use of co.cask.cdap.proto.QueryHandle in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HiveExploreServiceTestRun method previewResultsTest.
public void previewResultsTest() throws Exception {
DatasetId myTable2 = NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("my_table_2");
DatasetId myTable3 = NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("my_table_3");
DatasetId myTable4 = NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("my_table_4");
DatasetId myTable5 = NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("my_table_5");
DatasetId myTable6 = NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("my_table_6");
datasetFramework.addInstance("keyStructValueTable", myTable2, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
datasetFramework.addInstance("keyStructValueTable", myTable3, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
datasetFramework.addInstance("keyStructValueTable", myTable4, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
datasetFramework.addInstance("keyStructValueTable", myTable5, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
datasetFramework.addInstance("keyStructValueTable", myTable6, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
try {
QueryHandle handle = exploreService.execute(NAMESPACE_ID, "show tables");
QueryStatus status = waitForCompletionStatus(handle, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 50);
Assert.assertEquals(QueryStatus.OpStatus.FINISHED, status.getStatus());
List<QueryResult> firstPreview = exploreService.previewResults(handle);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(MY_TABLE_NAME)), new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(getDatasetHiveName(myTable2))), new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(getDatasetHiveName(myTable3))), new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(getDatasetHiveName(myTable4))), new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(getDatasetHiveName(myTable5)))), firstPreview);
// test that preview results do not change even when the query cursor is updated by nextResults
List<QueryResult> endResults = exploreService.nextResults(handle, 100);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(new QueryResult(ImmutableList.<Object>of(getDatasetHiveName(myTable6)))), endResults);
List<QueryResult> secondPreview = exploreService.previewResults(handle);
Assert.assertEquals(firstPreview, secondPreview);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.<QueryResult>of(), exploreService.nextResults(handle, 100));
try {
// All results are fetched, query should be inactive now
exploreService.previewResults(handle);"HandleNotFoundException expected - query should be inactive.");
} catch (HandleNotFoundException e) {
// Expected exception
// now test preview on a query that doesn't return any results
handle = exploreService.execute(NAMESPACE_ID, "select * from " + getDatasetHiveName(myTable2));
status = waitForCompletionStatus(handle, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 50);
Assert.assertEquals(QueryStatus.OpStatus.FINISHED, status.getStatus());
// calling preview again should return the same thing. it should not throw an exception
} finally {
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.QueryHandle in project cdap by caskdata.
the class InMemoryExploreServiceTest method runCommand.
private static void runCommand(String namespace, String command, boolean expectedHasResult, List<ColumnDesc> expectedColumnDescs, List<QueryResult> expectedResults) throws Exception {
QueryHandle handle = exploreService.execute(new NamespaceId(namespace), command);
QueryStatus status = waitForCompletionStatus(handle);
Assert.assertEquals(QueryStatus.OpStatus.FINISHED, status.getStatus());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedHasResult, status.hasResults());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedColumnDescs, exploreService.getResultSchema(handle));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.toString(), trimColumnValues(exploreService.nextResults(handle, 100)).toString());
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.QueryHandle in project cdap by caskdata.
the class HiveExploreServiceTimeoutTest method testTimeoutRunning.
public void testTimeoutRunning() throws Exception {
Set<Long> beforeTxns = transactionManager.getCurrentState().getInProgress().keySet();
QueryHandle handle = exploreService.execute(NAMESPACE_ID, "select key, value from " + MY_TABLE_NAME);
Set<Long> queryTxns = Sets.difference(transactionManager.getCurrentState().getInProgress().keySet(), beforeTxns);
// Sleep for timeout to happen
try {
exploreService.getStatus(handle);"Should throw HandleNotFoundException due to operation timeout");
} catch (HandleNotFoundException e) {
// Expected exception due to timeout
// Make sure that the transaction got closed
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableSet.<Long>of(), Sets.intersection(queryTxns, transactionManager.getCurrentState().getInProgress().keySet()).immutableCopy());
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.QueryHandle in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractExploreClient method getFutureResultsFromHandle.
