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Example 6 with Conversation

use of in project CodeU-Spring-2018 by jwang281.

the class PersistentStorageAgentTest method testWriteThroughConversation.

public void testWriteThroughConversation() {
    Conversation conversation = new Conversation(UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), "test_conversation",;
Also used : Conversation( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with Conversation

use of in project CodeU-Spring-2018 by jwang281.

the class DefaultDataStore method addRandomMessages.

private void addRandomMessages() {
    for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_MESSAGE_COUNT; i++) {
        Conversation conversation = getRandomElement(conversations);
        User author = getRandomElement(users);
        String content = getRandomMessageContent();
        Message message = new Message(UUID.randomUUID(), conversation.getId(), author.getId(), content,;
Also used : User( Message( Conversation(

Example 8 with Conversation

use of in project CodeU-Spring-2018 by jwang281.

the class PersistentDataStore method loadConversations.

 * Loads all Conversation objects from the Datastore service and returns them in a List.
 * @throws PersistentDataStoreException if an error was detected during the load from the
 *     Datastore service
public List<Conversation> loadConversations() throws PersistentDataStoreException {
    List<Conversation> conversations = new ArrayList<>();
    // Retrieve all conversations from the datastore.
    Query query = new Query("chat-conversations");
    PreparedQuery results = datastore.prepare(query);
    for (Entity entity : results.asIterable()) {
        try {
            UUID uuid = UUID.fromString((String) entity.getProperty("uuid"));
            UUID ownerUuid = UUID.fromString((String) entity.getProperty("owner_uuid"));
            String title = (String) entity.getProperty("title");
            Instant creationTime = Instant.parse((String) entity.getProperty("creation_time"));
            Conversation conversation = new Conversation(uuid, ownerUuid, title, creationTime);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // database entity definition mismatches, or service mismatches.
            throw new PersistentDataStoreException(e);
    return conversations;
Also used : Entity( PersistentDataStoreException( PreparedQuery( Query( Instant(java.time.Instant) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PreparedQuery( Conversation( UUID(java.util.UUID) PersistentDataStoreException(

Example 9 with Conversation

use of in project CodeU-Spring-2018 by jwang281.

the class ChatServlet method doPost.

 * This function fires when a user submits the form on the chat page. It gets the logged-in
 * username from the session, the conversation title from the URL, and the chat message from the
 * submitted form data. It creates a new Message from that data, adds it to the model, and then
 * redirects back to the chat page.
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
    String username = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
    if (username == null) {
        // user is not logged in, don't let them add a message
    User user = userStore.getUser(username);
    if (user == null) {
        // user was not found, don't let them add a message
    String requestUrl = request.getRequestURI();
    String conversationTitle = requestUrl.substring("/chat/".length());
    Conversation conversation = conversationStore.getConversationWithTitle(conversationTitle);
    if (conversation == null) {
        // couldn't find conversation, redirect to conversation list
    String messageContent = request.getParameter("message");
    // this removes any HTML from the message content
    String cleanedMessageContent = Jsoup.clean(messageContent, Whitelist.none());
    Message message = new Message(UUID.randomUUID(), conversation.getId(), user.getId(), cleanedMessageContent,;
    // redirect to a GET request
    response.sendRedirect("/chat/" + conversationTitle);
Also used : User( Message( Conversation(

Example 10 with Conversation

use of in project CodeU-Spring-2018 by jwang281.

the class ChatServlet method doGet.

 * This function fires when a user navigates to the chat page. It gets the conversation title from
 * the URL, finds the corresponding Conversation, and fetches the messages in that Conversation.
 * It then forwards to chat.jsp for rendering.
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
    String requestUrl = request.getRequestURI();
    String conversationTitle = requestUrl.substring("/chat/".length());
    Conversation conversation = conversationStore.getConversationWithTitle(conversationTitle);
    if (conversation == null) {
        // couldn't find conversation, redirect to conversation list
        System.out.println("Conversation was null: " + conversationTitle);
    UUID conversationId = conversation.getId();
    List<Message> messages = messageStore.getMessagesInConversation(conversationId);
    request.setAttribute("conversation", conversation);
    request.setAttribute("messages", messages);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/view/chat.jsp").forward(request, response);
Also used : Message( Conversation( UUID(java.util.UUID)


Conversation ( Test (org.junit.Test)46 User ( Message ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 UUID (java.util.UUID)16 Activity ( Instant (java.time.Instant)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 PersistentDataStoreException ( ImageStorage (codeu.utils.ImageStorage)2 Entity ( PreparedQuery ( Query ( OutputSettings (org.jsoup.nodes.Document.OutputSettings)2 ConversationFilterer (codeu.utils.ConversationFilterer)1 MessageFilterer (codeu.utils.MessageFilterer)1 DateTimeException (java.time.DateTimeException)1 ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)1 List (java.util.List)1