use of in project spring-integration-aws by spring-projects.
the class S3MessageHandler method upload.
private Transfer upload(Message<?> requestMessage) {
Object payload = requestMessage.getPayload();
String bucketName = obtainBucket(requestMessage);
String key = null;
if (this.keyExpression != null) {
key = this.keyExpression.getValue(this.evaluationContext, requestMessage, String.class);
if (payload instanceof File && ((File) payload).isDirectory()) {
File fileToUpload = (File) payload;
if (key == null) {
key = fileToUpload.getName();
return this.transferManager.uploadDirectory(bucketName, key, fileToUpload, true, new MessageHeadersObjectMetadataProvider(requestMessage.getHeaders()));
} else {
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
if (this.uploadMetadataProvider != null) {
this.uploadMetadataProvider.populateMetadata(metadata, requestMessage);
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = null;
try {
if (payload instanceof InputStream) {
InputStream inputStream = (InputStream) payload;
if (metadata.getContentMD5() == null) {
Assert.state(inputStream.markSupported(), "For an upload InputStream with no MD5 digest metadata, the " + "markSupported() method must evaluate to true. ");
String contentMd5 = Md5Utils.md5AsBase64(inputStream);
putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, inputStream, metadata);
} else if (payload instanceof File) {
File fileToUpload = (File) payload;
if (key == null) {
key = fileToUpload.getName();
if (metadata.getContentMD5() == null) {
String contentMd5 = Md5Utils.md5AsBase64(fileToUpload);
if (metadata.getContentLength() == 0) {
if (metadata.getContentType() == null) {
putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, fileToUpload).withMetadata(metadata);
} else if (payload instanceof byte[]) {
byte[] payloadBytes = (byte[]) payload;
InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(payloadBytes);
if (metadata.getContentMD5() == null) {
String contentMd5 = Md5Utils.md5AsBase64(inputStream);
if (metadata.getContentLength() == 0) {
putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, inputStream, metadata);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported payload type: [" + payload.getClass() + "]. The only supported payloads for the upload request are " + ",, byte[] and PutObjectRequest.");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessageHandlingException(requestMessage, e);
if (key == null) {
if (this.keyExpression != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The 'keyExpression' [" + this.keyExpression.getExpressionString() + "] must not evaluate to null. Root object is: " + requestMessage);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Specify a 'keyExpression' for payloads");
S3ProgressListener progressListener = this.s3ProgressListener;
if (this.objectAclExpression != null) {
Object acl = this.objectAclExpression.getValue(this.evaluationContext, requestMessage);
Assert.state(acl instanceof AccessControlList || acl instanceof CannedAccessControlList, "The 'objectAclExpression' [" + this.objectAclExpression.getExpressionString() + "] must evaluate to " + "or must evaluate to " + "Gotten: [" + acl + "]");
SetObjectAclRequest aclRequest;
if (acl instanceof AccessControlList) {
aclRequest = new SetObjectAclRequest(bucketName, key, (AccessControlList) acl);
} else {
aclRequest = new SetObjectAclRequest(bucketName, key, (CannedAccessControlList) acl);
final SetObjectAclRequest theAclRequest = aclRequest;
progressListener = new S3ProgressListener() {
public void onPersistableTransfer(PersistableTransfer persistableTransfer) {
public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) {
if (ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_COMPLETED_EVENT.equals(progressEvent.getEventType())) {
if (this.s3ProgressListener != null) {
progressListener = new S3ProgressListenerChain(this.s3ProgressListener, progressListener);
if (progressListener != null) {
return this.transferManager.upload(putObjectRequest, progressListener);
} else {
return this.transferManager.upload(putObjectRequest);
use of in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class S3AUnderFileSystem method getPermissionsInternal.
* Since there is no group in S3 acl, the owner is reused as the group. This method calls the
* S3 API and requires additional permissions aside from just read only. This method is best
* effort and will continue with default permissions (no owner, no group, 0700).
