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Example 11 with RandomEngine

use of cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.

the class Poisson method nextInt.

 * Returns a random number from the distribution; bypasses the internal state.
public int nextInt(double theMean) {
     *                                                                *
     * Poisson Distribution - Patchwork Rejection/Inversion           *
     *                                                                *
     *                                                                *
     * For parameter  my < 10  Tabulated Inversion is applied.        *
     * For my >= 10  Patchwork Rejection is employed:                 *
     * The area below the histogram function f(x) is rearranged in    *
     * its body by certain point reflections. Within a large center   *
     * interval variates are sampled efficiently by rejection from    *
     * uniform hats. Rectangular immediate acceptance regions speed   *
     * up the generation. The remaining tails are covered by          *
     * exponential functions.                                         *
     *                                                                *
    RandomEngine gen = this.randomGenerator;
    double my = theMean;
    double t, g, my_k;
    double gx, gy, px, py, e, x, xx, delta, v;
    int sign;
    // static double p,q,p0,pp[36];
    // static long ll,m;
    double u;
    int k, i;
    if (my < SWITCH_MEAN) {
        // CASE B: Inversion- start new table and calculate p0
        if (my != my_old) {
            my_old = my;
            llll = 0;
            p = Math.exp(-my);
            q = p;
            p0 = p;
        // for (k=pp.length; --k >=0; ) pp[k] = 0;
        m = (my > 1.0) ? (int) my : 1;
        for (; ; ) {
            // Step U. Uniform sample
            u = gen.raw();
            k = 0;
            if (u <= p0)
                return (k);
            if (llll != 0) {
                // Step T. Table comparison
                i = (u > 0.458) ? Math.min(llll, m) : 1;
                for (k = i; k <= llll; k++) if (u <= pp[k])
                    return (k);
                if (llll == 35)
            for (k = llll + 1; k <= 35; k++) {
                // Step C. Creation of new prob.
                p *= my / (double) k;
                q += p;
                pp[k] = q;
                if (u <= q) {
                    llll = k;
                    return (k);
            llll = 35;
    } else // end my < SWITCH_MEAN
    if (my < MEAN_MAX) {
        // CASE A: acceptance complement
        // static double        my_last = -1.0;
        // static long int      m,  k2, k4, k1, k5;
        // static double        dl, dr, r1, r2, r4, r5, ll, lr, l_my, c_pm,
        // f1, f2, f4, f5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6;
        int Dk, X, Y;
        double Ds, U, V, W;
        m = (int) my;
        if (my != my_last) {
            // set-up
            my_last = my;
            // approximate deviation of reflection points k2, k4 from my - 1/2
            Ds = Math.sqrt(my + 0.25);
            // mode m, reflection points k2 and k4, and points k1 and k5, which
            // delimit the centre region of h(x)
            k2 = (int) Math.ceil(my - 0.5 - Ds);
            k4 = (int) (my - 0.5 + Ds);
            k1 = k2 + k2 - m + 1;
            k5 = k4 + k4 - m;
            // range width of the critical left and right centre region
            dl = (double) (k2 - k1);
            dr = (double) (k5 - k4);
            // recurrence constants r(k) = p(k)/p(k-1) at k = k1, k2, k4+1, k5+1
            r1 = my / (double) k1;
            r2 = my / (double) k2;
            r4 = my / (double) (k4 + 1);
            r5 = my / (double) (k5 + 1);
            // reciprocal values of the scale parameters of expon. tail envelopes
            // expon. tail left
            ll = Math.log(r1);
            // expon. tail right
            lr = -Math.log(r5);
            // Poisson constants, necessary for computing function values f(k)
            l_my = Math.log(my);
            c_pm = m * l_my - Arithmetic.logFactorial(m);
            // function values f(k) = p(k)/p(m) at k = k2, k4, k1, k5
            f2 = f(k2, l_my, c_pm);
            f4 = f(k4, l_my, c_pm);
            f1 = f(k1, l_my, c_pm);
            f5 = f(k5, l_my, c_pm);
            // area of the two centre and the two exponential tail regions
            // area of the two immediate acceptance regions between k2, k4
            // immed. left
            p1 = f2 * (dl + 1.0);
            // centre left
            p2 = f2 * dl + p1;
            // immed. right
            p3 = f4 * (dr + 1.0) + p2;
            // centre right
            p4 = f4 * dr + p3;
            // expon. tail left
            p5 = f1 / ll + p4;
            // expon. tail right
            p6 = f5 / lr + p5;
        for (; ; ) {
            // case distinction corresponding to U
            if ((U = gen.raw() * p6) < p2) {
                // immediate acceptance region R2 = [k2, m) *[0, f2),  X = k2, ... m -1
                if ((V = U - p1) < 0.0)
                    return (k2 + (int) (U / f2));
                // immediate acceptance region R1 = [k1, k2)*[0, f1),  X = k1, ... k2-1
                if ((W = V / dl) < f1)
                    return (k1 + (int) (V / f1));
                // computation of candidate X < k2, and its counterpart Y > k2
                // either squeeze-acceptance of X or acceptance-rejection of Y
                Dk = (int) (dl * gen.raw()) + 1;
                if (W <= f2 - Dk * (f2 - f2 / r2)) {
                    // X = k2 - Dk
                    return (k2 - Dk);
                if ((V = f2 + f2 - W) < 1.0) {
                    // quick reject of Y
                    Y = k2 + Dk;
                    if (V <= f2 + Dk * (1.0 - f2) / (dl + 1.0)) {
                        // Y = k2 + Dk
                        return (Y);
                    // final accept of Y
                    if (V <= f(Y, l_my, c_pm))
                        return (Y);
                X = k2 - Dk;
            } else if (U < p4) {
                // immediate acceptance region R3 = [m, k4+1)*[0, f4), X = m, ... k4
                if ((V = U - p3) < 0.0)
                    return (k4 - (int) ((U - p2) / f4));
                // immediate acceptance region R4 = [k4+1, k5+1)*[0, f5)
                if ((W = V / dr) < f5)
                    return (k5 - (int) (V / f5));
                // computation of candidate X > k4, and its counterpart Y < k4
                // either squeeze-acceptance of X or acceptance-rejection of Y
                Dk = (int) (dr * gen.raw()) + 1;
                if (W <= f4 - Dk * (f4 - f4 * r4)) {
                    // X = k4 + Dk
                    return (k4 + Dk);
                if ((V = f4 + f4 - W) < 1.0) {
                    // quick reject of Y
                    Y = k4 - Dk;
                    if (V <= f4 + Dk * (1.0 - f4) / dr) {
                        // Y = k4 - Dk
                        return (Y);
                    // final accept of Y
                    if (V <= f(Y, l_my, c_pm))
                        return (Y);
                X = k4 + Dk;
            } else {
                W = gen.raw();
                if (U < p5) {
                    // expon. tail left
                    Dk = (int) (1.0 - Math.log(W) / ll);
                    // 0 <= X <= k1 - 1
                    if ((X = k1 - Dk) < 0)
                    // W -- U(0, h(x))
                    W *= (U - p4) * ll;
                    // quick accept of X
                    if (W <= f1 - Dk * (f1 - f1 / r1))
                        return (X);
                } else {
                    // expon. tail right
                    Dk = (int) (1.0 - Math.log(W) / lr);
                    // X >= k5 + 1
                    X = k5 + Dk;
                    // W -- U(0, h(x))
                    W *= (U - p5) * lr;
                    // quick accept of X
                    if (W <= f5 - Dk * (f5 - f5 * r5))
                        return (X);
            // log f(X) = (X - m)*log(my) - log X! + log m!
            if (Math.log(W) <= X * l_my - Arithmetic.logFactorial(X) - c_pm)
                return (X);
    } else {
        // mean is too large
        return (int) my;
Also used : RandomEngine(cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine)

