Search in sources :

Example 21 with SQLSelectItem

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class SQLQueryExpr method computeDataType.

public SQLDataType computeDataType() {
    if (subQuery == null) {
        return null;
    SQLSelectQueryBlock queryBlock = subQuery.getFirstQueryBlock();
    if (queryBlock == null) {
        return null;
    List<SQLSelectItem> selectList = queryBlock.getSelectList();
    if (selectList.size() == 1) {
        return selectList.get(0).computeDataType();
    return null;
Also used : SQLSelectItem( SQLSelectQueryBlock(

Example 22 with SQLSelectItem

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class SQLEvalVisitorUtils method visit.

public static boolean visit(SQLEvalVisitor visitor, SQLQueryExpr x) {
    if (WallVisitorUtils.isSimpleCountTableSource(null, ((SQLQueryExpr) x).getSubQuery())) {
        x.putAttribute(EVAL_VALUE, 1);
        return false;
    if (x.getSubQuery().getQuery() instanceof SQLSelectQueryBlock) {
        SQLSelectQueryBlock queryBlock = (SQLSelectQueryBlock) x.getSubQuery().getQuery();
        boolean nullFrom = false;
        if (queryBlock.getFrom() == null) {
            nullFrom = true;
        } else if (queryBlock.getFrom() instanceof SQLExprTableSource) {
            SQLExpr expr = ((SQLExprTableSource) queryBlock.getFrom()).getExpr();
            if (expr instanceof SQLIdentifierExpr) {
                if ("dual".equalsIgnoreCase(((SQLIdentifierExpr) expr).getName())) {
                    nullFrom = true;
        if (nullFrom) {
            List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(queryBlock.getSelectList().size());
            for (int i = 0; i < queryBlock.getSelectList().size(); ++i) {
                SQLSelectItem item = queryBlock.getSelectList().get(i);
                Object cell = item.getExpr().getAttribute(EVAL_VALUE);
            List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(1);
            Object result = rows;
            queryBlock.putAttribute(EVAL_VALUE, result);
            x.getSubQuery().putAttribute(EVAL_VALUE, result);
            x.putAttribute(EVAL_VALUE, result);
            return false;
    return false;
Also used : SQLSelectItem( SQLSelectQueryBlock( SQLExprTableSource( SQLObject( SQLExpr(

Example 23 with SQLSelectItem

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class TPCDS_ALL_Resolve method test_q01.

public void test_q01() throws Exception {
    for (int q = 1; q <= 99; ++q) {
        System.out.println("tpcds query-" + q);
        String sql = TPCDS.getQuery(q);
        final List<SQLStatement> statements = SQLUtils.parseStatements(sql, DbType.mysql);
        for (SQLStatement stmt : statements) {
            final SQLSelect select = ((SQLSelectStatement) stmt).getSelect();
            final SQLSelectQueryBlock firstQueryBlock = select.getFirstQueryBlock();
            if (firstQueryBlock == null) {
            final List<SQLSelectItem> selectList = firstQueryBlock.getSelectList();
            for (int i = 0; i < selectList.size(); i++) {
                SQLSelectItem selectItem = selectList.get(i);
                if (selectItem.getExpr() instanceof SQLAllColumnExpr) {
                final SQLDataType dataType = selectItem.computeDataType();
                if (dataType == null) {
                // fail("dataType is null : " + selectItem);
Also used : SQLSelectItem( SQLAllColumnExpr( SQLDataType( SQLSelect( SQLSelectStatement( SQLSelectQueryBlock( SQLStatement(

Example 24 with SQLSelectItem

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class PagerUtils method limitOracle.

private static String limitOracle(SQLSelect select, String dbType, int offset, int count) {
    SQLSelectQuery query = select.getQuery();
    if (query instanceof SQLSelectQueryBlock) {
        OracleSelectQueryBlock queryBlock = (OracleSelectQueryBlock) query;
        if (queryBlock.getGroupBy() == null && select.getOrderBy() == null && offset <= 0) {
            SQLExpr condition = new //
            new SQLIdentifierExpr("ROWNUM"), //
            SQLBinaryOperator.LessThanOrEqual, //
            new SQLNumberExpr(count), JdbcConstants.ORACLE);
            if (queryBlock.getWhere() == null) {
            } else {
                queryBlock.setWhere(new //
                queryBlock.getWhere(), //
                SQLBinaryOperator.BooleanAnd, //
                condition, JdbcConstants.ORACLE));
            return SQLUtils.toSQLString(select, dbType);
    OracleSelectQueryBlock countQueryBlock = new OracleSelectQueryBlock();
    countQueryBlock.getSelectList().add(new SQLSelectItem(new SQLPropertyExpr(new SQLIdentifierExpr("XX"), "*")));
    countQueryBlock.getSelectList().add(new SQLSelectItem(new SQLIdentifierExpr("ROWNUM"), "RN"));
    countQueryBlock.setFrom(new SQLSubqueryTableSource(select, "XX"));
    countQueryBlock.setWhere(new //
    new SQLIdentifierExpr("ROWNUM"), //
    SQLBinaryOperator.LessThanOrEqual, //
    new SQLNumberExpr(count + offset), JdbcConstants.ORACLE));
    if (offset <= 0) {
        return SQLUtils.toSQLString(countQueryBlock, dbType);
    OracleSelectQueryBlock offsetQueryBlock = new OracleSelectQueryBlock();
    offsetQueryBlock.getSelectList().add(new SQLSelectItem(new SQLAllColumnExpr()));
    offsetQueryBlock.setFrom(new SQLSubqueryTableSource(new SQLSelect(countQueryBlock), "XXX"));
    offsetQueryBlock.setWhere(new //
    new SQLIdentifierExpr("RN"), //
    SQLBinaryOperator.GreaterThan, //
    new SQLNumberExpr(offset), JdbcConstants.ORACLE));
    return SQLUtils.toSQLString(offsetQueryBlock, dbType);
Also used : SQLSubqueryTableSource( SQLSelect( SQLSelectQuery( SQLIdentifierExpr( SQLPropertyExpr( SQLNumberExpr( SQLExpr( SQLSelectItem( SQLAllColumnExpr( OracleSelectQueryBlock( SQLSelectQueryBlock( SQLBinaryOpExpr(

Example 25 with SQLSelectItem

use of in project druid by alibaba.

the class PagerUtils method createCountUseSubQuery.

private static String createCountUseSubQuery(SQLSelect select, String dbType) {
    SQLSelectQueryBlock countSelectQuery = createQueryBlock(dbType);
    SQLSelectItem countItem = createCountItem(dbType);
    SQLSubqueryTableSource fromSubquery = new SQLSubqueryTableSource(select);
    SQLSelect countSelect = new SQLSelect(countSelectQuery);
    SQLSelectStatement countStmt = new SQLSelectStatement(countSelect);
    return SQLUtils.toSQLString(countStmt, dbType);
Also used : SQLSubqueryTableSource( SQLSelectItem( SQLSelect( SQLSelectQueryBlock( SQLSelectStatement(


SQLSelectItem ( SQLExpr ( SQLSelectQueryBlock ( SQLAggregateExpr ( SQLBinaryOpExpr ( SQLIdentifierExpr ( SQLSubqueryTableSource ( SQLSelectQuery ( MySqlSelectQueryBlock ( SQLOrderBy ( SQLAllColumnExpr ( SQLPropertyExpr ( SQLQueryExpr ( OracleSelectQueryBlock ( SQLIntegerExpr ( SQLTableSource ( SQLBinaryOperator ( SQLInSubQueryExpr ( SQLStatement ( SQLSelect (