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Example 6 with MessageId

use of in project cdap by caskdata.

the class MessagingHttpServiceTest method testBasicPubSub.

public void testBasicPubSub() throws Exception {
    TopicId topicId = new NamespaceId("ns1").topic("testBasicPubSub");
    // Publish to a non-existing topic should get not found exception
    try {
        client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).addPayloads("a").build());"Expected TopicNotFoundException");
    } catch (TopicNotFoundException e) {
    // Expected
    // Consume from a non-existing topic should get not found exception
    try {
        client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch();"Expected TopicNotFoundException");
    } catch (TopicNotFoundException e) {
    // Expected
    client.createTopic(new TopicMetadata(topicId));
    // Publish a non-transactional message with empty payload should result in failure
    try {
        client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).build());"Expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    // Expected
    // Publish a non-tx message, no RollbackDetail is returned
    Assert.assertNull(client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).addPayloads("m0", "m1").build()));
    // Publish a transactional message, a RollbackDetail should be returned
    RollbackDetail rollbackDetail = client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).addPayloads("m2").setTransaction(1L).build());
    // Rollback the published message
    client.rollback(topicId, rollbackDetail);
    // Fetch messages non-transactionally (should be able to read all the messages since rolled back messages
    // are still visible until ttl kicks in)
    List<RawMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
    // Consume transactionally. It should get only m0 and m1 since m2 has been rolled back
    List<RawMessage> txMessages = new ArrayList<>();
    Transaction transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[] { 2L }, 2L);
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartTime(0).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(txMessages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, txMessages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
    // Fetch again from a given message offset exclusively.
    // Expects one message to be fetched
    byte[] startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
        // It should have only one message (m2)
        RawMessage msg =;
        Assert.assertEquals("m2", Bytes.toString(msg.getPayload()));
    // Fetch again from the last message offset exclusively
    // Expects no message to be fetched
    startMessageId = messages.get(2).getId();
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
    // Fetch with start time. It should get both m0 and m1 since they are published in the same request, hence
    // having the same publish time
    startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartTime(new MessageId(startMessageId).getPublishTimestamp()).setLimit(2).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
    // Publish 2 messages, one transactionally, one without transaction
    // Consume without transactional, it should see m2, m3 and m4
    startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals("m" + (i + 2), Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
    // Consume using a transaction that doesn't have tx = 2L visible. It should get no message as it should block on m3
    transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[] { 2L }, 2L);
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
    // Consume using a transaction that has tx = 2L in the invalid list. It should skip m3 and got m4
    transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[] { 2L }, new long[0], 0L);
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(1, messages.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("m4", Bytes.toString(messages.get(0).getPayload()));
    // Consume using a transaction that has tx = 2L committed. It should get m3 and m4
    transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[0], 0L);
    try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
        Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals("m" + (i + 3), Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
Also used : RollbackDetail(co.cask.cdap.messaging.RollbackDetail) TopicNotFoundException(co.cask.cdap.api.messaging.TopicNotFoundException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TopicMetadata(co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata) Transaction(org.apache.tephra.Transaction) TopicId( NamespaceId( RawMessage( MessageId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with MessageId

use of in project cdap by caskdata.

the class DataCleanupTest method testOldGenCleanup.

public void testOldGenCleanup() throws Exception {
    try (MetadataTable metadataTable = getMetadataTable();
        MessageTable messageTable = getMessageTable();
        PayloadTable payloadTable = getPayloadTable()) {
        int txWritePtr = 100;
        TopicId topicId = NamespaceId.DEFAULT.topic("oldGenCleanup");
        TopicMetadata topic = new TopicMetadata(topicId, TopicMetadata.TTL_KEY, "100000", TopicMetadata.GENERATION_KEY, Integer.toString(GENERATION));
        List<MessageTable.Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
        List<PayloadTable.Entry> pentries = new ArrayList<>();
        byte[] messageId = new byte[MessageId.RAW_ID_SIZE];
        MessageId.putRawId(0L, (short) 0, 0L, (short) 0, messageId, 0);
        entries.add(new TestMessageEntry(topicId, GENERATION, "data", txWritePtr, (short) 0));
        pentries.add(new TestPayloadEntry(topicId, GENERATION, "data", txWritePtr, (short) 0));;;
        // Fetch the entries and make sure we are able to read it
        try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iterator = messageTable.fetch(topic, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null)) {
            checkMessageEntry(iterator, txWritePtr);
        try (CloseableIterator<PayloadTable.Entry> iterator = payloadTable.fetch(topic, txWritePtr, new MessageId(messageId), true, 100)) {
            checkPayloadEntry(iterator, txWritePtr);
        // Now run full compaction
        // Fetch the entries and make sure we are able to read it
        try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iterator = messageTable.fetch(topic, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null)) {
            checkMessageEntry(iterator, txWritePtr);
        try (CloseableIterator<PayloadTable.Entry> iterator = payloadTable.fetch(topic, txWritePtr, new MessageId(messageId), true, 100)) {
            checkPayloadEntry(iterator, txWritePtr);
        // Sleep so that the metadata cache in coprocessor expires
        TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3 * METADATA_CACHE_EXPIRY);
        try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iterator = messageTable.fetch(topic, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null)) {
        try (CloseableIterator<PayloadTable.Entry> iterator = payloadTable.fetch(topic, txWritePtr, new MessageId(messageId), true, 100)) {
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TopicMetadata(co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata) TopicId( MessageId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with MessageId

