use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.
the class DefaultSigningMethodTest method assertSigV4WithRegion.
* Test utility functions
* Use reflection to call the private method "createSigner" of
* AmazonS3Client to create the default signer based on a fake request.
* Returns whether the created signer is in SigV4.
private static void assertSigV4WithRegion(AmazonS3Client s3, String expectedRegion) {
final Signer signer = invokeCreateSigner(s3);
assertTrue(signer instanceof AWSS3V4Signer);
assertEquals(expectedRegion, invokeExtractRegionName(s3, (AWSS3V4Signer) signer));
use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.
the class AwsChunkedEncodingInputStreamTest method setup.
public void setup() throws FileNotFoundException {
File data = new File(getClass().getResource("/com/amazonaws/auth/RandomTestData.txt").getPath());
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(data);
byte[] key = BinaryUtils.fromBase64("3CzwdoZjnC/7siQkeHrlEmv0PE12RkMFZVG5qKt096s=");
String keyPath = "20150513/us-west-2/s3/aws4_request";
String headerSignature = "c61bd05d152a8ca5ca2a024ec45d0670c0f4aa2aa67ee26be9de8657f6cfea37";
String dateTime = "20150513T222354Z";
aceis = new AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream(fis, 262144, key, dateTime, keyPath, headerSignature, new AWSS3V4Signer());
use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.
the class AWSS3V4SignerTest method testSignGetObject.
public void testSignGetObject() throws URISyntaxException {
final AWSS3V4Signer signer = new S3SignerWithDateOverride(new Date(1431114076667L));
final AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("AKIAJd4scjDDmxXZTESTGOZQ", "LYd/ad4scjDDmxXZTESTtRz7xdOM1SiD6");
// Simulates getObject
final GetObjectRequest getRequest = new GetObjectRequest("test-bucket123456", "key");
final Request<?> gr = new DefaultRequest(getRequest, Constants.S3_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME);
gr.setEndpoint(new URI(""));
gr.addHeader("Host", "");
signer.sign(gr, credentials);
assertEquals(getSignature(gr), "7f8a09e22f7d2899e8b41857516d16ecf10680627c35693958e6e205fda8419e");
use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.
the class AmazonS3Client method createSigner.
* Returns a "complete" S3 specific signer, taking into the S3 bucket, key,
* and the current S3 client configuration into account.
* Signer = get a Signer based on the bucket endpoint // InternalConfig in CoreRuntime makes this decision
* [If the region is not specified, uses SigV2 signer,
* Else If the region is specified, and If the region only supports SigV4, then uses SigV4]
* If Signer is not Overriden {
* If Signer is a V4 Signer and Region is null
* Get the region from AmazonS3Client or BucketRegionCache
* If available
* Use SigV4
* Else If PresignedUrl
* Use SigV2
* If Signer Region is overriden
* Use SigV4
* If BucketRegionCache has a region
* Use SigV4
* }
* If Signer is SigV2 signer
* Use SigV2
protected Signer createSigner(final Request<?> request, final String bucketName, final String key) {
// Instead of using request.getEndpoint() for this parameter, we use
// endpoint which is because
// in accelerate mode, the endpoint in request is regionless. We need
// the client-wide endpoint
// to fetch the region information and pick the correct signer.
final URI uri = clientOptions.isAccelerateModeEnabled() ? endpoint : request.getEndpoint();
// This method retrieves the signer based on the URI. Currently
// S3's default signer is a SigV2 signer implemented in S3Signer
final Signer signer = getSignerByURI(uri);
if (!isSignerOverridden()) {
if ((signer instanceof AWSS3V4Signer) && noExplicitRegionProvided(request)) {
final String region = clientRegion == null ? bucketRegionCache.get(bucketName) : clientRegion;
if (region != null) {
// If cache contains the region for the bucket, create an endpoint for the region and
// update the request with that endpoint.
resolveRequestEndpoint(request, bucketName, key, RuntimeHttpUtils.toUri(RegionUtils.getRegion(region).getServiceEndpoint(S3_SERVICE_NAME), clientConfiguration));
AWSS3V4Signer sigV4Signer = (AWSS3V4Signer) signer;
setAWSS3V4SignerWithServiceNameAndRegion((AWSS3V4Signer) signer, region);
return sigV4Signer;
} else if (request.getOriginalRequest() instanceof GeneratePresignedUrlRequest) {
return createSigV2Signer(request, bucketName, key);
// use the signer override if provided, else see if you can get the
// signer from bucketreqion cache.
final String regionOverride = getSignerRegionOverride() == null ? (clientRegion == null ? bucketRegionCache.get(bucketName) : clientRegion) : getSignerRegionOverride();
if (regionOverride != null) {
AWSS3V4Signer sigV4Signer = new AWSS3V4Signer();
setAWSS3V4SignerWithServiceNameAndRegion(sigV4Signer, regionOverride);
return sigV4Signer;
if (signer instanceof S3Signer) {
// new one with the appropriate values for this request.
return createSigV2Signer(request, bucketName, key);
return signer;