Search in sources :

Example 26 with MDSKey

use of co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey in project cdap by caskdata.

the class AppMetadataStore method getAllAppVersionsAppIds.

public List<ApplicationId> getAllAppVersionsAppIds(String namespaceId, String appId) {
    List<ApplicationId> appIds = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MDSKey key : listKV(new MDSKey.Builder().add(TYPE_APP_META, namespaceId, appId).build(), ApplicationMeta.class).keySet()) {
        MDSKey.Splitter splitter = key.split();
        // skip recordType
        // skip namespaceId
        // skip appId
        String versionId = splitter.hasRemaining() ? splitter.getString() : ApplicationId.DEFAULT_VERSION;
        appIds.add(new NamespaceId(namespaceId).app(appId, versionId));
    return appIds;
Also used : GsonBuilder( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MDSKey(co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey) NamespaceId( ApplicationId(

Example 27 with MDSKey

use of co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey in project cdap by caskdata.

the class AppMetadataStore method getNonCompleteRuns.

private Map<ProgramRunId, RunRecordMeta> getNonCompleteRuns(@Nullable ProgramId programId, String recordType, final long startTime, final long endTime, int limit, Predicate<RunRecordMeta> filter) {
    Predicate<RunRecordMeta> valuePredicate = andPredicate(new Predicate<RunRecordMeta>() {

        public boolean apply(RunRecordMeta input) {
            return input.getStartTs() >= startTime && input.getStartTs() < endTime;
    }, filter);
    if (programId == null || !programId.getVersion().equals(ApplicationId.DEFAULT_VERSION)) {
        MDSKey key = getProgramKeyBuilder(recordType, programId).build();
        return getProgramRunIdMap(listKV(key, null, RunRecordMeta.class, limit, valuePredicate));
    Predicate<MDSKey> keyPredicate = new AppVersionPredicate(ApplicationId.DEFAULT_VERSION);
    MDSKey key = getProgramKeyBuilder(recordType, programId).build();
    Map<MDSKey, RunRecordMeta> newRecords = listKV(key, null, RunRecordMeta.class, limit, keyPredicate, valuePredicate);
    int remaining = limit - newRecords.size();
    if (remaining > 0 && !upgradeComplete.get()) {
        // We need to scan twice since the scan key is modified based on whether we include the app version or not.
        key = getVersionLessProgramKeyBuilder(recordType, programId).build();
        Map<MDSKey, RunRecordMeta> oldRecords = listKV(key, null, RunRecordMeta.class, remaining, keyPredicate, valuePredicate);
    return getProgramRunIdMap(newRecords);
Also used : MDSKey(co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey)

Example 28 with MDSKey

use of co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey in project cdap by caskdata.

the class AppMetadataStore method recordProgramSuspendResume.

private void recordProgramSuspendResume(ProgramId programId, String pid, String action) {
    String fromType = TYPE_RUN_RECORD_STARTED;
    ProgramRunStatus toStatus = ProgramRunStatus.SUSPENDED;
    if (action.equals("resume")) {
        toStatus = ProgramRunStatus.RUNNING;
    MDSKey key = getProgramKeyBuilder(fromType, programId).add(pid).build();
    RunRecordMeta record = get(key, RunRecordMeta.class);
    // Check without the version string only for default version
    if (!upgradeComplete.get() && record == null && (programId.getVersion().equals(ApplicationId.DEFAULT_VERSION))) {
        key = getVersionLessProgramKeyBuilder(fromType, programId).add(pid).build();
        record = get(key, RunRecordMeta.class);
    if (record == null) {
        String msg = String.format("No meta for %s run record for namespace %s app %s program type %s " + "program %s pid %s exists", action.equals("suspend") ? "started" : "suspended", programId.getNamespace(), programId.getApplication(), programId.getType().name(), programId.getProgram(), pid);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    // Since the key contains the RunId/PID in addition to the programId, it is ok to deleteAll.
    key = getProgramKeyBuilder(toType, programId).add(pid).build();
    write(key, new RunRecordMeta(record, null, toStatus));
Also used : ProgramRunStatus(co.cask.cdap.proto.ProgramRunStatus) MDSKey(co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey)

Example 29 with MDSKey

use of co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey in project cdap by caskdata.

the class AppMetadataStore method upgradeVersionKeys.

