use of com.actiontech.dble.config.model.TableConfig in project dble by actiontech.
the class DruidReplaceParser method parserSingleInsert.
* insert single record
* @param schemaInfo SchemaInfo
* @param rrs RouteResultset
* @param partitionColumn partitionColumn
* @param replaceStatement MySqlReplaceStatement
* @throws SQLNonTransientException if not find a valid data node
private void parserSingleInsert(SchemaInfo schemaInfo, RouteResultset rrs, String partitionColumn, MySqlReplaceStatement replaceStatement) throws SQLNonTransientException {
int shardingColIndex = tryGetShardingColIndex(schemaInfo, replaceStatement, partitionColumn);
SQLExpr valueExpr = replaceStatement.getValuesList().get(0).getValues().get(shardingColIndex);
String shardingValue = shardingValueToSting(valueExpr);
TableConfig tableConfig = schemaInfo.getSchemaConfig().getTables().get(schemaInfo.getTable());
AbstractPartitionAlgorithm algorithm = tableConfig.getRule().getRuleAlgorithm();
Integer nodeIndex = algorithm.calculate(shardingValue);
if (nodeIndex == null) {
String msg = "can't find any valid data node :" + schemaInfo.getTable() + " -> " + partitionColumn + " -> " + shardingValue;;
throw new SQLNonTransientException(msg);
RouteResultsetNode[] nodes = new RouteResultsetNode[1];
nodes[0] = new RouteResultsetNode(tableConfig.getDataNodes().get(nodeIndex), rrs.getSqlType(), RouterUtil.removeSchema(replaceStatement.toString(), schemaInfo.getSchema()));
use of com.actiontech.dble.config.model.TableConfig in project dble by actiontech.
the class DruidReplaceParser method parserChildTable.
private void parserChildTable(SchemaInfo schemaInfo, final RouteResultset rrs, MySqlReplaceStatement replace, final ServerConnection sc) throws SQLNonTransientException {
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaInfo.getSchemaConfig();
String tableName = schemaInfo.getTable();
final TableConfig tc = schema.getTables().get(tableName);
// check if the childtable replace with the multi
if (isMultiReplace(replace)) {
String msg = "ChildTable multi insert not provided";;
throw new SQLNonTransientException(msg);
// find the value of child table join key
String joinKey = tc.getJoinKey();
int joinKeyIndex = getJoinKeyIndex(schemaInfo, replace, joinKey);
final String joinKeyVal = replace.getValuesList().get(0).getValues().get(joinKeyIndex).toString();
String realVal = StringUtil.removeApostrophe(joinKeyVal);
final String sql = RouterUtil.removeSchema(replace.toString(), schemaInfo.getSchema());
// try to route by ER parent partition key
RouteResultset theRrs = routeByERParentKey(rrs, tc, realVal);
if (theRrs != null) {
} else {
DbleServer.getInstance().getComplexQueryExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
// get child result will be blocked, so use ComplexQueryExecutor
public void run() {
// route by sql query root parent's data node
String findRootTBSql = tc.getLocateRTableKeySql().toLowerCase() + joinKeyVal;
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("to find root parent's node sql :" + findRootTBSql);
FetchStoreNodeOfChildTableHandler fetchHandler = new FetchStoreNodeOfChildTableHandler(findRootTBSql, sc.getSession2());
String dn = fetchHandler.execute(schema.getName(), tc.getRootParent().getDataNodes());
if (dn == null) {
sc.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "can't find (root) parent sharding node for sql:" + sql);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("found partition node for child table to insert " + dn + " sql :" + sql);
RouterUtil.routeToSingleNode(rrs, dn);
use of com.actiontech.dble.config.model.TableConfig in project dble by actiontech.
the class DruidSelectParser method visitorParse.
