use of com.amazonaws.athena.connector.lambda.QueryStatusChecker in project foundry-athena-query-federation-connector by palantir.
the class FoundryRecordHandler method doReadRecords.
public RecordResponse doReadRecords(BlockAllocator allocator, ReadRecordsRequest request) throws Exception {"doReadRecords: {}:{}", request.getSchema(), request.getSplit().getSpillLocation());
log.debug("Reading records with constraints: {}", request.getConstraints());
SpillConfig spillConfig = getSpillConfig(request);
S3Spiller spiller = new S3Spiller(amazonS3, spillConfig, allocator);
List<String> columnNames = request.getSchema().getFields().stream().map(Field::getName).collect(Collectors.toList());
// create a temporary block to obtain a handle to the BufferAllocator and allocator id
BufferAllocator bufferAllocator;
String allocatorId;
try (Block block = allocator.createBlock(request.getSchema())) {
bufferAllocator = block.getFieldVectors().get(0).getAllocator();
allocatorId = block.getAllocatorId();
try (QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker = new QueryStatusChecker(athena, athenaInvoker, request.getQueryId());
InputStream is = throttlingInvoker.invoke(() -> recordService.fetchSlice(foundryAuthProvider.getAuthHeader(), FetchSliceRequest.builder().slice(Slices.INSTANCE.fromSplit(request.getSplit())).columnNames(columnNames).maxBatchSize(SafeLong.of(spillConfig.getMaxBlockBytes())).build()))) {
// we do not auto-close the reader to avoid releasing the buffers before serialization in the case
// the block is held in memory
PeekableArrowStreamReader reader = new PeekableArrowStreamReader(is, bufferAllocator);
VectorSchemaRoot vectorSchemaRoot = reader.getVectorSchemaRoot();
Block block = new Block(allocatorId, request.getSchema(), vectorSchemaRoot);
// spill if we have more blocks to read or the current block is too large to return
if (reader.hasNextBatch() || block.getSize() > spillConfig.getMaxInlineBlockSize()) {
do {
} while (queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning() && reader.loadNextBatch());
// we have spilled so we can clean up the reader
return new RemoteReadRecordsResponse(request.getCatalogName(), request.getSchema(), spiller.getSpillLocations(), spillConfig.getEncryptionKey());
} else {
// no more batches so immediately return the block
return new ReadRecordsResponse(request.getCatalogName(), block);
use of com.amazonaws.athena.connector.lambda.QueryStatusChecker in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class BigQueryRecordHandlerTest method testReadWithConstraint.
public void testReadWithConstraint() throws Exception {
try (ReadRecordsRequest request = new ReadRecordsRequest(federatedIdentity, BigQueryTestUtils.PROJECT_1_NAME, "queryId", new TableName("dataset1", "table1"), BigQueryTestUtils.getBlockTestSchema(), Split.newBuilder(S3SpillLocation.newBuilder().withBucket(bucket).withPrefix(prefix).withSplitId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).withQueryId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).withIsDirectory(true).build(), keyFactory.create()).build(), new Constraints(Collections.EMPTY_MAP), // This is ignored when directly calling readWithConstraints.
0, 0)) {
// This is ignored when directly calling readWithConstraints.
// Always return try for the evaluator to keep all rows.
ConstraintEvaluator evaluator = mock(ConstraintEvaluator.class);
when(evaluator.apply(any(String.class), any(Object.class))).thenAnswer((InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) -> {
return true;
// Populate the schema and data that the mocked Google BigQuery client will return. tableSchema = BigQueryTestUtils.getTestSchema();
List<FieldValueList> tableRows = Arrays.asList(BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(false, 1000, "test1", 123123.12312), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(true, 500, "test2", 5345234.22111), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(false, 700, "test3", 324324.23423), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(true, 900, null, null), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(null, null, "test5", 2342.234234), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(true, 1200, "test6", 1123.12312), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(false, 100, "test7", 1313.12312), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(true, 120, "test8", 12313.1312), BigQueryTestUtils.getBigQueryFieldValueList(false, 300, "test9", 12323.1312));
Page<FieldValueList> fieldValueList = new BigQueryPage<>(tableRows);
TableResult result = new TableResult(tableSchema, tableRows.size(), fieldValueList);
// Mock out the Google BigQuery Job.
Job mockBigQueryJob = mock(Job.class);
QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker = mock(QueryStatusChecker.class);
// Execute the test
bigQueryRecordHandler.readWithConstraint(spillWriter, request, queryStatusChecker);
PowerMockito.when(System.getenv(anyString())).thenReturn("test");"Project Name: " + BigQueryUtils.getProjectName(request.getCatalogName()));
// Ensure that there was a spill so that we can read the spilled block.
use of com.amazonaws.athena.connector.lambda.QueryStatusChecker in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class JdbcMetadataHandlerTest method setup.