   * Upgrades the rowkeys for the given record type.
   * @param recordType type of the record
   * @param typeOfT    content type of the record
   * @param <T>        type param
   * @param maxRows    maximum number of rows to be upgraded in this call.
   * @return true if no rows required an upgrade
private <T> boolean upgradeVersionKeys(String recordType, Type typeOfT, int maxRows) {"Upgrading {}", recordType);
    MDSKey startKey = new MDSKey.Builder().add(recordType).build();
    Map<MDSKey, T> oldMap = listKV(startKey, typeOfT);
    Map<MDSKey, T> newMap = new HashMap<>();
    Set<MDSKey> deleteKeys = new HashSet<>();
    for (Map.Entry<MDSKey, T> oldEntry : oldMap.entrySet()) {
        MDSKey oldKey = oldEntry.getKey();
        MDSKey newKey = appendDefaultVersion(recordType, typeOfT, oldKey);
        // If the key has been modified, only then add it to the map.
        if (!newKey.equals(oldKey)) {
            // If a row with the new key doesn't exists, only then upgrade the old key otherwise just delete the old key.
            Object valueOfNewKey = get(newKey, typeOfT);
            if (valueOfNewKey == null) {
                newMap.put(newKey, oldEntry.getValue());
            // We want to modify only certain number of rows
            if (deleteKeys.size() >= maxRows) {
    // No rows needs to be modified
    if (deleteKeys.size() == 0) {
        return true;
    // Delete old keys
    for (MDSKey oldKey : deleteKeys) {
    // Write new rows
    for (Map.Entry<MDSKey, T> newEntry : newMap.entrySet()) {
        write(newEntry.getKey(), newEntry.getValue());
    return false;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) GsonBuilder( MDSKey(co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey) Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 30 with MDSKey

use of co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey in project cdap by caskdata.

the class AppMetadataStore method recordProgramStop.

private void recordProgramStop(ProgramId programId, String pid, long stopTs, ProgramRunStatus runStatus, @Nullable BasicThrowable failureCause, MDSKey.Builder builder) {
    MDSKey key = getProgramKeyBuilder(TYPE_RUN_RECORD_STARTED, programId).add(pid).build();
    RunRecordMeta started = getFirst(key, RunRecordMeta.class);
    // Check without the version string only for default version
    if (!upgradeComplete.get() && started == null && (programId.getVersion().equals(ApplicationId.DEFAULT_VERSION))) {
        key = getVersionLessProgramKeyBuilder(TYPE_RUN_RECORD_STARTED, programId).add(pid).build();
        started = getFirst(key, RunRecordMeta.class);
    if (started == null) {
        String msg = String.format("No meta for started run record for namespace %s app %s version %s program type %s " + "program %s pid %s exists", programId.getNamespace(), programId.getApplication(), programId.getVersion(), programId.getType().name(), programId.getProgram(), pid);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    if (started.getSystemArgs() != null && started.getSystemArgs().containsKey(ProgramOptionConstants.WORKFLOW_NAME)) {
        addWorkflowNodeState(programId, pid, started.getSystemArgs(), runStatus, failureCause);
    // Since the key contains the RunId/PID in addition to the programId, it is ok to deleteAll.
    key = builder.add(getInvertedTsKeyPart(started.getStartTs())).add(pid).build();
    write(key, new RunRecordMeta(started, stopTs, runStatus));
Also used : MDSKey(co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey)


MDSKey (co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.MDSKey)48 GsonBuilder ( Row (co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.table.Row)8 ProgramId ( Scanner (co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.table.Scanner)6 ProgramRunId ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 RunRecordMeta ( DatasetId ( ImmutableMap ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 RunId (org.apache.twill.api.RunId)3 Schema ( Put (co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.table.Put)2 SchemaTypeAdapter ( WorkflowNodeStateDetail (co.cask.cdap.proto.WorkflowNodeStateDetail)2 ApplicationId ( NamespacedEntityId ( StreamId (