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Example 41 with Coin

use of co.rsk.core.Coin in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class TxsMinGasPriceRule method isValid.

public boolean isValid(Block block) {
    List<Transaction> txs = block.getTransactionsList();
    if (block.getMinimumGasPrice() == null) {
        logger.warn("Could not retrieve block min gas priceß");
        return false;
    Coin blockMgp = block.getMinimumGasPrice();
    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(block.getTransactionsList())) {
        for (Transaction tx : txs) {
            if (!(tx instanceof RemascTransaction) && tx.getGasPrice().compareTo(blockMgp) < 0) {
                logger.warn("Tx gas price is under the Min gas Price of the block tx={}", tx.getHash());
                return false;
    return true;
Also used : Coin(co.rsk.core.Coin) RemascTransaction(co.rsk.remasc.RemascTransaction) RemascTransaction(co.rsk.remasc.RemascTransaction) Transaction(org.ethereum.core.Transaction)

Example 42 with Coin

use of co.rsk.core.Coin in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class TransactionExecutor method init.

 * Do all the basic validation, if the executor
 * will be ready to run the transaction at the end
 * set readyToExecute = true
public boolean init() {
    basicTxCost = tx.transactionCost(config, executionBlock);
    if (localCall) {
        readyToExecute = true;
        return readyToExecute;
    BigInteger txGasLimit = new BigInteger(1, tx.getGasLimit());
    BigInteger curBlockGasLimit = new BigInteger(1, executionBlock.getGasLimit());
    boolean cumulativeGasReached = txGasLimit.add(BigInteger.valueOf(gasUsedInTheBlock)).compareTo(curBlockGasLimit) > 0;
    if (cumulativeGasReached) {
        execError(String.format("Too much gas used in this block: Require: %s Got: %s", curBlockGasLimit.longValue() - toBI(tx.getGasLimit()).longValue(), toBI(tx.getGasLimit()).longValue()));
        return false;
    if (txGasLimit.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(basicTxCost)) < 0) {
        execError(String.format("Not enough gas for transaction execution: Require: %s Got: %s", basicTxCost, txGasLimit));
        return false;
    BigInteger reqNonce = track.getNonce(tx.getSender());
    BigInteger txNonce = toBI(tx.getNonce());
    if (isNotEqual(reqNonce, txNonce)) {
        if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
            logger.warn("Invalid nonce: sender {}, required: {} , tx.nonce: {}, tx {}", tx.getSender(), reqNonce, txNonce, tx.getHash());
            logger.warn("Transaction Data: {}", tx);
            logger.warn("Tx Included in the following block: {}", this.executionBlock.getShortDescr());
        execError(String.format("Invalid nonce: required: %s , tx.nonce: %s", reqNonce, txNonce));
        return false;
    Coin totalCost = Coin.ZERO;
    if (basicTxCost > 0) {
        // Estimate transaction cost only if is not a free trx
        Coin txGasCost = tx.getGasPrice().multiply(txGasLimit);
        totalCost = tx.getValue().add(txGasCost);
    Coin senderBalance = track.getBalance(tx.getSender());
    if (!isCovers(senderBalance, totalCost)) {
        logger.warn("Not enough cash: Require: {}, Sender cash: {}, tx {}", totalCost, senderBalance, tx.getHash());
        logger.warn("Transaction Data: {}", tx);
        logger.warn("Tx Included in the following block: {}", this.executionBlock);
        execError(String.format("Not enough cash: Require: %s, Sender cash: %s", totalCost, senderBalance));
        return false;
    // Prevent transactions with excessive address size
    byte[] receiveAddress = tx.getReceiveAddress().getBytes();
    if (receiveAddress != null && !Arrays.equals(receiveAddress, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY) && receiveAddress.length > Constants.getMaxAddressByteLength()) {
        logger.warn("Receiver address to long: size: {}, tx {}", receiveAddress.length, tx.getHash());
        logger.warn("Transaction Data: {}", tx);
        logger.warn("Tx Included in the following block: {}", this.executionBlock);
        return false;
    if (!tx.acceptTransactionSignature(config.getBlockchainConfig().getCommonConstants().getChainId())) {
        logger.warn("Transaction {} signature not accepted: {}", tx.getHash(), tx.getSignature());
        logger.warn("Transaction Data: {}", tx);
        logger.warn("Tx Included in the following block: {}", this.executionBlock);
        panicProcessor.panic("invalidsignature", String.format("Transaction %s signature not accepted: %s", tx.getHash(), tx.getSignature()));
        execError(String.format("Transaction signature not accepted: %s", tx.getSignature()));
        return false;
    readyToExecute = true;
    return true;
Also used : Coin(co.rsk.core.Coin) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)

Example 43 with Coin

use of co.rsk.core.Coin in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class TransactionExecutor method create.

