use of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class SmpBlas method dgemv.
public void dgemv(final boolean transposeA, final double alpha, DoubleMatrix2D A, final DoubleMatrix1D x, final double beta, DoubleMatrix1D y) {
split A, as follows:
x x
xxx x y
xxx x
--- -
xxx x
xxx x
--- -
xxx x
if (transposeA) {
dgemv(false, alpha, A.viewDice(), x, beta, y);
int m = A.rows();
int n = A.columns();
long flops = 2L * m * n;
// each thread should process at least 30000 flops
int noOfTasks = (int) Math.min(flops / 30000, this.maxThreads);
int width = A.rows();
noOfTasks = Math.min(width, noOfTasks);
if (noOfTasks < 2) {
// parallelization doesn't pay off (too much start up overhead)
seqBlas.dgemv(transposeA, alpha, A, x, beta, y);
// set up concurrent tasks
int span = width / noOfTasks;
final FJTask[] subTasks = new FJTask[noOfTasks];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfTasks; i++) {
final int offset = i * span;
// last span may be a bit larger
if (i == noOfTasks - 1)
span = width - span * i;
// split A along rows into blocks
final DoubleMatrix2D AA = A.viewPart(offset, 0, span, n);
final DoubleMatrix1D yy = y.viewPart(offset, span);
subTasks[i] = new FJTask() {
public void run() {
seqBlas.dgemv(transposeA, alpha, AA, x, beta, yy);
// System.out.println("Hello "+offset);
// run tasks and wait for completion
try {
this.smp.taskGroup.invoke(new FJTask() {
public void run() {
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
use of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Sorting method sort.
*Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the <i>natural ordering</i> of the matrix values in the given column.
*The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
*To sort ranges use sub-ranging views. To sort columns by rows, use dice views. To sort descending, use flip views ...
*<table border="1" cellspacing="0">
* <tr nowrap>
* <td valign="top"><tt>4 x 2 matrix: <br>
* 7, 6<br>
* 5, 4<br>
* 3, 2<br>
* 1, 0 <br>
* </tt></td>
* <td align="left" valign="top">
* <p><tt>column = 0;<br>
* view = quickSort(matrix,column);<br>
* System.out.println(view); </tt><tt><br>
* ==> </tt></p>
* </td>
* <td valign="top">
* <p><tt>4 x 2 matrix:<br>
* 1, 0<br>
* 3, 2<br>
* 5, 4<br>
* 7, 6</tt><br>
* The matrix IS NOT SORTED.<br>
* The new VIEW IS SORTED.</p>
* </td>
* </tr>
*@param matrix the matrix to be sorted.
*@param column the index of the column inducing the order.
*@return a new matrix view having rows sorted by the given column.
* <b>Note that the original matrix is left unaffected.</b>
*@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>column < 0 || column >= matrix.columns()</tt>.
public DoubleMatrix2D sort(DoubleMatrix2D matrix, int column) {
if (column < 0 || column >= matrix.columns())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("column=" + column + ", matrix=" + Formatter.shape(matrix));
// row indexes to reorder instead of matrix itself
int[] rowIndexes = new int[matrix.rows()];
for (int i = rowIndexes.length; --i >= 0; ) rowIndexes[i] = i;
final DoubleMatrix1D col = matrix.viewColumn(column);
IntComparator comp = new IntComparator() {
public int compare(int a, int b) {
double av = col.getQuick(a);
double bv = col.getQuick(b);
// swap NaNs to the end
if (av != av || bv != bv)
return compareNaN(av, bv);
return av < bv ? -1 : (av == bv ? 0 : 1);
runSort(rowIndexes, 0, rowIndexes.length, comp);
// take all columns in the original order
return matrix.viewSelection(rowIndexes, null);
use of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Sorting method zdemo5.
