Search in sources :

Example 31 with EUnexpected

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class PluginManager method createService.

public <T> T createService(Class<T> serviceClass, String protocol, Properties properties) {
    var pluginKey = new PluginKey(serviceClass, protocol);
    if (!PluginServiceInfo.SERVICE_NAMES.containsKey(serviceClass.getName()))
        throw new EUnexpected();
    if (!plugins.containsKey(pluginKey)) {
        var rawTypeName = PluginServiceInfo.SERVICE_NAMES.get(serviceClass.getName());
        var message = String.format("Plugin not available for %s protocol: [%s]", prettyTypeName(rawTypeName, false), protocol);
        throw new EPluginNotAvailable(message);
    var plugin = plugins.get(pluginKey);
    return plugin.createService(serviceClass, protocol, properties);
Also used : EPluginNotAvailable( EUnexpected(

Example 32 with EUnexpected

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class Http1Proxy method proxyRequest.

// No-op proxy translation to get things working
private HttpRequest proxyRequest(HttpRequest sourceRequest) {
    var sourceUri = URI.create(sourceRequest.uri());
    var sourcePath = sourceUri.getPath();
    // Match should already be checked before a request is sent to this handler
    if (!sourcePath.startsWith(routeConfig.getMatch().getPath()))
        throw new EUnexpected();
    // var targetPath = sourceMatch.replaceFirst(routeConfig.getTarget().getPath());
    var targetPath = sourcePath.replaceFirst(routeConfig.getMatch().getPath(), routeConfig.getTarget().getPath());
    var targetHeaders = new DefaultHttpHeaders();
    targetHeaders.add(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, routeConfig.getTarget().getHost());
    if (sourceRequest instanceof FullHttpRequest) {
        var fullRequest = (FullHttpRequest) sourceRequest;
        return new DefaultFullHttpRequest(sourceRequest.protocolVersion(), sourceRequest.method(), targetPath, fullRequest.content(), targetHeaders, fullRequest.trailingHeaders());
    } else {
        return new DefaultHttpRequest(sourceRequest.protocolVersion(), sourceRequest.method(), targetPath, targetHeaders);
Also used : EUnexpected(

Example 33 with EUnexpected

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class Http1to2Framing method translateRequestFrames.

private List<Http2Frame> translateRequestFrames(Object http1) {
    var seqId = inboundSeqId;
    var stream = streams.get(seqId);
    if (stream == null)
        throw new EUnexpected();
    var frames = new ArrayList<Http2Frame>();
    if (http1 instanceof HttpRequest) {
        var h1Request = (HttpRequest) http1;
        var h1Headers = h1Request.headers();
        var h2Headers = new DefaultHttp2Headers().method(h1Request.method().name()).scheme(routeConfig.getTarget().getScheme()).path(h1Request.uri());
        if (h1Headers.contains(HttpHeaderNames.HOST))
        // Copy across all other HTTP/1 headers that we are not explicitly changing or removing
        var filterHeaders = List.of(HttpHeaderNames.HOST.toString(), HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION.toString(), HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH.toString());
        for (var header : h1Headers) if (!filterHeaders.contains(header.getKey().toLowerCase()))
            h2Headers.add(header.getKey().toLowerCase(), header.getValue());
        var frame = new DefaultHttp2HeadersFrame(h2Headers, false).stream(stream);
    if (http1 instanceof HttpContent) {
        var h1Content = (HttpContent) http1;
        var contentBuf = h1Content.content();
        var MAX_DATA_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
        contentBuf.retain();"Size of content: {}", contentBuf.readableBytes());
        while (contentBuf.readableBytes() > MAX_DATA_SIZE) {
            var slice = contentBuf.readSlice(MAX_DATA_SIZE);
            var frame = new DefaultHttp2DataFrame(slice).stream(stream);
        var endStreamFlag = (http1 instanceof LastHttpContent);
        var slice = contentBuf.readSlice(contentBuf.readableBytes());"Size of slice: {}", slice.readableBytes());"end of stream: {}", endStreamFlag);
        var padding = 256 - (slice.readableBytes() % 256) % 256;
        var frame = new DefaultHttp2DataFrame(slice, endStreamFlag, padding).stream(stream);
    if (frames.isEmpty())
        throw new EUnexpected();
    return frames;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EUnexpected(

Example 34 with EUnexpected

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class LocalJobCache method createJob.

public void createJob(String jobKey, JobState jobState, Ticket ticket) {
    var operationTime =;
    var cacheEntry = cache.computeIfPresent(jobKey, (key, priorEntry) -> {
        if (priorEntry.ticket != ticket)
            return priorEntry;
        // Same job created twice, this is an unexpected logic error
        if (priorEntry.jobState != null)
            throw new EUnexpected();
        var newEntry = priorEntry.clone();
        newEntry.jobState = jobState;
        newEntry.lastActivity = operationTime;
        newEntry.revision = priorEntry.revision + 1;
        return newEntry;
    if (cacheEntry == null || cacheEntry.ticket != ticket)
        // TODO: Error
        throw new ECacheTicket("");
Also used : EUnexpected( ECacheTicket(

Example 35 with EUnexpected

use of in project tracdap by finos.

the class RestApiProxyBuilder method initChannel.

protected void initChannel(Channel channel) throws Exception {"Init REST proxy channel");
    var pipeline = channel.pipeline();
    // HTTP/2 Codec, required for channels using the HTTP frame objects
    var initialSettings = new Http2Settings().maxFrameSize(16 * 1024);
    var http2Codec = Http2FrameCodecBuilder.forClient().frameLogger(new Http2FrameLogger(LogLevel.INFO)).initialSettings(initialSettings).autoAckSettingsFrame(true).autoAckPingFrame(true).build();
    // REST proxy
    // TODO: Build this after reading service config and pass it in
    var restApiConfig = routeConfig.getRestMethods();
    var grpcHost = routeConfig.getConfig().getTarget().getHost();
    var grpcPort = (short) routeConfig.getConfig().getTarget().getPort();
    var restApiProxy = new RestApiProxy(grpcHost, grpcPort, restApiConfig, executor);
    if (sourceHttpVersion == 1) {
        pipeline.addLast(new Http1to2Framing(routeConfig.getConfig()));
    } else if (sourceHttpVersion == 2) {
        throw new RuntimeException("HTTP/2 source connection for REST not implemented yet");
    } else
        throw new EUnexpected();
Also used : Http2FrameLogger(io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameLogger) Http2Settings(io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Settings) Http1to2Framing( EUnexpected(


EUnexpected ( IOException ( EDataCorruption ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ECacheTicket ( EInputValidation ( ByteSeekableChannel ( Http1to2Framing ( JacksonException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JacksonException)2 JsonToken (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken)2 ByteString ( InvalidProtocolBufferException ( ByteBufInputStream (io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream)2 MetadataBatchRequest ( MetadataBatchResponse ( MetadataWriteRequest ( TrustedMetadataApiGrpc ( EMetadataNotFound ( EPluginNotAvailable ( EStartup (