Search in sources :

Example 11 with PreparedStatementProxy

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class FilterEventAdapter method connection_prepareStatement.

public PreparedStatementProxy connection_prepareStatement(FilterChain chain, ConnectionProxy connection, String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatementProxy statement = super.connection_prepareStatement(chain, connection, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
    return statement;
Also used : PreparedStatementProxy(

Example 12 with PreparedStatementProxy

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class FilterEventAdapter method connection_prepareStatement.

public PreparedStatementProxy connection_prepareStatement(FilterChain chain, ConnectionProxy connection, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatementProxy statement = super.connection_prepareStatement(chain, connection, sql, columnNames);
    return statement;
Also used : PreparedStatementProxy(

Example 13 with PreparedStatementProxy

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class FilterEventAdapter method connection_prepareStatement.

public PreparedStatementProxy connection_prepareStatement(FilterChain chain, ConnectionProxy connection, String sql) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatementProxy statement = super.connection_prepareStatement(chain, connection, sql);
    return statement;
Also used : PreparedStatementProxy(

Example 14 with PreparedStatementProxy

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class JdbcFilterEventAdapterTest method test_filterEventAdapter.

public void test_filterEventAdapter() throws Exception {
    DataSourceProxyConfig config = new DataSourceProxyConfig();
    DataSourceProxy dataSource = new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config);
    FilterEventAdapter filter = new FilterEventAdapter() {
    String sql = "SELECT * FROM PATROL";
    ConnectionProxy connection = new ConnectionProxyImpl(dataSource, null, new Properties(), 1001);
    final PreparedStatementProxy statement = new PreparedStatementProxyImpl(connection, null, sql, 1002);
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean statement_execute(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_execute(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int[] statement_executeBatch(StatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeBatch(chain, statement);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int[] statement_executeBatch(StatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeBatch(chain, statement);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int[] statement_executeBatch(StatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeBatch(chain, statement);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy statement_executeQuery(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeQuery(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy statement_executeQuery(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeQuery(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy statement_executeQuery(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeQuery(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int preparedStatement_executeUpdate(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeUpdate(chain, statement);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int preparedStatement_executeUpdate(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeUpdate(chain, statement);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int preparedStatement_executeUpdate(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeUpdate(chain, statement);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new int[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public int statement_executeUpdate(StatementProxy statement, String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.statement_executeUpdate(chain, statement, sql, new String[0]);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
    // ///////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy statement_getGeneratedKeys(StatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                return null;
        filter.statement_getGeneratedKeys(chain, statement);
        final ResultSetProxy resultSet = new ResultSetProxyImpl(statement, null, 2001, null);
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy statement_getGeneratedKeys(StatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                return resultSet;
        filter.statement_getGeneratedKeys(chain, statement);
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean preparedStatement_execute(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_execute(chain, statement);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean preparedStatement_execute(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_execute(chain, statement);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public boolean preparedStatement_execute(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_execute(chain, statement);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy preparedStatement_executeQuery(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeQuery(chain, statement);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy preparedStatement_executeQuery(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeQuery(chain, statement);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public ResultSetProxy preparedStatement_executeQuery(PreparedStatementProxy statement) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.preparedStatement_executeQuery(chain, statement);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public void dataSource_recycle(DruidPooledConnection connection) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_releaseConnection(chain, null);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public void dataSource_recycle(DruidPooledConnection connection) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_releaseConnection(chain, null);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public void dataSource_recycle(DruidPooledConnection connection) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_releaseConnection(chain, null);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
    // //////////////////////////
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public DruidPooledConnection dataSource_connect(DruidDataSource dataSource, long maxWaitMillis) throws SQLException {
                throw new SQLException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_getConnection(chain, null, 0L);
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public DruidPooledConnection dataSource_connect(DruidDataSource dataSource, long maxWaitMillis) throws SQLException {
                throw new RuntimeException();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_getConnection(chain, null, 0L);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            error = ex;
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChainImpl(new DataSourceProxyImpl(null, config)) {

            public DruidPooledConnection dataSource_connect(DruidDataSource dataSource, long maxWaitMillis) throws SQLException {
                throw new Error();
        Throwable error = null;
        try {
            filter.dataSource_getConnection(chain, null, 0L);
        } catch (Error ex) {
            error = ex;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) FilterChain( ConnectionProxyImpl( Properties(java.util.Properties) ConnectionProxy( DruidPooledConnection( PreparedStatementProxy( FilterChainImpl( DataSourceProxyConfig( PreparedStatementProxyImpl( DataSourceProxy( DataSourceProxyImpl( ResultSetProxyImpl( DruidDataSource( FilterEventAdapter( StatementProxy( PreparedStatementProxy( ResultSetProxy(

Example 15 with PreparedStatementProxy

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class PreparedStatementProxyImplGetParametersTest method test_get_parameters.

public void test_get_parameters() throws Exception {
    final PreparedStatementProxy stmt = (PreparedStatementProxy) conn.prepareStatement("select 1");
        Map<Integer, JdbcParameter> paramMap = stmt.getParameters();
        Assert.assertEquals(paramMap.size(), 0);
    stmt.setInt(1, 1);
        Map<Integer, JdbcParameter> paramMap1 = stmt.getParameters();
        Map<Integer, JdbcParameter> paramMap2 = stmt.getParameters();
        Assert.assertSame(paramMap1, paramMap2);
        Assert.assertEquals(paramMap1.size(), 1);
Also used : PreparedStatementProxy( Map(java.util.Map)


PreparedStatementProxy ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 FilterChain ( DruidDataSource ( FilterAdapter ( CallableStatementProxy ( ResultSetProxy ( StatementProxy ( ConnectionProxy ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)2 FilterChainImpl ( FilterEventAdapter ( DruidPooledConnection ( ConnectionProxyImpl ( DataSourceProxy ( DataSourceProxyConfig ( DataSourceProxyImpl ( PreparedStatementProxyImpl ( ResultSetProxyImpl ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1