use of co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.table.Get in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MapReduceProgramRunnerTest method testFailure.
// TODO: this tests failure in Map tasks. We also need to test: failure in Reduce task, kill of a job by user.
private void testFailure(boolean frequentFlushing) throws Exception {
// We want to verify that when mapreduce job fails:
// * things written in initialize() remains and visible to others
// * things written in tasks not visible to others TODO AAA: do invalidate
// * things written in onfinish() remains and visible to others
// NOTE: the code of this test is similar to testTimeSeriesRecordsCount() test. We put some "bad data" intentionally
// here to be recognized by map tasks as a message to emulate failure
final ApplicationWithPrograms app = deployApp(AppWithMapReduce.class);
// we need to start a tx context and do a "get" on all datasets so that they are in datasetCache
final TimeseriesTable table = datasetCache.getDataset("timeSeries");
final KeyValueTable beforeSubmitTable = datasetCache.getDataset("beforeSubmit");
final KeyValueTable onFinishTable = datasetCache.getDataset("onFinish");
final Table counters = datasetCache.getDataset("counters");
final Table countersFromContext = datasetCache.getDataset("countersFromContext");
// 1) fill test data
fillTestInputData(txExecutorFactory, table, true);
// 2) run job
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
runProgram(app, AppWithMapReduce.AggregateTimeseriesByTag.class, frequentFlushing, false);
final long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 3) verify results
Transactions.createTransactionExecutor(txExecutorFactory, datasetCache.getTransactionAwares()).execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() {
// data should be rolled back todo: test that partially written is rolled back too
Assert.assertFalse(, start, stop).hasNext());
// but written beforeSubmit and onFinish is available to others
Assert.assertEquals(0, counters.get(new Get("mapper")).getLong("records", 0));
Assert.assertEquals(0, counters.get(new Get("reducer")).getLong("records", 0));
Assert.assertEquals(0, countersFromContext.get(new Get("mapper")).getLong("records", 0));
Assert.assertEquals(0, countersFromContext.get(new Get("reducer")).getLong("records", 0));