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Example 11 with AndroidLibrary

use of in project atlas by alibaba.

the class ManifestDependencyUtil method getManifestDependencies.

//public static List<ManifestDependencyImpl> getManifestDependencies(List<? extends LibraryDependency> libraries,
//                                                                   Set<String> notMergedArtifacts,
//                                                                   Logger logger) {
//    List<ManifestDependencyImpl> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(libraries.size());
//    for (LibraryDependency lib : libraries) {
//        // get the dependencies
//        List<ManifestDependencyImpl> children = ManifestDependencyUtil.getManifestDependencies(
//                lib.getDependencies(),
//                notMergedArtifacts,
//                logger);
//        // [vliux] respect manifestOption.notMergedBundle
//        String cord = String.format("%s:%s",
//                                    lib.getResolvedCoordinates().getGroupId(),
//                                    lib.getResolvedCoordinates().getArtifactId());
//        if (null == notMergedArtifacts || !notMergedArtifacts.contains(cord)) {
//            list.add(new ManifestDependencyImpl(lib.getName(), lib.getManifest(), children));
//        } else {
//  "[NotMergedManifest] " + cord);
//        }
//    }
//    return list;
public static List<? extends AndroidLibrary> getManifestDependencies(List<? extends AndroidLibrary> libraries, Set<String> notMergedArtifacts, Logger logger) {
    List<AndroidLibrary> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(libraries.size());
    for (AndroidLibrary lib : libraries) {
        // get the dependencies
        List<? extends AndroidLibrary> children = ManifestDependencyUtil.getManifestDependencies(lib.getLibraryDependencies(), notMergedArtifacts, logger);
        // [vliux] respect manifestOption.notMergedBundle
        String cord = String.format("%s:%s", lib.getResolvedCoordinates().getGroupId(), lib.getResolvedCoordinates().getArtifactId());
        if (null == notMergedArtifacts || !notMergedArtifacts.contains(cord)) {
            if (null != children) {
        } else {
  "[NotMergedManifest] " + cord);
    return list;
Also used : AndroidLibrary(

Example 12 with AndroidLibrary

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class AppResourceRepository method findAarLibraries.

public static Collection<AndroidLibrary> findAarLibraries(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet) {
    List<AndroidLibrary> libraries = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (facet.requiresAndroidModel()) {
        AndroidModuleModel androidModel = AndroidModuleModel.get(facet);
        if (androidModel != null) {
            List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets = AndroidUtils.getAllAndroidDependencies(facet.getModule(), true);
            addGradleLibraries(libraries, androidModel);
            for (AndroidFacet dependentFacet : dependentFacets) {
                AndroidModuleModel dependentGradleModel = AndroidModuleModel.get(dependentFacet);
                if (dependentGradleModel != null) {
                    addGradleLibraries(libraries, dependentGradleModel);
    return libraries;
Also used : AndroidLibrary( AndroidModuleModel( AndroidFacet( NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)

Example 13 with AndroidLibrary

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class AppResourceRepository method findAarLibrariesFromGradle.

