use of com.amplifyframework.core.Action in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class AppSyncClient method subscription.
private <T extends Model> Cancelable subscription(SubscriptionType subscriptionType, ModelSchema modelSchema, Consumer<String> onSubscriptionStarted, Consumer<GraphQLResponse<ModelWithMetadata<T>>> onNextResponse, Consumer<DataStoreException> onSubscriptionFailure, Action onSubscriptionCompleted) {
final GraphQLRequest<ModelWithMetadata<T>> request;
try {
request = AppSyncRequestFactory.buildSubscriptionRequest(modelSchema, subscriptionType, authModeStrategyType);
} catch (DataStoreException requestGenerationException) {
return new NoOpCancelable();
final Consumer<GraphQLResponse<ModelWithMetadata<T>>> responseConsumer = response -> {
if (response.hasErrors()) {
onSubscriptionFailure.accept(new DataStoreException.GraphQLResponseException("Subscription error for " + modelSchema.getName() + ": " + response.getErrors(), response.getErrors()));
} else {
final Consumer<ApiException> failureConsumer = failure -> onSubscriptionFailure.accept(new DataStoreException("Error during subscription.", failure, "Evaluate details."));
final Cancelable cancelable = api.subscribe(request, onSubscriptionStarted, responseConsumer, failureConsumer, onSubscriptionCompleted);
if (cancelable != null) {
return cancelable;
return new NoOpCancelable();
use of com.amplifyframework.core.Action in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxApiBindingTest method subscribeStartsAndGetsCancelled.
* Verify that the subscription starts and is cancelled gracefully.
* @throws InterruptedException Not expected.
public void subscribeStartsAndGetsCancelled() throws InterruptedException {
// Arrange a category behavior which emits an expected sequence of callback events
String token = RandomString.string();
GraphQLRequest<Model> request = createMockSubscriptionRequest(Model.class);
ConnectionStateEvent expectedConnectionStateEvent = new ConnectionStateEvent(ConnectionState.CONNECTED, token);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
final int onStartPosition = 1;
final int onCompletePosition = 4;
Consumer<String> onStart = invocation.getArgument(onStartPosition);
Action onComplete = invocation.getArgument(onCompletePosition);
GraphQLOperation mockApiOperation = mock(GraphQLOperation.class);
doAnswer(apiCancelInvocation -> {;
return null;
return mockApiOperation;
}).when(delegate).subscribe(eq(request), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyAction());
// Act: subscribe via binding
RxSubscriptionOperation<GraphQLResponse<Model>> rxOperation = rxApi.subscribe(request);
// Act: subscribe via binding
TestObserver<GraphQLResponse<Model>> dataObserver = rxOperation.observeSubscriptionData().test();
TestObserver<ConnectionStateEvent> startObserver = rxOperation.observeConnectionState().test();
startObserver.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Act: cancel the subscription
Completable.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).andThen(Completable.fromAction(rxOperation::cancel)).subscribe();
dataObserver.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
use of com.amplifyframework.core.Action in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxAuthBindingTest method testUpdatePasswordSucceeds.
* Tests that a successful request to update a user's password will propagate a completion
* back through the binding.
* @throws InterruptedException If test observer is interrupted while awaiting terminal event
public void testUpdatePasswordSucceeds() throws InterruptedException {
String oldPassword = RandomString.string();
String newPassword = RandomString.string();
// Arrange an invocation of the success Action
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// 0 = old pass, 1 = new pass, 2 = onComplete, 3 = onFailure
int positionOfCompletionAction = 2;
Action onCompletion = invocation.getArgument(positionOfCompletionAction);;
return null;
}).when(delegate).updatePassword(eq(oldPassword), eq(newPassword), anyAction(), anyConsumer());
// Act: call the binding
TestObserver<Void> observer = auth.updatePassword(oldPassword, newPassword).test();
// Assert: Completable completes with success
observer.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
use of com.amplifyframework.core.Action in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxAuthBindingTest method testRememberDevice.
* Tests that a successful request to remember current auth device will propagate a completion
* back through the binding.
* @throws InterruptedException If test observer is interrupted while awaiting terminal event
public void testRememberDevice() throws InterruptedException {
// Arrange an invocation of the success Action
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// 0 = onComplete, 1 = onFailure
Action onCompletion = invocation.getArgument(0);;
return null;
}).when(delegate).rememberDevice(anyAction(), anyConsumer());
// Act: call the binding
TestObserver<Void> observer = auth.rememberDevice().test();
// Assert: Completable completes with success
observer.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
use of com.amplifyframework.core.Action in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxAuthBindingTest method testConfirmUserAttribute.
* Validates that a successful request to confirm user attribute will propagate up into the binding.
* @throws InterruptedException If test observer is interrupted while awaiting terminal event
public void testConfirmUserAttribute() throws InterruptedException {
// Arrange an invocation of the success Action
AuthUserAttributeKey attributeKey = AuthUserAttributeKey.custom(ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
Action onComplete = invocation.getArgument(2);;
return null;
}).when(delegate).confirmUserAttribute(any(), any(), anyAction(), anyConsumer());
// Act: call the binding
TestObserver<Void> observer = auth.confirmUserAttribute(attributeKey, CONFIRMATION_CODE).test();
// Assert: Completable completes successfully
observer.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);