private void create() {
    RskAddress newContractAddress = tx.getContractAddress();
    if (isEmpty(tx.getData())) {
        mEndGas = toBI(tx.getGasLimit()).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(basicTxCost));
    } else {
        ProgramInvoke programInvoke = programInvokeFactory.createProgramInvoke(tx, txindex, executionBlock, cacheTrack, blockStore);
        this.vm = new VM(vmConfig, precompiledContracts);
        BlockchainConfig configForBlock = config.getBlockchainConfig().getConfigForBlock(executionBlock.getNumber());
        this.program = new Program(vmConfig, precompiledContracts, configForBlock, tx.getData(), programInvoke, tx);
        // reset storage if the contract with the same address already exists
        // TCK test case only - normally this is near-impossible situation in the real network
        ContractDetails contractDetails = program.getStorage().getContractDetails(newContractAddress);
        for (DataWord key : contractDetails.getStorageKeys()) {
            program.storageSave(key, DataWord.ZERO);
    Coin endowment = tx.getValue();
    cacheTrack.transfer(tx.getSender(), newContractAddress, endowment);
Also used : ProgramInvoke(org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvoke) Coin(co.rsk.core.Coin) BlockchainConfig(org.ethereum.config.BlockchainConfig) Program(org.ethereum.vm.program.Program) RskAddress(co.rsk.core.RskAddress) ContractDetails(org.ethereum.db.ContractDetails)

Example 44 with Coin

use of co.rsk.core.Coin in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class TransactionExecutor method call.

private void call() {
    if (!readyToExecute) {
    logger.trace("Call transaction {} {}", toBI(tx.getNonce()), tx.getHash());
    RskAddress targetAddress = tx.getReceiveAddress();
    // DataWord(targetAddress)) can fail with exception:
    // java.lang.RuntimeException: Data word can't exceed 32 bytes:
    // if targetAddress size is greater than 32 bytes.
    // But init() will detect this earlier
    precompiledContract = precompiledContracts.getContractForAddress(new DataWord(targetAddress.getBytes()));
    if (precompiledContract != null) {
        precompiledContract.init(tx, executionBlock, track, blockStore, receiptStore, result.getLogInfoList());
        long requiredGas = precompiledContract.getGasForData(tx.getData());
        BigInteger txGasLimit = toBI(tx.getGasLimit());
        if (!localCall && txGasLimit.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(requiredGas)) < 0) {
            // no refund
            // no endowment
            execError(String.format("Out of Gas calling precompiled contract 0x%s, required: %d, left: %s ", targetAddress.toString(), (requiredGas + basicTxCost), mEndGas));
            mEndGas = BigInteger.ZERO;
        } else {
            long gasUsed = requiredGas + basicTxCost;
            mEndGas = txGasLimit.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(requiredGas + basicTxCost));
            // FIXME: save return for vm trace
            try {
                byte[] out = precompiledContract.execute(tx.getData());
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
    } else {
        byte[] code = track.getCode(targetAddress);
        if (isEmpty(code)) {
            mEndGas = toBI(tx.getGasLimit()).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(basicTxCost));
        } else {
            ProgramInvoke programInvoke = programInvokeFactory.createProgramInvoke(tx, txindex, executionBlock, cacheTrack, blockStore);
            this.vm = new VM(vmConfig, precompiledContracts);
            BlockchainConfig configForBlock = config.getBlockchainConfig().getConfigForBlock(executionBlock.getNumber());
            this.program = new Program(vmConfig, precompiledContracts, configForBlock, code, programInvoke, tx);
    if (result.getException() == null) {
        Coin endowment = tx.getValue();
        cacheTrack.transfer(tx.getSender(), targetAddress, endowment);
Also used : ProgramInvoke(org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvoke) Coin(co.rsk.core.Coin) BlockchainConfig(org.ethereum.config.BlockchainConfig) Program(org.ethereum.vm.program.Program) RskAddress(co.rsk.core.RskAddress) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)

Example 45 with Coin

use of co.rsk.core.Coin in project rskj by rsksmart.

the class RepositoryTrack method addBalance.

public Coin addBalance(RskAddress addr, Coin value) {
    synchronized (repository) {
        AccountState accountState = getAccountState(addr);
        if (accountState == null) {
            accountState = createAccount(addr);
        Coin newBalance = accountState.addToBalance(value);
        logger.trace("adding to balance addr: [{}], balance: [{}], delta: [{}]", addr, newBalance, value);
        return newBalance;
Also used : Coin(co.rsk.core.Coin) AccountState(org.ethereum.core.AccountState)


Coin (co.rsk.core.Coin)95 Test (org.junit.Test)46 RskAddress (co.rsk.core.RskAddress)37 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)32 Repository (org.ethereum.core.Repository)23 Transaction (org.ethereum.core.Transaction)23 Program (org.ethereum.vm.program.Program)12 AccountState (org.ethereum.core.AccountState)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)9 ProgramInvokeMockImpl (org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvokeMockImpl)8 Account (org.ethereum.core.Account)7 BlockExecutor (co.rsk.core.bc.BlockExecutor)6 BlockChainBuilder ( Keccak256 (co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256)5 Block (org.ethereum.core.Block)5 DataWord (org.ethereum.vm.DataWord)5 ProgramInvoke (org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvoke)5 BlockGenerator (co.rsk.blockchain.utils.BlockGenerator)4 RskSystemProperties (co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties)4