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Example 16 with SofaRpcException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class SofaResponseFuture method getResponse.

 * get response
 * <p>
 * If remoting get exception, framework will wrapped it to SofaRpcException
 * @param timeout get timeout
 * @param clear   true: framework will clear the ThreadLocal when return
 * @return The response
 * @throws SofaRpcException When throw SofaRpcException
 * @throws InterruptedException
 *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
 *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
 *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
public static Object getResponse(long timeout, boolean clear) throws SofaRpcException, InterruptedException {
    RpcInvokeContext context = RpcInvokeContext.getContext();
    Future future = context.getFuture();
    if (null == future) {
        throw new SofaRpcException(RpcErrorType.CLIENT_UNDECLARED_ERROR, LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_RESPONSE_FUTURE_NULL, Thread.currentThread()));
    try {
        if (clear) {
        return future.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
        // Future设置为超时
        if (!future.isDone()) {
            throw new SofaTimeOutException("Future is not done when timeout.", ex);
        } else {
            throw new SofaTimeOutException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
        Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
        if (cause instanceof SofaRpcException) {
            throw (SofaRpcException) cause;
        } else {
            throw new SofaRpcException(RpcErrorType.SERVER_UNDECLARED_ERROR, cause.getMessage(), cause);
Also used : RpcInvokeContext( SofaTimeOutException( Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) SofaRpcException( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

Example 17 with SofaRpcException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class SofaResponseFuture method getFuture.

 * @param clear 是否清除线程上下文
 * @return 原生 Java Future 对象
 * @throws SofaRpcException 当前线程上下文没有值的时候
public static Future getFuture(boolean clear) throws SofaRpcException {
    RpcInvokeContext context = RpcInvokeContext.getContext();
    Future future = context.getFuture();
    if (future == null) {
        throw new SofaRpcException(RpcErrorType.CLIENT_UNDECLARED_ERROR, LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_RESPONSE_FUTURE_NULL, Thread.currentThread()));
    if (clear) {
    return future;
Also used : RpcInvokeContext( Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) SofaRpcException(

Example 18 with SofaRpcException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class CallbackClientMain method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    ApplicationConfig applicationConfig = new ApplicationConfig().setAppName("future-server");
    ConsumerConfig<HelloService> consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig<HelloService>().setApplication(applicationConfig).setInterfaceId(HelloService.class.getName()).setInvokeType(RpcConstants.INVOKER_TYPE_CALLBACK).setTimeout(5000).setOnReturn(new SofaResponseCallback() {

        public void onAppResponse(Object appResponse, String methodName, RequestBase request) {
  "Interface get result: {}", appResponse);

        public void onAppException(Throwable throwable, String methodName, RequestBase request) {
  "Interface get app exception: {}", throwable);

        public void onSofaException(SofaRpcException sofaException, String methodName, RequestBase request) {
  "Interface get sofa exception: {}", sofaException);
    HelloService helloService = consumerConfig.refer();
    LOGGER.warn("started at pid {}", RpcRuntimeContext.PID);
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            try {
                String s = helloService.sayHello("xxx", 22);
                LOGGER.warn("{}", s);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    synchronized (CallbackClientMain.class) {
        while (true) {
Also used : HelloService( SofaResponseCallback( RequestBase( SofaRpcException( SofaRpcException( ApplicationConfig( ConsumerConfig(

Example 19 with SofaRpcException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class BoltServerProcessor method handleRequest.

