use of chatty.util.api.usericons.Usericon in project chatty by chatty.
the class ChannelTextPane method printUserIcons.
* Prints the icons for the given User.
* @param user
private void printUserIcons(User user) {
addAddonIcons(user, true);
if (user.isBot() && styles.botBadgeEnabled()) {
Usericon icon = user.getIcon(Usericon.Type.BOT);
if (icon != null && !icon.removeBadge) {
print(icon.getSymbol(), styles.makeIconStyle(icon));
addAddonIcons(user, false);
use of chatty.util.api.usericons.Usericon in project chatty by chatty.
the class UsericonEditor method addUsericonOfBadgeType.
public void addUsericonOfBadgeType(String idVersion) {
Usericon usericon = UsericonFactory.createCustomIcon(Type.TWITCH, idVersion, "", "", "");