use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuditMessageTest method testMetadataChange.
public void testMetadataChange() throws Exception {
String metadataJson = "{\"version\":1,\"time\":3000,\"entityId\":{\"namespace\":\"ns1\",\"application\":\"app1\",\"version\":\"v1\"," + "\"entity\":\"APPLICATION\"},\"user\":\"user1\",\"type\":\"METADATA_CHANGE\",\"payload\":{" + "\"previous\":{\"USER\":{\"properties\":{\"uk\":\"uv\",\"uk1\":\"uv2\"},\"tags\":[\"ut1\",\"ut2\"]}," + "\"SYSTEM\":{\"properties\":{\"sk\":\"sv\"},\"tags\":[]}}," + "\"additions\":{\"SYSTEM\":{\"properties\":{\"sk\":\"sv\"},\"tags\":[\"t1\",\"t2\"]}}," + "\"deletions\":{\"USER\":{\"properties\":{\"uk\":\"uv\"},\"tags\":[\"ut1\"]}}}}";
Map<String, String> userProperties = new HashMap<>();
userProperties.put("uk", "uv");
userProperties.put("uk1", "uv2");
Map<String, String> systemProperties = new HashMap<>();
systemProperties.put("sk", "sv");
Set<String> userTags = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<MetadataScope, Metadata> previous = new LinkedHashMap<>();
previous.put(MetadataScope.USER, new Metadata(Collections.unmodifiableMap(userProperties), Collections.unmodifiableSet(userTags)));
previous.put(MetadataScope.SYSTEM, new Metadata(Collections.unmodifiableMap(systemProperties), Collections.unmodifiableSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>())));
Map<String, String> sysPropertiesAdded = new HashMap<>();
sysPropertiesAdded.put("sk", "sv");
Set<String> systemTagsAdded = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<MetadataScope, Metadata> additions = new HashMap<>();
additions.put(MetadataScope.SYSTEM, new Metadata(Collections.unmodifiableMap(sysPropertiesAdded), Collections.unmodifiableSet(systemTagsAdded)));
Map<String, String> userPropertiesDeleted = new HashMap<>();
userPropertiesDeleted.put("uk", "uv");
Set<String> userTagsDeleted = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<MetadataScope, Metadata> deletions = new HashMap<>();
deletions.put(MetadataScope.USER, new Metadata(Collections.unmodifiableMap(userPropertiesDeleted), Collections.unmodifiableSet(userTagsDeleted)));
AuditMessage metadataChange = new AuditMessage(3000L, new NamespaceId("ns1").app("app1", "v1"), "user1", AuditType.METADATA_CHANGE, new MetadataPayload(previous, additions, deletions));
Assert.assertEquals(jsonToMap(metadataJson), jsonToMap(GSON.toJson(metadataChange)));
Assert.assertEquals(metadataChange, GSON.fromJson(metadataJson, AuditMessage.class));
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AuthorizerTest method testRBAC.
public void testRBAC() throws Exception {
Authorizer authorizer = get();
Role admins = new Role("admins");
Role engineers = new Role("engineers");
// create a role
// add another role
// listing role should show the added role
Set<Role> roles = authorizer.listAllRoles();
Set<Role> expectedRoles = new HashSet<>();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedRoles, roles);
// creating a role which already exists should throw an exception
try {
authorizer.createRole(admins);"Created a role %s which already exists. Should have failed.", admins.getName()));
} catch (RoleAlreadyExistsException expected) {
// expected
// drop an existing role
// the list should not have the dropped role
roles = authorizer.listAllRoles();
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singleton(engineers), roles);
// dropping a non-existing role should throw exception
try {
authorizer.dropRole(admins);"Dropped a role %s which does not exists. Should have failed.", admins.getName()));
} catch (RoleNotFoundException expected) {
// expected
// add an user to an existing role
Principal spiderman = new Principal("spiderman", Principal.PrincipalType.USER);
authorizer.addRoleToPrincipal(engineers, spiderman);
// add an user to an non-existing role should throw an exception
try {
authorizer.addRoleToPrincipal(admins, spiderman);"Added role %s to principal %s. Should have failed.", admins, spiderman));
} catch (RoleNotFoundException expected) {
// expectedRoles
// check listing roles for spiderman have engineers role
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singleton(engineers), authorizer.listRoles(spiderman));
// authorization checks with roles
NamespaceId ns1 = new NamespaceId("ns1");
// check that spiderman who has engineers roles cannot read from ns1
verifyAuthFailure(ns1, spiderman, Action.READ);
// give a permission to engineers role
authorizer.grant(ns1, engineers, Collections.singleton(Action.READ));
// check that a spiderman who has engineers role has access
authorizer.enforce(ns1, spiderman, Action.READ);
// list privileges for spiderman should have read action on ns1