* Demonstrates sorting with precomputation of aggregates (median and sum of logarithms).
public static void zdemo5(int rows, int columns, boolean print) {
Sorting sort = quickSort;
// for reliable benchmarks, call this method twice: once with small dummy parameters to "warm up" the jitter, then with your real work-load
System.out.print("now initializing... ");
cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();
final cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
DoubleMatrix2D A = cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(rows, columns);
// initialize randomly
A.assign(new cern.jet.random.engine.DRand());
// also benchmark copying in its several implementation flavours
DoubleMatrix2D B =;
System.out.print("now copying... ");
System.out.print("now copying subrange... ");
B.viewPart(0, 0, rows, columns).assign(A.viewPart(0, 0, rows, columns));
// System.out.println(A);
System.out.print("now copying selected... ");
B.viewSelection(null, null).assign(A.viewSelection(null, null));
System.out.print("now sorting - quick version with precomputation... ");
// THE QUICK VERSION (takes some 10 secs)
A = sort.sort(A, hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D.median);
// A = sort.sort(A,hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D.sumLog);
// so we just show the first 5 rows
if (print) {
int r = Math.min(rows, 5);
hep.aida.bin.BinFunction1D[] funs = { hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D.median, hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D.sumLog, hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D.geometricMean };
String[] rowNames = new String[r];
String[] columnNames = new String[columns];
for (int i = columns; --i >= 0; ) columnNames[i] = Integer.toString(i);
for (int i = r; --i >= 0; ) rowNames[i] = Integer.toString(i);
System.out.println("first part of sorted result = \n" + new cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.Formatter("%G").toTitleString(A.viewPart(0, 0, r, columns), rowNames, columnNames, null, null, null, funs));
System.out.print("now sorting - slow version... ");
A = B;
cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.DoubleMatrix1DComparator fun = new cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.DoubleMatrix1DComparator() {
public int compare(DoubleMatrix1D x, DoubleMatrix1D y) {
double a = cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.Statistic.bin(x).median();
double b = cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.Statistic.bin(y).median();
// double b = y.aggregate(,F.log);
return a < b ? -1 : (a == b) ? 0 : 1;
A = sort.sort(A, fun);
use of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Sorting method sort.
*Sorts the matrix rows according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
*The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
*The algorithm compares two rows (1-d matrices) at a time, determinining whether one is smaller, equal or larger than the other.
*To sort ranges use sub-ranging views. To sort columns by rows, use dice views. To sort descending, use flip views ...
*// sort by sum of values in a row
*DoubleMatrix1DComparator comp = new DoubleMatrix1DComparator() {
* public int compare(DoubleMatrix1D a, DoubleMatrix1D b) {
* double as = a.zSum(); double bs = b.zSum();
* return as < bs ? -1 : as == bs ? 0 : 1;
* }
*sorted = quickSort(matrix,comp);
*@param matrix the matrix to be sorted.
*@param c the comparator to determine the order.
*@return a new matrix view having rows sorted as specified.
* <b>Note that the original matrix is left unaffected.</b>
public DoubleMatrix2D sort(final DoubleMatrix2D matrix, final DoubleMatrix1DComparator c) {
// row indexes to reorder instead of matrix itself
int[] rowIndexes = new int[matrix.rows()];
for (int i = rowIndexes.length; --i >= 0; ) rowIndexes[i] = i;
// precompute views for speed
final DoubleMatrix1D[] views = new DoubleMatrix1D[matrix.rows()];
for (int i = views.length; --i >= 0; ) views[i] = matrix.viewRow(i);
IntComparator comp = new IntComparator() {
public int compare(int a, int b) {
// return, matrix.viewRow(b));
return[a], views[b]);
runSort(rowIndexes, 0, rowIndexes.length, comp);
// take all columns in the original order
return matrix.viewSelection(rowIndexes, null);
use of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class LinearModelAnalyzer method doAnalysis.
