use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class S3AFileSystem method newPutObjectRequest.
* Create a {@link PutObjectRequest} request.
* The metadata is assumed to have been configured with the size of the
* operation.
* @param key key of object
* @param metadata metadata header
* @param inputStream source data.
* @return the request
private PutObjectRequest newPutObjectRequest(String key, ObjectMetadata metadata, InputStream inputStream) {
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucket, key, inputStream, metadata);
return putObjectRequest;
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class S3ABlockOutputStream method putObject.
* Upload the current block as a single PUT request; if the buffer
* is empty a 0-byte PUT will be invoked, as it is needed to create an
* entry at the far end.
* @throws IOException any problem.
private void putObject() throws IOException {
LOG.debug("Executing regular upload for {}", writeOperationHelper);
final S3ADataBlocks.DataBlock block = getActiveBlock();
int size = block.dataSize();
final S3ADataBlocks.BlockUploadData uploadData = block.startUpload();
final PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = uploadData.hasFile() ? writeOperationHelper.newPutRequest(uploadData.getFile()) : writeOperationHelper.newPutRequest(uploadData.getUploadStream(), size);
long transferQueueTime = now();
BlockUploadProgress callback = new BlockUploadProgress(block, progressListener, transferQueueTime);
ListenableFuture<PutObjectResult> putObjectResult = executorService.submit(new Callable<PutObjectResult>() {
public PutObjectResult call() throws Exception {
PutObjectResult result;
try {
// the putObject call automatically closes the input
// stream afterwards.
result = writeOperationHelper.putObject(putObjectRequest);
} finally {
closeAll(LOG, uploadData, block);
return result;
//wait for completion
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.warn("Interrupted object upload", ie);
} catch (ExecutionException ee) {
throw extractException("regular upload", key, ee);
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class S3AFileSystem method putObjectDirect.
* PUT an object directly (i.e. not via the transfer manager).
* Byte length is calculated from the file length, or, if there is no
* file, from the content length of the header.
* <i>Important: this call will close any input stream in the request.</i>
* @param putObjectRequest the request
* @return the upload initiated
* @throws AmazonClientException on problems
public PutObjectResult putObjectDirect(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) throws AmazonClientException {
long len;
if (putObjectRequest.getFile() != null) {
len = putObjectRequest.getFile().length();
} else {
len = putObjectRequest.getMetadata().getContentLength();
try {
PutObjectResult result = s3.putObject(putObjectRequest);
incrementPutCompletedStatistics(true, len);
return result;
} catch (AmazonClientException e) {
incrementPutCompletedStatistics(false, len);
throw e;
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class MockAmazonS3 method putObject.
public PutObjectResult putObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException {
String blobName = putObjectRequest.getKey();
DigestInputStream stream = (DigestInputStream) putObjectRequest.getInputStream();
if (blobs.containsKey(blobName)) {
throw new AmazonS3Exception("[" + blobName + "] already exists.");
blobs.put(blobName, stream);
// input and output md5 hashes need to match to avoid an exception
String md5 = Base64.encodeAsString(stream.getMessageDigest().digest());
PutObjectResult result = new PutObjectResult();
return result;
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class DefaultS3OutputStream method doUpload.
protected void doUpload(S3BlobStore blobStore, String bucketName, String blobName, InputStream is, int length, boolean serverSideEncryption) throws AmazonS3Exception {
ObjectMetadata md = new ObjectMetadata();
if (serverSideEncryption) {
InputStream inputStream = is;
// We try to compute a MD5 while reading it
MessageDigest messageDigest;
try {
messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
inputStream = new DigestInputStream(is, messageDigest);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException impossible) {
// Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support MD5 (see MessageDigest)
throw new RuntimeException(impossible);
PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, blobName, inputStream, md).withStorageClass(blobStore.getStorageClass()).withCannedAcl(blobStore.getCannedACL());
PutObjectResult putObjectResult = blobStore.client().putObject(putRequest);
String localMd5 = Base64.encodeAsString(messageDigest.digest());
String remoteMd5 = putObjectResult.getContentMd5();
if (!localMd5.equals(remoteMd5)) {
logger.debug("MD5 local [{}], remote [{}] are not equal...", localMd5, remoteMd5);
throw new AmazonS3Exception("MD5 local [" + localMd5 + "], remote [" + remoteMd5 + "] are not equal...");