* @return the permissions associated with this under storage system
private ObjectPermissions getPermissionsInternal() {
short bucketMode = ModeUtils.getUMask(mUfsConf.getString(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_DEFAULT_MODE)).toShort();
String accountOwner = DEFAULT_OWNER;
// if ACL enabled try to inherit bucket acl for all the objects.
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(mUfsConf.getString(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_INHERIT_ACL))) {
try {
Owner owner = mClient.getS3AccountOwner();
AccessControlList acl = mClient.getBucketAcl(mBucketName);
bucketMode = S3AUtils.translateBucketAcl(acl, owner.getId());
if (mUfsConf.isSet(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_OWNER_ID_TO_USERNAME_MAPPING)) {
// Here accountOwner can be null if there is no mapping set for this owner id
accountOwner = CommonUtils.getValueFromStaticMapping(mUfsConf.getString(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_OWNER_ID_TO_USERNAME_MAPPING), owner.getId());
if (accountOwner == null || accountOwner.equals(DEFAULT_OWNER)) {
// If there is no user-defined mapping, use display name or id.
accountOwner = owner.getDisplayName() != null ? owner.getDisplayName() : owner.getId();
} catch (AmazonClientException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to inherit bucket ACLs, proceeding with defaults. {}", e.toString());
return new ObjectPermissions(accountOwner, accountOwner, bucketMode);
use of in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class S3AUnderFileSystemTest method getPermissionsCached.
public void getPermissionsCached() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(mClient.getS3AccountOwner()).thenReturn(new Owner("0", "test"));
Mockito.when(mClient.getBucketAcl(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(new AccessControlList());
use of in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class S3AUnderFileSystemTest method getPermissionsWithMapping.
public void getPermissionsWithMapping() throws Exception {
Map<PropertyKey, Object> conf = new HashMap<>();
conf.put(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_OWNER_ID_TO_USERNAME_MAPPING, "111=altname");
try (Closeable c = new ConfigurationRule(conf, sConf).toResource()) {
UnderFileSystemConfiguration ufsConf = UnderFileSystemConfiguration.defaults(sConf);
mS3UnderFileSystem = new S3AUnderFileSystem(new AlluxioURI("s3a://" + BUCKET_NAME), mClient, BUCKET_NAME, mExecutor, mManager, UnderFileSystemConfiguration.defaults(sConf), false);
Mockito.when(mClient.getS3AccountOwner()).thenReturn(new Owner("111", "test"));
Mockito.when(mClient.getBucketAcl(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(new AccessControlList());
ObjectUnderFileSystem.ObjectPermissions permissions = mS3UnderFileSystem.getPermissions();
Assert.assertEquals("altname", permissions.getOwner());
Assert.assertEquals("altname", permissions.getGroup());
Assert.assertEquals(0, permissions.getMode());
use of in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class S3AUnderFileSystemTest method getPermissionsNoMapping.
public void getPermissionsNoMapping() throws Exception {
Map<PropertyKey, Object> conf = new HashMap<>();
conf.put(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_S3_OWNER_ID_TO_USERNAME_MAPPING, "111=userid");
try (Closeable c = new ConfigurationRule(conf, sConf).toResource()) {
UnderFileSystemConfiguration ufsConf = UnderFileSystemConfiguration.defaults(sConf);
mS3UnderFileSystem = new S3AUnderFileSystem(new AlluxioURI("s3a://" + BUCKET_NAME), mClient, BUCKET_NAME, mExecutor, mManager, UnderFileSystemConfiguration.defaults(sConf), false);
Mockito.when(mClient.getS3AccountOwner()).thenReturn(new Owner("0", "test"));
Mockito.when(mClient.getBucketAcl(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(new AccessControlList());
ObjectUnderFileSystem.ObjectPermissions permissions = mS3UnderFileSystem.getPermissions();
Assert.assertEquals("test", permissions.getOwner());
Assert.assertEquals("test", permissions.getGroup());
Assert.assertEquals(0, permissions.getMode());