   * Looks up the library dependencies from the Gradle tools model and returns the corresponding {@code .aar}
   * resource directories.
private static Map<File, String> findAarLibrariesFromGradle(@NotNull GradleVersion modelVersion, List<AndroidFacet> dependentFacets, List<AndroidLibrary> libraries) {
    // Pull out the unique directories, in case multiple modules point to the same .aar folder
    Map<File, String> files = new HashMap<>(libraries.size());
    Set<String> moduleNames = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (AndroidFacet f : dependentFacets) {
    try {
        for (AndroidLibrary library : libraries) {
            // We should only add .aar dependencies if they aren't already provided as modules.
            // For now, the way we associate them with each other is via the library name;
            // in the future the model will provide this for us
            String libraryName = null;
            String projectName = library.getProject();
            if (projectName != null && !projectName.isEmpty()) {
                libraryName = projectName.substring(projectName.lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
                // Since this library has project!=null, it exists in module form; don't
                // add it here.
            } else {
                File folder = library.getFolder();
                String name = folder.getName();
                if (modelVersion.getMajor() > 2 || modelVersion.getMajor() == 2 && modelVersion.getMinor() >= 2) {
                    // Library.getName() was added in 2.2
                    libraryName = library.getName();
                } else if (name.endsWith(DOT_AAR)) {
                    libraryName = name.substring(0, name.length() - DOT_AAR.length());
                } else if (folder.getPath().contains(AndroidModuleModel.EXPLODED_AAR)) {
                    libraryName = folder.getParentFile().getName();
            if (libraryName != null && !moduleNames.contains(libraryName)) {
                File resFolder = library.getResFolder();
                if (resFolder.exists()) {
                    files.put(resFolder, libraryName);
                    // Don't add it again!
    } catch (UnsupportedMethodException e) {
        // This happens when there is an incompatibility between the builder-model interfaces embedded in Android Studio and the
        // cached model.
        // If we got here is because this code got invoked before project sync happened (e.g. when reopening a project with open editors).
        // Project sync now is smart enough to handle this case and will trigger a full sync.
        LOG.warn("Incompatibility found between the IDE's builder-model and the cached Gradle model", e);
    return files;
Also used : TObjectIntHashMap(gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap) TIntObjectHashMap(gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap) AndroidLibrary( UnsupportedMethodException(org.gradle.tooling.model.UnsupportedMethodException) File( AndroidFacet( NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)

Example 14 with AndroidLibrary

use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class PrivateResourceDetector method getLibraryName.

/** Pick a suitable name to describe the library defining the private resource */
private static String getLibraryName(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ResourceType type, @NonNull String name) {
    ResourceVisibilityLookup lookup = context.getProject().getResourceVisibility();
    AndroidLibrary library = lookup.getPrivateIn(type, name);
    if (library != null) {
        String libraryName = library.getProject();
        if (libraryName != null) {
            return libraryName;
        MavenCoordinates coordinates = library.getResolvedCoordinates();
        if (coordinates != null) {
            return coordinates.getGroupId() + ':' + coordinates.getArtifactId();
    return "the library";
Also used : MavenCoordinates( AndroidLibrary( ResourceVisibilityLookup( Nullable(

Example 15 with AndroidLibrary

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class ProjectProfileSelectionDialog method createProjectStructureTree.

private void createProjectStructureTree() {
    CheckboxTree.CheckboxTreeCellRenderer renderer = new CheckboxTree.CheckboxTreeCellRenderer() {