public SchemaConfig visitorParse(SchemaConfig schema, RouteResultset rrs, SQLStatement stmt, ServerSchemaStatVisitor visitor, ServerConnection sc) throws SQLException {
SQLSelectStatement selectStmt = (SQLSelectStatement) stmt;
SQLSelectQuery sqlSelectQuery = selectStmt.getSelect().getQuery();
String schemaName = schema == null ? null : schema.getName();
if (sqlSelectQuery instanceof MySqlSelectQueryBlock) {
MySqlSelectQueryBlock mysqlSelectQuery = (MySqlSelectQueryBlock) sqlSelectQuery;
if (mysqlSelectQuery.getInto() != null) {
throw new SQLNonTransientException("select ... into is not supported!");
SQLTableSource mysqlFrom = mysqlSelectQuery.getFrom();
if (mysqlFrom == null) {
List<SQLSelectItem> selectList = mysqlSelectQuery.getSelectList();
for (SQLSelectItem item : selectList) {
SQLExpr itemExpr = item.getExpr();
if (itemExpr instanceof SQLQueryExpr) {
return schema;
RouterUtil.routeNoNameTableToSingleNode(rrs, schema);
return schema;
SchemaInfo schemaInfo;
if (mysqlFrom instanceof SQLExprTableSource) {
SQLExprTableSource fromSource = (SQLExprTableSource) mysqlFrom;
schemaInfo = SchemaUtil.getSchemaInfo(sc.getUser(), schemaName, fromSource);
if (schemaInfo.isDual()) {
RouterUtil.routeNoNameTableToSingleNode(rrs, schema);
return schema;
if (matchSysTable(rrs, sc, schemaInfo)) {
return schema;
if (schemaInfo.getSchemaConfig() == null) {
String msg = "No Supported, sql:" + stmt;
throw new SQLNonTransientException(msg);
if (!ServerPrivileges.checkPrivilege(sc, schemaInfo.getSchema(), schemaInfo.getTable(), CheckType.SELECT)) {
String msg = "The statement DML privilege check is not passed, sql:" + stmt;
throw new SQLNonTransientException(msg);
rrs.setStatement(RouterUtil.removeSchema(rrs.getStatement(), schemaInfo.getSchema()));
schema = schemaInfo.getSchemaConfig();
if (DbleServer.getInstance().getTmManager().getSyncView(schema.getName(), schemaInfo.getTable()) != null) {
return schema;
if (RouterUtil.isNoSharding(schema, schemaInfo.getTable())) {
RouterUtil.routeToSingleNode(rrs, schema.getDataNode());
return schema;
TableConfig tc = schema.getTables().get(schemaInfo.getTable());
if (tc == null) {
String msg = "Table '" + schema.getName() + "." + schemaInfo.getTable() + "' doesn't exist";
throw new SQLException(msg, "42S02", ErrorCode.ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE);
super.visitorParse(schema, rrs, stmt, visitor, sc);
if (visitor.isHasSubQuery()) {
return schema;
parseOrderAggGroupMysql(schema, stmt, rrs, mysqlSelectQuery, tc);
// select ...for update /in shard mode /in transaction
if ((mysqlSelectQuery.isForUpdate() || mysqlSelectQuery.isLockInShareMode()) && !sc.isAutocommit()) {
} else if (mysqlFrom instanceof SQLSubqueryTableSource || mysqlFrom instanceof SQLJoinTableSource || mysqlFrom instanceof SQLUnionQueryTableSource) {
return executeComplexSQL(schemaName, schema, rrs, selectStmt, sc);
} else if (sqlSelectQuery instanceof MySqlUnionQuery) {
return executeComplexSQL(schemaName, schema, rrs, selectStmt, sc);
return schema;
use of com.actiontech.dble.config.model.TableConfig in project dble by actiontech.
the class DDLRouteTest method testDDL.
* ddl deal test
* @throws Exception
public void testDDL() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
CacheService cacheService = new CacheService(false);
RouteService routerService = new RouteService(cacheService);
// create table/view/function/..
String sql = " create table company(idd int)";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
String upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
// TODO : modify by zhuam
String tablename = "company";
tablename = tablename.toUpperCase();
List<String> dataNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, TableConfig> tables = schema.getTables();
TableConfig tc;
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
int nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
int rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
int sqlType = rs & 0xff;
RouteResultset rrs = routerService.route(schema, sqlType, sql, null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
// drop table test
sql = " drop table COMPANY";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = "COMPANY";
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(schema, sqlType, sql, null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
// alter table
sql = " alter table COMPANY add COLUMN name int ;";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = "COMPANY";
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(schema, sqlType, sql, null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
// truncate table;
sql = " truncate table COMPANY";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = "COMPANY";
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(schema, sqlType, sql, null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
use of com.actiontech.dble.config.model.TableConfig in project dble by actiontech.
the class ExplainHandler method isInsertSeq.
private static boolean isInsertSeq(ServerConnection c, String stmt, SchemaConfig schema) throws SQLException {
SQLStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(stmt);
MySqlInsertStatement statement = (MySqlInsertStatement) parser.parseStatement();
String schemaName = schema == null ? null : schema.getName();
SQLExprTableSource tableSource = statement.getTableSource();
SchemaUtil.SchemaInfo schemaInfo = SchemaUtil.getSchemaInfo(c.getUser(), schemaName, tableSource);
String tableName = schemaInfo.getTable();
schema = schemaInfo.getSchemaConfig();
TableConfig tableConfig = schema.getTables().get(tableName);
if (tableConfig == null) {
return false;
} else if (tableConfig.isAutoIncrement()) {
return true;
return false;