use of com.amplifyframework.core.model.Model in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxDataStoreBindingTest method saveCompletesWhenBehaviorEmitsResult.
* When the DataStore behavior successfully saves a value, the Rx binding
* for save should just complete.
* @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while test observer is awaiting terminal event
public void saveCompletesWhenBehaviorEmitsResult() throws InterruptedException {
Model model = RandomModel.model();
// Arrange: category returns notification of change when save is transacted
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// 0 = model, 1 = result consumer, 2 = failure consumer
final int indexOfModel = 0;
final int indexOfResultConsumer = 1;
Model modelFromInvocation = invocation.getArgument(indexOfModel);
Consumer<DataStoreItemChange<Model>> resultConsumer = invocation.getArgument(indexOfResultConsumer);
return null;
}).when(delegate).save(eq(model), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer());
// Act: try to save something.
TestObserver<Void> observer =;
// Assert: operation completed
observer.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Assert: behavior was invoked
verify(delegate).save(eq(model), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer());
use of com.amplifyframework.core.model.Model in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class RxDataStoreBindingTest method observeQueryCompletesWhenCategoryBehaviorDoes.
* The Rx binding for the DataStore's observeQuery method is an Observable. It should
* complete when the Rx binding's completion callback is triggered.
* @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while test observer is awaiting terminal event
public void observeQueryCompletesWhenCategoryBehaviorDoes() throws InterruptedException {
// Category behavior is arranged to complete
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// 0 = clazz, 1 = options, 2 = start consumer, 3 = item consumer, 4 = failure consumer, 5 = onComplete
final int positionOfOnStart = 3;
Consumer<Cancelable> onStart = invocation.getArgument(positionOfOnStart);
onStart.accept(new NoOpCancelable());
final int positionOfOnComplete = 5;
Action onComplete = invocation.getArgument(positionOfOnComplete);;
// "void"
return null;
}).when(delegate).observeQuery(eq(Model.class), any(), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyAction());
// Act: observe via Rx binding
TestObserver<DataStoreQuerySnapshot<Model>> observer = rxDataStore.observeQuery(Model.class, new ObserveQueryOptions()).test();
observer.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
verify(delegate).observeQuery(eq(Model.class), any(), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyConsumer(), anyAction());
use of com.amplifyframework.core.model.Model in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class SQLiteStorageAdapterDeleteTest method deleteModelCascades.
* Assert that delete deletes item in the SQLite database without
* violating foreign key constraints.
* @throws DataStoreException On unexpected failure manipulating items in/out of DataStore
public void deleteModelCascades() throws DataStoreException {
// Create 1 blog owner, which has 3 blogs each, which has 3 posts each.
// Insert 1 blog owner, 3 blogs, 9 posts
Set<String> expected = new HashSet<>();
BlogOwner ownerModel = BlogOwner.builder().name("Blog Owner 1").build();;
for (int blog = 1; blog <= 3; blog++) {
Blog blogModel = Blog.builder().name("Blog " + blog).owner(ownerModel).build();;
for (int post = 1; post <= 3; post++) {
Post postModel = Post.builder().title("Post " + post).status(PostStatus.INACTIVE).rating(5).blog(blogModel).build();;
// Observe deletions
TestObserver<String> deleteObserver = adapter.observe().filter(change -> StorageItemChange.Type.DELETE.equals(change.type())).map(StorageItemChange::item).map(Model::getId).test();
// Triggers a delete.
// Deletes every saved model to prevent foreign key constraint violation
// Assert that cascaded deletions are observed.
assertEquals(expected, new HashSet<>(deleteObserver.values()));
// Get data from the database and assert that everything is deleted.
use of com.amplifyframework.core.model.Model in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class MultiAuthSyncEngineInstrumentationTest method verifyScenario.
private void verifyScenario(Class<? extends Model> modelType, boolean signInToCognito, boolean signInWithOidc, AuthorizationType expectedAuthType) throws AmplifyException, IOException {
configure(modelType, signInToCognito, signInWithOidc, expectedAuthType);
String modelId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Model testRecord = createRecord(modelType, modelId);
HubAccumulator expectedEventAccumulator = null;
if (expectedAuthType != null) {
expectedEventAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelType.getSimpleName(), testRecord.getId()), 1).start();
} else {
expectedEventAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, networkStatusFailure(), 1).start();
expectedEventAccumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Sign the user out if sign-in was required.
if (signInToCognito) {
use of com.amplifyframework.core.model.Model in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class SQLiteStorageAdapterSaveTest method patchItemOnlyHasAllFields.
* Verify that saving an item that already exists emits a StorageItemChange event with a patchItem that only
* contains the fields that are different.
* @throws AmplifyException On failure to obtain ModelSchema from model class.
* @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while awaiting terminal result in test observer
public void patchItemOnlyHasAllFields() throws AmplifyException, InterruptedException {
// Create a BlogOwner.
final BlogOwner johnSmith = BlogOwner.builder().name("John Smith").wea("ther").build();;
// Start observing for changes
TestObserver<StorageItemChange<? extends Model>> observer = adapter.observe().test();
// Update one field on the BlogOwner.
BlogOwner johnAdams = johnSmith.copyOfBuilder().name("John Adams").build();;
// Observe that the StorageItemChange contains an item with only the fields that changed (`id`, and `name`, but
// not `wea`)
Map<String, Object> serializedData = new HashMap<>();
serializedData.put("id", johnAdams.getId());
serializedData.put("name", "John Adams");
serializedData.put("wea", johnAdams.getWea());
serializedData.put("createdAt", johnAdams.getCreatedAt());
serializedData.put("updatedAt", johnAdams.getUpdatedAt());
SerializedModel expectedItem = SerializedModel.builder().serializedData(serializedData).modelSchema(ModelSchema.fromModelClass(BlogOwner.class)).build();
observer.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
observer.assertValueAt(0, storageItemChange -> storageItemChange.patchItem().equals(expectedItem));