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Example 6 with Point

use of cern.modesti.point.Point in project modesti by jlsalmon.

the class Constraints method validateUniqueConstraint.

 * Unique constraints apply to the entire request. For example, a constraint
 * with two members means that the result of the concatenation of the values
 * of those members must be unique for all points.
private static boolean validateUniqueConstraint(Constraint constraint, Request request, Category category) {
    boolean valid = true;
    List<String> concatenatedValues = new ArrayList<>();
    // Build a new array containing the concatenation of the values of all constraint members
    for (Point point : request.getNonEmptyPoints()) {
        String concatenatedValue = "";
        boolean atLeastOneNullMember = false;
        for (String member : constraint.getMembers()) {
            Object value = point.getValueByPropertyName(member);
            if (value != null && (value instanceof String && !((String) value).isEmpty())) {
                concatenatedValue += value.toString();
            } else {
                atLeastOneNullMember = true;
        if (atLeastOneNullMember) {
            concatenatedValue = "";
    for (Point point : request.getNonEmptyPoints()) {
        String value = concatenatedValues.get(request.getPoints().indexOf(point));
        if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && concatenatedValues.indexOf(value) != concatenatedValues.lastIndexOf(value)) {
            valid = false;
            // TODO: set category to invalid
            // = category.valid = valid = false;
            List<String> fieldNames = category.getFieldNames(constraint.getMembers());
            if (constraint.getMembers().size() == 1) {
                point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), constraint.getMembers().get(0), "'" + fieldNames.get(0) + "' must be unique for all points. Check for duplications.");
            } else {
                point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), "", "" + String.join(", ", fieldNames) + "' must be unique for all points. Check for duplications.");
    return valid;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point)

Example 7 with Point

use of cern.modesti.point.Point in project modesti by jlsalmon.

the class RequestDifferTest method createRequest.

private Request createRequest(int numPoints, int numProperties) {
    Request request = new RequestImpl();
    request.setDescription("Test description");
    request.setDomain("Unit Test");
    ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= numPoints; i++) {
        Point p = createPoint(i, numProperties);
    return request;
Also used : Request(cern.modesti.request.Request) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point) RequestImpl(cern.modesti.request.RequestImpl) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point)

Example 8 with Point

use of cern.modesti.point.Point in project modesti by jlsalmon.

the class CoreValidationService method validatePoints.

private boolean validatePoints(Request request, List<Category> categories) {
    boolean valid = true;
    for (Point point : request.getNonEmptyPoints()) {
        for (Category category : categories) {
            for (Field field : category.getFields()) {
                Object value = point.getValueByPropertyName(field.getPropertyName());
                // Check for invalid fields
                if (!isValidValue(value, point, field)) {
                    valid = false;
                    point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), field.getId(), "Value '" + value + "' is not a legal option for field '" + field.getName() + "'. Please select a value from the list.");
                // Validate unique fields
                if (field.getUnique() != null) {
                    Constraint constraint = new Constraint("unique", Collections.singletonList(field.getId()), null);
                    if (!Constraints.validate(constraint, request, category)) {
                        valid = false;
                // Required fields (can be simple boolean or condition list)
                boolean required = false;
                if (field.getRequired() instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) field.getRequired()) {
                    required = true;
                } else if (field.getRequired() != null) {
                    required = Conditionals.evaluate(field.getRequired(), point, request);
                if (required) {
                    if (value == null || value.equals("")) {
                        valid = false;
                        point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), field.getId(), "'" + field.getName() + "' is mandatory");
                // Min length
                if (field.getMinLength() != null) {
                    if (value != null && value.toString().length() < field.getMinLength()) {
                        valid = false;
                        point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), field.getId(), "'" + field.getName() + "' must be at least " + field.getMinLength() + " characters in length");
                // Max length
                if (field.getMaxLength() != null) {
                    if (value != null && value.toString().length() > field.getMaxLength()) {
                        valid = false;
                        point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), field.getId(), "'" + field.getName() + "' must not exceed " + field.getMaxLength() + " characters in length");
                // Numeric fields
                if (field.getType().equals("numeric")) {
                    if (value != null && !value.toString().isEmpty() && !NumberUtils.isNumber(value.toString())) {
                        valid = false;
                        point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), field.getId(), "Value for '" + field.getName() + "' must be numeric");
    return valid;
Also used : AutocompleteField(cern.modesti.schema.field.AutocompleteField) Field(cern.modesti.schema.field.Field) OptionsField(cern.modesti.schema.field.OptionsField) Category(cern.modesti.schema.category.Category) Constraint(cern.modesti.schema.category.Constraint) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point)

