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Example 6 with StrBuilder

use of cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder in project hutool by looly.

the class StrUtil method move.

 * 循环位移指定位置的字符串为指定距离<br>
 * 当moveLength大于0向右位移,小于0向左位移,0不位移<br>
 * 当moveLength大于字符串长度时采取循环位移策略,既位移到头后从头(尾)位移,例如长度为10,位移13则表示位移3
 * @param str 字符串
 * @param startInclude 起始位置(包括)
 * @param endExclude 结束位置(不包括)
 * @param moveLength 移动距离,负数表示左移,正数为右移
 * @return 位移后的字符串
 * @since 4.0.7
public static String move(CharSequence str, int startInclude, int endExclude, int moveLength) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str(str);
    int len = str.length();
    if (Math.abs(moveLength) > len) {
        // 循环位移,当越界时循环
        moveLength = moveLength % len;
    final StrBuilder strBuilder = StrBuilder.create(len);
    if (moveLength > 0) {
        int endAfterMove = Math.min(endExclude + moveLength, str.length());
        strBuilder.append(str.subSequence(0, startInclude)).append(// 
        str.subSequence(endExclude, endAfterMove)).append(// 
        str.subSequence(startInclude, endExclude)).append(str.subSequence(endAfterMove, str.length()));
    } else if (moveLength < 0) {
        int startAfterMove = Math.max(startInclude + moveLength, 0);
        strBuilder.append(str.subSequence(0, startAfterMove)).append(// 
        str.subSequence(startInclude, endExclude)).append(// 
        str.subSequence(startAfterMove, startInclude)).append(str.subSequence(endExclude, str.length()));
    } else {
        return str(str);
    return strBuilder.toString();
Also used : StrBuilder(cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder)

Example 7 with StrBuilder

use of cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder in project hutool by looly.

the class StrUtil method repeatAndJoin.

 * 重复某个字符串并通过分界符连接
 * <pre>
 * StrUtil.repeatAndJoin("?", 5, ",")   = "?,?,?,?,?"
 * StrUtil.repeatAndJoin("?", 0, ",")   = ""
 * StrUtil.repeatAndJoin("?", 5, null) = "?????"
 * </pre>
 * @param str 被重复的字符串
 * @param count 数量
 * @param conjunction 分界符
 * @return 连接后的字符串
 * @since 4.0.1
public static String repeatAndJoin(CharSequence str, int count, CharSequence conjunction) {
    if (count <= 0) {
        return EMPTY;
    final StrBuilder builder = StrBuilder.create();
    boolean isFirst = true;
    while (count-- > 0) {
        if (isFirst) {
            isFirst = false;
        } else if (isNotEmpty(conjunction)) {
    return builder.toString();
Also used : StrBuilder(cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder)

Example 8 with StrBuilder

use of cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder in project hutool by looly.

the class StrUtil method replace.

 * 替换字符串中的指定字符串
 * @param str 字符串
 * @param fromIndex 开始位置
 * @param searchStr 被查找的字符串
 * @param replacement 被替换的字符串
 * @param ignoreCase 是否忽略大小写
 * @return 替换后的字符串
 * @since 4.0.3
public static String replace(CharSequence str, int fromIndex, CharSequence searchStr, CharSequence replacement, boolean ignoreCase) {
    if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(searchStr)) {
        return str(str);
    if (null == replacement) {
        replacement = EMPTY;
    final int strLength = str.length();
    final int searchStrLength = searchStr.length();
    if (fromIndex > strLength) {
        return str(str);
    } else if (fromIndex < 0) {
        fromIndex = 0;
    final StrBuilder result = StrBuilder.create(strLength + 16);
    if (0 != fromIndex) {
        result.append(str.subSequence(0, fromIndex));
    int preIndex = fromIndex;
    int index = fromIndex;
    while ((index = indexOf(str, searchStr, preIndex, ignoreCase)) > 0) {
        result.append(str.subSequence(preIndex, index));
        preIndex = index + searchStrLength;
    if (preIndex < strLength) {
        // 结尾部分
        result.append(str.subSequence(preIndex, strLength));
    return result.toString();
Also used : StrBuilder(cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder)


StrBuilder (cn.hutool.core.text.StrBuilder)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 IORuntimeException ( IOException (