use of in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class MockClusterInvokerTest method testMockInvokerFromOverride_Invoke_Fock_WithFailDefault.
* Test if mock policy works fine: fail-mock
public void testMockInvokerFromOverride_Invoke_Fock_WithFailDefault() {
URL url = URL.valueOf("remote://" + IHelloService.class.getName()).addParameter("mock", "fail:return z").addParameter("getSomething.mock", "fail:return x").addParameter("getSomething2.mock", "force:return y").addParameter("invoke_return_error", "true");
Invoker<IHelloService> cluster = getClusterInvoker(url);
// Configured with mock
RpcInvocation invocation = new RpcInvocation();
Result ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("x", ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("y", ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("z", ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("z", ret.getValue());
use of in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class MockClusterInvokerTest method testMockInvokerInvoke_normal.
* Test if mock policy works fine: fail-mock
public void testMockInvokerInvoke_normal() {
URL url = URL.valueOf("remote://" + IHelloService.class.getName());
url = url.addParameter(Constants.MOCK_KEY, "fail");
Invoker<IHelloService> cluster = getClusterInvoker(url);
URL mockUrl = URL.valueOf("mock://localhost/" + IHelloService.class.getName() + "?getSomething.mock=return aa");
Protocol protocol = new MockProtocol();
Invoker<IHelloService> mInvoker1 = protocol.refer(IHelloService.class, mockUrl);
// Configured with mock
RpcInvocation invocation = new RpcInvocation();
Result ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("something", ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals(null, ret.getValue());
use of in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class MockClusterInvokerTest method testMockInvokerInvoke_failmock.
* Test if mock policy works fine: fail-mock
public void testMockInvokerInvoke_failmock() {
URL url = URL.valueOf("remote://" + IHelloService.class.getName()).addParameter(Constants.MOCK_KEY, "fail:return null").addParameter("invoke_return_error", "true");
Invoker<IHelloService> cluster = getClusterInvoker(url);
URL mockUrl = URL.valueOf("mock://localhost/" + IHelloService.class.getName() + "?getSomething.mock=return aa").addParameters(url.getParameters());
Protocol protocol = new MockProtocol();
Invoker<IHelloService> mInvoker1 = protocol.refer(IHelloService.class, mockUrl);
// Configured with mock
RpcInvocation invocation = new RpcInvocation();
Result ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals("aa", ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals(null, ret.getValue());
// If no mock was configured, return null directly
invocation = new RpcInvocation();
ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals(null, ret.getValue());
use of in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class MockClusterInvokerTest method testMockInvokerFromOverride_Invoke_check_ListString_empty.
public void testMockInvokerFromOverride_Invoke_check_ListString_empty() {
URL url = URL.valueOf("remote://" + IHelloService.class.getName()).addParameter("getListString.mock", "force:return empty").addParameter("invoke_return_error", "true");
Invoker<IHelloService> cluster = getClusterInvoker(url);
// Configured with mock
RpcInvocation invocation = new RpcInvocation();
Result ret = cluster.invoke(invocation);
Assert.assertEquals(0, ((List<String>) ret.getValue()).size());
use of in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class RpcUtilsTest method testAttachInvocationIdIfAsync_normal.
* regular scenario: async invocation in URL
* verify: 1. whether invocationId is set correctly, 2. idempotent or not
public void testAttachInvocationIdIfAsync_normal() {
URL url = URL.valueOf("dubbo://localhost/?test.async=true");
Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>();
attachments.put("aa", "bb");
Invocation inv = new RpcInvocation("test", new Class[] {}, new String[] {}, attachments);
RpcUtils.attachInvocationIdIfAsync(url, inv);
long id1 = RpcUtils.getInvocationId(inv);
RpcUtils.attachInvocationIdIfAsync(url, inv);
long id2 = RpcUtils.getInvocationId(inv);
// verify if it's idempotent
Assert.assertTrue(id1 == id2);
Assert.assertTrue(id1 >= 0);
Assert.assertEquals("bb", attachments.get("aa"));