Example 9 with Point

use of cern.modesti.point.Point in project modesti by jlsalmon.

the class CoreValidationService method validateRequest.

public boolean validateRequest(Request request) {
    try {
        if (RequestType.DELETE.equals(request.getType())) {
            // Delete requests should not be validated
            return true;
        boolean valid = true;
        Schema schema = schemaRepository.findOne(request.getDomain());
        // Reset all points and clear any error messages.
        for (Point point : request.getPoints()) {
            point.setErrors(new ArrayList<>());
        if (environment.getProperty("modesti.disableValidator", Boolean.class, false) || request.isSkipCoreValidation()) {
  "core validations disabled");
        } else {
            // Concatenate all categories and datasources
            List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>(schema.getCategories());
            // Validate the mutually exclusive column group specifications.
            if (!validateMutualExclusions(request, categories)) {
                valid = false;
            // column groups and mutually inclusive fields.
            if (!validateConstraints(request, categories)) {
                valid = false;
            // values, min/max length, valid values etc.
            if (!validatePoints(request, categories)) {
                valid = false;
        if (!valid) {
  "request #%s failed validation, not invoking custom validator", request.getRequestId()));
            return false;
        }"request #%s is valid, invoking custom validator", request.getRequestId()));
        RequestProvider plugin = requestProviderRegistry.getPluginFor(request);
        RequestValidator validator = getPluginRequestValidator(plugin.getMetadata().getId());
        if (validator == null) {
  "custom validator not provided for request #%s", request.getRequestId()));
            return true;
        valid = validator.validateRequest(request, schema);
        return valid;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        request.setValid(false);;"Unexpected error during validation phase for request #%s '%s'", request.getRequestId(), e.toString()), e);
        return false;
Also used : Category(cern.modesti.schema.category.Category) Schema(cern.modesti.schema.Schema) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RequestProvider(cern.modesti.plugin.RequestProvider) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point)

Example 10 with Point

use of cern.modesti.point.Point in project modesti by jlsalmon.

the class CoreValidationService method validateMutualExclusions.

private boolean validateMutualExclusions(Request request, List<Category> categories) {
    boolean valid = true;
    for (Category category : categories) {
        if (category.getExcludes() == null) {
        for (String exclude : category.getExcludes()) {
            // Get the excluded category
            for (Category cat : categories) {
                if (cat.getId().equals(exclude)) {
                    Category excludedCategory = cat;
                    // so, say something like "Fields in the "Alarms" group cannot be used if fields in the "Commands" group have been specified.".
                    for (Point point : request.getNonEmptyPoints()) {
                        List<Field> emptyFields = point.getEmptyFields(category.getFields());
                        // If at least one of the fields of this category are filled, then we must check the excluded category.
                        if (emptyFields.size() != category.getFields().size()) {
                            emptyFields = point.getEmptyFields(excludedCategory.getFields());
                            if (emptyFields.size() != excludedCategory.getFields().size()) {
                                valid = false;
                                point.addErrorMessage(category.getId(), "", "Fields in the '" + category.getName() + "' group cannot be used if fields in the '" + excludedCategory.getName() + "' group have been specified.");
    return valid;
Also used : AutocompleteField(cern.modesti.schema.field.AutocompleteField) Field(cern.modesti.schema.field.Field) OptionsField(cern.modesti.schema.field.OptionsField) Category(cern.modesti.schema.category.Category) Point(cern.modesti.point.Point)


Point (cern.modesti.point.Point)15 Field (cern.modesti.schema.field.Field)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Request (cern.modesti.request.Request)4 PointImpl (cern.modesti.point.PointImpl)3 RequestImpl (cern.modesti.request.RequestImpl)3 Category (cern.modesti.schema.category.Category)3 DateTime (org.joda.time.DateTime)3 RequestProvider (cern.modesti.plugin.RequestProvider)2 RequestHistoryServiceImpl (cern.modesti.request.history.RequestHistoryServiceImpl)2 AutocompleteField (cern.modesti.schema.field.AutocompleteField)2 OptionsField (cern.modesti.schema.field.OptionsField)2 ObjectDiffer (de.danielbechler.diff.ObjectDiffer)2 DiffNode (de.danielbechler.diff.node.DiffNode)2 UnsupportedRequestException (cern.modesti.plugin.UnsupportedRequestException)1 RequestEventHandler (cern.modesti.request.spi.RequestEventHandler)1 Schema (cern.modesti.schema.Schema)1 Constraint (cern.modesti.schema.category.Constraint)1 User (cern.modesti.user.User)1 NotAuthorisedException (cern.modesti.workflow.task.NotAuthorisedException)1