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Example 26 with Nullable

use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class PermissionRequirement method getAnnotationStringValues.

public static String[] getAnnotationStringValues(@Nullable UAnnotation annotation, @NonNull String name) {
    if (annotation != null) {
        UExpression attributeValue = annotation.findDeclaredAttributeValue(name);
        if (attributeValue == null && ATTR_VALUE.equals(name)) {
            attributeValue = annotation.findDeclaredAttributeValue(null);
        if (attributeValue == null) {
            return null;
        if (UastExpressionUtils.isArrayInitializer(attributeValue)) {
            List<UExpression> initializers = ((UCallExpression) attributeValue).getValueArguments();
            List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(initializers.size());
            ConstantEvaluator constantEvaluator = new ConstantEvaluator(null);
            for (UExpression element : initializers) {
                Object o = constantEvaluator.evaluate(element);
                if (o instanceof String) {
                    result.add((String) o);
            if (result.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return result.toArray(new String[0]);
        } else {
            // Use constant evaluator since we want to resolve field references as well
            Object o = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, attributeValue);
            if (o instanceof String) {
                return new String[] { (String) o };
            } else if (o instanceof String[]) {
                return (String[]) o;
            } else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
                Object[] array = (Object[]) o;
                List<String> strings = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(array.length);
                for (Object element : array) {
                    if (element instanceof String) {
                        strings.add((String) element);
                return strings.toArray(new String[0]);
    return null;
Also used : ConstantEvaluator( UExpression(org.jetbrains.uast.UExpression) UCallExpression(org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression) Nullable(

Example 27 with Nullable

use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class PrivateResourceDetector method getLibraryName.

/** Pick a suitable name to describe the library defining the private resource */
private static String getLibraryName(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ResourceType type, @NonNull String name) {
    ResourceVisibilityLookup lookup = context.getProject().getResourceVisibility();
    AndroidLibrary library = lookup.getPrivateIn(type, name);
    if (library != null) {
        String libraryName = library.getProject();
        if (libraryName != null) {
            return libraryName;
        MavenCoordinates coordinates = library.getResolvedCoordinates();
        if (coordinates != null) {
            return coordinates.getGroupId() + ':' + coordinates.getArtifactId();
    return "the library";
Also used : MavenCoordinates( AndroidLibrary( ResourceVisibilityLookup( Nullable(

Example 28 with Nullable

use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class ApiLookup method get.

     * Returns an instance of the API database
     * @param client the client to associate with this database - used only for
     *            logging. The database object may be shared among repeated invocations,
     *            and in that case client used will be the one originally passed in.
     *            In other words, this parameter may be ignored if the client created
     *            is not new.
     * @return a (possibly shared) instance of the API database, or null
     *         if its data can't be found
public static ApiLookup get(@NonNull LintClient client) {
    synchronized (ApiLookup.class) {
        ApiLookup db = sInstance.get();
        if (db == null) {
            File file = client.findResource(XML_FILE_PATH);
            if (file == null) {
                // AOSP build environment?
                String build = System.getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
                if (build != null) {
                    file = new File(build, //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "development/sdk/api-versions.xml".replace('/', File.separatorChar));
            if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
                return null;
            } else {
                db = get(client, file);
            sInstance = new WeakReference<ApiLookup>(db);
        return db;
Also used : File( Nullable(

Example 29 with Nullable

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class LintIdeViewTypeDetector method getViewTags.

protected Collection<String> getViewTags(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ResourceItem item) {
    AbstractResourceRepository projectResources = context.getClient().getProjectResources(context.getMainProject(), true);
    assert projectResources instanceof LocalResourceRepository : projectResources;
    LocalResourceRepository repository = (LocalResourceRepository) projectResources;
    String viewTag = repository.getViewTag(item);
    if (viewTag != null) {
        return Collections.singleton(viewTag);
    return super.getViewTags(context, item);
Also used : AbstractResourceRepository( LocalResourceRepository( Nullable(

Example 30 with Nullable

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class LintIdeJavaParser method getType.

public TypeDescriptor getType(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node node) {
    final PsiElement element = getPsiElement(node);
    if (element == null) {
        return null;
    Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication();
    if (application.isReadAccessAllowed()) {
        return getTypeDescriptor(element);
    return application.runReadAction(new Computable<TypeDescriptor>() {

        public TypeDescriptor compute() {
            return getTypeDescriptor(element);
Also used : Application(com.intellij.openapi.application.Application) Nullable( Nullable(


Nullable ( File ( IOException ( ResourceType ( PsiClass (com.intellij.psi.PsiClass)7 PsiElement (com.intellij.psi.PsiElement)7 PsiReferenceExpression (com.intellij.psi.PsiReferenceExpression)7 ResourceUrl ( PsiAssignmentExpression (com.intellij.psi.PsiAssignmentExpression)6 PsiDeclarationStatement (com.intellij.psi.PsiDeclarationStatement)6 PsiExpression (com.intellij.psi.PsiExpression)6 PsiExpressionStatement (com.intellij.psi.PsiExpressionStatement)6 PsiMethod (com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod)6 PsiStatement (com.intellij.psi.PsiStatement)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 PsiField (com.intellij.psi.PsiField)5 PsiFile (com.intellij.psi.PsiFile)4 Node (lombok.ast.Node)4 UReferenceExpression (org.jetbrains.uast.UReferenceExpression)4 AbstractResourceRepository (