public void handleRequest(BizContext bizCtx, AsyncContext asyncCtx, SofaRequest request) {
    // RPC内置上下文
    RpcInternalContext context = RpcInternalContext.getContext();
    String appName = request.getTargetAppName();
    if (appName == null) {
        // 默认全局appName
        appName = (String) RpcRuntimeContext.get(RpcRuntimeContext.KEY_APPNAME);
    // 是否链路异步化中
    boolean isAsyncChain = false;
    try {
        // 这个 try-finally 为了保证Context一定被清理
        // 统计值加1
        // 远程地址
        context.setRemoteAddress(bizCtx.getRemoteHost(), bizCtx.getRemotePort());
        // 远程返回的通道
        context.setAttachment(RpcConstants.HIDDEN_KEY_ASYNC_CONTEXT, asyncCtx);
        InvokeContext boltInvokeCtx = bizCtx.getInvokeContext();
        if (RpcInternalContext.isAttachmentEnable()) {
            if (boltInvokeCtx != null) {
                // rpc线程池等待时间 Long
                putToContextIfNotNull(boltInvokeCtx, InvokeContext.BOLT_PROCESS_WAIT_TIME, context, RpcConstants.INTERNAL_KEY_PROCESS_WAIT_TIME);
        if (EventBus.isEnable(ServerReceiveEvent.class)) {
        // 开始处理
        // 响应,用于返回
        SofaResponse response = null;
        // 异常,用于记录
        Throwable throwable = null;
        ProviderConfig providerConfig = null;
        String serviceName = request.getTargetServiceUniqueName();
        try {
            // 这个try-catch 保证一定有Response
            invoke: {
                if (!boltServer.isStarted()) {
                    // 服务端已关闭
                    throwable = new SofaRpcException(RpcErrorType.SERVER_CLOSED, LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.WARN_PROVIDER_STOPPED, SystemInfo.getLocalHost() + ":" + boltServer.serverConfig.getPort()));
                    response = MessageBuilder.buildSofaErrorResponse(throwable.getMessage());
                    break invoke;
                if (bizCtx.isRequestTimeout()) {
                    // 加上丢弃超时的请求的逻辑
                    throwable = clientTimeoutWhenReceiveRequest(appName, serviceName, bizCtx.getRemoteAddress());
                    break invoke;
                // 查找服务
                Invoker invoker = boltServer.findInvoker(serviceName);
                if (invoker == null) {
                    throwable = cannotFoundService(appName, serviceName);
                    response = MessageBuilder.buildSofaErrorResponse(throwable.getMessage());
                    break invoke;
                if (invoker instanceof ProviderProxyInvoker) {
                    providerConfig = ((ProviderProxyInvoker) invoker).getProviderConfig();
                    // 找到服务后,打印服务的appName
                    appName = providerConfig != null ? providerConfig.getAppName() : null;
                // 查找方法
                String methodName = request.getMethodName();
                Method serviceMethod = ReflectCache.getOverloadMethodCache(serviceName, methodName, request.getMethodArgSigs());
                if (serviceMethod == null) {
                    throwable = cannotFoundServiceMethod(appName, methodName, serviceName);
                    response = MessageBuilder.buildSofaErrorResponse(throwable.getMessage());
                    break invoke;
                } else {
                // 真正调用
                response = doInvoke(serviceName, invoker, request);
                if (bizCtx.isRequestTimeout()) {
                    // 加上丢弃超时的响应的逻辑
                    throwable = clientTimeoutWhenSendResponse(appName, serviceName, bizCtx.getRemoteAddress());
                    break invoke;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 服务端异常,不管是啥异常
            LOGGER.errorWithApp(appName, "Server Processor Error!", e);
            throwable = e;
            response = MessageBuilder.buildSofaErrorResponse(e.getMessage());
        // Response不为空,代表需要返回给客户端
        if (response != null) {
            RpcInvokeContext invokeContext = RpcInvokeContext.peekContext();
            isAsyncChain = CommonUtils.isTrue(invokeContext != null ? (Boolean) invokeContext.remove(RemotingConstants.INVOKE_CTX_IS_ASYNC_CHAIN) : null);
            // 如果是服务端异步代理模式,特殊处理,因为该模式是在业务代码自主异步返回的
            if (!isAsyncChain) {
                // 其它正常请求
                try {
                    // 这个try-catch 保证一定要记录tracer
                } finally {
                    if (EventBus.isEnable(ServerSendEvent.class)) {
               ServerSendEvent(request, response, throwable));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // 可能有返回时的异常
        if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled(appName)) {
            LOGGER.errorWithApp(appName, e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!isAsyncChain) {
            if (EventBus.isEnable(ServerEndHandleEvent.class)) {
Also used : InvokeContext( RpcInvokeContext( RpcInvokeContext( ServerSendEvent( ProviderConfig( RpcInternalContext( ServerEndHandleEvent( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) SofaRpcException( SofaRpcException( ProviderProxyInvoker( Invoker( ProviderProxyInvoker( ServerReceiveEvent( SofaResponse(

Example 20 with SofaRpcException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class BoltClientTransport method syncSend.

public SofaResponse syncSend(SofaRequest request, int timeout) throws SofaRpcException {
    RpcInternalContext context = RpcInternalContext.getContext();
    InvokeContext boltInvokeContext = createInvokeContext(request);
    SofaResponse response = null;
    SofaRpcException throwable = null;
    try {
        beforeSend(context, request);
        response = doInvokeSync(request, boltInvokeContext, timeout);
        return response;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // 其它异常
        throwable = convertToRpcException(e);
        throw throwable;
    } finally {
        afterSend(context, boltInvokeContext, request);
        if (EventBus.isEnable(ClientSyncReceiveEvent.class)) {
   ClientSyncReceiveEvent(transportConfig.getConsumerConfig(), transportConfig.getProviderInfo(), request, response, throwable));
Also used : InvokeContext( RpcInvokeContext( RpcInternalContext( SofaResponse( ClientSyncReceiveEvent( SofaRpcException( InvokeServerException( InvokeSendFailedException( SofaTimeOutException( DeserializationException( InvokeTimeoutException( SerializationException( RemotingException( ConnectionClosedException( InvokeServerBusyException( SofaRpcException( SofaRpcRuntimeException(


SofaRpcException ( Test (org.junit.Test)35 RequestBase ( SofaResponseCallback ( ServerConfig ( ActivelyDestroyTest ( SofaTimeOutException ( ConsumerConfig ( CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)20 SofaResponse ( ProviderConfig ( HelloService ( RpcInvokeContext ( ApplicationConfig ( RpcInternalContext ( SofaRequest ( HelloServiceImpl ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 Filter ( InvokeTimeoutException (