Search in sources :

Example 16 with CanalParseException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class LogEventConvert method parseRowsQueryEvent.

private Entry parseRowsQueryEvent(RowsQueryLogEvent event) {
    if (filterQueryDml) {
        return null;
    // mysql5.6支持,需要设置binlog-rows-query-log-events=1,可详细打印原始DML语句
    String queryString = null;
    try {
        queryString = new String(event.getRowsQuery().getBytes(ISO_8859_1),;
        String tableName = null;
        if (useDruidDdlFilter) {
            List<DdlResult> results = DruidDdlParser.parse(queryString, null);
            if (results.size() > 0) {
                tableName = results.get(0).getTableName();
        return buildQueryEntry(queryString, event.getHeader(), tableName);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new CanalParseException(e);
Also used : UnsupportedEncodingException( ByteString( CanalParseException( DdlResult(

Example 17 with CanalParseException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class LogEventConvert method parseRowsEvent.

private Entry parseRowsEvent(RowsLogEvent event) {
    if (filterRows) {
        return null;
    try {
        TableMapLogEvent table = event.getTable();
        if (table == null) {
            // tableId对应的记录不存在
            throw new TableIdNotFoundException("not found tableId:" + event.getTableId());
        String fullname = table.getDbName() + "." + table.getTableName();
        // check name filter
        if (nameFilter != null && !nameFilter.filter(fullname)) {
            return null;
        if (nameBlackFilter != null && nameBlackFilter.filter(fullname)) {
            return null;
        if (tableMetaCache.isOnRDS() && "mysql.ha_health_check".equals(fullname)) {
            // 忽略rds模式的mysql.ha_health_check心跳数据
            return null;
        EventType eventType = null;
        int type = event.getHeader().getType();
        if (LogEvent.WRITE_ROWS_EVENT_V1 == type || LogEvent.WRITE_ROWS_EVENT == type) {
            eventType = EventType.INSERT;
        } else if (LogEvent.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT_V1 == type || LogEvent.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT == type) {
            eventType = EventType.UPDATE;
        } else if (LogEvent.DELETE_ROWS_EVENT_V1 == type || LogEvent.DELETE_ROWS_EVENT == type) {
            eventType = EventType.DELETE;
        } else {
            throw new CanalParseException("unsupport event type :" + event.getHeader().getType());
        Header header = createHeader(binlogFileName, event.getHeader(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), eventType);
        RowChange.Builder rowChangeBuider = RowChange.newBuilder();
        RowsLogBuffer buffer = event.getRowsBuf(;
        BitSet columns = event.getColumns();
        BitSet changeColumns = event.getChangeColumns();
        boolean tableError = false;
        TableMeta tableMeta = null;
        if (tableMetaCache != null) {
            // 入错存在table meta cache
            tableMeta = getTableMeta(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), true);
            if (tableMeta == null) {
                tableError = true;
                if (!filterTableError) {
                    throw new CanalParseException("not found [" + fullname + "] in db , pls check!");
        while (buffer.nextOneRow(columns)) {
            // 处理row记录
            RowData.Builder rowDataBuilder = RowData.newBuilder();
            if (EventType.INSERT == eventType) {
                // insert的记录放在before字段中
                tableError |= parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, true, tableMeta);
            } else if (EventType.DELETE == eventType) {
                // delete的记录放在before字段中
                tableError |= parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
            } else {
                // update需要处理before/after
                tableError |= parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
                if (!buffer.nextOneRow(changeColumns)) {
                tableError |= parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, changeColumns, true, tableMeta);
        RowChange rowChange =;
        if (tableError) {
            Entry entry = createEntry(header, EntryType.ROWDATA, ByteString.EMPTY);
            logger.warn("table parser error : {}storeValue: {}", entry.toString(), rowChange.toString());
            return null;
        } else {
            Entry entry = createEntry(header, EntryType.ROWDATA,;
            return entry;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new CanalParseException("parse row data failed.", e);
Also used : TableMapLogEvent( EventType( RowChange( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) RowsLogBuffer( TableIdNotFoundException( ByteString( CanalParseException( TableIdNotFoundException( CanalParseException( UnsupportedEncodingException( RowData( Entry( Header( LogHeader( TableMeta(

Example 18 with CanalParseException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class LogEventConvert method parseQueryEvent.

