use of in project druid by alibaba.
the class SELECT_Syntax_Test method output.
private String output(List<SQLStatement> stmtList) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for (SQLStatement stmt : stmtList) {
stmt.accept(new MySqlOutputVisitor(out));
return out.toString();
use of in project druid by alibaba.
the class MySqlPerfMain method execMySql.
static String execMySql(String sql) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
MySqlOutputVisitor visitor = new MySqlOutputVisitor(out);
MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql);
List<SQLStatement> statementList = parser.parseStatementList();
// }
return out.toString();
use of in project druid by alibaba.
the class Issue_697 method test_for_issue.
public void test_for_issue() throws Exception {
String sql = "insert into tag_rule_detail(id, gmt_create, gmt_modified, group_id, priority, rule_condition, rule_action) values(1010102, now(), now(), 10101, 0, 'flow=''trustLogin''', 'be:login,dev:pc, env:web, type:trust_login, from:$loginfrom, result:true') ;\n" + "insert into tag_rule_detail(id, gmt_create, gmt_modified, group_id, priority, rule_condition, rule_action) values(1010103, now(), now(), 10101, 0, 'flow=''Ctr''', 'be:login,dev:pc, env:web, type:ctr, from:$loginfrom, result:true') ;";
String expected = "INSERT INTO tag_rule_detail (id, gmt_create, gmt_modified, group_id, priority" + "\n\t, rule_condition, rule_action)" + "\nVALUES (1010102, now(), now(), 10101, 0" + "\n\t, 'flow=''trustLogin''', 'be:login,dev:pc, env:web, type:trust_login, from:$loginfrom, result:true');" + "\nINSERT INTO tag_rule_detail (id, gmt_create, gmt_modified, group_id, priority" + "\n\t, rule_condition, rule_action)" + "\nVALUES (1010103, now(), now(), 10101, 0" + "\n\t, 'flow=''Ctr''', 'be:login,dev:pc, env:web, type:ctr, from:$loginfrom, result:true');\n";
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
MySqlOutputVisitor visitor = new MySqlOutputVisitor(out);
MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql);
List<SQLStatement> statementList = parser.parseStatementList();
for (SQLStatement statement : statementList) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, out.toString());
use of in project druid by alibaba.
the class Bug_for_ruiyi method test_for_issue.
public void test_for_issue() throws Exception {
String sql = "insert into icshall_guide(id,gmt_create,gmt_modified,subject,content,cat_id)" + "values (8,now(),now(),\"Why my payment is deducted incorrectly?/ Why my payment is deducted twice?\"," + "\"{\\\"id\\\":1,\\\"title\\\":\\\"Have you contacted your card issuer to double check instead of only checking online?\\\"," + "\\\"type\\\":\\\"START\\\"," + "\\\"currentLevel\\\":1," + "\\\"name\\\":\\\"name1\\\"," + "\\\"values\\\":[{\\\"id\\\":2," + "\\\"title\\\":\\\"Yes\\\"," + "\\\"type\\\":\\\"MIDWAY\\\"," + "\\\"currentLevel\\\":2," + "\\\"value\\\":1," + "\\\"childs\\\":[{\\\"id\\\":3," + "\\\"title\\\":\\\"If it is deducted twice, please contact the online service with the official bank statement.\\\"," + "\\\"type\\\":\\\"END\\\"," + "\\\"currentLevel\\\":3}]}," + "{\\\"id\\\":4," + "\\\"title\\\":\\\"No\\\"," + "\\\"type\\\":\\\"MIDWAY\\\"," + "\\\"currentLevel\\\":2," + "\\\"value\\\":1," + "\\\"childs\\\":[{\\\"id\\\":5," + "\\\"title\\\":\\\"Please contact your card issuer to double confirm.\\\"," + "\\\"type\\\":\\\"END\\\"," + "\\\"currentLevel\\\":3}]}]}\",607)";
String expected = "INSERT INTO icshall_guide (id, gmt_create, gmt_modified, subject, content" + "\n\t, cat_id)" + "\nVALUES (8, now(), now(), 'Why my payment is deducted incorrectly?/ Why my payment is deducted twice?', '{\"id\":1,\"title\":\"Have you contacted your card issuer to double check instead of only checking online?\",\"type\":\"START\",\"currentLevel\":1,\"name\":\"name1\",\"values\":[{\"id\":2,\"title\":\"Yes\",\"type\":\"MIDWAY\",\"currentLevel\":2,\"value\":1,\"childs\":[{\"id\":3,\"title\":\"If it is deducted twice, please contact the online service with the official bank statement.\",\"type\":\"END\",\"currentLevel\":3}]},{\"id\":4,\"title\":\"No\",\"type\":\"MIDWAY\",\"currentLevel\":2,\"value\":1,\"childs\":[{\"id\":5,\"title\":\"Please contact your card issuer to double confirm.\",\"type\":\"END\",\"currentLevel\":3}]}]}'" + "\n\t, 607);\n";
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
MySqlOutputVisitor visitor = new MySqlOutputVisitor(out);
MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql);
List<SQLStatement> statementList = parser.parseStatementList();
for (SQLStatement statement : statementList) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, out.toString());
use of in project druid by alibaba.
the class MySqlParserResourceTest method output.
private String output(List<SQLStatement> stmtList) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
MySqlOutputVisitor visitor = new MySqlOutputVisitor(out);
for (SQLStatement stmt : stmtList) {
return out.toString();