edu.cmu.tetrad.regression.RegressionDataset)3 StopWatch (org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch)2 CoordinatePoint (org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint)2 Record (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.realtime.CurrentVehicleEstimateQueryBean.Record)2 ScheduledBlockLocation ( BlockLocation ( ByteArrayConverter (