private Entry parseQueryEvent(QueryLogEvent event) {
    String queryString = event.getQuery();
    if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(queryString, BEGIN)) {
        TransactionBegin transactionBegin = createTransactionBegin(event.getSessionId());
        Header header = createHeader(binlogFileName, event.getHeader(), "", "", null);
        return createEntry(header, EntryType.TRANSACTIONBEGIN, transactionBegin.toByteString());
    } else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(queryString, COMMIT)) {
        // MyISAM可能不会有xid事件
        TransactionEnd transactionEnd = createTransactionEnd(0L);
        Header header = createHeader(binlogFileName, event.getHeader(), "", "", null);
        return createEntry(header, EntryType.TRANSACTIONEND, transactionEnd.toByteString());
    } else {
        // DDL语句处理
        DdlResult result = SimpleDdlParser.parse(queryString, event.getDbName());
        String schemaName = event.getDbName();
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(result.getSchemaName())) {
            schemaName = result.getSchemaName();
        String tableName = result.getTableName();
        EventType type = EventType.QUERY;
        // fixed issue
        if (result.getType() == EventType.ALTER || result.getType() == EventType.ERASE || result.getType() == EventType.CREATE || result.getType() == EventType.TRUNCATE || result.getType() == EventType.RENAME || result.getType() == EventType.CINDEX || result.getType() == EventType.DINDEX) {
            if (filterQueryDdl) {
                return null;
            type = result.getType();
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName) || (result.getType() == EventType.RENAME && StringUtils.isEmpty(result.getOriTableName()))) {
                // 如果解析不出tableName,记录一下日志,方便bugfix,目前直接抛出异常,中断解析
                throw new CanalParseException("SimpleDdlParser process query failed. pls submit issue with this queryString: " + queryString + " , and DdlResult: " + result.toString());
            // return null;
            } else {
                // check name filter
                String name = schemaName + "." + tableName;
                if (nameFilter != null && !nameFilter.filter(name)) {
                    if (result.getType() == EventType.RENAME) {
                        // rename校验只要源和目标满足一个就进行操作
                        if (nameFilter != null && !nameFilter.filter(result.getOriSchemaName() + "." + result.getOriTableName())) {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        // 其他情况返回null
                        return null;
                if (nameBlackFilter != null && nameBlackFilter.filter(name)) {
                    if (result.getType() == EventType.RENAME) {
                        // rename校验只要源和目标满足一个就进行操作
                        if (nameBlackFilter != null && nameBlackFilter.filter(result.getOriSchemaName() + "." + result.getOriTableName())) {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        // 其他情况返回null
                        return null;
        } else if (result.getType() == EventType.INSERT || result.getType() == EventType.UPDATE || result.getType() == EventType.DELETE) {
            // 对外返回,保证兼容,还是返回QUERY类型,这里暂不解析tableName,所以无法支持过滤
            if (filterQueryDml) {
                return null;
        } else if (filterQueryDcl) {
            return null;
        // 更新下table meta cache
        if (tableMetaCache != null && (result.getType() == EventType.ALTER || result.getType() == EventType.ERASE || result.getType() == EventType.RENAME)) {
            for (DdlResult renameResult = result; renameResult != null; renameResult = renameResult.getRenameTableResult()) {
                // 防止rename语句后产生schema变更带来影响
                String schemaName0 = event.getDbName();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(renameResult.getSchemaName())) {
                    schemaName0 = renameResult.getSchemaName();
                tableName = renameResult.getTableName();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tableName)) {
                    // 如果解析到了正确的表信息,则根据全名进行清除
                    tableMetaCache.clearTableMeta(schemaName0, tableName);
                } else {
                    // 如果无法解析正确的表信息,则根据schema进行清除
        Header header = createHeader(binlogFileName, event.getHeader(), schemaName, tableName, type);
        RowChange.Builder rowChangeBuider = RowChange.newBuilder();
        if (result.getType() != EventType.QUERY) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(event.getDbName())) {
            // 可能为空
        return createEntry(header, EntryType.ROWDATA,;
Also used : Header( LogHeader( EventType( TransactionBegin( ByteString( CanalParseException( TransactionEnd( DdlResult(

Example 19 with CanalParseException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class TableMetaCache method getTableMeta.

public synchronized TableMeta getTableMeta(String schema, String table, boolean useCache, EntryPosition position) {
    TableMeta tableMeta = null;
    if (tableMetaTSDB != null) {
        tableMeta = tableMetaTSDB.find(schema, table);
        if (tableMeta == null) {
            // 因为条件变化,可能第一次的tableMeta没取到,需要从db获取一次,并记录到snapshot中
            String fullName = getFullName(schema, table);
            ResultSetPacket packet = null;
            String createDDL = null;
            try {
                try {
                    packet = connection.query("show create table " + fullName);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // 尝试做一次retry操作
                    packet = connection.query("show create table " + fullName);
                if (packet.getFieldValues().size() > 0) {
                    createDDL = packet.getFieldValues().get(1);
                // 强制覆盖掉内存值
                tableMetaTSDB.apply(position, schema, createDDL, "first");
                tableMeta = tableMetaTSDB.find(schema, table);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CanalParseException("fetch failed by table meta:" + fullName, e);
        return tableMeta;
    } else {
        if (!useCache) {
            tableMetaDB.invalidate(getFullName(schema, table));
        return tableMetaDB.getUnchecked(getFullName(schema, table));
Also used : ResultSetPacket( DatabaseTableMeta( TableMeta( MemoryTableMeta( IOException( IOException( CanalParseException( CanalParseException(

Example 20 with CanalParseException

use of in project canal by alibaba.

the class MysqlEventParser method findEndPosition.

 * 查询当前的binlog位置
private EntryPosition findEndPosition(MysqlConnection mysqlConnection) {
    try {
        ResultSetPacket packet = mysqlConnection.query("show master status");
        List<String> fields = packet.getFieldValues();
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(fields)) {
            throw new CanalParseException("command : 'show master status' has an error! pls check. you need (at least one of) the SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT privilege(s) for this operation");
        EntryPosition endPosition = new EntryPosition(fields.get(0), Long.valueOf(fields.get(1)));
        if (isGTIDMode() && fields.size() > 4) {
        // MariaDB 无法通过`show master status`获取 gtid
        if (mysqlConnection.isMariaDB() && isGTIDMode()) {
            ResultSetPacket gtidPacket = mysqlConnection.query("SELECT @@global.gtid_binlog_pos");
            List<String> gtidFields = gtidPacket.getFieldValues();
            if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(gtidFields) && gtidFields.size() > 0) {
        return endPosition;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CanalParseException("command : 'show master status' has an error!", e);
Also used : ResultSetPacket( EntryPosition( IOException( CanalParseException(


CanalParseException ( EntryPosition ( IOException ( ResultSetPacket ( LogPosition ( Entry ( ByteString ( AbstractLogPositionManager ( EventType ( RowChange ( RowData ( CanalSinkException ( InetSocketAddress ( List (java.util.List)5 TableMeta ( AbstractCanalEventSinkTest ( AuthenticationInfo ( LogContext ( LogDecoder ( LogEvent (