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Example 91 with IonValue

use of in project jackson-dataformats-binary by FasterXML.

the class IonValueDeserializerTest method shouldBeAbleToDeserializeNullList.

public void shouldBeAbleToDeserializeNullList() throws Exception {
    IonValue ion = ion("{c:null.list}");
    IonValueData data = ION_VALUE_MAPPER.readValue(ion, IonValueData.class);
    assertEquals(1, data.getAllData().size());
    assertEquals(SYSTEM.newNullList(), data.getAllData().get("c"));
Also used : IonValue( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 92 with IonValue

use of in project jackson-dataformats-binary by FasterXML.

the class IonValueDeserializerTest method shouldBeAbleToDeserializeIncludingNullList.

public void shouldBeAbleToDeserializeIncludingNullList() throws Exception {
    IonValue ion = ion("{a:1, b:2, c:null.list}");
    IonValueData data = ION_VALUE_MAPPER.readValue(ion, IonValueData.class);
    assertEquals(3, data.getAllData().size());
    assertEquals(ion("1"), data.getAllData().get("a"));
    assertEquals(ion("2"), data.getAllData().get("b"));
    assertEquals(ion("null.list"), data.getAllData().get("c"));
Also used : IonValue( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 93 with IonValue

use of in project jackson-dataformats-binary by FasterXML.

the class DataBindReadTest method testFromIon.

 * Test reading an IonValue, which also happens to not be at the top level.
public void testFromIon() throws IOException {
    IonObjectMapper m = new IonObjectMapper();
    IonSystem ion = IonSystemBuilder.standard().build();
    IonValue value = ion.singleValue("{payload: {'a': bc, b : '14' }}");
    MyBean bean = m.readValue(((IonStruct) value).get("payload"), MyBean.class);
    assertEquals("bc", bean.a);
    assertEquals(14, bean.b);
Also used : IonValue( IonSystem( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 94 with IonValue

use of in project ion-hive-serde by amzn.

the class IonStructToMapObjectInspector method getMap.

public Map<?, ?> getMap(final Object data) {
    if (IonUtil.isIonNull((IonValue) data)) {
        return null;
    final IonStruct struct = (IonStruct) data;
    // sets the initial size of the map to avoid growing as it's immutable while using the default HashMap load
    // factor to maintain the same collision performance
    final int size = (int) Math.ceil(struct.size() / DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
    final Map<String, IonValue> map = new HashMap<>(size, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
    for (IonValue v : struct) {
        map.put(v.getFieldName(), v);
    return map;
Also used : IonValue( IonStruct( HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 95 with IonValue

use of in project jackson-dataformats-binary by FasterXML.

the class SerializationAnnotationsTest method testNativeTypeIdsCanBeDisabledOnWrite.

public void testNativeTypeIdsCanBeDisabledOnWrite() throws Exception {
    IonObjectMapper mapper = IonObjectMapper.builderForTextualWriters().disable(IonGenerator.Feature.USE_NATIVE_TYPE_ID).build();
    IonValue subclassAsIon = mapper.writeValueAsIonValue(subclass);
    assertEqualIonValues(SUBCLASS_TYPED_AS_PROPERTY, subclassAsIon);
    BaseClass roundTripInstance = mapper.readValue(subclassAsIon, BaseClass.class);
    assertCorrectlyTypedAndFormed(subclass, roundTripInstance);
Also used : IonValue( IonObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.ion.IonObjectMapper) Test(org.junit.Test)


IonValue ( Test (org.junit.Test)115 IonSequence ( SymbolTable ( IonDatagram ( IonStruct ( IonInt ( IOException ( IonReader ( IonSystem ( Result ( SymbolToken ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 IonString ( IonException ( IonType ( IonObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.ion.IonObjectMapper)6 Event ( ( EventType (