use of in project attestation by TokenScript.
the class TicketTest method testLisconTicketSunshine.
public void testLisconTicketSunshine() throws Exception {
LisconTicket ticket = new LisconTicket(MAIL, CONFERENCE_ID, TICKET_ID, TICKET_CLASS, senderKeys, SECRET);
assertEquals(TICKET_ID, ticket.getTicketId());
assertEquals(TICKET_CLASS, ticket.getTicketClass());
assertEquals(CONFERENCE_ID, ticket.getDevconId());
SubjectPublicKeyInfo ticketSpki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(ticket.getPublicKey());
SubjectPublicKeyInfo senderSpki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(senderKeys.getPublic());
assertArrayEquals(senderSpki.getEncoded(), ticketSpki.getEncoded());
use of in project attestation by TokenScript.
the class ASN1Util method restorePublicKey.
* Extract the public key from its DER encoded BITString
* @param input
* @return
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter restorePublicKey(byte[] input, X9ECParameters parameters, String oid) throws IOException {
AlgorithmIdentifier identifierEnc = new AlgorithmIdentifier(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(oid), parameters.toASN1Primitive());
ASN1BitString keyEnc = DERBitString.getInstance(input);
ASN1Sequence spkiEnc = new DERSequence(new ASN1Encodable[] { identifierEnc, keyEnc });
SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(spkiEnc);
return PublicKeyFactory.createKey(spki);
use of in project attestation by TokenScript.
the class Attestor method constructAttestations.
* Constructs a list of X509 attestations to each of the relevant DatasourceName lists of elements
* in the response json.
* @param request Json request in a Sring - verification request that was sent to Trulioo Global Gateway†
* @param verifyRecord Json object of the Record in verifyResponse, from Trulioo Global Gateway‡
* @param signature DER encoded signature of exactly the json request string encoded as UTF-8 using a Secp256k1 key with Keccak
* @param userPK user's public key (SubjectPublicKeyInfo object)
* @return List of DER encoded x509 attestations
* † An example can be found
* ‡ Observe the "Record" in
public List<X509CertificateHolder> constructAttestations(String request, JSONObject verifyRecord, byte[] signature, AsymmetricKeyParameter userPK) {
if (!SignatureUtil.verifySha256(request.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), signature, userPK)) {
throw ExceptionUtil.throwException(logger, new IllegalArgumentException("Request signature verification failed. " + "Make sure that your message is unaltered, signature is created by hashing the message with SHA256" + "and using a key of secp256k1 type."));
List<X509CertificateHolder> res = new ArrayList<>();
Parser parser = new Parser(new JSONObject(request), verifyRecord);
Map<String, X500Name> subjectNames = parser.getX500Names();
Map<String, Extensions> subjectExtensions = parser.getExtensions();
for (String currentAttName : subjectNames.keySet()) {
try {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
V3TBSCertificateGenerator certBuilder = new V3TBSCertificateGenerator();
certBuilder.setSerialNumber(new ASN1Integer(time));
certBuilder.setStartDate(new Time(new Date(time)));
certBuilder.setEndDate(new Time(new Date(time + lifeTime)));
SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(userPK);
// // todo hack to create a valid spki without ECNamedParameters
// spki = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(OID_ECDSA)),
// spki.getPublicKeyData());
TBSCertificate tbsCert = certBuilder.generateTBSCertificate();
res.add(new X509CertificateHolder(constructSignedAttestation(tbsCert)));
// To ensure that we get a new serial number for every cert
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionUtil.makeRuntimeException(logger, "Could not parse server key", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw ExceptionUtil.makeRuntimeException(logger, "Could not sleep", e);
return res;
use of in project attestation by TokenScript.
the class Demo method writePubKey.
private static void writePubKey(AsymmetricKeyParameter pubKey, Path pathPubKey) throws IOException {
SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pubKey);
byte[] pub = spki.getEncoded();
DERUtility.writePEM(pub, "PUBLIC KEY", pathPubKey);
use of in project attestation by TokenScript.
the class TicketDecoder method parseEncodingOfPKInfo.
void parseEncodingOfPKInfo(ASN1Sequence publicKeyInfo, String devconId) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm = AlgorithmIdentifier.getInstance(publicKeyInfo.getObjectAt(0));
byte[] publicKeyBytes = DERBitString.getInstance(publicKeyInfo.getObjectAt(1)).getEncoded();
AsymmetricKeyParameter decodedPublicKey = SignatureUtility.restoreDefaultKey(algorithm, publicKeyBytes);
SubjectPublicKeyInfo decodedSpki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(decodedPublicKey);
// Ensure that the right type of public key is given
if (getPk(devconId) != null) {
SubjectPublicKeyInfo referenceSpki = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(getPk(devconId));
if (!Arrays.equals(referenceSpki.getEncoded(), decodedSpki.getEncoded())) {
throw ExceptionUtil.throwException(logger, new IllegalArgumentException("The public key is not of the same as supplied as argument"));
idsToKeys.put(devconId, decodedPublicKey);