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Example 11 with NetException

use of com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException in project snail by acgist.

the class MSECipher method newSender.

 * <p>新建请求客户端加解密套件</p>
 * @param secret DH Secret
 * @param infoHash InfoHash
 * @return MSE加解密套件
 * @throws NetException 网络异常
public static final MSECipher newSender(byte[] secret, InfoHash infoHash) throws NetException {
    final Key sendKey = buildSendKey(secret, infoHash.infoHash());
    final Key recvKey = buildRecvKey(secret, infoHash.infoHash());
    try {
        return new MSECipher(sendKey, recvKey);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException e) {
        throw new NetException("新建加密套件失败", e);
Also used : NetException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException) NoSuchPaddingException(javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException) NoSuchAlgorithmException( InvalidKeyException( Key(

Example 12 with NetException

use of com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException in project snail by acgist.

the class SystemContext method latestRelease.

 * <p>判断是不是最新版本</p>
 * @return 是不是最新版本
public static final boolean latestRelease() {
    try {
        // 本地版本:1.0.0
        final String version = SystemConfig.getVersion();
        final var body = HttpClient.newInstance(SystemConfig.getLatestRelease()).get().responseToString();
        final JSON json = JSON.ofString(body);
        // 最新版本:1.0.0
        final String latestVersion = json.getString("tag_name");
        LOGGER.debug("版本信息:{}-{}", version, latestVersion);
        return latestVersion.equals(version);
    } catch (NetException e) {
        LOGGER.error("获取版本信息异常", e);
    return true;
Also used : NetException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException) JSON(com.acgist.snail.format.JSON)

Example 13 with NetException

use of com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException in project snail by acgist.

the class TorrentContext method loadTorrent.

 * <p>种子文件加载</p>
 * @param path 种子文件地址
 * @return 种子信息
 * @throws DownloadException 下载异常
public static final Torrent loadTorrent(String path) throws DownloadException {
    final File file = new File(path);
    if (!file.exists()) {
        throw new DownloadException("不存在的种子文件");
    try {
        final var bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()));
        final var decoder = BEncodeDecoder.newInstance(bytes).next();
        if (decoder.isEmpty()) {
            throw new DownloadException("种子文件格式错误");
        final var torrent = Torrent.valueOf(decoder);
        // 直接转储原始信息:防止顺序不对导致种子Hash计算错误
        final var info = decoder.getMap(Torrent.ATTR_INFO);
        final var infoHash = InfoHash.newInstance(BEncodeEncoder.encodeMap(info));
        return torrent;
    } catch (NetException | IOException e) {
        throw new DownloadException("种子文件加载失败", e);
Also used : NetException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException) DownloadException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.DownloadException) IOException( File(

Example 14 with NetException

use of com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException in project snail by acgist.

the class M3u8Builder method buildM3u8.

 * <p>新建M3U8信息</p>
 * @return {@link M3u8}
 * @throws NetException 网络异常
private M3u8 buildM3u8() throws NetException {
    final M3u8.Type type = this.buildType();
    final Cipher cipher = this.buildCipher();
    List<String> links;
    if (type == Type.M3U8) {
        links = this.buildM3u8Links();
    } else {
        // 获取LABEL_EXTINF标签数据
        links = this.buildFileLinks(LABEL_EXTINF);
        // 没有LABEL_EXTINF标签数据:获取LABEL_EXT_X_BITRATE标签数据
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(links)) {
            links = this.buildFileLinks(LABEL_EXT_X_BITRATE);
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(links)) {
            throw new NetException("没有下载文件");
    return new M3u8(type, cipher, links);
Also used : Type(com.acgist.snail.pojo.bean.M3u8.Type) NetException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException) M3u8(com.acgist.snail.pojo.bean.M3u8) Cipher(javax.crypto.Cipher)

Example 15 with NetException

use of com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException in project snail by acgist.

the class FtpClient method size.

 * <p>获取文件大小</p>
 * <table border="1">
 * 	<caption>FTP文件信息格式(UNIX)</caption>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<th>内容</th><th>释义</th>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td colspan="2">-rwx------ 1 user group 102400 Jan 01 2020 SnailLauncher.exe</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>-rwx------</td>
 * 		<td>
 * 			首个字符:d-表示目录、--表示文件;<br>
 * 			其他字符:r-表示可读、w-表示可写、x-表示可执行(参考Linux文件权限);
 * 		</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>1</td><td>位置</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>user</td><td>所属用户</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>group</td><td>所属分组</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>102400</td><td>文件大小</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>Jan 01 2020</td><td>创建时间</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>SnailLauncher.exe</td><td>文件名称</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * </table>
 * <table border="1">
 * 	<caption>FTP文件信息格式(MS-DOS)</caption>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<th>内容</th><th>释义</th>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td colspan="2">04-08-14 03:09PM 403 SnailLauncher.exe</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>04-08-14</td><td>创建日期</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>03:09PM</td><td>创建时间</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>403</td><td>文件大小</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * 	<tr>
 * 		<td>readme.txt</td><td>文件名称</td>
 * 	</tr>
 * </table>
 * @return 文件大小
 * @throws NetException 网络异常
public Long size() throws NetException {
    synchronized (this) {
        // 切换被动模式
        // 切换数据模式:ASCII
        this.command("TYPE A");
        // 列出文件信息
        this.command("LIST " + this.filePath);
        final InputStream inputStream = this.handler.inputStream();
        final String message = StringUtils.ofInputStream(inputStream, this.handler.charset());
        if (message == null) {
            throw new NetException(this.failMessage("未知错误"));
        // 去掉多余空格
        final String[] messages = Stream.of(message.split(SymbolConfig.Symbol.SPACE.toString())).map(String::trim).filter(StringUtils::isNotEmpty).toArray(String[]::new);
        if (messages.length == MS_DOS_LENGTH) {
            return Long.valueOf(messages[2]);
        } else if (messages.length == UNIX_LENGTH) {
            return Long.valueOf(messages[4]);
        } else {
            throw new NetException("读取FTP文件大小失败");
Also used : InputStream( NetException(com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException)


NetException (com.acgist.snail.context.exception.NetException)18 IOException ( DownloadException (com.acgist.snail.context.exception.DownloadException)3 File ( InvalidKeyException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( NoSuchPaddingException (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException)3 Logger (com.acgist.snail.logger.Logger)2 LoggerFactory (com.acgist.snail.logger.LoggerFactory)2 M3u8 (com.acgist.snail.pojo.bean.M3u8)2 Type (com.acgist.snail.pojo.bean.M3u8.Type)2 StringUtils (com.acgist.snail.utils.StringUtils)2 OutputStream ( Key ( Cipher (javax.crypto.Cipher)2 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)2 SymbolConfig (com.acgist.snail.config.SymbolConfig)1 NatContext (com.acgist.snail.context.NatContext)1 UpnpContext (com.acgist.snail.context.UpnpContext)1 JSON (com.acgist.snail.format.JSON)1