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singleton(new Privilege(ns1, Action.READ)), authorizer.listPrivileges(spiderman));
// revoke action from the role
authorizer.revoke(ns1, engineers, Collections.singleton(Action.READ));
// now the privileges for spiderman should be empty
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, authorizer.listPrivileges(spiderman));
// check that the user of this role is not authorized to do the revoked operation
verifyAuthFailure(ns1, spiderman, Action.READ);
// remove an user from a existing role
authorizer.removeRoleFromPrincipal(engineers, spiderman);
// check listing roles for spiderman should be empty
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, authorizer.listRoles(spiderman));
// remove an user from a non-existing role should throw exception
try {
authorizer.removeRoleFromPrincipal(admins, spiderman);"Removed non-existing role %s from principal %s. Should have failed.", admins, spiderman));
} catch (RoleNotFoundException expected) {
// expectedRoles
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class PreviewHttpHandler method getData.
public void getData(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder, @PathParam("namespace-id") String namespaceId, @PathParam("preview-id") String previewId, @PathParam("tracer-id") String tracerId) throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId(namespaceId);
ApplicationId application =;
responder.sendString(HttpResponseStatus.OK, GSON.toJson(previewManager.getRunner(application).getData(tracerId)));
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class PreviewHttpHandler method stop.
public void stop(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder, @PathParam("namespace-id") String namespaceId, @PathParam("preview-id") String previewId) throws Exception {
NamespaceId namespace = new NamespaceId(namespaceId);
ApplicationId application =;
use of in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ApplicationLifecycleService method deployApp.
* Deploy an application using the specified artifact and configuration. When an app is deployed, the Application
* class is instantiated and configure() is called in order to generate an {@link ApplicationSpecification}.
* Programs, datasets, and streams are created based on the specification before the spec is persisted in the
* {@link Store}. This method can create a new application as well as update an existing one.
* @param namespace the namespace to deploy the app to
* @param appName the name of the app. If null, the name will be set based on the application spec
* @param summary the artifact summary of the app
* @param configStr the configuration to send to the application when generating the application specification
* @param programTerminator a program terminator that will stop programs that are removed when updating an app.
* For example, if an update removes a flow, the terminator defines how to stop that flow.
* @param ownerPrincipal the kerberos principal of the application owner
* @param updateSchedules specifies if schedules of the workflow have to be updated,
* if null value specified by the property "app.deploy.update.schedules" will be used.
* @return information about the deployed application
* @throws InvalidArtifactException if the artifact does not contain any application classes
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading artifact detail from the meta store
* @throws ArtifactNotFoundException if the specified artifact does not exist
* @throws Exception if there was an exception during the deployment pipeline. This exception will often wrap
* the actual exception
public ApplicationWithPrograms deployApp(NamespaceId namespace, @Nullable String appName, @Nullable String appVersion, ArtifactSummary summary, @Nullable String configStr, ProgramTerminator programTerminator, @Nullable KerberosPrincipalId ownerPrincipal, @Nullable Boolean updateSchedules) throws Exception {
NamespaceId artifactNamespace = ArtifactScope.SYSTEM.equals(summary.getScope()) ? NamespaceId.SYSTEM : namespace;
ArtifactRange range = new ArtifactRange(artifactNamespace.getNamespace(), summary.getName(), ArtifactVersionRange.parse(summary.getVersion()));
// this method will not throw ArtifactNotFoundException, if no artifacts in the range, we are expecting an empty
// collection returned.
List<ArtifactDetail> artifactDetail = artifactRepository.getArtifactDetails(range, 1, ArtifactSortOrder.DESC);
if (artifactDetail.isEmpty()) {
throw new ArtifactNotFoundException(range.getNamespace(), range.getName());
return deployApp(namespace, appName, appVersion, configStr, programTerminator, artifactDetail.iterator().next(), ownerPrincipal, updateSchedules == null ? appUpdateSchedules : updateSchedules);