use of com.amplifyframework.testutils.HubAccumulator in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class BasicCloudSyncInstrumentationTest method syncUpToCloudIsWorking.
* Save a BlogOwner via DataStore, wait a bit, check API to see if the BlogOwner is there, remotely.
* @throws DataStoreException On failure to save item into DataStore (first step)
* @throws ApiException On failure to retrieve a valid response from API when checking
* for remote presence of saved item
* @throws AmplifyException On failure to arrange a {@link DataStoreCategory} via the
* {@link DataStoreCategoryConfigurator}
public void syncUpToCloudIsWorking() throws AmplifyException {
// Start listening for model publication events on the Hub.
BlogOwner localCharley = BlogOwner.builder().name("Charley Crockett").build();
String modelName = BlogOwner.class.getSimpleName();
HubAccumulator publishedMutationsAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelName, localCharley.getId()), 1).start();
// Save Charley Crockett, a guy who has a blog, into the DataStore.;
// Wait for a Hub event telling us that our Charley model got published to the cloud.
publishedMutationsAccumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Try to get Charley from the backend.
BlogOwner remoteCharley = api.get(BlogOwner.class, localCharley.getId());
// A Charley is a Charley is a Charley, right?
assertEquals(localCharley.getId(), remoteCharley.getId());
assertEquals(localCharley.getName(), remoteCharley.getName());
use of com.amplifyframework.testutils.HubAccumulator in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class BasicCloudSyncInstrumentationTest method createItemThenUpdateThenWaitThenUpdate.
* Create new item, then immediately update a different field.
* Wait for sync round trip. Then update the first field.
* @throws DataStoreException On failure to save or query items from DataStore.
* @throws ApiException On failure to query the API.
public void createItemThenUpdateThenWaitThenUpdate() throws DataStoreException, ApiException {
// Setup
BlogOwner owner = BlogOwner.builder().name("ownerName").build();
BlogOwner updatedOwner = owner.copyOfBuilder().wea("pon").build();
String modelName = BlogOwner.class.getSimpleName();
HubAccumulator accumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelName, owner.getId()), 2).start();
// Create new and then immediately update;;
accumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Update the field
BlogOwner diffFieldUpdated = updatedOwner.copyOfBuilder().name("ownerUpdatedName").build();
accumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelName, diffFieldUpdated.getId()), 1).start();;
accumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
BlogOwner localOwner = dataStore.get(BlogOwner.class, diffFieldUpdated.getId());
ModelAssert.assertEqualsIgnoringTimestamps(diffFieldUpdated, localOwner);
BlogOwner remoteOwner = api.get(BlogOwner.class, diffFieldUpdated.getId());
ModelAssert.assertEqualsIgnoringTimestamps(diffFieldUpdated, remoteOwner);
use of com.amplifyframework.testutils.HubAccumulator in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class BasicCloudSyncInstrumentationTest method createWaitThenUpdate10TimesWithPredicate.
* The test is to test consecutive updates with predicate.
* @throws DataStoreException On failure to save or query items from DataStore.
* @throws ApiException On failure to query the API.
public void createWaitThenUpdate10TimesWithPredicate() throws DataStoreException, ApiException {
// Setup
BlogOwner owner = BlogOwner.builder().name("Blogger").wea("ryt").build();
String modelName = BlogOwner.class.getSimpleName();
QueryPredicate predicate = BlogOwner.WEA.beginsWith("r");
// Setup 10 updates
List<String> weas = Arrays.asList("ron", "rth", "rer", "rly", "ren", "rel", "ral", "rec", "rin", "reh");
List<BlogOwner> owners = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < weas.size(); i++) {
BlogOwner updatedOwner = owner.copyOfBuilder().wea(weas.get(i)).build();
HubAccumulator accumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelName, owner.getId()), 1).start();
// Create an item.;
// Wait for the sync.
accumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Make 10 consecutive updates with predicate
HubAccumulator updateAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, publicationOf(modelName, owner.getId()), 10).start();
for (int i = 0; i < weas.size(); i++) {, predicate);
updateAccumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
BlogOwner lastUpdate = owners.get(owners.size() - 1);
BlogOwner localOwner = dataStore.get(BlogOwner.class, lastUpdate.getId());
ModelAssert.assertEqualsIgnoringTimestamps(lastUpdate, localOwner);
BlogOwner remoteOwner = api.get(BlogOwner.class, lastUpdate.getId());
ModelAssert.assertEqualsIgnoringTimestamps(lastUpdate, remoteOwner);
use of com.amplifyframework.testutils.HubAccumulator in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class AWSApiPluginTest method graphQlMutationGetsResponse.