Example 12 with RandomEngine

use of cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.

the class Benchmark method random.

 * Benchmarks all subclasses
 * @param size the number of random numbers to be generated per subclass.
 * @param print <tt>true</tt> prints each generated number, <tt>false</tt> does not print generated numbers (use this setting for benchmarking).
 * @param mean the mean for distributions that require a mean.
public static void random(int size, boolean print, double mean, String generatorName) {
    System.out.println("Generating " + size + " random numbers per distribution...\n");
    // int large = 100000000;
    int largeVariance = 100;
    // = new MersenneTwister();
    RandomEngine gen;
    try {
        gen = (RandomEngine) Class.forName(generatorName).newInstance();
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new InternalError(exc.getMessage());
	randomInstance(size,print,new Zeta(10.0, 10.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Zeta(1.0, 1.0, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Zeta(mean, mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Zeta(mean, 1/mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	//randomInstance(size,print,new Zeta(1/mean, mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Beta(10.0, 10.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Beta(1.0, 1.0, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Beta(mean, mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Beta(mean, 1/mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Beta(1/mean, mean, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Uniform((RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
    randomInstance(size, print, new Poisson(mean, (RandomEngine) gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new PoissonSlow(mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Poisson(3.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new PoissonSlow(3.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Binomial(1,0.5,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Binomial(5,0.3,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Binomial((int)mean,0.999999999,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Binomial((int)mean,1.0/mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Exponential(1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Exponential(3.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Normal(0.0,1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Normal(3.0,1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Normal(mean,largeVariance,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new BreitWigner(1.0, 0.2, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new BreitWigner(1.0, 0.2, 1.0, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new BreitWignerMeanSquare(1.0, 0.2, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));	
	randomInstance(size,print,new BreitWignerMeanSquare(1.0, 0.2, 1.0, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new ChiSquare(1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new ChiSquare(5.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new ChiSquare(mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(0.2,1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(1.0,1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(3.0,0.5,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(mean,0.5,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(mean,1.0/mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Gamma(mean,mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new StudentT(1.0,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new StudentT(2.5,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new StudentT(mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new StudentT(1.0/mean,(RandomEngine)gen.clone()));