* @param bioAssaySet source data, could be a SubSet
* @param dmatrix data
* @param samplesUsed analyzed
* @param factors included in the model
* @param subsetFactorValue null unless analyzing a subset (only used for book-keeping)
* @return analysis, or null if there was a problem.
private DifferentialExpressionAnalysis doAnalysis(BioAssaySet bioAssaySet, DifferentialExpressionAnalysisConfig config, ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dmatrix, List<BioMaterial> samplesUsed, List<ExperimentalFactor> factors, FactorValue subsetFactorValue) {
// We may want to change this to fall back to running normally, though the real fix is to just finish the ebayes implementation.
if (config.getModerateStatistics() && dmatrix.hasMissingValues()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Ebayes cannot be used when there are values missing in the data");
if (factors.isEmpty()) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.error("Must provide at least one factor");
return null;
if (samplesUsed.size() <= factors.size()) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.error("Must have more samples than factors");
return null;
final Map<String, Collection<ExperimentalFactor>> label2Factors = this.getRNames(factors);
Map<ExperimentalFactor, FactorValue> baselineConditions = ExperimentalDesignUtils.getBaselineConditions(samplesUsed, factors);
this.dropIncompleteFactors(samplesUsed, factors, baselineConditions);
if (factors.isEmpty()) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.error("Must provide at least one factor; they were all removed due to incomplete values");
return null;
QuantitationType quantitationType = dmatrix.getQuantitationTypes().iterator().next();
ExperimentalFactor interceptFactor = this.determineInterceptFactor(factors, quantitationType);
* Build our factor terms, with interactions handled specially
List<String[]> interactionFactorLists = new ArrayList<>();
ObjectMatrix<String, String, Object> designMatrix = ExperimentalDesignUtils.buildDesignMatrix(factors, samplesUsed, baselineConditions);
boolean oneSampleTTest = interceptFactor != null && factors.size() == 1;
if (!oneSampleTTest) {
this.buildModelFormula(config, label2Factors, interactionFactorLists);
// calculate library size before log transformation (FIXME we compute this twice)
DoubleMatrix1D librarySize = MatrixStats.colSums(dmatrix.getMatrix());
* FIXME: remove columns that are marked as outliers.
dmatrix = ExpressionDataDoubleMatrixUtil.filterAndLog2Transform(quantitationType, dmatrix);
DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> namedMatrix = dmatrix.getMatrix();
if (LinearModelAnalyzer.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.outputForDebugging(dmatrix, designMatrix);
DoubleMatrix<String, String> sNamedMatrix = this.makeDataMatrix(designMatrix, namedMatrix);
DesignMatrix properDesignMatrix = this.makeDesignMatrix(designMatrix, interactionFactorLists, baselineConditions);
* Run the analysis NOTE this can be simplified if we strip out R code.
final Map<String, LinearModelSummary> rawResults = this.runAnalysis(namedMatrix, sNamedMatrix, properDesignMatrix, librarySize, config);
if (rawResults.size() == 0) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.error("Got no results from the analysis");
return null;
* Initialize data structures we need to hold results.
// this used to be a Set, but a List is much faster.
Map<String, List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> resultLists = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<Double>> pvaluesForQvalue = new HashMap<>();
for (String factorName : label2Factors.keySet()) {
resultLists.put(factorName, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>());
pvaluesForQvalue.put(factorName, new ArrayList<Double>());
for (String[] fs : interactionFactorLists) {
String intF = StringUtils.join(fs, ":");
resultLists.put(intF, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>());
pvaluesForQvalue.put(intF, new ArrayList<Double>());
if (pvaluesForQvalue.isEmpty()) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.warn("No results were obtained for the current stage of analysis.");
return null;
* Create result objects for each model fit. Keeping things in order is important.
final Transformer rowNameExtractor = TransformerUtils.invokerTransformer("getId");
boolean warned = false;
int notUsable = 0;
int processed = 0;
for (CompositeSequence el : namedMatrix.getRowNames()) {
if (++processed % 15000 == 0) {"Processed results for " + processed + " elements ...");
LinearModelSummary lm = rawResults.get(rowNameExtractor.transform(el).toString());
if (LinearModelAnalyzer.log.isDebugEnabled())
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.debug(el.getName() + "\n" + lm);
if (lm == null) {
if (!warned) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.warn("No result for " + el + ", further warnings suppressed");
warned = true;
for (String factorName : label2Factors.keySet()) {
if (!pvaluesForQvalue.containsKey(factorName)) {
// was dropped.