* Create a {@link ListenableFuture} object by polling the Explore service using the
* {@link ListenableFuture} containing a {@link QueryHandle}.
private ListenableFuture<ExploreExecutionResult> getFutureResultsFromHandle(final ListenableFuture<QueryHandle> futureHandle) {
final StatementExecutionFuture resultFuture = new StatementExecutionFuture(this, futureHandle);
Futures.addCallback(futureHandle, new FutureCallback<QueryHandle>() {
public void onSuccess(final QueryHandle handle) {
boolean mustCloseHandle;
try {
QueryStatus status = getStatus(handle);
if (!status.getStatus().isDone()) {
executor.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (QueryStatus.OpStatus.ERROR.equals(status.getStatus())) {
throw new SQLException(status.getErrorMessage(), status.getSqlState());
ExploreExecutionResult result = new ClientExploreExecutionResult(AbstractExploreClient.this, handle, status);
mustCloseHandle = !resultFuture.set(result) || !status.hasResults();
} catch (Exception e) {
mustCloseHandle = true;
if (mustCloseHandle) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.warn("Failed to close handle {}", handle, t);
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
}, executor);
return resultFuture;
use of co.cask.cdap.proto.QueryHandle in project cdap by caskdata.
the class BaseHiveExploreService method createNamespace.
public QueryHandle createNamespace(NamespaceMeta namespaceMeta) throws ExploreException, SQLException {
try {
// This check prevents the extra warn log.
if (NamespaceId.DEFAULT.equals(namespaceMeta.getNamespaceId())) {
return QueryHandle.NO_OP;
Map<String, String> sessionConf = startSession();
SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;
OperationHandle operationHandle = null;
try {
sessionHandle = openHiveSession(sessionConf);
QueryHandle handle;
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase())) {
// if no custom hive database was provided get the hive database according to cdap format and create it
// if one does not exists since cdap is responsible for managing the lifecycle of such databases
String database = createHiveDBName(namespaceMeta.getName());
// "IF NOT EXISTS" so that this operation is idempotent.
String statement = String.format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s", database);
operationHandle = executeAsync(sessionHandle, statement);
handle = saveReadOnlyOperation(operationHandle, sessionHandle, sessionConf, statement, database);"Creating database {} with handle {}", database, handle);
} else {
// a custom database name was provided so check its existence
// there is no way to check if a hive database exists or not other than trying to use it and see whether
// it fails or not. So, run a USE databaseName command and see if it throws exception
// Other way can be to list all database and check if the database exists or not but we are doing USE to
// make sure that user can acutally use the database once we have impersonation.
String statement = String.format("USE %s", namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase());
// if the database does not exists the below line will throw exception from hive
try {
operationHandle = executeAsync(sessionHandle, statement);
} catch (HiveSQLException e) {
// then we will get an exception from Hive with error code 10072 which represent database was not found
if (e.toTStatus().getErrorCode() == ErrorMsg.DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS.getErrorCode()) {
//TODO: Add username here
throw new ExploreException(String.format("A custom Hive Database %s was provided for namespace %s " + "which does not exists. Please create the database in hive " + "for the user and try creating the namespace again.", namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase(), namespaceMeta.getName()), e);
} else {
// some other exception was generated while checking the existense of the database
throw new ExploreException(String.format("Failed to check existence of given custom hive database " + "%s for namespace %s", namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase(), namespaceMeta.getName()), e);
// if we didn't got an exception on the line above we know that the database exists
handle = saveReadOnlyOperation(operationHandle, sessionHandle, sessionConf, statement, namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase());
LOG.debug("Custom database {} existence verified with handle {}", namespaceMeta.getConfig().getHiveDatabase(), handle);
return handle;
} catch (Throwable e) {
closeInternal(getQueryHandle(sessionConf), new ReadOnlyOperationInfo(sessionHandle, operationHandle, sessionConf, "", ""));
throw e;
} catch (HiveSQLException e) {
throw getSqlException(e);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ExploreException(e);