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Example 11 with EStartup

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class CommonServiceBase method start.

 * Start the service
 * This method can optionally register shutdown hooks, which are needed to
 * run a standalone instance of the service.
 * Note: Services started using svcMain() have their lifecycle managed automatically,
 * there is no need to call start() or stop().
 * @param registerShutdownHook Flag indicating a JVM shutdown hook should be registered to manage clean shutdowns
public void start(boolean registerShutdownHook) {
    try {
        var serviceClass = getClass();
        var componentName = VersionInfo.getComponentName(serviceClass);
        var componentVersion = VersionInfo.getComponentVersion(serviceClass);"{} {}", componentName, componentVersion);"Service is coming up...");
        timedSequence(t -> {
            return null;
        }, startupTimeout, "startup");
        // This is needed when running a real server instance, but not when running embedded tests
        if (registerShutdownHook) {
            var shutdownThread = new Thread(this::jvmShutdownHook, "shutdown");
        // Keep the logging system active while shutdown hooks are running
        disableLog4jShutdownHook();"Service is up and running");
    } catch (ETrac e) {
        // Do not log errors for quiet startup exceptions
        if (e instanceof EStartup && ((EStartup) e).isQuiet())
            throw e;
        var errorMessage = "Service failed to start: " + e.getMessage();
        log.error(errorMessage, e);
        throw e;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        log.error("Service failed to start: Startup sequence was interrupted");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Service failed to start: There was an unhandled error during startup (this is a bug)");
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new EStartup(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ETrac( EStartup(

Example 12 with EStartup

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class StandardArgsProcessor method processTasks.

private static List<StandardArgs.Task> processTasks(CommandLine command, List<StandardArgs.Task> availableTasks) {
    var taskMap =, task -> task));
    var taskArgs = command.getOptionValues("task");
    var tasks = new ArrayList<StandardArgs.Task>();
    for (var argIndex = 0; argIndex < taskArgs.length; argIndex++) {
        var taskName = taskArgs[argIndex];
        if (!taskMap.containsKey(taskName))
            throw new EStartup(String.format("Unknown task: [%s]", taskName));
        var taskDefinition = taskMap.get(taskName);
        if (taskDefinition.hasArg()) {
            if (argIndex + 1 == taskArgs.length) {
                var message = String.format("Task [%s] requires argument [%s]", taskName, taskDefinition.getTaskArg());
                throw new EStartup(message);
            var taskArg = taskArgs[argIndex + 1];
            var task = new StandardArgs.Task(taskName, taskArg);
        } else {
            var task = new StandardArgs.Task(taskName);
    return List.copyOf(tasks);
Also used : PrintWriter( List(java.util.List) ConfigManager( Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) org.apache.commons.cli(org.apache.commons.cli) EStartup( Collectors( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EStartup(

Example 13 with EStartup

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class ConfigParser method parseYamlConfig.

private static <TConfig extends Message> TConfig parseYamlConfig(ByteBuf configData, TConfig defaultConfig) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    var json = Unpooled.EMPTY_BUFFER;
    try (var stream = (InputStream) new ByteBufInputStream(configData)) {
        var yamlFactory = new YAMLFactory();
        var jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();
        var reader = new YAMLMapper(yamlFactory);
        var writer = new JsonMapper(jsonFactory);
        var obj = reader.readValue(stream, Object.class);
        var jsonBytes = writer.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
        json = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(jsonBytes);
        return parseJsonConfig(json, defaultConfig);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new EStartup(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (json != Unpooled.EMPTY_BUFFER)
Also used : JsonMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper) YAMLMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLMapper) InputStream( JsonFactory(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory) YAMLFactory(com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory) IOException( EStartup(

Example 14 with EStartup

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class LocalConfigLoader method loadTextFile.

public String loadTextFile(URI uri) {
    var ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE = "Failed to load config file: %2$s [%1$s]";
    Path path = null;
    try {
        path = Paths.get(uri);
        return Files.readString(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // This should not happen
        // ConfigManager should only pass file URLs to this loader
        // Treat this as an internal error
        var message = String.format("URL is not a file path: [%s]", uri);
        throw new ETracInternal(message, e);
    } catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
        var message = String.format(ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE, path, "File does not exist");
        throw new EStartup(message, e);
    } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
        var message = String.format(ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE, path, "Access denied");
        throw new EStartup(message, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        var message = String.format(ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE, path, e.getMessage());
        throw new EStartup(message, e);
Also used : ETracInternal( IOException( EStartup(

Example 15 with EStartup

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class TracPlatformGateway method doStartup.

protected void doStartup(Duration startupTimeout) throws InterruptedException {
    GatewayConfig gatewayConfig;
    short proxyPort;
    List<Route> routes;
    try {"Preparing gateway config...");
        var rawGatewayConfig = configManager.loadRootConfigObject(GatewayConfig.class);
        gatewayConfig = ConfigTranslator.translateServiceRoutes(rawGatewayConfig);
        proxyPort = (short) gatewayConfig.getPort();
        routes = RouteBuilder.buildAll(gatewayConfig.getRoutesList());"Gateway config looks ok");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        var errorMessage = "There was an error preparing the gateway config: " + e.getMessage();
        log.error(errorMessage, e);
        throw new EStartup(errorMessage, e);
    try {"Starting the gateway server on port {}...", proxyPort);
        // The protocol negotiator is the top level initializer for new inbound connections
        var protocolNegotiator = new HttpProtocolNegotiator(gatewayConfig, routes);
        // TODO: Review configuration of thread pools and channel options
        bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(2, new DefaultThreadFactory("boss"));
        workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(6, new DefaultThreadFactory("worker"));
        var bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap().group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).childHandler(protocolNegotiator).option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128).childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
        // Bind and start to accept incoming connections.
        var startupFuture = bootstrap.bind(proxyPort);
        // Block until the server channel is ready - it's just easier this way!
        // The sync call will rethrow any errors, so they can be handled before leaving the start() method
        if (startupFuture.isSuccess()) {
            var socket =;
  "Server socket open: {}", socket);
        } else {
            var cause = startupFuture.cause();
            var message = "Server socket could not be opened: " + cause.getMessage();
            throw new EStartup(message, cause);
    // No need to keep a reference to the server channel
    // Shutdown is managed using the event loop groups
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (workerGroup != null)
        if (bossGroup != null)
        if (Set.of(RuntimeException.class, InterruptedException.class).contains(e.getClass()))
            throw e;
            throw new EStartup(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : DefaultThreadFactory(io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory) NioServerSocketChannel( EStartup( Route( NioEventLoopGroup( ServerBootstrap(io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap) GatewayConfig(


EStartup ( IOException ( NioEventLoopGroup ( NioServerSocketChannel ( DefaultThreadFactory (io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory)3 PlatformConfig ( NioSocketChannel ( CodecManager ( ICodecManager ( ExecutionRegister ( ConfigManager ( EPluginNotAvailable ( EStorageConfig ( ETrac ( ETracInternal ( EUnexpected ( ExecutionManager ( IStorageManager ( StorageManager ( FlatDataStorage (