Double overallPValue;
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult probeAnalysisResult = DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult.Factory.newInstance();
if (lm.getCoefficients() == null) {
// probeAnalysisResult.setPvalue( null );
// pvaluesForQvalue.get( factorName ).add( overallPValue );
// resultLists.get( factorName ).add( probeAnalysisResult );
Collection<ExperimentalFactor> factorsForName = label2Factors.get(factorName);
if (factorsForName.size() > 1) {
* Interactions
if (factorsForName.size() > 2) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.error("Handling more than two-way interactions is not implemented");
return null;
assert factorName.contains(":");
String[] factorNames = StringUtils.split(factorName, ":");
assert factorNames.length == factorsForName.size();
overallPValue = lm.getInteractionEffectP(factorNames);
if (overallPValue != null && !Double.isNaN(overallPValue)) {
Map<String, Double> interactionContrastTStats = lm.getContrastTStats(factorName);
Map<String, Double> interactionContrastCoeffs = lm.getContrastCoefficients(factorName);
Map<String, Double> interactionContrastPValues = lm.getContrastPValues(factorName);
for (String term : interactionContrastPValues.keySet()) {
Double contrastPvalue = interactionContrastPValues.get(term);
this.makeContrast(probeAnalysisResult, factorsForName, term, factorName, contrastPvalue, interactionContrastTStats, interactionContrastCoeffs);
} else {
if (!warned) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.warn("Interaction could not be computed for " + el + ", further warnings suppressed");
warned = true;
if (LinearModelAnalyzer.log.isDebugEnabled())
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.debug("Interaction could not be computed for " + el + ", further warnings suppressed");
// will over count?
} else {
* Main effect
assert factorsForName.size() == 1;
ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactor = factorsForName.iterator().next();
if (interceptFactor != null && factorsForName.size() == 1 && experimentalFactor.equals(interceptFactor)) {
overallPValue = lm.getInterceptP();
} else {
overallPValue = lm.getMainEffectP(factorName);
* Add contrasts unless overall pvalue is NaN
if (overallPValue != null && !Double.isNaN(overallPValue)) {
Map<String, Double> mainEffectContrastTStats = lm.getContrastTStats(factorName);
Map<String, Double> mainEffectContrastPvalues = lm.getContrastPValues(factorName);
Map<String, Double> mainEffectContrastCoeffs = lm.getContrastCoefficients(factorName);
for (String term : mainEffectContrastPvalues.keySet()) {
Double contrastPvalue = mainEffectContrastPvalues.get(term);
this.makeContrast(probeAnalysisResult, factorsForName, term, factorName, contrastPvalue, mainEffectContrastTStats, mainEffectContrastCoeffs);
} else {
if (!warned) {
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.warn("ANOVA could not be done for " + experimentalFactor + " on " + el + ", further warnings suppressed");
warned = true;
if (LinearModelAnalyzer.log.isDebugEnabled())
LinearModelAnalyzer.log.debug("ANOVA could not be done for " + experimentalFactor + " on " + el);
// will over count?
assert !Double.isNaN(overallPValue) : "We should not be keeping non-number pvalues (null or NaNs)";
// over terms
if (notUsable > 0) { + " elements or results were not usable - model could not be fit, etc.");
this.getRanksAndQvalues(resultLists, pvaluesForQvalue);
DifferentialExpressionAnalysis expressionAnalysis = this.makeAnalysisEntity(bioAssaySet, config, label2Factors, baselineConditions, interceptFactor, interactionFactorLists, oneSampleTTest, resultLists, subsetFactorValue);"Analysis processing phase done ...");
return expressionAnalysis;