use of in project cdap by caskdata.

the class CachingMessageTableTest method testCachePruning.

public void testCachePruning() throws Exception {
    long txGracePeriod = 6;
    CConfiguration cConf = CConfiguration.create();
    cConf.setLong(CachingMessageTable.PRUNE_GRACE_PERIOD, txGracePeriod);
    // Creates a CachingMessageTable with a controlled time provider
    final AtomicLong currentTimeMillis = new AtomicLong(0);
    MessageTable messageTable = new CachingMessageTable(cConf, super.getMessageTable(), cacheProvider, new TimeProvider() {

        public long currentTimeMillis() {
            return currentTimeMillis.get();
    // Insert 10 entries, with different publish time
    TopicMetadata metadata = new TopicMetadata(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.topic("test"), TopicMetadata.GENERATION_KEY, 1, TopicMetadata.TTL_KEY, 86400);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        // Key is (topic, generation, publish time, sequence id)
        byte[] key = Bytes.concat(MessagingUtils.toDataKeyPrefix(metadata.getTopicId(), metadata.getGeneration()), Bytes.toBytes((long) i), Bytes.toBytes((short) 0));
        // Store a message with a write pointer ImmutableMessageTableEntry(key, Bytes.toBytes("Payload " + i), Bytes.toBytes((long) i))).iterator());
    // Update the current time to 11
    // Fetch from the table without transaction, should get all entries.
    try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iter = messageTable.fetch(metadata, 0, 100, null)) {
        List<MessageTable.Entry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(iter);
        Assert.assertEquals(10, entries.size());
        // All entries must be from the cache
        for (MessageTable.Entry entry : entries) {
            Assert.assertTrue(entry instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
    // Fetch with a transaction, with start time older than tx grace period / 2
    Transaction tx = new Transaction(10, 11, new long[0], new long[0], 11);
    long startTime = currentTimeMillis.get() - txGracePeriod / 2 - 1;
    try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iter = messageTable.fetch(metadata, startTime, 100, tx)) {
        List<MessageTable.Entry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(iter);
        // Should get three entries (7, 8, 9)
        Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size());
        // The first entry should be from the table, while the last two entries (timestamp 8 and 9) should be
        // from cache (current time = 11, grace period = 3)
        Iterator<MessageTable.Entry> iterator = entries.iterator();
        Assert.assertFalse( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
        Assert.assertTrue( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
        Assert.assertTrue( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
    // Fetch with a transaction, with start messageId publish time older than tx grace period / 2
    byte[] rawId = new byte[MessageId.RAW_ID_SIZE];
    MessageId.putRawId(startTime, (short) 0, 0L, (short) 0, rawId, 0);
    MessageId messageId = new MessageId(rawId);
    try (CloseableIterator<MessageTable.Entry> iter = messageTable.fetch(metadata, messageId, true, 100, tx)) {
        List<MessageTable.Entry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(iter);
        // Should get three entries (7, 8, 9)
        Assert.assertEquals(3, entries.size());
        // The first entry should be from the table, while the last two entries (timestamp 8 and 9) should be
        // from cache (current time = 11, grace period = 3)
        Iterator<MessageTable.Entry> iterator = entries.iterator();
        Assert.assertFalse( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
        Assert.assertTrue( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
        Assert.assertTrue( instanceof CachingMessageTable.CacheMessageTableEntry);
Also used : TimeProvider(co.cask.cdap.common.utils.TimeProvider) CConfiguration(co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration) TopicMetadata(co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) ImmutableMessageTableEntry( Transaction(org.apache.tephra.Transaction) MessageTable( ImmutableMessageTableEntry( MessageId( LevelDBMessageTableTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with MessageId

use of in project cdap by caskdata.