	int probs = 10000;
	double[] pdf = new double[probs];
	for (int i=0; i<probs; i++) pdf[i]=i*i; // prepare f(x)=x^2 distrib.
	randomInstance(size,print,new Empirical(pdf,Empirical.NO_INTERPOLATION, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
	randomInstance(size,print,new Empirical(pdf,Empirical.LINEAR_INTERPOLATION, (RandomEngine)gen.clone()));
Also used : RandomEngine(cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine)

Example 13 with RandomEngine

use of cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine in project stream-lib by addthis.

the class TestConcurrentStreamSummary method testGeometricDistribution.

public void testGeometricDistribution() {
    ConcurrentStreamSummary<Integer> vs = new ConcurrentStreamSummary<Integer>(10);
    RandomEngine re = RandomEngine.makeDefault();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; i++) {
        int z = Distributions.nextGeometric(0.25, re);
    List<Integer> top = vs.peek(5);
    for (Integer e : top) {
    int tippyTop = top.get(0);
    assertEquals(0, tippyTop);
Also used : RandomEngine(cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with RandomEngine

use of cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine in project stream-lib by addthis.

the class TestStochasticTopper method testRandomEngine.

public void testRandomEngine() {
    int[] maxcounts = new int[10];
    int[] counts = new int[20];
    RandomEngine re = RandomEngine.makeDefault();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; i++) {
        //            int z = Distributions.nextZipfInt(1.2D, re);
        int z = Distributions.nextGeometric(0.25, re);
        if (z > Integer.MAX_VALUE - 9) {
            maxcounts[Integer.MAX_VALUE - z]++;
        if (z < 20) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        System.out.println(i + ": " + counts[i]);
    for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
        System.out.println((Integer.MAX_VALUE - i) + ": " + maxcounts[i]);
Also used : RandomEngine(cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with RandomEngine

use of cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine in project processdash by dtuma.

the class EVScheduleConfidenceIntervals method runSimulation.

private void runSimulation() {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    RandomEngine random = new MersenneTwister();
    int sampleCount = Settings.getInt("ev.simulationSize", BOOTSTRAP_SIZE);
    if (USE_RATIO && indivDates == null) {
        double factor = Math.exp(0.75 * Math.log(randomObjects.size()));
        sampleCount = (int) (sampleCount / factor);
        if (sampleCount < 100)
            sampleCount = 100;
    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) runOneTest(random);
    if (optimizedDate != null)
    if (indivDates != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < indivDates.length; i++) indivDates[i].samplesDone();
    long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long elapsed = finish - start;
    System.out.println("schedule simulation took " + elapsed + " ms.");
    if (optimizedDate != null)
        date.debug = true;
Also used : RandomEngine(cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine) MersenneTwister(cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister)


RandomEngine (cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine)16 Normal (cern.jet.random.Normal)8 MersenneTwister64 (cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister64)7 MeterRegistry (io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry)6 SampleConfig (io.micrometer.core.samples.utils.SampleConfig)6 Duration (java.time.Duration)6 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)6 Test (org.junit.Test)6 Flux (reactor.core.publisher.Flux)6 Timer (io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer)4 TimeUnit (java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)4 MersenneTwister (cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister)2 FunctionTimer (io.micrometer.core.instrument.FunctionTimer)2 ChiSquare (cern.jet.random.ChiSquare)1 Counter (io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter)1 LongTaskTimer (io.micrometer.core.instrument.LongTaskTimer)1 Tags (io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tags)1 TimeUtils (io.micrometer.core.instrument.util.TimeUtils)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1