        public void customizeRenderer(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
            if (value instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
                Object data = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) value).getUserObject();
                ColoredTreeCellRenderer textRenderer = getTextRenderer();
                if (data instanceof ModuleTreeElement) {
                    ModuleTreeElement moduleElement = (ModuleTreeElement) data;
                    if (!moduleElement.myConflicts.isEmpty()) {
                        boolean allResolved = true;
                        for (Conflict conflict : moduleElement.myConflicts) {
                            if (!conflict.isResolved()) {
                                allResolved = false;
                        SimpleTextAttributes attributes = allResolved ? UNRESOLVED_ATTRIBUTES : SimpleTextAttributes.GRAY_ATTRIBUTES;
                        textRenderer.append(" ");
                        textRenderer.append(myConflicts.size() == 1 ? "[Conflict]" : "[Conflicts]", attributes);
                } else if (data instanceof String) {
                    textRenderer.append((String) data, SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ITALIC_ATTRIBUTES);
                } else if (data instanceof DependencyTreeElement) {
                    DependencyTreeElement dependency = (DependencyTreeElement) data;
                    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(dependency.myVariant)) {
                        textRenderer.append(" (" + dependency.myVariant + ")", SimpleTextAttributes.GRAY_ATTRIBUTES);
                    Icon icon = dependency.myConflict != null ? AllIcons.RunConfigurations.TestFailed : AllIcons.RunConfigurations.TestPassed;
    CheckedTreeNode rootNode = new FilterAwareCheckedTreeNode(null);
    ModuleManager moduleManager = ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject);
    Module[] modules = moduleManager.getModules();
    Arrays.sort(modules, ModulesAlphaComparator.INSTANCE);
    Map<String, Module> modulesByGradlePath = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (Module module : modules) {
        String gradlePath = GradleUtil.getGradlePath(module);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(gradlePath)) {
            // We always want to include it, therefore we don't give users a chance to uncheck it in the "Project Structure" pane.
        modulesByGradlePath.put(gradlePath, module);
        ModuleTreeElement moduleElement = new ModuleTreeElement(module);
        CheckedTreeNode moduleNode = new FilterAwareCheckedTreeNode(moduleElement);
        AndroidModuleModel androidModel = AndroidModuleModel.get(module);
        if (androidModel == null) {
        Multimap<String, DependencyTreeElement> dependenciesByVariant = HashMultimap.create();
        for (Variant variant : androidModel.getAndroidProject().getVariants()) {
            for (AndroidLibrary library : getDirectLibraryDependencies(variant, androidModel)) {
                gradlePath = library.getProject();
                if (gradlePath == null) {
                Module dependency = modulesByGradlePath.get(gradlePath);
                if (dependency == null) {
                    dependency = GradleUtil.findModuleByGradlePath(myProject, gradlePath);
                if (dependency == null) {
                Conflict conflict = getConflict(dependency);
                modulesByGradlePath.put(gradlePath, dependency);
                DependencyTreeElement dependencyElement = new DependencyTreeElement(dependency, gradlePath, library.getProjectVariant(), conflict);
                dependenciesByVariant.put(variant.getName(), dependencyElement);
        List<String> variantNames = Lists.newArrayList(dependenciesByVariant.keySet());
        List<String> consolidatedVariants = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<String> variantsToSkip = Lists.newArrayList();
        int variantCount = variantNames.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < variantCount; i++) {
            String variant1 = variantNames.get(i);
            if (variantsToSkip.contains(variant1)) {
            Collection<DependencyTreeElement> set1 = dependenciesByVariant.get(variant1);
            for (int j = i + 1; j < variantCount; j++) {
                String variant2 = variantNames.get(j);
                Collection<DependencyTreeElement> set2 = dependenciesByVariant.get(variant2);
                if (set1.equals(set2)) {
                    if (!consolidatedVariants.contains(variant1)) {
            String variantName = variant1;
            if (!consolidatedVariants.isEmpty()) {
                variantName = Joiner.on(", ").join(consolidatedVariants);
            DefaultMutableTreeNode variantNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(variantName);
            List<DependencyTreeElement> dependencyElements = Lists.newArrayList(set1);
            for (DependencyTreeElement dependencyElement : dependencyElements) {
                if (dependencyElement.myConflict != null) {
                variantNode.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(dependencyElement));
    myProjectStructureTree = new CheckboxTreeView(renderer, rootNode) {

        protected void onNodeStateChanged(@NotNull CheckedTreeNode node) {
            Module module = null;
            Object data = node.getUserObject();
            if (data instanceof ModuleTreeElement) {
                module = ((ModuleTreeElement) data).myModule;
            if (module == null) {
            boolean updated = false;
            Enumeration variantNodes = myConflictTree.myRoot.children();
            while (variantNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
                Object child = variantNodes.nextElement();
                if (!(child instanceof CheckedTreeNode)) {
                CheckedTreeNode variantNode = (CheckedTreeNode) child;
                Enumeration moduleNodes = variantNode.children();
                while (moduleNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
                    child = moduleNodes.nextElement();
                    if (!(child instanceof CheckedTreeNode)) {
                    CheckedTreeNode moduleNode = (CheckedTreeNode) child;
                    data = moduleNode.getUserObject();
                    if (!(data instanceof Conflict.AffectedModule)) {
                    Conflict.AffectedModule affected = (Conflict.AffectedModule) data;
                    boolean checked = node.isChecked();
                    if (module.equals(affected.getTarget()) && moduleNode.isChecked() != checked) {
                        updated = true;
            if (updated) {
Also used : DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) ModuleManager(com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleManager) Variant( Conflict( AndroidLibrary( AndroidModuleModel( Module(com.intellij.openapi.module.Module)


AndroidLibrary ( File ( NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)6 JavaLibrary ( AndroidModuleModel ( Module (com.intellij.openapi.module.Module)5 SoLibrary ( MavenCoordinates ( Variant ( AwbBundle ( MtlBaseTaskAction ( InputFile (org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile)4 TaskAction (org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction)4 AndroidFacet ( VariantScope ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 List (java.util.List)3 GlobalScope ( SymbolLoader ( SymbolWriter (