* It should be possible to perform a successful call to
* {@link AWSApiPlugin#mutate(GraphQLRequest, Consumer, Consumer)}.
* When the server returns a valid response, then the mutate methods should
* emit content via their value consumer.
* @throws ApiException If call to mutate(...) itself emits such an exception
* @throws JSONException On failure to arrange response JSON
public void graphQlMutationGetsResponse() throws JSONException, ApiException {
HubAccumulator networkStatusObserver = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.API, ApiChannelEventName.API_ENDPOINT_STATUS_CHANGED, 1).start();
// Arrange a response from the "server"
String expectedName = RandomString.string();
webServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(new JSONObject().put("data", new JSONObject().put("createBlogOwner", new JSONObject().put("name", expectedName))).toString()));
// Try to perform a mutation.
BlogOwner tony = BlogOwner.builder().name(expectedName).build();
GraphQLResponse<BlogOwner> actualResponse = Await.<GraphQLResponse<BlogOwner>, ApiException>result(((onResult, onError) -> plugin.mutate(ModelMutation.create(tony), onResult, onError)));
// Assert that the expected response was received
assertEquals(expectedName, actualResponse.getData().getName());
// Verify that the expected hub event fired.
HubEvent<?> event = networkStatusObserver.awaitFirst();
assertTrue(event.getData() instanceof ApiEndpointStatusChangeEvent);
ApiEndpointStatusChangeEvent eventData = (ApiEndpointStatusChangeEvent) event.getData();
assertEquals(ApiEndpointStatusChangeEvent.ApiEndpointStatus.REACHABLE, eventData.getCurrentStatus());
use of com.amplifyframework.testutils.HubAccumulator in project amplify-android by aws-amplify.
the class HybridAssociationSyncInstrumentationTest method associatedModelAreSyncedDownFromCloud.
* When the cloud sees an update to its data, the new data should be reflected in the
* local store. What's more, we should be able to query for the updated data by its model names,
* and expect to see the result, that way. This should hold for associated models, too.
* @throws AmplifyException For a variety of reasons, including failure to build schema,
* or bad interaction with API or DataStore
@Ignore("It passes. Not automating due to operational concerns as noted in class-level @Ignore.")
public void associatedModelAreSyncedDownFromCloud() throws AmplifyException {
// Create a BlogOwner on the remote system,
// and wait for it to trickle back to the client.
BlogOwner owner = BlogOwner.builder().name("Agent Texas").build();
String ownerModelName = BlogOwner.class.getSimpleName();
ModelSchema ownerSchema = schemaProvider.modelSchemas().get(ownerModelName);
HubAccumulator ownerAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, receiptOf(owner.getId()), 1).start();
appSync.create(owner, ownerSchema);
ownerAccumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Now, validate that we see the data locally, when we query for serialized models
// and by Java BlogOwners.
Map<String, Object> expectedOwnerData = new HashMap<>();
expectedOwnerData.put("id", owner.getId());
expectedOwnerData.put("name", owner.getName());
List<SerializedModel> actualSerializedOwners = hybridBehaviors.list(ownerSchema.getName());
// Now, remotely save a model that has an association to the owner above.
Blog blog = Blog.builder().name("Blog about Texas").owner(owner).build();
String blogModelName = Blog.class.getSimpleName();
ModelSchema blogSchema = schemaProvider.modelSchemas().get(blogModelName);
HubAccumulator blogAccumulator = HubAccumulator.create(HubChannel.DATASTORE, receiptOf(blog.getId()), 1).start();
appSync.create(blog, blogSchema);
blogAccumulator.await(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Validate that we can find the newly associated model locally, now.
Map<String, Object> expectedBlogData = new HashMap<>();
expectedBlogData.put("id", blog.getId());
expectedBlogData.put("name", blog.getName());
expectedBlogData.put("owner", SerializedModel.builder().serializedData(Collections.singletonMap("id", owner.getId())).modelSchema(null).build());
List<SerializedModel> expectedSerializedBlogs = hybridBehaviors.list(blogSchema.getName());