use of co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256 in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class Tx method create.
public static Transaction create(RskSystemProperties config, long value, long gaslimit, long gasprice, long nonce, long data, long sender) {
Random r = new Random(sender);
Transaction transaction = Mockito.mock(Transaction.class);
Mockito.when(transaction.getValue()).thenReturn(new Coin(BigInteger.valueOf(value)));
byte[] returnSenderBytes = new byte[20];
RskAddress returnSender = new RskAddress(returnSenderBytes);
byte[] returnReceiveAddressBytes = new byte[20];
RskAddress returnReceiveAddress = new RskAddress(returnReceiveAddressBytes);
Mockito.when(transaction.getHash()).thenReturn(new Keccak256(TestUtils.randomBytes(32)));
ArrayList<Byte> bytes = new ArrayList();
long amount = 21000;
if (data != 0) {
data /= 2;
for (int i = 0; i < data / 4; i++) {
bytes.add((byte) 0);
amount += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < data / 68; i++) {
bytes.add((byte) 1);
amount += 68;
int n = bytes.size();
byte[] b = new byte[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
b[i] = bytes.get(i);
Mockito.when(transaction.transactionCost(eq(config), any(Block.class))).thenReturn(amount);
return transaction;
use of co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256 in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupport method executeVoteFederationChangeFunction.
private ABICallVoteResult executeVoteFederationChangeFunction(boolean dryRun, ABICallSpec callSpec) throws IOException {
// Try to do a dry-run and only register the vote if the
// call would be successful
ABICallVoteResult result;
Integer executionResult;
switch(callSpec.getFunction()) {
case "create":
executionResult = createFederation(dryRun);
result = new ABICallVoteResult(executionResult == 1, executionResult);
case "add":
byte[] publicKeyBytes = (byte[]) callSpec.getArguments()[0];
BtcECKey publicKey;
try {
publicKey = BtcECKey.fromPublicOnly(publicKeyBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BridgeIllegalArgumentException("Public key could not be parsed " + Hex.toHexString(publicKeyBytes), e);
executionResult = addFederatorPublicKey(dryRun, publicKey);
result = new ABICallVoteResult(executionResult == 1, executionResult);
case "commit":
Keccak256 hash = new Keccak256((byte[]) callSpec.getArguments()[0]);
executionResult = commitFederation(dryRun, hash);
result = new ABICallVoteResult(executionResult == 1, executionResult);
case "rollback":
executionResult = rollbackFederation(dryRun);
result = new ABICallVoteResult(executionResult == 1, executionResult);
// Fail by default
result = new ABICallVoteResult(false, FEDERATION_CHANGE_GENERIC_ERROR_CODE);
return result;
use of co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256 in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class TrieImpl method getHash.
* getHash calculates and/or returns the hash associated with this node content
* the internal variable hash could contains the cached hash.
* This method is not synchronized because the result of it's execution
* disregarding the lazy initialization is idempotent. It's better to keep
* it out of synchronized.
* @return a byte array with the node serialized to bytes
public Keccak256 getHash() {
if (this.hash != null) {
return this.hash.copy();
if (isEmptyTrie(this.value, this.nodes, this.hashes)) {
return emptyHash.copy();
byte[] message = this.toMessage();
this.hash = new Keccak256(Keccak256Helper.keccak256(message));
return this.hash.copy();
use of co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256 in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class TrieImpl method toMessage.
* toMessage serialize the node to bytes. Used to persist the node in a key-value store
* like levelDB or redis.
* The serialization includes:
* - arity: byte
* - bits with present hashes: two bytes (example: 0x0203 says that the node has
* hashes at index 0, 1, 9 (the other subnodes are null)
* - present hashes: 32 bytes each
* - associated value: remainder bytes (no bytes if null)
* @return a byte array with the serialized info
public byte[] toMessage() {
int lvalue = this.value == null ? 0 : this.value.length;
int nnodes = this.getNodeCount();
int lshared = this.sharedPathLength;
int lencoded = getEncodedPathLength(lshared);
boolean hasLongVal = this.hasLongValue();
int bits = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ARITY; k++) {
Keccak256 nodeHash = this.getHash(k);
if (nodeHash == null) {
bits |= 1 << k;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH + lencoded + nnodes * Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES + (hasLongVal ? Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES : lvalue));
buffer.put((byte) ARITY);
byte flags = 0;
if (this.isSecure) {
flags |= 1;
if (hasLongVal) {
flags |= 2;
buffer.putShort((short) bits);
buffer.putShort((short) lshared);
if (lshared > 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < ARITY; k++) {
Keccak256 nodeHash = this.getHash(k);
if (nodeHash == null) {
if (lvalue > 0) {
if (hasLongVal) {
} else {
return buffer.array();
use of co.rsk.crypto.Keccak256 in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class TrieImpl method fromMessage.
private static TrieImpl fromMessage(byte[] message, int position, int msglength, TrieStore store) {
if (message == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayInputStream bstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(message, position, msglength);
DataInputStream istream = new DataInputStream(bstream);
try {
int arity = istream.readByte();
if (arity != ARITY) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_ARITY);
int flags = istream.readByte();
boolean isSecure = (flags & 0x01) == 1;
boolean hasLongVal = (flags & 0x02) == 2;
int bhashes = istream.readShort();
int lshared = istream.readShort();
int nhashes = 0;
int lencoded = TrieImpl.getEncodedPathLength(lshared);
byte[] encodedSharedPath = null;
if (lencoded > 0) {
encodedSharedPath = new byte[lencoded];
if ( != lencoded) {
throw new EOFException();
Keccak256[] hashes = new Keccak256[arity];
for (int k = 0; k < arity; k++) {
if ((bhashes & (1 << k)) == 0) {
byte[] valueHash = new byte[Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES];
if ( != Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES) {
throw new EOFException();
hashes[k] = new Keccak256(valueHash);
int offset = MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH + lencoded + nhashes * Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES;
byte[] value = null;
if (hasLongVal) {
byte[] valueHash = new byte[Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES];
if ( != Keccak256Helper.DEFAULT_SIZE_BYTES) {
throw new EOFException();
value = store.retrieveValue(valueHash);
} else {
int lvalue = msglength - offset;
if (lvalue > 0) {
value = new byte[lvalue];
if ( != lvalue) {
throw new EOFException();
TrieImpl trie = new TrieImpl(encodedSharedPath, lshared, value, null, hashes, store).withSecure(isSecure);
if (store != null) {
trie.saved = true;
return trie;
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.error(ERROR_CREATING_TRIE, ex);
panicProcessor.panic(PANIC_TOPIC, ERROR_CREATING_TRIE + ": " + ex.getMessage());
throw new TrieSerializationException(ERROR_CREATING_TRIE, ex);