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Example 31 with SofaRpcRuntimeException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class ProxyFactory method getInvoker.

 * 解析出代理类的Invoker对象
 * @param proxyObject 代理类实现
 * @return Invoker对象
public static Invoker getInvoker(Object proxyObject, String proxyType) {
    try {
        ExtensionClass<Proxy> ext = ExtensionLoaderFactory.getExtensionLoader(Proxy.class).getExtensionClass(proxyType);
        if (ext == null) {
            throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Registry", proxyType));
        Proxy proxy = ext.getExtInstance();
        return proxy.getInvoker(proxyObject);
    } catch (SofaRpcRuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Registry", proxyType));
Also used : SofaRpcRuntimeException(

Example 32 with SofaRpcRuntimeException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class ProxyFactory method buildProxy.

 * 构建代理类实例
 * @param proxyType    代理类型
 * @param clazz        原始类
 * @param proxyInvoker 代码执行的Invoker
 * @param <T>          类型
 * @return 代理类实例
 * @throws Exception
public static <T> T buildProxy(String proxyType, Class<T> clazz, Invoker proxyInvoker) throws Exception {
    try {
        ExtensionClass<Proxy> ext = ExtensionLoaderFactory.getExtensionLoader(Proxy.class).getExtensionClass(proxyType);
        if (ext == null) {
            throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Proxy", proxyType));
        Proxy proxy = ext.getExtInstance();
        return proxy.getProxy(clazz, proxyInvoker);
    } catch (SofaRpcRuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Proxy", proxyType), e);
Also used : SofaRpcRuntimeException(

Example 33 with SofaRpcRuntimeException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class RegistryFactory method getRegistry.

 * 得到注册中心对象
 * @param registryConfig RegistryConfig类
 * @return Registry实现
public static synchronized Registry getRegistry(RegistryConfig registryConfig) {
    if (ALL_REGISTRIES.size() > 3) {
        // 超过3次 是不是配错了?
        if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.warn("Size of registry is greater than 3, Please check it!");
    String protocol = null;
    try {
        // 注意:RegistryConfig重写了equals方法,如果多个RegistryConfig属性一样,则认为是一个对象
        Registry registry = ALL_REGISTRIES.get(registryConfig);
        if (registry == null) {
            protocol = registryConfig.getProtocol();
            ExtensionClass<Registry> ext = ExtensionLoaderFactory.getExtensionLoader(Registry.class).getExtensionClass(protocol);
            if (ext == null) {
                throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Registry", protocol));
            registry = ext.getExtInstance(new Class[] { RegistryConfig.class }, new Object[] { registryConfig });
            ALL_REGISTRIES.put(registryConfig, registry);
        return registry;
    } catch (SofaRpcRuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_LOAD_EXT, "Registry", protocol));
Also used : RegistryConfig( SofaRpcRuntimeException( ExtensionClass(

Example 34 with SofaRpcRuntimeException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class ServerFactory method getServer.

 * 初始化Server实例
 * @param serverConfig 服务端配置
 * @return Server
public static synchronized Server getServer(ServerConfig serverConfig) {
    try {
        Server server = SERVER_MAP.get(Integer.toString(serverConfig.getPort()));
        if (server == null) {
            // 算下网卡和端口
            ExtensionClass<Server> ext = ExtensionLoaderFactory.getExtensionLoader(Server.class).getExtensionClass(serverConfig.getProtocol());
            if (ext == null) {
                throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL, serverConfig.getProtocol()));
            server = ext.getExtInstance();
            SERVER_MAP.put(serverConfig.getPort() + "", server);
        return server;
    } catch (SofaRpcRuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_GET_SERVER), e);
Also used : SofaRpcRuntimeException(

Example 35 with SofaRpcRuntimeException

use of in project sofa-rpc by sofastack.

the class MsgPackHelper method loadClassToCache.

 * load method paramters and return types to cache, will not pass through to next
 * @param key        key
 * @param clazz      interface name
 * @param methodName method name
private void loadClassToCache(String key, Class clazz, String methodName) {
    Method pbMethod = null;
    Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
    for (Method method : methods) {
        if (methodName.equals(method.getName())) {
            pbMethod = method;
    if (pbMethod == null) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, clazz.getName(), methodName));
    Class[] parameterTypes = pbMethod.getParameterTypes();
    if (parameterTypes == null || parameterTypes.length != 1) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_ONLY_ONE_PARAM, "msgpack", clazz.getName()));
    Class reqClass = parameterTypes[0];
    requestClassCache.put(key, reqClass);
    Class resClass = pbMethod.getReturnType();
    if (resClass == void.class) {
        throw new SofaRpcRuntimeException(LogCodes.getLog(LogCodes.ERROR_VOID_RETURN, "msgpack", clazz.getName()));
    responseClassCache.put(key, resClass);
Also used : SofaRpcRuntimeException( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method)


SofaRpcRuntimeException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)10 KeeperException (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException)7 ProviderGroup ( RegistryConfig ( NacosException ( ProviderInfo ( PathChildrenCache ( Instance ( ConsumerSubEvent ( ProviderPubEvent ( ProviderInfoListener ( SslContext (io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext)3 File ( ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 CuratorFramework (org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 EventListener ( ServerConfig ( SofaRpcException (