public void setup() {
this.jdbcConnectionFactory = Mockito.mock(JdbcConnectionFactory.class);
this.connection = Mockito.mock(Connection.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
this.secretsManager = Mockito.mock(AWSSecretsManager.class);
this.athena = Mockito.mock(AmazonAthena.class);
Mockito.when(this.secretsManager.getSecretValue(Mockito.eq(new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId("testSecret")))).thenReturn(new GetSecretValueResult().withSecretString("{\"username\": \"testUser\", \"password\": \"testPassword\"}"));
DatabaseConnectionConfig databaseConnectionConfig = new DatabaseConnectionConfig("testCatalog", "fakedatabase", "fakedatabase://jdbc:fakedatabase://hostname/${testSecret}", "testSecret");
this.jdbcMetadataHandler = new JdbcMetadataHandler(databaseConnectionConfig, this.secretsManager, this.athena, jdbcConnectionFactory) {
public Schema getPartitionSchema(final String catalogName) {
public void getPartitions(final BlockWriter blockWriter, final GetTableLayoutRequest getTableLayoutRequest, QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker) {
public GetSplitsResponse doGetSplits(BlockAllocator blockAllocator, GetSplitsRequest getSplitsRequest) {
return null;
this.federatedIdentity = Mockito.mock(FederatedIdentity.class);
this.blockAllocator = Mockito.mock(BlockAllocator.class);
use of com.amazonaws.athena.connector.lambda.QueryStatusChecker in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class MetadataHandler method doGetTableLayout.
* Used to get the partitions that must be read from the request table in order to satisfy the requested predicate.
* @param allocator Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
* @param request Provides details of the catalog, database, and table being queried as well as any filter predicate.
* @return A GetTableLayoutResponse which primarily contains:
* 1. An Apache Arrow Block with 0 or more partitions to read. 0 partitions implies there are 0 rows to read.
* 2. Set<String> of partition column names which should correspond to columns in your Apache Arrow Block.
* @note Partitions are opaque to Amazon Athena in that it does not understand their contents, just that it must call
* doGetSplits(...) for each partition you return in order to determine which reads to perform and if those reads
* can be parallelized. This means the contents of this response are more for you than they are for Athena.
* @note Partitions are partially opaque to Amazon Athena in that it only understands your partition columns and
* how to filter out partitions that do not meet the query's constraints. Any additional columns you add to the
* partition data are ignored by Athena but passed on to calls on GetSplits.
public GetTableLayoutResponse doGetTableLayout(final BlockAllocator allocator, final GetTableLayoutRequest request) throws Exception {
SchemaBuilder constraintSchema = new SchemaBuilder().newBuilder();
SchemaBuilder partitionSchemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder().newBuilder();
* Add our partition columns to the response schema so the engine knows how to interpret the list of
* partitions we are going to return.
for (String nextPartCol : request.getPartitionCols()) {
Field partitionCol = request.getSchema().findField(nextPartCol);
partitionSchemaBuilder.addField(nextPartCol, partitionCol.getType());
constraintSchema.addField(nextPartCol, partitionCol.getType());
enhancePartitionSchema(partitionSchemaBuilder, request);
Schema partitionSchema =;
if (partitionSchema.getFields().isEmpty() && partitionSchema.getCustomMetadata().isEmpty()) {
// Even though our table doesn't support complex layouts, partitioning or metadata, we need to convey that there is at least
// 1 partition to read as part of the query or Athena will assume partition pruning found no candidate layouts to read.
Block partitions = BlockUtils.newBlock(allocator, PARTITION_ID_COL, Types.MinorType.INT.getType(), 1);
return new GetTableLayoutResponse(request.getCatalogName(), request.getTableName(), partitions);
* Now use the constraint that was in the request to do some partition pruning. Here we are just
* generating some fake values for the partitions but in a real implementation you'd use your metastore
* or knowledge of the actual table's physical layout to do this.
try (ConstraintEvaluator constraintEvaluator = new ConstraintEvaluator(allocator,, request.getConstraints());
QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker = new QueryStatusChecker(athena, athenaInvoker, request.getQueryId())) {
Block partitions = allocator.createBlock(;
SimpleBlockWriter blockWriter = new SimpleBlockWriter(partitions);
getPartitions(blockWriter, request, queryStatusChecker);
return new GetTableLayoutResponse(request.getCatalogName(), request.getTableName(), partitions);
use of com.amazonaws.athena.connector.lambda.QueryStatusChecker in project aws-athena-query-federation by awslabs.
the class RecordHandler method doReadRecords.
* Used to read the row data associated with the provided Split.
* @param allocator Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
* @param request Details of the read request, including:
* 1. The Split
* 2. The Catalog, Database, and Table the read request is for.
* 3. The filtering predicate (if any)
* 4. The columns required for projection.
* @return A RecordResponse which either a ReadRecordsResponse or a RemoteReadRecordsResponse containing the row
* data for the requested Split.
public RecordResponse doReadRecords(BlockAllocator allocator, ReadRecordsRequest request) throws Exception {"doReadRecords: {}:{}", request.getSchema(), request.getSplit().getSpillLocation());
SpillConfig spillConfig = getSpillConfig(request);
try (ConstraintEvaluator evaluator = new ConstraintEvaluator(allocator, request.getSchema(), request.getConstraints());
S3BlockSpiller spiller = new S3BlockSpiller(amazonS3, spillConfig, allocator, request.getSchema(), evaluator);
QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker = new QueryStatusChecker(athena, athenaInvoker, request.getQueryId())) {
readWithConstraint(spiller, request, queryStatusChecker);
if (!spiller.spilled()) {
return new ReadRecordsResponse(request.getCatalogName(), spiller.getBlock());
} else {
return new RemoteReadRecordsResponse(request.getCatalogName(), request.getSchema(), spiller.getSpillLocations(), spillConfig.getEncryptionKey());