the class ConcurrentMessageWriterTest method testMaxSequence.

public void testMaxSequence() throws IOException {
    // This test the case when a single StoreRequest has more than SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT (65536) payload.
    // Expected entries beyond the max seqId will be rolled to the next timestamp with seqId reset to start from 0
    // Generate SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT + 1 payloads
    int msgCount = StoreRequestWriter.SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT + 1;
    List<String> payloads = new ArrayList<>(msgCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; i++) {
    TopicId topicId = new NamespaceId("ns1").topic("t1");
    TopicMetadata metadata = new TopicMetadata(topicId, new HashMap<String, String>(), 1);
    // Write the payloads
    TestStoreRequestWriter testWriter = new TestStoreRequestWriter(new TimeProvider.IncrementalTimeProvider());
    ConcurrentMessageWriter writer = new ConcurrentMessageWriter(testWriter);
    writer.persist(new TestStoreRequest(topicId, payloads), metadata);
    List<RawMessage> messages = testWriter.getMessages().get(topicId);
    Assert.assertEquals(msgCount, messages.size());
    // The first SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT messages should be with the same timestamp, with seqId from 0 to SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT
    for (int i = 0; i < StoreRequestWriter.SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT; i++) {
        MessageId id = new MessageId(messages.get(i).getId());
        Assert.assertEquals(0L, id.getPublishTimestamp());
        Assert.assertEquals((short) i, id.getSequenceId());
    // The (SEQUENCE_ID_LIMIT + 1)th message should have a different timestamp and seqId = 0
    MessageId id = new MessageId(messages.get(msgCount - 1).getId());
    Assert.assertEquals(1L, id.getPublishTimestamp());
    Assert.assertEquals(0, id.getPayloadSequenceId());
Also used : TimeProvider(co.cask.cdap.common.utils.TimeProvider) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TopicMetadata(co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata) TopicId( NamespaceId( RawMessage( MessageId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 10 with MessageId

use of in project cdap by caskdata.

the class ConcurrentMessageWriterTest method testBasic.

public void testBasic() throws IOException {
    TopicId topicId1 = new NamespaceId("ns1").topic("t1");
    TopicId topicId2 = new NamespaceId("ns2").topic("t2");
    TopicMetadata metadata1 = new TopicMetadata(topicId1, new HashMap<String, String>(), 1);
    TopicMetadata metadata2 = new TopicMetadata(topicId2, new HashMap<String, String>(), 1);
    TestStoreRequestWriter testWriter = new TestStoreRequestWriter(new TimeProvider.IncrementalTimeProvider());
    ConcurrentMessageWriter writer = new ConcurrentMessageWriter(testWriter);
    writer.persist(new TestStoreRequest(topicId1, Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3")), metadata1);
    // There should be 3 messages being written
    List<RawMessage> messages = testWriter.getMessages().get(topicId1);
    Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
    // All messages should be written with timestamp 0
    List<String> payloads = new ArrayList<>();
    for (RawMessage message : messages) {
        Assert.assertEquals(0L, new MessageId(message.getId()).getPublishTimestamp());
    Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"), payloads);
    // Write to another topic
    writer.persist(new TestStoreRequest(topicId2, Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")), metadata2);
    // There should be 3 messages being written to topic2
    messages = testWriter.getMessages().get(topicId2);
    Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
    // All messages should be written with timestamp 1
    for (RawMessage message : messages) {
        Assert.assertEquals(1L, new MessageId(message.getId()).getPublishTimestamp());
    Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"), payloads);
Also used : TimeProvider(co.cask.cdap.common.utils.TimeProvider) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TopicMetadata(co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata) TopicId( NamespaceId( RawMessage( MessageId( Test(org.junit.Test)


MessageId ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 TopicMetadata (co.cask.cdap.messaging.TopicMetadata)10 TopicId ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 TimeProvider (co.cask.cdap.common.utils.TimeProvider)4 RawMessage ( NamespaceId ( Transaction (org.apache.tephra.Transaction)3 RollbackDetail (co.cask.cdap.messaging.RollbackDetail)2 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)2 TopicNotFoundException (co.cask.cdap.api.messaging.TopicNotFoundException)1 MetricsCollector (co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricsCollector)1 MetricsMessageId (co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricsMessageId)1 MetricsProcessorStatus (co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricsProcessorStatus)1 CConfiguration (co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration)1 StoreRequest (co.cask.cdap.messaging.StoreRequest)1 ImmutableMessageTableEntry ( MessageTable ( LevelDBMessageTableTest (