use of choco.cp.model.CPModel in project abstools by abstools.
the class ChocoSolverExperiment method main.
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
CPModel m = new CPModel();
boolean verbose = false;
if (!verbose)
// m.addVariable(i1);
IntegerVariable i1 = Choco.makeIntVar("i1", -10, 100);
// m.addVariable(i2);
IntegerVariable i2 = Choco.makeIntVar("i2", -10, 100);
// m.addVariable(i3);
IntegerVariable i3 = Choco.makeIntVar("i3", -10, 100);
// m.addVariable(i4);
IntegerVariable i4 = Choco.makeIntVar("i4", -10, 100);
// m.addVariable(b1);
IntegerVariable b1 = Choco.makeBooleanVar("b1");
// m.addVariable(b2);
IntegerVariable b2 = Choco.makeBooleanVar("b2");
// m.addVariable(b3);
IntegerVariable b3 = Choco.makeBooleanVar("b3");
// m.addVariable(b4);
IntegerVariable b4 = Choco.makeBooleanVar("b4");
// m.addVariable(b5);
IntegerVariable b5 = Choco.makeBooleanVar("b5");
m.addConstraint(// Choco.and(, i2) ,, 7) )
Choco.or(Choco.eq(i1, -3), Choco.eq(i1, 5)));
// Build the solver
CPSolver s = new CPSolver();
if (verbose)
System.out.println("####" + s.getConfiguration().stringPropertyNames());
// print the problem
if (verbose)
// Read the model;
// Solve the model
// s.solve();
// s.setObjective(s.getVar(i1))
// s.solve(); //
Boolean solved = s.maximize(s.getVar(i1), true);
if (solved) {
System.out.println("i1: " + s.getVar(i1).getVal());
// System.out.println("i2: "+s.getVar(i2).getVal());
} else {
System.out.println("no sol...");
try {
// s.getVar(b1).setVal(1);
// // s.getVar(b2).setVal(0);
// // s.getVar(b3).setVal(1);
// System.out.println("$$$ check sol: "+s.checkSolution()+" $$$");
// System.out.println("$$$ b1: "+s.getVar(b1).isInstantiated()+" $$$");
// System.out.println("$$$ b2: "+s.getVar(b2).isInstantiated()+" $$$");
} catch (Exception e1) {
// Catch-all
System.err.println("$$$ Failed to check solution... $$$");
// e1.printStackTrace();
if (verbose)
use of choco.cp.model.CPModel in project abstools by abstools.
the class ChocoSolverExperiment method othermain.
public static void othermain(final String[] args) throws Exception {
// Constant declaration
// Order of the magic square
int n = 3;
// Magic sum
int magicSum = n * (n * n + 1) / 2;
// Build the model
CPModel m = new CPModel();
// Creation of an array of variables
IntegerVariable[][] var = new IntegerVariable[n][n];
// For each variable, we define its name and the boundaries of its domain.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
var[i][j] = Choco.makeIntVar("var_" + i + "_" + j, 1, n * n);
// Associate the variable to the model.
// All cells of the matrix must be different
for (int i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < n * n; j++) {
Constraint c = (Choco.neq(var[i / n][i % n], var[j / n][j % n]));
// All rows must be equal to the magic sum
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
m.addConstraint(Choco.eq(Choco.sum(var[i]), magicSum));
IntegerVariable[][] varCol = new IntegerVariable[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
// Copy of var in the column order
varCol[i][j] = var[j][i];
// Each column?s sum is equal to the magic sum
m.addConstraint(Choco.eq(Choco.sum(varCol[i]), magicSum));
IntegerVariable[] varDiag1 = new IntegerVariable[n];
IntegerVariable[] varDiag2 = new IntegerVariable[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Copy of var in varDiag1
varDiag1[i] = var[i][i];
// Copy of var in varDiag2
varDiag2[i] = var[(n - 1) - i][i];
// Every diagonal?s sum has to be equal to the magic sum
m.addConstraint(Choco.eq(Choco.sum(varDiag1), magicSum));
m.addConstraint(Choco.eq(Choco.sum(varDiag2), magicSum));
// Build the solver
CPSolver s = new CPSolver();
// print the problem
// Read the model;
// Solve the model
// Print the solution
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
System.out.print(MessageFormat.format("{0} ", s.getVar(var[i][j]).getVal()));