use of in project jcabi-dynamo by jcabi.
the class AwsTableTest method deletesItemFromDynamo.
* AwsTable can delete an item.
* @throws Exception If some problem inside
public void deletesItemFromDynamo() throws Exception {
final Credentials credentials = Mockito.mock(Credentials.class);
final AmazonDynamoDB aws = Mockito.mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class);
Mockito.doReturn(new DeleteItemResult().withConsumedCapacity(new ConsumedCapacity().withCapacityUnits(1.0d))).when(aws).deleteItem(Mockito.any(DeleteItemRequest.class));
Mockito.doReturn(new DescribeTableResult().withTable(new TableDescription().withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName(AwsTableTest.KEY)))).when(aws).describeTable(Mockito.any(DescribeTableRequest.class));
final String attr = "attribute-2";
final AttributeValue value = new AttributeValue("value-2");
final String name = "table-name-2";
final Table table = new AwsTable(credentials, Mockito.mock(Region.class), name);
table.delete(new Attributes().with(attr, value));
Mockito.verify(aws).deleteItem(DeleteItemRequest.class.cast(MockitoHamcrest.argThat(Matchers.allOf(Matchers.hasProperty(AwsTableTest.TABLE_NAME, Matchers.equalTo(name)), Matchers.hasProperty(AwsTableTest.KEY, Matchers.hasEntry(Matchers.equalTo(attr), Matchers.equalTo(value)))))));
use of in project jcabi-dynamo by jcabi.
the class ScanValve method fetch.
// @checkstyle ParameterNumber (5 lines)
public Dosage fetch(final Credentials credentials, final String table, final Map<String, Condition> conditions, final Collection<String> keys) throws IOException {
final AmazonDynamoDB aws =;
try {
final Collection<String> attrs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(this.attributes));
final ScanRequest request = new ScanRequest().withTableName(table).withAttributesToGet(attrs).withReturnConsumedCapacity(ReturnConsumedCapacity.TOTAL).withScanFilter(conditions).withLimit(this.limit);
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final ScanResult result = aws.scan(request);, // @checkstyle LineLength (1 line)
"#items(): loaded %d item(s) from '%s' and stooped at %s, using %s, %s, in %[ms]s", result.getCount(), table, result.getLastEvaluatedKey(), conditions, new PrintableConsumedCapacity(result.getConsumedCapacity()).print(), System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return new ScanValve.NextDosage(credentials, request, result);
} catch (final AmazonClientException ex) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to fetch from \"%s\" by %s and %s", table, conditions, keys), ex);
} finally {
use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class TryDaxHelper method getDynamoDBClient.
DynamoDB getDynamoDBClient() {
System.out.println("Creating a DynamoDB client");
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build();
return new DynamoDB(client);
use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class TryDaxHelper method getDaxClient.
DynamoDB getDaxClient(String daxEndpoint) {
System.out.println("Creating a DAX client with cluster endpoint " + daxEndpoint);
AmazonDaxClientBuilder daxClientBuilder = AmazonDaxClientBuilder.standard();
AmazonDynamoDB client =;
return new DynamoDB(client);
use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class GetItem method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String USAGE = "\n" + "Usage:\n" + " GetItem <table> <name> [projection_expression]\n\n" + "Where:\n" + " table - the table to get an item from.\n" + " name - the item to get.\n\n" + "You can add an optional projection expression (a quote-delimited,\n" + "comma-separated list of attributes to retrieve) to limit the\n" + "fields returned from the table.\n\n" + "Example:\n" + " GetItem HelloTable World\n" + " GetItem SiteColors text \"default, bold\"\n";
if (args.length < 2) {
String table_name = args[0];
String name = args[1];
String projection_expression = null;
// if a projection expression was included, set it.
if (args.length == 3) {
projection_expression = args[2];
System.out.format("Retrieving item \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", name, table_name);
HashMap<String, AttributeValue> key_to_get = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
key_to_get.put("DATABASE_NAME", new AttributeValue(name));
GetItemRequest request = null;
if (projection_expression != null) {
request = new GetItemRequest().withKey(key_to_get).withTableName(table_name).withProjectionExpression(projection_expression);
} else {
request = new GetItemRequest().withKey(key_to_get).withTableName(table_name);
final AmazonDynamoDB ddb = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.defaultClient();
try {
Map<String, AttributeValue> returned_item = ddb.getItem(request).getItem();
if (returned_item != null) {
Set<String> keys = returned_item.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
System.out.format("%s: %s\n", key, returned_item.get(key).toString());
} else {
System.out.format("No item found with the key %s!\n", name);
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {