use of in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ReplacementCardService method askForCardNumber.
private SpeechletResponse askForCardNumber(Session session, boolean errored) {
// TODO: Load account from session
Collection<Card> cards = AccountAPI.getCardsForAccount(ACCOUNT_NUMBER);
if (cards.size() == 0) {
// This user does not have any cards, ordering a replacement card is impossible.
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Es wurden keine Kredit- oder EC-Karten gefunden.");
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech);
} else {
SsmlOutputSpeech speech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (errored) {
stringBuilder.append("Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden. ");
stringBuilder.append("Bestellung einer Ersatzkarte. Es wurden folgende Karten gefunden: ");
List<Card> userCards = new ArrayList<>();
for (Card card : cards) {
// Check if this card is active
if (card.getStatus() != Card.Status.ACTIVE) {
String prefix = (card.getCardType() == Card.CardType.CREDIT ? "Kredit" : "EC-");
stringBuilder.append(prefix + "karte mit den Endziffern <say-as interpret-as=\"digits\">" + card.getCardNumber().substring(card.getCardNumber().length() - 4) + "</say-as>. ");
// Store all card numbers in the session
SessionStorage.getInstance().getStorage(session.getSessionId()).put(STORAGE_VALID_CARDS, userCards);
stringBuilder.append("Bitte gib die Endziffern der Karte an, für die du Ersatz benötigst.");
// Create reprompt
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
use of in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ReplacementCardService method askIfBlockedOrDamaged.
private SpeechletResponse askIfBlockedOrDamaged(Intent intent, Session session) {
String fourDigits = intent.getSlot("Number").getValue();"Digits: " + fourDigits);
boolean validDigits = false;
// Check if these digits are valid
List<Card> userCards = (List<Card>) SessionStorage.getInstance().getStorage(session.getSessionId()).get(STORAGE_VALID_CARDS);
for (Card card : userCards) {
String cardNumber = card.getCardNumber();
if (cardNumber.substring(cardNumber.length() - 4).equals(fourDigits)) {
// Digits are valid
session.setAttribute(STORAGE_SELECTED_CARD_NUMBER, cardNumber);
session.setAttribute(STORAGE_SELECTED_CARD_ID, card.getCardId());
validDigits = true;
// If these are invalid digits, ask again
if (!validDigits) {
return askForCardNumber(session, true);
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Wurde die Karte gesperrt oder wurde sie beschädigt?");
// Create reprompt
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
use of in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class ContactService method readContacts.
private SpeechletResponse readContacts(Session session, int offset, int limit) {
List<Contact> contactList = DynamoDbMapper.getInstance().loadAll(Contact.class);
List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>(contactList);"Contacts: " + contacts);
if (contacts.size() == 0) {
return getResponse(CONTACTS, "Du hast keine Kontakte in deiner Kontaktliste.");
if (offset >= contacts.size()) {
session.setAttribute(CONTACTS + ".offset", null);
return getResponse(CONTACTS, "Keine weiteren Kontakte.");
if (offset + limit >= contacts.size()) {
limit = contacts.size() - offset;
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = offset; i < offset + limit; i++) {
Contact contact = contacts.get(i);
response.append("Kontakt ").append(contact.getId()).append(": ");
response.append("Name: ").append(contact.getName()).append(", IBAN: ").append(DialogUtil.getIbanSsmlOutput(contact.getIban())).append(". ");
boolean isAskResponse = contacts.size() > offset + limit;
if (isAskResponse) {
response.append("Weitere Kontakte vorlesen?");
session.setAttribute(CONTACTS + ".offset", offset + limit);
SsmlOutputSpeech speech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
} else {
response.append("Keine weiteren Kontakte.");
session.setAttribute(CONTACTS + ".offset", null);
SsmlOutputSpeech speech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech);
use of in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class SavingsPlanService method getCalculatedSavingsPlanInfo.
private SpeechletResponse getCalculatedSavingsPlanInfo(Session session) {
// Assume we have all parameters now. Get them from the session attributes.
String grundbetragString = (String) session.getAttribute(BASIC_AMOUNT_KEY);
String einzahlungMonatString = (String) session.getAttribute(MONTHLY_PAYMENT_KEY);
String anzahlJahreString = (String) session.getAttribute(DURATION_KEY);
String calculationString = calculateSavings(grundbetragString, einzahlungMonatString, anzahlJahreString);
// TODO Get interest rate from account info by API (new field)
SsmlOutputSpeech speech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
speech.setSsml("<speak>Bei einem Zinssatz von zwei Prozent waere der Gesamtsparbetrag am Ende " + "des Zeitraums insgesamt <say-as interpret-as=\"number\">" + calculationString + "</say-as> Euro. Soll ich diesen Sparplan fuer dich anlegen?</speak>");
// Create reprompt
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
use of in project amos-ss17-alexa by c-i-ber.
the class SecuritiesAccountInformationService method getNextSecuritiesAccountInformation.
private SpeechletResponse getNextSecuritiesAccountInformation(Intent intent, Session session) {
int nextEntry = (int) session.getAttribute("NextSecurity");
Security nextSecurity;
StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (nextEntry < securities.size()) {
String stockPrice = FinanceApi.getStockPrice(securities.get(nextEntry));
nextSecurity = securities.get(nextEntry);
textBuilder.append("Wertpapier Nummer ").append(nextSecurity.getSecurityId()).append(": ").append(nextSecurity.getDescription()).append(", " + nextSecurity.getQuantity() + " Stueck, ").append("mit einem momentanen Wert von ").append(stockPrice).append(" Euro. ");
if (nextEntry == (securities.size() - 1)) {
textBuilder.append("Das waren alle Wertpapiere in deinem Depot.");
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech);
} else {
textBuilder.append("Moechtest du einen weiteren Eintrag hoeren?");
// Save current list offset in this session
session.setAttribute("NextSecurity", nextEntry + 1);
String text = textBuilder.toString();
// Create the plain text output
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
// Create reprompt
Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt();
return SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt);
} else {
// Create the plain text output
PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
speech.setText("Das waren alle Wertpapiere in deinem Depot.");
return SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech);